A Bigot’s Money Is Still Green


“Sterling’s long-established pattern of bigotry and racist comments have not been a secret in the NBA. Yet until now, they have been tolerated and met with a gentle hand and a blind eye.”

Sterling’s racism was tolerated, while he was pumping money into greedy pockets, but when a cute bimbo pulls back the curtain, the sanctimonious bigots jump up and down, and have vapor attacks.

The NAACP, with their phony awards, appear to be as shallow and bigoted as Sterling.

That decision, the statement said, was “a bold, courageous and resolute message that the views expressed by Sterling do not represent the National Basketball Association as an organization today or the kind of organization that it seeks to be in the future.”

But Sterling’s suspension isn’t enough, the groups said, calling for Silver to meet with them to ensure Sterling “remains an anomaly among the owners and executives in the league.”

“Sterling’s long-established pattern of bigotry and racist comments have not been a secret in the NBA,” the statement said. “Yet until now, they have been tolerated and met with a gentle hand and a blind eye.

The bigots are on parade
They carry on a charade

On stage, they sing and dance
Acting out phony happenstance

Fools who see themselves as wise
Preach nonsense to knowing eyes

Sanctimonious honor and virtue
Held up with threads and tissue

Tales told by idiots, with words of sound and fury, then heard no more and signifying nothing.

paraphrased from the bard

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But Sterling’s suspension isn’t enough, the groups said, calling for Silver to meet with them to ensure Sterling “remains an anomaly among the owners and executives in the league.”

How is meeting with Silver going to affect the behavior of other owners and executives in the league?

It’s amusing to see them all try to out-do each other with feigned outrage and disgust over their former benefactor’s racism. Are they all hiding a little something?

I love this line:

the sanctimonious bigots jump up and down, and have vapor attacks.

Who remembers reading about the romantic era when women fainted from ”the vapors?”
It was the best way to avoid a real issue.
Women used vapor attacks to get out of dancing with the wrong man, for instance.
Has anyone compared how Linda Tripp was villified for taping Monica Lewinski (about the existence of the blue dress with Bill’s residue on it) with Sterling’s ”girlfriend” for taping him?
Sterling might sue this woman for any loss of income due to her tapes.
He might win, too.
He might have given permission for her to tape him at one time, but it must be given for EVERY taped conversation in CA, not just once then implied.
So, we’ll see.

Why would the NBA allow one of the biggest racists in the country, Jesse Jackson, to go on the court prior to an NBA game? Are they promoting his brand of racism?

@Redteam: Uh, YEAH. Duh.

LOL, skook

@Skook: #7,

“Bigots and jerks have the right to believe and speak out in any way they want. It is part of our freedom and it makes us unique in the world.” — . . . . we are on a slippery slope.

Skook, you bet.
Sterling may be an idiot, but I find it peculiar that almost the whole of the MSM is singularly focused on beating up on him — and yet, none of them are dealing with the fact that it’s obvious that his girlfriend set him up for financial purposes. She’s looking for a major payday. He got pissed with her because she’s having sex with anyone with a pulse, and evidently he’s not thrilled that she’s rubbing it in his face. They’re both morons and deserve one-another.

While almost the whole country is applauding the Commissioner, what he did was step all over an individual’s rights in a supposedly free country — and it is going to have serious repercussions. There are some rappers and some ‘would be’ preachers who’s racial slurs might just cost them big-time. Maybe Slick Willy’s past racial comments should be reviewed — does THAT make sense? Not much.

Sadly, there are plenty of bigots out there, from every race on earth — it almost seems a prominent character trait of the human condition. What there is not much of in this world is FREEDOM. Its last bastion’s lights are getting turned off by self-righteous and prejudiced racists posing as politically correct protectors of something called the “Middle Class.”

@James Raider:

His girlfriend broke California law in secretly recording Sterling’s private bigoted diatribes. This questions if this is going to be the new standard: That illegally recorded private conversations are acceptable grounds to take away their businesses, if they say something that someone somewhere finds offensive.

