Barack Obama: Yes, Senior Calderon, America sucks [Reader Post]


Yesterday Barack Obama joined Felipe Calderon in blasting the United States. The two voiced their criticism of the new Arizona immigration law at a presser. Obama called the law “misguided” said the law has the “potential” to be abused.

OK, exactly how is that different from any other law? What law does NOT have the potential to be abused? Once again Barack Obama broadly smears law enforcement agencies with a huge brush. Obama has made clear he has no confidence in Arizona law enforcement. He clearly believes that they are all a bunch of incompetent bigots. If you listen carefully you can almost hear it: “The State of Arizona acted stupidly.” Obama’s pre-emptive indictment of law enforcement is not without precedent.

Obama counts on us forgetting that he has done nothing to secure the border. He wants us to forget that drug violence along the border is horrible. He wants us to forget that Phoenix is the kidnapping capital of the United States. He has done nothing to discourage more illegal invasion, but is instead encouraging it, and so is his wife.

Michelle Obama opined on the issue yesterday and made clear that the problem is not illegal invasion, but that the United States is not acting swiftly enough to grant amnesty. Obama’s animosity toward this country is so great that he directed Assistant secretary of state Michael Posner to apologize to China for the Arizona immigration law.

Obama spoke of a “fair reading” of the law but I don’t believe for one second that he’s read it. Last month he told an audience:

“One of the things that the law says is that local officials are allow to ask somebody who they have a suspicion might be an illegal immigrant for their papers — but you can imagine if you are a Hispanic American in Arizona, your great, great grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state. But now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, you’re going to be harassed, that’s something that could potentially happen.”

The problem with that statement is that it’s absolutely false. It is not what the law says. What is one supposed to think when the President of the United States is intentionally disingenuous? What are we supposed to think or do when the President lies outright to America?

The Arizona law does in fact mirror Federal law so thus when Obama spits on the Arizona law he also spits on decades of United States law. How many times have we been told that our President is a “Constitutional scholar”? Why does this “Constitutional Scholar” seem to be so ignorant of decades-old Federal law? In 8 USC 1304(e) of United States Code it says:

Every alien, eighteen years of age and over, shall at all times carry with him and have in his personal possession any certificate of alien registration or alien registration receipt card issued to him pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. Any alien who fails to comply with the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction for each offense be fined
not to exceed $100 or be imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.

And the Arizona law is popular. By a 61% to 27% margin Americans said Arizona took the right action.

In addition to the violence and the kidnapping, illegal invasion costs Arizona a bundle. It is costing Arizona far more than was previously believed- $2.7 BILLION in 2009.

I have never liked Barack Obama. I have found him to be a duplicitous hypocrite. I believe him to dislike what America is about. His promise to “fundamentally transform” this country sent chills down my spine. I did not believe anyone steeped in the heritages of Saul Alinksy and Bill Ayers and immersed in the hate of Jeremiah Wright could have this country’s best interests at heart. Now with each passing day he confirms my worst suspicions. Obama has been seen reading “The Post American World” and I believe that’s no mistake. I think that is the ultimate “fundamental transformation” Obama has in mind.

Next month Barack Obama will address Kalamazoo Central High school’s commencement exercise. The White House is “requesting information” on all graduating seniors, including their citizenship status. Isn’t that discriminatory? Doesn’t that have the “potential” for abuse?

You just can’t make this stuff up.

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Wow, hes literally turning states against each other. Kinda ironic that he would lead us into another civil war so to speak.


Very interesting observation Cuss. Took me a couple of minutes before it hit me but you’re absolutely right. Ironic indeed.

As I have said here, I don’t agree with how Arizona handled their problem. I agreed with the intent, not the execution. It gave Obama a talking point and didn’t really address the problem because it avoided holding the business owners accountable, unlike Oklahoma’s law did.

That said, Obama’s people have such a bad case of tin ear that they are going to give the Republicans a great opportunity to fight back. As the Obama people fire up the Hispanics (14.5%) of the population, they went too far by inviting international criticism, which is akin to you beating up your brother but saying if someone else beats up your brother they will deal with you.

How stupid is the left? They were winning the argument up until this week. Now they are pitting 14.5% against 70%.

They lose.

Idiots, but glad to have them.

@Rides A Pale Horse

Haha, glad you found the irony there.

