50 dead in Las Vegas shooting

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America is reeling from the worst mass shooting in its history after at least 50 people were killed and more than 200 wounded at a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night.

Police say the shooter was 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, described as a local man, who opened fire on the Route 91 Harvest Festival in Las Vegas Village from a room across the street in the Mandalay Bay Hotel shortly after 10pm.

Officers say Paddock was shot and killed after they breached a room in the hotel, where he had stashed an ‘arsenal’ of weapons used during the massacre.

Investigators are now raiding the Mesquite home he shared with Marilou Danley, described as his ‘companion’, who was detained for questioning in the early hours of Monday morning.

Sheriff Joseph Lombardo, of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, said investigations are still ongoing and police have not yet determined a motive.

President Donald Trump paid his respects on Monday morning after the shooting, writing on Twitter: ‘My warmest condolences and sympathies to the victims and families of the terrible Las Vegas shooting. God bless you!’


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Absolute insanity.

So much misinformation coming from so many directions it will be days before we think we know what happened, found dead, killed by police, no criminal record, trouble with police.
If this was an automatic weapon, which by the sound it was, he had assault rifles or converted a semi auto. It is nearly impossible to get a fully auto, so many back ground checks and registrations.
I dont want to understand the mind of anyone who would do something like this its way too far down a rabbit hole..

A bump-fire or slide-fire system is a $150 simple and legal conversion for an stock AR-15 or AK47. Add a high capacity drum magazine and you’ve got the rate of fire heard on the Las Vegas videos. Our population is half nuts and our gun laws are stupid. What just happened in Las Vegas is proof.

I knew someone would start this gun control BS, they dont scream it when cops are executed.
My crystal ball says the stock of gun companys goes up. Good for the DNC they are holders.

From the position of the windows that they are claiming the shooter operated from some things are clear: he either had two rooms or one hellofa suite because those windows are just too far apart to be one normal hotel room.

Also, people are reporting that there “was more than one shooter.” A crowd full of Country-Western music fans are sure going to be more familiar with fire arms than the fans at an Elton John concert.

And why no picture yet of the “shooter.?” They know where they guy is from. Why hasn’t some reporter leaked at least his driver’s license picture or some other photo?

I heard that the liberal rag The Huffington Compost has already call for more Gun Control and you can bet Bloomberg and Soros as well as Obama and Hillary will uses this it appears that vultures are not the only opertunists

Tom Petty has gone to Rock n Roll heaven age 66


Why not try “gun control bs” on friends or relatives of the 500+ Las Vegas victims and see what they answer back?

@James: Why dont you let the bodies cool before you spout your anti constitutional crapola.

@James: Mainly because you have no idea if an controls in place or in addition would have avoided the tragedy. Any mention of gun control or lack of gun control being a contributing factor is premature and a disgusting attempt to push a political agenda on the back of a tragedy.

It’s always the same. Mentioning the dead bodies is exploitation. As if there was any other reason to have the discussion.

Multi millionaire lone wolf with an addiction to gambling.
If they want to stop conspiracy theories tell the truth, declaring guilt before any due process or an investigation could possibly be complete.

James Earl Ray was effectively exonerated of the assassination of MLK, Jr. by Dr. William F. Pepper in a trial at The Circuit Court of Shelby County, Tennessee, 30th Judicial District at Memphis, in 1999.
“There is abundant evidence of a major high level conspiracy in the assassination of my husband, Martin Luther King, Jr.

They want our 2nd amendment? How is that worked out in Venezuela since 2012?

Told you. Over-the-counter parts for a mass murder machine gun, all legal.

“Multiple loaded high-capacity magazines were found in the hotel room, law enforcement sources said earlier on Monday.”

“A modified bump stock rifle was also found, which allows a gun to simulate rapid automatic gunfire. Law enforcement officials are still in the process of examining firearms to determine if they were capable of firing automatically.”

Simulate? Seriously? What you mean is “produce.” The reported green flashes might have been tracer rounds to keep him on target. Also legal.


@Mully: Saw many of those,and gun “experts” swearing there had to be more than 1 shooter. Ignorant liberals and their limo politics, everyone knows the best place for misinformation is the news then internet.
Everyone expects answers so they make them up.
Heres his GF in Dubai http://freedomdaily.com/breaking-look-vegas-shooters-girlfriend-just-showed-cops-released-truth/
Heres a rabbit hole…maybe

Las Vegas Mass Shooting: False Flag, PsyOp & Black Op to Distract


“It’s not legal to purchase a fully automatic weapon, but it’s not that difficult to convert legal semiautomatic weapons so that they are fully automatic,” he said.

It IS legal to purchase an automatic weapon. It requires additional licensing and a LOT of money.

So, you are ready to discuss additional gun control to stop these killings? OK, what kind of weapon was used? Is it already controlled? How did Paddock get it? Did he get it legally? What was his motivation? Did he have help?