I don’t condone Sterling’s remarks, but the MSM has become a massive flock of shrill harpies who screech to high heavens when they decide to single out a particular person for destruction, while ignoring the abuses of those they fawn and coo over. Their anti-First Amendment intolerance is a means of ultimate peer-pressure vindictiveness with a ruthlessness that makes the 20th century government censors (that these same networks complained against,) as mild in comparison.

It also screams hypocrisy, when Secretary of State Kerry still has his job after insulting Israel by comparing them to South Africa’s apartheid.

@Skook: #10
Skook, you and I seem to be keeping similar hours . . . 2:22AM 🙂

We have tyranny now, albeit soft tyranny

I don’t know how “soft” it really is when the power of the largest bureaucracy on the face of the earth, the U.S. government, is used to attack opposing political mindsets and movements — CIA, FBI, DOJ, etc.

Jarrett, Holder, Obama and company have moved this Nation to somewhere from which there’s no return. They also know that they are safe, knowing that crying “racism” will protect them from anything they do. The proof oozes out on a daily basis. There is no doubt that this deliberate destruction of too many pillars of this society, seems to also be lost on the morons who control Wall Street who appear to be stepping in to get Clinton elected. They know who can be bought.

@James Raider: The tyranny of the IRS is frightening. Many who are in business, probably realize they spend more money on bookkeeping and tax lawyers than they actually pay in taxes. If the IRS locals get a memo to turn up the heat on a particular person, they can break you financially by the costs of defending yourself in court. Oh yes, this is a real possibility for those who oppose the administration, when a politically controlled and directed IRS has become acceptable to the American people.

Why do you need secret police or KGB thugs, when your agents wear suits and ties and break a taxpayer to the level of a homeless person in a few months. Sound far-fetched, the perfect time to drop the hammer is when businesses and entrepreneurs are on the ropes, put liens on their businesses and homes with impossibly high tax owing and say to you, “prove you don’t owe this money.”

The tax lawyers are making a fortune as they watch beleaguered businessmen struggle with the finical burdens of tax courts, but the entrepreneurial spirit is being crushed along with the will to resist politically. The message is clear, get with the program or face ruin. It is time to dismantle the IRS as a corrupt political organization and design a new tax system that isn’;t so easily co-opted by a corrupt regime. The American taxpayer has no faith or trust in the IRS, they have a vote of no-confidence. Obama’s thugs need to be turned out into the world of business and see how they fare at the other end of the tax notice.

Sterling and Cliven Bundy are news because their bigotry is crude and obvious. Although many of the societal outliers on Flopping Aces choose to defend either or both, 0r to push false equivalencies about rappers, the vast majority of liberals and conservatives rightly condemn these two because their immorality and stupidity are as self-evident as they are stereotypical. The lesson is that in 2014 the vast majority of our society clearly has little tolerance for overt racism. While a minority of conservatives stick to their guns on the reasonableness of Cliven Bundy’s prescription for black happiness, most of us fall into a different trap, equating a Sterling or Bundy with racism in totality, where solving people like them is solving racism. What remains, however, is less obvious, but more insidious. Sterling likely did incalculably more harm to minorities as a discriminatory landlord then he ever did as an NBA owner, so it’s a fair point to question why his actions were tolerated them but not now. Ta-Nehisi Coats on the “offish” versus “elegant” racist. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2014/05/This-Town-Needs-A-Better-Class-Of-Racist/361443/

The question Cliven Bundy put to his audience last week—Was the black family better off as property?—is as immoral as it unoriginal. As both Adam Serwer and Jamelle Bouie point out, the roster of conservative theorists who imply that black people were better off being whipped, worked, and raped are legion. Their ranks include economists Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell, former congressman Allen West, sitting Representative Trent Franks, singer Ted Nugent, and presidential aspirants Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann.
The problem with Cliven Bundy isn’t that he is a racist but that he is an oafish racist. He invokes the crudest stereotypes, like cotton picking. This makes white people feel bad. The elegant racist knows how to injure non-white people while never summoning the specter of white guilt.
Elegant racism is invisible, supple, and enduring. It disguises itself in the national vocabulary, avoids epithets and didacticism. Grace is the singular marker of elegant racism. One should never underestimate the touch needed to, say, injure the voting rights of black people without ever saying their names. Elegant racism lives at the border of white shame. Elegant racism was the poll tax. Elegant racism is voter-ID laws.

