Invasion of the money snatchers [Reader Post]


money snatcher 1

Science fiction movies often have a plot in which human beings are captured for or bred to be food for aliens. Sometimes I read something that makes me feel as though I am in such a movie. Instead of being bred for food I am being bred as a money supply. And this story makes me feel that way:

The Next Bailout: $165B for Unions

A Democratic senator is introducing legislation for a bailout of troubled union pension funds. If passed, the bill could put another $165 billion in liabilities on the shoulders of American taxpayers.

This travesty is brought to you by Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa) who says

it will save jobs and help people.

Once again, all of us are put on the hook for unions. It wasn’t us who made unsustainable promises to union members. It wasn’t us who made poor investment decisions. And it you thought $165 billion would be all you’d be on the hook for it you would be wrong.

Although right now taxpayers could possibly be on the hook for $165 billion, the liability could essentially be unlimited because these pensions have to be paid out until the workers die.

And unions really know how to spend money.

You know that if this passes, it would become another unlimited bailout and another Obama promise reneged upon. Just like this promise:

Just last week President Obama said there would be no more bailouts.

This is simply unbelievable. Unions have $100 million to put into political campaigns this year:

At least two influential unions will spend close to $100 million on the 2010 election, with most of those funds going to protect incumbents.

And unions have the money to burn to send 500 thugs to harass and intimidate private citizens, cause damage to personal property and frighten minor children.

We all have to bail this out with our own money. Casey wants to make their problems our problems.

But what of our problems? Who will bail out our retirement plans? Why are union members more important Americans than non-union members?

It sucks. I’d mad as hell as I am not going to take it any more.

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Take a union thug to lunch day.

I’ll tell you who’s mad–me, that’s who. Some of these union members retired when they were younger than I am now, and I’m still working. So I’ll be working even longer because I’ll be taking home less, so they can keep right on enjoying their excessive retirement benefits.

Every conservative candidate should add this to every ad: “my opponent has collected $___ from such-and such union, which is expecting you to bail out their pension fund”.

I’ve been anti-union for a long time and I’ve got family in the Chicago area that have been union for decades. Unions had their time and place, but with the competitive nature of business now, they’re no longer needed (for the most part) and should NOT have the power and control they have in today’s market. All they do now is force companies to over pay and over benefit lazy people that don’t want to work hard and go above and beyond to get the job done. I dare you to ask a union worker to do something that’s outside of their job scope. Prepare for doom.

Even solid Democrat voters, at least the ones who don’t have government jobs, are waking up to the absurdly bad pension deals “negotiated” by their elected representives with these public employee unions. Here in California police, fire, and prison guards can retire in their early 50s after 30 years of service at 90% of their final pay, which they of course “spike” with all sorts of overtime and unused vacation pay. All this courtesy of a Democrat controlled legislature bought and paid for by the unions, and our last Democrat governor (Gray Davis), who signed on to this largess in the glory days of the tech bubble. I’ve been waiting for Obama and the Democrats in DC to effectively put the general US taxpayer on the hook for these bad deals…now it’s come. Eventually even the most dim-witted voter is eventually going to realize that there aren’t enough investment banks to tax to pay for all this (they might even figure out that those same bankers voted with their dollars overwhelmingly for the crony capitalism we now have). I’m completely disgusted and can’t wait for November. My worry is that the highly-educated liberals I’m surrounded by here still don’t get it. They think that someone a few more tax increases (that they think someone else will pay) will fix all our problems.

It is rather clear this Senator is ignorant of what is happening in Greece, as the paying tax base has dwindled drasticly in comparison to the benefit/pension taker and can not even remotely cover the various Union demands in that nation. Having a nation of millions of Union workers being “banked” by far fewer non-union tax payers will lead to riots within the United States sooner rather than later as the true form of the recession is becoming manifest. What was it again from B-rob? “We are out of the recession and the stocks are climbing!” … Does anyone have a plate of crow for this gentleman?

Well I for one believe you are too hard on the unions. 🙄 After all they have earned every bit of their salary. Where else can you find the guys willing to be the thugs and muscle of effeminate looking men who currently occupy our white house. 😈 It takes a lot of work to lie to themselves, convince themselves that goonery is good and to look themselves in the mirrors in the morning after a hard night prowling about the neighborhoods looking for non union bank representatives and their kids to terrify.. 😳

From Net Right Daily: Union Pension Bailouts are Coming

Enter Senator Casey and his House cohorts in crime, Earl Pomeroy (D-ND) and Pat Tiberi (R-OH), who have a solution. Keep the benefits for the members of the Multi-Employer Pension Funds the same, but have them guaranteed by the Pension Benefits Guaranty Corporation (PBGC).

Who guarantees the PBGC? You guessed it, you and I, the American taxpayer. Just another proposal pushing one set of favored constituents over the rest that ensures the dizzying growth of our nation’s deficit continues unabated.

At a time when our nation’s debt is projected by the Congressional Budget Office to match our gross domestic product as early as 2013 threatening our nation’s AAA bond rating.

Incredibly, among the eight House Republicans who have joined Pat Tiberi in supporting adding $165 billion to our national debt to bail out the irresponsible management of these pension funds are: John Linder (GA), Peter Roskam (IL), Thaddeus McCotter (MN), Steven LaTourette (OH), Jo-Ann Emerson (MO), and Aaron Schock (IL).

