“The War So Far” article from StrategyPage.com

While I do not like the fact StrategyPage does not cite sources, I cannot argue with what they are stating in this “war so far” article. In fact, it is pretty close to the mark. War is Hell, but we are working through that Hell with extremly low casualties and amazing progress in the Arab/Persian culture where corruption and Dark Age politics rule. We suffered 3500 dead, with 1/3 of that caused by accidents, which combine to be 33-35,000 casualties total (even minor injuries count as “casualties”). This from a force of 1.4 million gives, at worse case, a little more than a 3% casualty rate with a 0.3% death rate over 5 YEARS. Technically, I am safer in Iraq than in Detroit, Chicago, Washington DC, LA, and Paris!!! Hell, I am safer there than in my bathtub!

Imagery In Islam

We are bombarded daily by imagery and visual representations. In a literate society, images form a reinforcement to the written word and illustrate concepts. However, in societies with low literacy …