A phrase like “mass incarceration” obviates the fact that “mass incarceration” is mostly localized in black neighborhoods. In Chicago during the ’90s, there was no overlap between the incarceration rates of black and white neighborhoods. The most incarcerated white neighborhoods in Chicago are still better off than the least incarcerated black neighborhoods. The most incarcerated black neighborhood in Chicago is 40 times worse than the most incarcerated white neighborhood.

Perhaps black people are for reasons of culture or genetics 40 times more criminal than white people. Or perhaps there is something more elegant at work:

The Justice Department announced today the largest monetary payment ever obtained by the department in the settlement of a case alleging housing discrimination in the rental of apartments. Los Angeles apartment owner Donald T. Sterling has agreed to pay $2.725 million to settle allegations that he discriminated against African-Americans, Hispanics and families with children at apartment buildings he controls in Los Angeles.
If you sought to advantage one group of Americans and disadvantage another, you could scarcely choose a more graceful method than housing discrimination. Housing determines access to transportation, green spaces, decent schools, decent food, decent jobs, and decent services. Housing affects your chances of being robbed and shot as well as your chances of being stopped and frisked. And housing discrimination is as quiet as it is deadly. It can be pursued through violence and terrorism, but it doesn’t need it. Housing discrimination is hard to detect, hard to prove, and hard to prosecute
Like Cliven Bundy, Donald Sterling confirms our comfortable view of racists. Donald Sterling is a “bad person.” He’s mean to women. He carouses with prostitutes. He uses the word “nigger.” He fits our idea of what an actual racist must look like: snarling, villainous, immoral, ignorant, gauche. That the actual racism that Sterling long practiced, that this society has long practiced (and is still practicing) must attract significantly less note. That is because to see racism in all its elegance is to implicate not just its active practitioners, but to implicate ourselves


Jaider #8:

“Sadly, there are plenty of bigots out there, from every race on earth — it almost seems a prominent character trait of the human condition. What there is not much of in this world is FREEDOM. Its last bastion’s lights are getting turned off by (the) self-righteous…”

First two sentences: DEAD-ON! But between them I would have interjected what others on this thread have repeated about the corruption and hypocrisy of those parties whose silence Sterling bought with his largess, and point out that that, too, seems to be a more or less fundamental “trait of the human condition.”

I would dispute the last sentence, and also the claims elsewhere in this thread that the reaction to Sterling’s comments poses a threat to First Amendment guarantees of free speech.
“Free Speech” doesn’t mean that there is never a cost of saying something stupid. You are “free” to tell your boss that his breath stinks, but you cannot go crying to the courts when he fires you. The consequences of what anyone says is content- and context-dependent. In much the same way as Mozilla’s momentary CEO learned last month, Sterling learned that there is a price to be paid for saying something that a lot of money disapproves of.
Accountability and “free speech” are two entirely different things.

@George Wells: #15,
In the natural process of things, society in general hopes that public reaction to idiots like Sterling and his girlfriend cause impact on their lives, such that there’s some learning for them, such as — “I don’t like you or what you’re selling, so no more of my cash will find its way to your pockets.”

However, when there is a systemic imposition which grows to a government bureaucratic imposition of that impact onto the individual stupidly lip-flapping, then you have moved to a totalitarian state where neighbour inform against neighbour AND now records that neighbour. And we’re all screwed.

Some Russian friends come to mind, who tell of such mindset being still present in Russia. That mentality, once ingrained, can take many generations to remove.

@George Wells: #15,

the corruption and hypocrisy of those parties whose silence Sterling bought

Sure, that’s also a predominant characteristic and weakness too often present in politics.

Few people I have ever met, cannot be bought, and I’m quite sure that is the same for you. Self-confidence is the differentiating factor. Sadly, we regularly elect people to powerful offices who are weak. And narcissism isn’t a sign of strength, but is at the other end of the inferiority complex scale = bought and paid-for.

The double standard on the Left is astonishing:
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) believes he can call Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” because, ”I’m black.”
The context:

CNN’s Dana Bash: Isn’t that a racially charged term?

Thompson: For some it is, but to others it’s the truth.