Right now, we don’t know ANYTHING about this shooting. NOTHING. But you leftists want to dive in and start shredding the 2nd Amendment regardless. We have found in almost all of these shootings an inadequacy in how the laws already on the books are implemented, not a need for an additional law, or we found we have allowed a festering terrorist to move about among us. How about you people TRY not to do something really stupid for a change?

Kinda interesting how an isolated incident by a white man is always a “lone wolf” attack.

Like the infamous “gun show loophole”
The easy to obtain cheap conversion kit is also a lie and illegal as hell. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-against-the-law-to-modify-a-firearm-into-a-full-auto-machine-gun-without-a-special-license-like-
A short search proves a certain poster is easily fooled by those who are totally ignorant.
I double dog dare him to try to get this “over the counter” totally legal device.


Kinda interesting how an isolated incident by a white man is always a “lone wolf” attack.

I guess you never noticed, but the not-so-isolated incidents of Islamic terror are often called “lone wolf attacks” as well. Of course, when you are trying to insert your racist bias into EVERY topic, overlooking that fact is a necessity, isn’t it?

Also a necessity, a few answers:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

@Ajay42302: Yup always. we are told not to jump to conclusions because the officials are doing that for us.


You’re honestly trying tell me that had this been a Muslim or an undocumented immigrant that you’d be reacting the same?


@Ajay42302: Profiling works
comment image:large



You’re honestly trying tell me that had this been a Muslim or an undocumented immigrant that you’d be reacting the same?


Can you show us an incident when we overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party? If that looks like a question that will be added to the ever-growing “Tribute to a Cowardly Liar”, you’d be right.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Not to jump to conclusions, but there might be a Mormon tie-in to this story.
Note this photo.
Since I have moved to Utah I learned that Mormons often only order water instead of any other drink.
See it whenever I go places they eat at.
Eateries’ servers despise them for it, too.

Plus, if you note, all the men at the table are surrounded by foreign women.
If you have money and are a single Mormon adult, you can easily convince a foreign woman to “convert” in exchange for a ticket to the USA and citizenship as a further incentive.

Also, if you look at front doors, you can tell where Mormons live by their wreaths.
Sure, I might put out a wreath at certain time of the year, but Mormons in Utah all put wreaths on their doors.
The shooter’s brother’s front door had a wreath on it.

Now, I doubt the shooter was Mormon, there’s a photo of him with a shot of whiskey.
But there sure isn’t much we’ve learned about him yet.

@Nanny G: Many more links to Lucifarian, Done at the highlight of a harvest festival, wonder if the multimillionaire was into spirit cooking.
I dont see Donny and Marie Osmond as snipers. Seems he was an active democrat voter in 1984.


Try here. You can comparison shop for the lowest price. Ditto for the high-capacity magazines.

@Deplorable Me:

Yes we do. We know he was equipped with the civilian versions of several military assault rifles upgraded with slid-fire devices and high-capacity magazines. His high shooting position 500 yards away made it like shooting fish in a barrel. His target was a large crowd. He couldn’t miss.


Yes we do. We know he was equipped with the civilian versions of several military assault rifles upgraded with slid-fire devices and high-capacity magazines.

Sorry, that tells us nothing. And what, exactly, is a “high capacity” magazine? 30 rounds? That is a NORMAL magazine for some rifles.

There is no “civilian version” of military assault rifles. Assault rifles are selective to automatic, something that is illegal on “civilian versions”. From what I heard on the audio, these were not converted weapons but full-auto, which again is not available unless there are extensive background checks and special licensing.

@James: Bump fire are not fully auto conversions mostly used as toys to waste ammo, you cant aim the damn gun, just spray in a general direction.
1000 rounds of just 22 shells is 750 bucks.
Perhaps a few survivalists may find this attractive, no one I know would want to ruin their expensive rifle by overheating the barrel.
Murder is illegal, that did not stop a possible thrill killer.
Now that the media has effectively advertised these pieces of useless shit I can agree they have no practical use, unless the US is invaded, Only ex military or well trained should be allowed purchase.
These decisions need to be made with clear heads not in the wake of a terrorist act, they are dealing with limitations on a constitutional right not a traffic law.
Feelings aren’t facts. Perception is not reality. We are not responsible for your inability to comprehend the difference.


Toys? That’s how the Las Vegas shooter hit the concert area with over a thousand rounds in a handful of minutes. You need to do some research. Every wannabe terrorist in America has now added a conversion device to his shopping list. You don’t even need to be able to see your targeted crowd. You only need to know distance and round trajectory. You could be anywhere within half a mile of an outdoor event or sport stadium.

@kitt: Plus, if you read the customer reviews, they aren’t the most reliable accessory in a confrontational situation. Liberals grasping at straws trying to capitalize off the misery of others.


Toys? That’s how the Las Vegas shooter hit the concert area with over a thousand rounds in a handful of minutes.

You are making some mighty bold assumptions. You ignore the possibility that he had an actual fully automatic weapon. Try not to let your ideology guide your assumptions.

