The Obama Push Back Against Jerome Corsi


Mark Levin makes some great points on the attacks against Jerome Corsi in the media over the past week. They have done lots of homework on the author but little on the subject of book itself. Barack Obama:

If you read the criticism of the Jerome Corsi book that is picking up speed in the liberal media, you will find much similarity and overlap. The Obama campaign’s effort to feed talking points to the media is having some effect. However, it is also feeding curiosity about the author and the book, thereby helping to maintain strong sales.

It’s too bad the same media that are so concerned about Corsi’s background have been so reticent to do their own homework on Obama. After all, Corsi wrote a book, Obama seeks the presidency. The liberal media were slow to acknowledge the existence of Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, and did so only after talk radio and bloggers would not let Obama escape his close relationship with both. The Chicago media did most of the heavy lifting respecting Obama’s relationship with Tony Rezko. And there are many other miscreants and radicals who have played large roles in Obama’s personal and professional life. But the liberal media are not interested in looking into most of it, have begrudgingly and superficially addressed it usually after the new media pressed it, and then downplayed it as “guilt by association” — with few exceptions. Not so with their reporting on Corsi. They want to know about anything he has ever said or written and his associations. In his case, they are determinative. And if he got a date wrong here and there in his book, or was otherwise mistaken in some minor way, the entirety of his book is discredited. We are “learning” more about Corsi than we learned about Obama prior to the all important Super Tuesday primaries.

It is not surprising that the media have chosen sides, but it remains frustrating. And this was a frustration of the Clinton campaign and will be for the McCain campaign. Meanwhile, the New York Times had no second thoughts about smearing John McCain on its front page with the thinnest of accusations inferring an affair and unethical lobbying activity. I think it can be said with some confidence that Corsi’s standards are superior to those of the Times.

I think Roger Kimball has it about right here. And it should be emphasized that David Freddoso’s excellent book on Obama has been all but ignored by the liberal media, but is well worth purchasing.

Peter Wehner says Corsi book is destructive and not helpful to the debate at hand:

Corsi’s approach to politics is both destructive and self-destructive. If Senator Obama loses, he should lose on the merits: his record in public life and his political philosophy. And while it’s legitimate to take into account Obama’s past associations with people like the Reverend Jeremiah Wright–especially for someone like Obama, about whom relatively little is known–it wrong and reckless to throw out unsubstantiated charges and smears against Senator Obama.

Conservatism has been an intellectual home to people like Burke and Buckley. The GOP is the party that gave us Lincoln and Reagan. It seems to me that its leaders ought to make it clear that they find what Dr. Corsi is doing to be both wrong and repellent. To have their movement and their party associated with such a figure would be a terrible thing and it will only help the cause of those who hold both the GOP and the conservative movement in contempt.

But when we know so little about a man who wants to be President and that man has so little experience, we pretty much have to go on his judgment over the few years he has been around. His judgment on befriending terrorists and criminals is quite telling and deserving of examination.

Most of what Corsi examines in his book has been known for some months, so how in the world is it self-destructive?

If it forces a Presidential candidate to release a 40 page memo to answer the book then I say the book deserves notice. Especially when the memo was fact checked by Jake Tapper and found wanting.

The big negative on Jerome Corsi? And its a big one….he’s a truther. So fact checking the book should be required, but the whole thing should not be thrown out with the wash because of his kookiness.

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Have you read Obama’s own books? They sound like they were ghost written by Rev Wright.

Liberals never change and the Lame Stream Media is showing what failures they are. They are going after the messager, (trying to shoot the messenger) and ignoring the message. You always get it wrong when you do that. I guess that is part of protecting a candidate who would not be where he is if he was anything but black. The Media needs a hand picked POTUS that is so stupid they can control him. Hussein O fits the bill.

Read a question today. Would Hanoi John Kerry report for duty if asked to be VP. He probably would since he’s a perfect match for Hussein O. Kerry spent a few months (reported for duty less than Hussein O has) in Vietnam, declared himself a hero and abandoned his crew. Hussein O has reported for duty 143 days in the past three years to do the job he is paid full time to do. Any business in the world would have sh** canned him long ago.

They are both so close to useless that if you tied their heads togather and shot through them with a single 22 Cal bullet you would be wasting half the cost of the bullet.

Jerome Corsi of Swiftboat fame: His over $150,000 in judgments, his corporations and more

The media only presents the packaged and managed BHO to the people. It really hits a nerve in the BHO campaign when books like Corsi’s are written. It’s telling when their reaction is attack the author rather than discount what is written with facts.
One of the things that really bothers me about BHO is how he declares anything that puts into question his image is off limits.