Bash: Because looking at that and hearing that kind of language, that certainly wouldn’t be appropriate if it was coming from somebody who was white.

Thompson: But I’m black.

Well…..DUH, Dana.
It’s a double standard.

Raider #16 & 17:

Thank you for your intelligent discussion. I agree with much of your perspective.

In this part I find some difficulty:

“However, when there is a systemic imposition which grows to a government bureaucratic imposition of that impact onto the individual stupidly lip-flapping, then you have moved to a totalitarian state where neighbour inform against neighbour AND now records that neighbour. And we’re all screwed”

While I will happily agree that our elected officials (of both political persuasion, sadly) demonstrate a discomforting readiness to abuse constitutionally protected rights (as if they were exempt from the laws they were elected to enforce) I do not think that this is the case here. We WERE discussing the Sterling issue, right?

I may be guilty of an excessively linear read of the implications, but aside from some cheesy bandwagon jumping, the government isn’t involved in the Sterling debacle.
Regarding neighbors, if one of yours is molesting your children on their way to school, I would hope that ANYONE witnessing such behavior would inform ’till blue in the face. Don’t know about you, but I see no benefit to having neighbors who turn a blind eye to what’s happening around them. Now, of course there is a difference between molesting children and making racist comments. But in this digital age, does anyone really have an expectation of privacy when they are in public? Wouldn’t the wisest course be to assume that EVERYTHING is being recorded and could be held against you in the court of public opinion? So be careful, and be prepared to pay a price if your mouth runs ahead of your brain.

The “freedom” that I think you are longing for may be found in isolated and relatively unpopulated locations, but there aren’t enough of those in which to fit 330,000,000 people. When you shove that many souls into confined public spaces, you cannot have the freedom (privacy) you seek. Yes, we ARE all screwed, but not because of some sinister, leftist plot. We are simply all rotting because we cannot climb out of each other’s filth. Politically, morally, ethically, economically, environmentally, yes, we’re rotting.
Don’t you think that if there WAS a God, He’d have gone ahead by now and pushed the reset button? Again?


0r to push false equivalencies about rappers,

He uses the word “nigger.”

I take false equiv about rappers to mean that if they say “nigger” it’s not a bad thing, but if Sterling uses the word, it is. Is that your meaning?

either the N word is bad, or it’s not.

@George Wells: 19

but aside from some cheesy bandwagon jumping, the government isn’t involved in the Sterling debacle.

But do you think that will remain the situation? Before that case is settled, if ever, the governments and courts will be neck deep.

@George Wells:

But in this digital age, does anyone really have an expectation of privacy when they are in public?

I believe this situation happened in the privacy of Sterlings home.

Regarding neighbors, if one of yours is molesting your children on their way to school, I would hope that ANYONE witnessing such behavior would inform ’till blue in the face.

I hope, and believe, that would be the case. When someone is talking about events taking place within the privacy of their homes, we’re still not talking about crimes. It is a crime to rape a woman in the privacy of a home. It is not a crime to use the N word anywhere, especially in private.


I take false equiv about rappers to mean that if they say “nigger” it’s not a bad thing, but if Sterling uses the word, it is. Is that your meaning?

either the N word is bad, or it’s not.

They say there are these people out of touch with contemporary life and culture, hopelessly mired in their ossified views of the world, who have an unfortunate habit of making preachy, stale, reductive pronouncements couched in ignorance, and much to the mortification of the world at large. Cliven Bundy is one such of these people. I wish I had another example for you.

@Tom: I can agree that Bundy may not be an educated person and may not say what he intends with clarity, but I heard nothing in his statements that would indicate he is a racist.

I was looking for an answer to:

I take false equiv about rappers to mean that if they say “nigger” it’s not a bad thing, but if Sterling uses the word, it is. Is that your meaning?

I don’t mind saying that I don’t think the N word should be used in public. That especially applies to Rappers. It is just as racist when they say it as it is when anyone else says it. In fact, if a Rapper insists that he himself is a N****r, then it gets harder not to think of him as one.


