My Visit to Arches National Park


I won’t make it a habit to simply link to posts I’ve written elsewhere, but I’ll make an exception here.  The National Park Service is offering military and veterans a free annual pass to every national park.  We took them up on their offer and have used our pass to visit three parks so far: Arches, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone.

I wanted to direct you to my first post that I wrote about Arches National Park on the You Served blog.  I’ve included many pictures and a video from our trip there. You can see it here.

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I’m guessing that when Obama finds out about the free passes, he will cancel them, so enjoy them while you can. If anybody DESERVES free stuff, it’s those who have served in the militarily.

Southern Utah is a beautiful place; Our family spent a lot of vacation time there in the eighties and nineties. Thanks for the photos at your blog. Oh, and…

Hayduke Lives!

You’ll really like it when Romney commercializes and privatizes it.

@Liberal1 (objectivity):

Are you that partisan that you need to take a posting about a family’s trip to one of our national parks and make it a negative about Romney?

Utah is where Clinton stole the coal filled land and made it a national park. Did the author visit this park

@Liberal1 (objectivity)

Why would he do that? Exactly how would he do that?
M O R O N!!
god bless our troops,

@Liberal1 (objectivity): You mean like when Bill Clinton turned the largest deposit of low-sulfer coal in the U.S. into the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument as a payback to the Riady family of Indonesia (who, just coincidentally, owned the only other major source of low-sulfer coal in the world)?

CJ, heartwarming. I hope you see many more parks. I visited Mammoth Cave in Kentucky years ago and think of it as an unbelievably rewarding experience. There is a lot of US history tied up in the cave.

Valley Forge and Gettysburg are the only other parks I have visited. If you are a history man, they are interesting as well. Oh, I almost forgot, I have watched Mt. Saint Helens over the years, it is fascinating to watch how fast it is recovering. Enjoy yourself, I wish you the best!

What a wonderful trip, thank you so much for sharing that with us CJ!!

that grand arch remind me of you MILITARY THE GIANTS OF AMERICA,
I would like to visit also one day.
thank you