@James: So we should raid the mosques, like they did in EU finding huge caches of illegal weapons? Wait …them being illegal didnt stop them, putting them on watch lists doesnt stop them. Terrorists are just not abiding by laws anyone make.
What is your solution?


What is your solution?

Take MY guns.

@Deplorable Me: Not just the citizens but from the racist cops too. That way we are at the mercy of the criminals and the government.(was that redundant?)

@kitt:” 1984 a disgruntled Dem voter.” WTF
” luciferian” WTF 2
Thought you the one preaching sane, informed, relevant commentary.

You nailed it on Tom Petty—an all time great–saw him 2 weeks ago at Hollywood Bowl–fantastic—his music will live on RIP Tom

@Richard Wheeler: I said “active” voter in 1984, and yes much closer to Lucifarian than Mormon.
If there was a hint he was Trump supporter that would be wall to wall non stop like the false narrative of the Madam Mayor of San Juan.
Anything else? Solutions, suggestions this guy passed over 30 required background checks.
The families havent yet had time to collect the remains and liberals are hyping up attacks on the second amendment.
You couldnt have missed it.

This entire situation stinks. Profile doesn’t fit, he was a rich democrat who liked to drink & gamble. Suddenly he’s Rambo with multiple shooting platforms, modified rifles, bombs, and cameras to monitor police? No service record, no criminal history.
So divided is this Nation that blood donation lines were blocks long, a go fund me account to help the victims has topped its goal of 2 million.
We are curious WTF is wrong with Antifa members and Radical Muslims as they both claim responsibility. Was there a suicide note? they were quick to show the guns.

@kitt: “a democrat??”1984—33 YEARS AGO?? DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HIS CURRENT POLITICS ?
What about all those guns hard not to show em.–any thoughts–is the arsenal he had O.K. under 2nd Amendment–do you believe he passed “over 30 background checks.
ISIS claimed responsibility–crazies
PLS post where ANTIFA made a claim.

More will be revealed—well planned operation

@Richard Wheeler: Liberal scum are all celebrating the shooting since it was aimed at what is assumed to have been a largely Trump-supporting crowd. So, who WOULD be a suspect? Not looking good, Rich.

@Deplorable Bill: That’s BS—One fired CBS reporter said that.
This guy a poster boy for unrestrained 2nd Amendment Rights–how many fing guns did he have?–musta had very small d–k
Seems more like a crazed right winger to me Bill.

CBS lawyer, ABC reporter, a teacher and numerous tweeting idiots.

I won’t accuse anyone until I have evidence but this seems to be what YOUR side believes. It is also important to note the only group that promotes political violence is the left.

@Richard Wheeler: Just a democrat voter registration dug up old but how long have you been a democrat? Is it that far fetched?
Screenshot of Antifa now deleted post after it caught all holy hell in responses.
His brother helped him move to his current address said he had a hand gun, gun stores in his area confirmed sales, you must pass a background check for every sale. 0 reports on illegally obtained weapons, 42 weapons so at least 30 background checks wouldnt be outrageous.
This was premeditated evil not some accountant that snapped.
He could have had 1000 guns and if a responsible citizen that doesnt use them in any type of crime yes he has that right.

@kitt: Premeditated for sure.
A pro 2nd Amendment Dem no doubt.
I try my best to understand why anyone wants 40+ guns and it always comes back to the small dick/ E.D problem–is that wrong?

@Richard Wheeler: No one pro-2nd Amendment goes out and shoots 560 people. This is NOT pro-2nd Amendment, nor is it the NRA’s message. This is a guy with a demented agenda. WHAT agenda it is remains to be seen.

@Richard Wheeler: I personally would think a dozen, all of different types and for different uses would be fine. Guns or the sight of them dont freak us out here, they are considered toys or tools. Target pistol toy, hunting rifle tool. seems only in highly liberal areas they are murder weapons. Its kind of rare that there isnt a gun in the household, so as far as equating it to insecurity of manhood, or not wanting one lack of manhood, I cant go there.

@Deplorable Me: Referring to number and type of weapons being an example of unrestrained 2nd Amendment guy.
As a Marine Officer weapons have never freaked me out. Why this accountant with a gambling problem and no military service needs 60 of them—that should freak out anyone.

SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS considered toys? Where do you live?

@Richard Wheeler: No one that believes the 2nd Amendment provides the right to self defense would go out and slaughter 59 people and wound 526 knowing the anti-rights left would use this to further degrade our already besieged rights. Only someone trying to do more harm to the 2nd Amendment would carry out such an attack without other motivations.

@Deplorable Me: So this guy is anti gun rights—kinda like the KKK rally was leftist organized??
Interesting takes Bill.

@Richard Wheeler:

SEMI-AUTOMATIC WEAPONS considered toys? Where do you live?

I live in America, a target pistol with low firepower is a frigging toy to go to the range and burn rounds make bets on target practice, nearly useless for self defense, no good at all for hunting.