The water-carriers for the democRat party (MSM anchors) keep saying that “Unfit for Command” was widely debunked. Since when? I remember one article in the LA Slimes that purported to debunk the book but that was swiftly debunked by the Swiftboat vets themselves. I don’t know if Corsi’s a nutcase or not but anything that will expose B. Hussein for the Marxist that he is, can’t be bad.

As to 9/11 Trooferism…pity the fools.

Corsi’s booka does indeed have numerous factual errors in it, which is a pity, because there are so many factual and irrefutable issues on which to attack Obama, especially on how his previous speeches, writings, and those of his wife clearly show that they believe in economic principles espoused by Marx and Engels, and which have been proven wrong logically and in practice for years.

At least Corsi’s book will cause tens millions of people to start to ask questions about who Barack Obama really is and why he is outright lying about his Muslim past.

Most of the information in the Corsi book can be verified by facts on the Internet and in the blogosphere. This book has become important only because the mainstream media won’t present anything derogatory toward Obama. The Obama media hype, now dying out, has been controlled and managed, although badly, by those who have sought to present Obama as something that he really is not.

In the media event happening at Saddleback church this Saturday, the Obama campaign was said to have agreed to have Obama answer questions only if it would not be a face-to-face debate with John McCain and only if the questions to be asked were either contrived or asked uniquely by Rick Warren, the pastor.

Obama may put off the inevitable today, but he will eventually have to debate McCain — debate being a real weakness for Obama. I trust McCain will eventually ask Obama some of the questions he’s been dodging.

Let us encourage all of our friends, neighbors, and acquaintances at work, at church, and everywhere to learn the truth about Obama and expose his lies.

Obama is the worst canidate-wana-be that has ever been. Perhaps Hillary Clinton will replace Obama once the DNC delegates change their mind on realizing that Obama is a fraud.

Most of the information in the Corsi book can be verified by facts on the Internet and in the blogosphere.

Oh. Well, then: case closed.

The Right needs to be pushing David Freddoso’s _The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate._.

Frederosso’s credentials are impeccable. He covers a great deal of the same ground as Corsi.

While I’m sure that there is great deal of good ammo in Corsi’s book he is a tainted messenger. His research and methodology are sloppy; every book with the exception of Unfit for Command is rife with factual errors (UFC was saved by O’Neill). He consorts with 9-11 Troofers and Neo-Nazis.

He’s a conspiracy theorist of the first water…you name one and he’s commented on it.

If you want to make strong arguments against Barak to your whacko friends that support Obambi use Frederosso because mentioning Corsi will cause their ears to close immediately.

Obama’s real credibility is putting out a 40 page response against Corsi quicker than a 1 minute response to the Georgia-Russia crises. If he is just going to spend time defending himself before defending our allies, the world dosn’t need Obama as President.

Corsi’s “Unfit For Command” was never debunked.

The MSM just kept saying it was, and as “proof” referenced some other guy who said it was, etc., etc. In at least one case, Corsi was accused of lying when he just quoted Kerry’s autobiography. If anyone wants to show it to be “false,” by all means take your best shot.

One of my favorites are his “purple hearts” which he got for scratches. Once when I was about 10, my Dad was telling a friend about how the skin of his lips was torn off by an enemy bullet (at Guadalcanal). When I excitedly asked to see his purple heart, he just said, “You don’t get a purple heart for a scratch.” But Kerry did, three times. And one of the 250 Swift Vets was a commander who turned down the application for one of them. How Kerry ended up getting it is a mystery to him.

“But they didn’t serve on the same boat” the lefties complain. Well, actually, one of them did. And the others? They were in the boats next to his when every time they were shot at, Kerry would run away. They also included almost his entire chain of command (his bosses). Imagine working for a company and having ALL your supervisors give you a bad review. That’s what happened there. But, no, the MSM knows better than those who saw the man in action, or should I say in inaction.

Kerry and Obama are the liars, not Corsi or the SwiftVets.


Fred – Hey, Ethyl, you know how I thought those Swifties were wrong about Kerry?

Ethyl – Yes, weren’t they?

Fred – Now because of what Corsi has said about Obama, I’ve gone back and taken another look, and I’ll be darned if they weren’t telling the truth about him, after all.

Ethyl – Wow, if it hadn’t come up again, we might not have known that.

No one who knew then that the Swifties were telling the truth is going to change his mind, but with renewed exposure the likelyhood is that more people will realize the truth. The Left just has to hope that number will be small.


Atlas has a report that O’Bomber’s book is selling in Asia under a new title, which if I might paraphrase it as Ann Coulter suggests, it’s a “dimestore “MEIN KAMPF”.”