Bundy never used that word. He used the word “Negros” which was for most of the twentieth century the most common acceptable term in use by the whole of society for blacks (including by blacks,) until relatively recently. It is a Spanish language word that literally translates as “blacks”. If Bundy truly intended to come across as racist, there are a good many actually offensive slang terms he could have used that racist Democrats from his youth were very fond of using.

Furthermore, there are quite a few morons on the left who are very eager to take offense at words that are not racist at all. Such as the word “niggardly”

Niggardly \Nig”gard*ly\, a. Meanly covetous or avarcious in dealing with others; stingy; niggard.,, (snip)

…Despite the similarity in spelling – […] – this word has no connection with nigger. The adverb form niggardly was formed in the sixteenth century from niggard, the name for a miser or stingy person. In the Wycliffe Bible of 1384 it was spelt nygard; earlier still it can be found as nigon, and another form nig also existed. We are pretty sure this was borrowed from a Scandinavian source, because there are related words in several Germanic languages, for example, the Old Norse hnøgger, meaning “stingy”.

Some morons in the PC crowd have been actively seeking for more words to incorrectly label as “racist”including: “blackboard” “Black hole” “water buffalo”…

When the name of the game is pretending to be offended by racism, there are always a few people who are willing to go that extra mile to find an affront. One such person is Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price.

Initially, John Wiley Price got upset because one of his colleagues used the “racist” term “black hole.” He actually asked for AN APOLOGY for the use of the word. The next day, as the controversy grew, Price added “devil’s food cake” and “black sheep of the family” to the lexicon of racist words we should apparently never say. At this point, we have no word on whether “blackout,” “blackball,” and “dark chocolate” are all forbidden racist words, but the safe money would have to be on “yes.”

What words will be next? “renig” “snigger” “blackball”….


“When someone is talking about events taking place within the privacy of their homes, we’re still not talking about crimes. It is a crime to rape a woman in the privacy of a home.”

These two sentences are mutually contradictory.

Regarding the issue of privacy, I would remind you that the SCOTUS has had a conflicted history on “privacy”. For a great many years, the courts have pointed out that the Constitution does not ever mention a “right to privacy” and that the assumption of such a right has been repeatedly attacked by conservatives as an attempt by the liberal wing of the court to create a right where none should exist. Personally, I think that the right to privacy should be fundamental, but it’s more complicated than it looks.


“but aside from some cheesy bandwagon jumping, the government isn’t involved in the Sterling debacle.

But do you think that will remain the situation? Before that case is settled, if ever, the governments and courts will be neck deep.”

My first part is an accurate assessment of the present state of affairs. Your second part is speculative conjecture. Sterling is old, rich and stupid. I’m not so sure that he won’t quietly slip below the radar. He might try to make a court case out of his own stupidity (and there are the issues of the illegal recording) but the more of his dirty laundry he drags out into the light, the worse he will look, and he has to know that… doesn’t he???


I can agree that Bundy may not be an educated person and may not say what he intends with clarity, but I heard nothing in his statements that would indicate he is a racist.

It depends how you define racism. Musing about how an entire race might be better off returned to the status of property fits my definition. Hard to imagine what yours is.

I don’t mind saying that I don’t think the N word should be used in public. That especially applies to Rappers. It is just as racist when they say it as it is when anyone else says it.

I’m not condoning the use of the word under any circumstances. The issue here is that you don’t understand the difference between someone using this particular slur as a slur and reappropriation. And just on a common sense level, to suggest a rapper using the word is somehow worse than someone using it as a slur to cause harm by evoking generations of oppression and terror, is plainly ridiculous. Not that I expect better. There are many such as yourself who love to make this specious comparison because it’s a great way to derail a serious conversation about race into a grumpy conservation about how some people don’t like rappers. It’s also a great way to justify the use of the term. If they can use it, so can we.


Bundy never used that word.

I never said he used that word. I must say, the effort expended by some to clear the good name of Cliven Bundy is truly remarkable. It’s all a misunderstanding because he was speaking English and then switched into Spanish for one word… okay. If you can’t grasp the reasons people might find his comments offensive, I certainly can’t help you. No one but you allowed blind partisanship to drive you into this cul-de-sac.

@Tom: “It depends how you define racism. Musing about how an entire race might be better off returned to the status of property fits my definition.”

