The EJectors

Jules Crittenden writes a great post about Eason Jordon and his new site "IraqSlogger".  He somehow was able to get a audio tape of their planning mission to find Jamil …

The Same Ole’ AP

An hour ago I posted about the AP running with a story that was slightly positive in tone about Iraq and this was due to the writer actually being in …

My Answer To The AP, Again

Listen, he had been named in reports going back to April. No one had bothered to check out this guy up till that point, that’s all. I got a hunch and started checking on it and I gotta tell ya, it wasn’t that hard to put two and two together. Basically what I did was called fact checking. Something I assumed you reporters went to school to learn how to do. My bad I suppose. It took one blogger to figure this out, and I’m not the smartest of the bunch by a long shot. Imagine what kind of REAL reporting your employees could do if they did the fact checking themselves instead of believing stories made out of thin air all because it fits their preconceived beliefs.

Free Jamil Hussein

First things first for today’s update on the AP’s fraudulent story "The Burning Six". Thanks to Jessica Well for making these two icons for all to share on their blogs.  …