It always sounds good to say that you are helping preserve people’s pensions, unfortunately in this instance, Casey, Pomeroy and Tiberi would ask the vast majority of working American’s without a defined pension to put less into their personal retirement account in order to preserve the status quo of union member retirees. This is a perfect example of the government playing backward Robin Hood, taking from those who are mostly without fixed pensions, in order to preserve the comfort level of those who have union pensions, while allowing unions to continue to organize across the U.S. claiming that paid pensions are a benefit that their members can expect to receive.

This is a seemingly elegant solution that instead could be the tipping point that our debt-stressed economy from which our debt ridden economy is never able to recover.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee will be holding a hearing on the Casey bill on Thursday, May 27th.

A bipartisan rape of the taxpayer…

When there is civil war and there will be. Fools like Casey will look back, if they survive, and wonder why. People if you want to save the Republic you had best vote these cretins out in November.

Unfortunately, he is my senator, but I did call his office.

I was inspired by all the money flying around to design a bumper sticker, but I don’t know how to post it, so I’ll describe it.
Black background. On the right third, the logo of our Ear Leader, but with the center white part filled with black. The words, “Plug the damn hole,” and rendered in greenbacks, plunges into the center hole.

Recall the milk cartons with “Missing: Senator Robert P. Casey.

He was one of four Senators to vote AGAINST De-funding ACORN!

He NEEDS the union vote or he’ll be joining Spector in the private world. Am sick of unwillingly funding democrats campaigns. All taxes; city, school, county, state and federal goes to union employees. They in-turn spend millions to elect democrats who use tax money to buy their votes.

Private sector pays twice!

This has become the government of corruption; thugs and union goons are now the enforcers of Obama’s new Thugocracy version of Socialism.

“John Linder (GA), Peter Roskam (IL), Thaddeus McCotter (MN), Steven LaTourette (OH), Jo-Ann Emerson (MO), and Aaron Schock (IL).”

A little surprised to see GA in there, but not the others.

The next “jobs saving” bill will put unemployment over 10% and the debt over 13 trillion. To whom do we turn when we run out of credit, we have already run out of money. 😥

Hmmm. This reminds me of a book I read once. Looters and moochers taking more and more of private citizens’ income and property for redisbursement. Eventually, when there are few enough of them, the producers will all strike together and cause a total collapse of the economy.

Tammy, I belonged to a Union in a Right to Work state which ment their labor powers were minimized but they were still prone to violence and thuggery (still can easily recall a union jackass planting a pipebomb on my grandmother’s yard out of mistaken ID over a local Opinion piece in the paper being against Unions). Unions are a disease to our Economy AND our culture that was cuddled by the Communist Party of America, and will never be a solution to current labor problems. In States that do not have Right To Work laws, aka you must belong to a Union, the bulk of debt and liabilities the Business deals with is over 50 percent owned up to Union pensions and deals.

Boeing is considering in total relocation out of Washington State due to the bloated programs Boeing has to pay to Union members. Cessna is currently shutting down Components faclities (the ones I worked for) and relocating them in their privately held Mexican and Cessna Enclaves and Beechcraft under the Canadian Onyx group is giving the middle finger to the Beechcraft Union chapter by terminating labor jobs and replacing them with non-union engineers.

And no, Union did not “earn” their wages. Most wages were disgustingly bloated via dirty Contract dealings, unless you’ve never walked a “picket” line for an aircraft company you’ll never understand Tammy. When my chapter protested over the 2007 Union contract due to the lack of pension hikes and wage inflations, Cessna soon had planes soon being stripped of their Garmin flight suites or worse having the leather interiors slashed to hell (aka roughly 500,000 dollars worth of wood and leather) on planes ready for transfer into buyer hands. Honest work should be rewarded, and not a single god damn thing Unions have done in recent decades have been honest. Me and 7,000 some workers from Cessna was backstabbed by the I.A.M. chapter 776 so don’t give me how “unfair” I am to a sack of waste.

Union dues were a mere annoyance in comparaison to being harrassed by moronic thugs and it was an eye opener to see exactly who were the members making the demands for higher wages. Higher wage demands weren’t for “fair” work compensation, it was for the fat and lazy of the Union who gotten themselves into massive private debts from personal irresponsiblities to help afford their whiskey addictions. A good portion of my “fellow members” choosed to spend their money on beer fixes, women/men enjoyment and gambling issues instead of paying off their bills hence the bloated contract growths for years.

It also doesn’t help that Unions not just only connected to the former U.S.S.R. via the Soviet funded Communist Party of America but are also historicaly connected to some of the biggest Mafia families and scandals ever. Teamsters’ past for one.

@realoldpatriot: If you figure in the ones who have used up all of their unemployment and don’t qualify any more and the ones who have taken a part-time job, it adds up to about 20% who are out of work. They should try for a government job. They are getting about 40% more than the same civilian job, and a lot of them are still getting pay raise and welfare increases.

@Mr Irons

I believe you misunderstood Tammy’s post. The sarcasm was very thick there. I believe she stands by you in your disgust of unions. I know that I do. I work at a power plant as an operator, but the maintenance staff is union and I hear all the time about their cuts in benefits while the union management gives themselves higher salaries, and the union members then have the gall to claim that they aren’t paid enough. It’s enough to make a person completely disgusted by any and all unions.

I knew she was being a bit sarcastic in her quote, I was just furthering what thuggery I’ve seen personaly.