Yes, how one might contort the definition of racism is certainly pertinent. I see what yours is.

Bundy never “mused” that blacks would be better off as slaves. His point was clearly that they were not much better off as slaves of the white Democrats who use them as bargaining chips, hostages and a voting bloc. Once they were beaten by their masters, now they are shot by their neighbors. Once they were sold off as property, now they are written off as too incapable for fending for themselves. Once they were worked in the fields for sustenance. Now they are corralled in ghettos for votes.

This was Bundy’s point and, I think, if put more articulately, a most valid one.

Bundy is, no doubt, a man that values, even cherishes, the ability (“right”) to work. The ranchers I know all love their work, even though it is hard… extremely hard. Bundy’s remark about blacks living in squalor reflects the sympathy he feels for people who, due to government induced dependency, do not have the opportunity to do what he believes any human being desires to do: work for a living and provide for one’s family.

His remarks are in no way racist… except when a politically-expedient definition is applied to the term.

@Bill Burris Bill Congrats. That is truly one of the greatest SPINS I’ve ever read. Are you in P.R?
Sterling could also use some helpful spin.

@Rich Wheeler: Sterling.
Who’s Sterling?
Seems his headline hours are used up.
A quick diversion.

@Rich Wheeler: Well, I’ll tell ya.. without putting the words into Bundy’s mouth of “he is saying blacks would like being slaves better” or whatever stupidity the left can contrive, tell me exactly where is the racism in his statement?

While I do speculate on his point of view about work (again, based on many, many ranchers and ranch workers I have known) there is no mistaking he is lamenting the sorry state blacks find themselves in today thanks to the federal government and NOT yearning for the days of slavery gone by.

It appears no one is allowed to discuss race matters without being racist unless they are a liberal accusing a conservative of being racist. No one is allowed to discuss WHY so many blacks are unemployed, unemployable, involved in crime, victims of crime and find themselves in such a hopelessly desperate situation without being accused of being a racist, unless it is a liberal blaming conservatives for all these social ills.

@Nanny G: Unfortunately, we’ll be hearing about Sterling for quite awhile.
Wife sues mistress—NBA dumps Sterling—Sterling sues NBA—Sterling sues mistress–mistress poses for Playboy- other mistresses want in–on and on it will go.
Lawyer new beau? Could be.

@Rich Wheeler: Perhaps a lawyer put her up to this? Perhaps a lawyer is her new beau?

@Bill Burris: Honestly if you don’t see the racism in Bundy’s televised comments I can’t help you Bill. See again Tom’s comments.
Agree with you on Bundy’s work ethic. I agree with his stand against the BLM.

@Rich Wheeler: Well, honestly, I did not seek help in finding racism where there is none, so no harm, no foul.

@Rich Wheeler:

@Nanny G: Unfortunately, we’ll be hearing about Sterling for quite awhile.

Of course we will. Heaven forbid that the news media actually focus on something that holds real importance, you know, like the liars from this administration that tried to excuse their inaction during the Benghazi attack based on a false narrative that it was all due to an obscure YouTube video. To the low information voter, an 80 year old man expressing racist comments to his chippy from the privacy of his own home is much more important than the fact this administration allowed four Americans to be slaughtered, and did nothing to stop it.

@Bill Burris:

This was Bundy’s point and, I think, if put more articulately, a most valid one.

So your tortured argument is that Bundy is a good man with a very nuanced point to make who is too articulate to make it without the words he uses meaning the opposite of what he means? Interesting.

@Bill Burris:

Well, I’ll tell ya.. without putting the words into Bundy’s mouth of “he is saying blacks would like being slaves better” or whatever stupidity the left can contrive, tell me exactly where is the racism in his statement?

Why don’t you skip all that and tell us exactly what he said? Are we going to just spin the man’s words out of existence?

“I want to tell you one more thing I know about the Negro,
And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy?

