The Times Corrects Itself


This correction from The Times doesn’t take much splainin’:


An article on Saturday about Senator John McCain’s criticism of Senator Barack Obama’s Middle East policy incompletely described Mr. Obama’s position on negotiating with the leaders of countries, including Iran, with which the United States currently has little contact. While Mr. Obama and his aides have indeed described various conditions and limitations on such negotiations, Mr. Obama himself, in a Democratic debate in July 2007, also said he would be willing “to meet separately, without precondition” with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea.

Nice of The Times to come around.

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So does Obama:

The Democratic frontrunner Sen. Barack Obama of another state, Illinois, had an enthusiastic double-barreled stump introduction from two local luminaries, former Sens. Tom Daschle and George McGovern, who was an equally enthusiastic supporter of Sen. Hillary Clinton until recently. But he changed his mind.

McGovern knows a little about presidential races, having once been the Democratic presidential candidate himself way back in 1972. He lost though.

Both South Dakotans lavished all sorts of praise on Obama, according to reporters present, including The Times Nicholas Riccardi. As the large, enthusiastic crowd of some 7,000 supporters roared and waved “We can do it” signs and Bruce Springsteen’s “The Rising” blared, Obama bounded onto stage, grabbed the microphone and said, “Thank you, Sioux City!”

Trouble is, Obama was in Sioux Falls.

So was the crowd, which suddenly fell silent. Where are those Southwest Airlines get-away flights when you need them?

“I’m sorry,” Obama quickly caught himself. “Sioux Falls. I’ve been in Iowa too long.”

Will the news be filled with some more Hussein ‘baby Osama Obama’ whine tomorrow?

More and more Obama shows his ignorance and contempt for middle America. I am perlexed as to why all the democrat luminaries are jumping on the Obama bandwagon. He has promised them something and that something is more than he can give them. The guy is not seasoned enough to be president. He is not only ignorant of foreign policy but also economics. I would like to know how in the hell a president can make more jobs? It is the private sector that does this and Obama’s economic policy will bring the economy down to rock bottom and jobs will go out the window with it.