Notice how Mr. Bundy confines his slavery recommendation only to “the Negro” despite the fact that more white people are on government assistance than black. is he not aware of that fact, Bill, or is he just doing that old conservative trick of defining government dependence as a black thing? Whatever the reason it certainly doesn’t help your spin that his comments are all in reference to “government induced dependency”. And are we to also assume Mr. Bundy isn’t aware how charged a comparison using slavery in the context of the black population might be? I suppose you’ll tell us now, Bill, that Bundy just cares that much more about the Negro. He leaves whites out because he doesn’t even think out of work whites deserve to be slaves. This is a man truly and compassionately concerned for the Negro. What a great guy. Spin, spin, spin.

@Rich Wheeler:

Honestly if you don’t see the racism in Bundy’s televised comments I can’t help you Bill

So then it is your contention that the remarks of Starr Parker, Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams, who have all pointed out that many black Americans are simply slaves to the federal government, are also racist?


Notice how Mr. Bundy confines his slavery recommendation only to “the Negro” despite the fact that more white people are on government assistance.

Only in the respect that there are more white people in this country than blacks. If you look at percentages, blacks have a higher percentage of welfare recipients than whites, one of those inconvenient facts you will ignore.

I suggest, since you have a problem with the word “negro” that you demand (or perhaps even initiate a law suit) to force a change in the name of the United Negro College Fund. After all, the grievance industry belongs to your side of the aisle.

@Tom: I tried to say Bundy doesn’t give a f–k about Blacks–er Negros–you said it more gentlemanly.
05 Bundy’s comments on television were racist. If you want to provide other exact quotes I’d give you my opinion.

@Rich Wheeler:

05 Bundy’s comments on television were racist.

Yes, the edited clip was racial, not racist. That is why the clip was edited. But it is OK to call Supreme Count Justice Clarence Thomas an “Uncle Tom” and no comments from the left on that. Just make sure it is another black lobbing that slur and all is well.

@retire05: , since you have a problem with the word “negro” that you demand (or perhaps even initiate a law suit) to force a change in the name of the United Negro College Fund.

I think the NAACP is even worse.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?
Only is they are the ”right” color!
Hispanics, Asians, even Africans have all been exempted from NAACP awards.
I recall a South African student who ”won” the top scholastic honors for all African Americans in his school only to be stripped of his scholarship because he was white.
Born in Africa, moved to America is NOT enough! You have to be the right ”color.”

So, what is ”race,” folks?
Is Obama black or white or neither or both?
Halle Berry?
Vin Deisel?
Is there any genetic difference?
There are plenty of whites with kinky hair.
Whites can have very full lips, too.
Whites can be quite dark-skinned, too.
So, where’s ”race?”
All ”race” is is past geographic isolation.
Those days are long gone.
So is ”race.”

@Nanny G:

I remember how so many American blacks denounced South African apartheid, and rightfully so, yet can you name one of those “civil rights” leaders who have denounced the slaughter of whites in South Africa that is happening as I type this?

The “civil rights” leaders are long gone. Now we are just subjected to the opportunistic poverty pimps who line their own pockets on the misery of those they claim to want to help. If uttering racist/racial comments is against the law, Al Sharpton should be serving a life sentence.

@Tom: “So your tortured argument is that Bundy is a good man with a very nuanced point to make who is too articulate to make it without the words he uses meaning the opposite of what he means? Interesting.” No, my point is that unless one really, really wants there to be racism in what Bundy says, there is none. If the truly tortured exercise of imagining what Bundy meant was that blacks would be happier as slaves is excluded, there is no possible indication of racist feeling. Pretty simple, once one takes off their “fend off every losing argument with accusations of racism” glasses.

“Why don’t you skip all that and tell us exactly what he said? Are we going to just spin the man’s words out of existence? ”

Why don’t you explain what parts of his statement are wrong and racist? Are they aborting their young are record high and alarming rates? Are they killing each other in crime-riddled neighborhoods? Are the prisons filled with blacks? Rhetorically speaking, are they better off like that than simply having to worry about working all day, eating and sleeping? The Democrats don’t seem to think they are capable of much else, based on the lack of personal responsibility they will allow blacks to have. Sure, if you want, above all else, to attribute a racist attitude to Bundy in order to kill the worthy argument of whether or not the federal government is oppressive, then by all means, interpret (broadly) his comments as slavery-worshipping racism. It’s just stupid is all.

Notice how he addressed his remarks to blacks, since he was asked what he thought about the blacks. He was not asked what he thought about whites or whites on welfare. He was asked a specific, loaded, trap-springing question. The person that asked the question is racist and those who contort his responses as racist are racist… because they are ALL using race as a political weapon.

Most likely, Bundy is not aware of the charged nature of these issues, subjects and words. If he was, he would have told that NYT liberal mouthpiece to go eat some of what is dropping from the south end of the north-bound cattle that the government have not killed yet. After all, I doubt he is on the Media Matters mailing list.

@Rich Wheeler: “I tried to say Bundy doesn’t give a f–k about Blacks–er Negros–you said it more gentlemanly.” Possibly he doesn’t. Neither does he wish them harm. In fact, as is clearly evident in his statment, he pities their plight. Unlike the left that keeps them dependent and uses them for political gain. Bundy is far more sympathetic towards blacks than even Al Sharpton.

@retire05: and Nanny G. and Bill Burris Can we find agreement with Sean Hannity on this. He said on his radio show un -edited.
“Bundy’s comments are beyond repugnant. They are beyond despicable to me. They are beyond ignorant to me.”

@Rich Wheeler:

“Bundy’s comments are beyond repugnant. They are beyond despicable to me. They are beyond ignorant to me.”

I saw that Hannity program.

Said prior to Bundy’s entire statement being released and based on the edited video only.

Of course, leftists like you, RW, will also ignore how Bundy praised Hispanics as hard working, tax paying people who have strong family values that whites could learn from. Or the fact that he also said we should never go back to the days of discrimination against blacks and how we have made strides there. Just fixate on a 10 second sound bite so that his battle against the government leviathan can be diminished by the left.

Here’s a suggestion; why don’t we put secret recording devices into locker rooms so we can catch all the players who make nasty comments about women and gays and then be able to drive them into the unemployment line?


Only in the respect that there are more white people in this country than blacks. If you look at percentages, blacks have a higher percentage of welfare recipients than whites, one of those inconvenient facts you will ignore.

That’s completely irrelevant.Why wouldn’t a white person on welfare be better off as a slave if a black person would? Is there any painfully obvious reason for the double-standard you can think of?


It’s all a misunderstanding because he was speaking English and then switched into Spanish for one word

Bundy was speaking with his limited grasp of American English, and did not “slip into Spanish” at any point, he used an adopted word. American English has adopted words from many languages due to the fact that it is comprised of hundreds of generations of immigrants and often during assimilation pieces of their language become assimilated into common use, enriching OUR native tongue. Or are you too ignorant to know that?

We all agree that Cliven is an inarticulate boob. What is disputed is the two different interpretations of what Bundy is perceived as meaning to say.

The claim by the left is that Bundy is a ‘racist’ based on a select portion of what he said, while they conveniently ignore the entirety of his comments and the concepts he was trying to articulate.

Some of us agree with certain blacks, who say that they understood what Bundy was trying to say (abet poorly,) and see validity in a comparison between the plantation enslavement of history, with the Progressive’s continual cycle – of entitlement program indentured servitude to the Democratic collective. Tom Rich and George are too cowardly to defend the fact, that the grand collective entitlement system experiments of the Progressives have never succeeded in their established and advertized purpose. We still have ghettos of growing portions of the populous remain in poverty, more jobs are not being created for these people due to the continually expanding mountain of regulation, more people are collecting from entitlement programs than ever before, their programs discourages family units in promoting abortion as birth control, while at the same time rewarding those who reproduce indiscriminately. We have larger numbers of jobless Americans than ever before, with zero job growth, wages have remained stagnant, yet Progressives are telling us the problem is that we don’t have enough unskilled workers for the jobs that aren’t there. Meanwhile they stump for an increase in the minimum wage, knowing full well that it will have an even more detrimental effect on job creation. (Economists understand that wages increase naturally when there is high demand for workers and a smaller pool, but remain stagnant when the worker pool is large and jobs few and far between.) Growth of entitlement programs indicates an abject failure of that system to achieve it’s stated purpose.

We should stop letting the leftists lead the argument with their continual parroting of “racism!” talking points, and instead demand that Progressives address what Bundy was trying to say, which was an indictment of the Progressive’s failing entitlement system.

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