Well, he’s totally screwed himself on the Caucasian vote. He’s hoping to subsidize by picking up the Hispanic vote. Not liberal enough for the liberals and to liberal for the democrats. So instead of the white vote (Which is like 68% of active voters) being split near the middle as it usually is – my prediction is next election it will be split more like 60 / 40ish. So he really needs like a 15% boom. And if he can get as many illegals in as possible and make them legal (amnesty) before the law is concrete that’s more votes for him. Hell, why do you think hes trying to get Puerto Rico to join the U.S.? Cause if they do by chance actually vote it in (which they wont, they voted it down 2 times in the past) he will get a good 80% or more of the votes. That’s why hes focusing so hard on the Hispanic demographic and pretending to be there hero at the moment – in my opinion.


“didn’t really address the problem because it avoided holding the business owners accountable, unlike Oklahoma’s law did”

Am I missing something? I read the amended law earlier tonight. It was already illegal to employ illegal aliens. All employers were already required to verify eligibility through e-verify. This bill added the requirement to keep records of that verification for at least 3 years.

The first offense is fairly light – 3 year probation and loss of license for up to 10 days. But the second offense is business license permanently revoked. Sure, it’s not jail time, but is it really failing to hold business owners accountable? How many business owners are willing to permanently lose their license?


Combat Operations in the Border Zone
By T.J. Woodard
Elites on the coasts don’t want to recognize what can be described only as combat operations conducted north of the U.S. – Mexican border.

On April 30, a Pinal County Sheriff deputy was wounded by drug traffickers in a shootout about fifty miles south of Phoenix. Deputy Louie Puroll confronted five illegals who attacked him in an ambush. Puroll fought a twenty-minute gun battle with men armed with AK-47 assault rifles before being hit from behind. He was able to call for assistance on his cell phone. But until help arrived, Puroll fought the traffickers off with his pistol and his AR-15, the law enforcement version of the M-16 rifle issued to the U.S. military.

When that assistance arrived, along with a sheriff department helicopter, the chopper also came under fire. Eventually seventeen illegal immigrants were apprehended after a force of more than two hundred lawmen responded to Deputy Puroll’s shooting.

In Cochise County, south and east of Tucson, fences are cut so drug traffickers can have access to the remote areas and avoid the roads and checkpoints of the Border Patrol. Small family businesses can’t afford the time it takes to mend fences and check on cattle that may have strayed too far away.

One rancher reported that between three and twelve hundred people cross his ranch every day. They vandalize his property, steal his vehicles, and leave garbage everywhere. The same man has found seventeen dead bodies on his ranch over the last two years — those of “mules,” or people used to transport drugs across the border, then shot.

Another rancher says drugs cross his land daily. A point man with a machine gun enters, then more guards follow about a half-mile behind. Next are the backpackers carrying the drugs (the mules), followed by more armed men providing security in the rear — all at half-mile intervals. Gunfire can be heard in the night in many of the remote parts of this area near the Arizona-New Mexico border. According to State Senator Sylvia Allen, 80% of the law officers killed or wounded in Arizona were attacked by illegal aliens.

Robert Krentz, who was killed in March, was known to be kind to illegal immigrants. He often gave water to those in need, who walked miles under the brutal Arizona sun. Krentz radioed his brother, telling him he was going to the aid of an illegal immigrant in need of medical attention. His kindness got him killed.

In west Texas, Mexican Army vehicles cross the border supporting drug trafficking. One report indicated an Army vehicle, with machine guns mounted on it, two hundred yards inside the U.S. border. Agents from the Fort Hancock Border Patrol Station called for backup after confronting six men in Mexican military uniforms and driving military vehicles north of the Rio Grande. Chief Deputy of Hudspeth County Sheriff’s Department Mike Doyal said, “It happens quite often here.”

Also in Texas, helicopters from the Mexican Army and Navy have crossed the border. Several civilians and members of law enforcement witnessed these crossings. This cannot be a helicopter that is lost or having navigational problems — the Rio Grande clearly delineates Mexico from the United States at that location. There is no reasonable explanation coming from the U.S. or Mexican government why these helicopters are in American airspace.

It doesn’t take my 23 years of military service to recognize that these are combat patrols. The ambush is one of the most basic tactics trained by every army in the world. Deputy Puroll engaged a number of suspects and was shot from behind. That indicates that the drug traffickers maneuvered on the deputy — one man provided “cover fire” while another moved in for the shot. A combat patrol with automatic weapons, front and rear security, and moving in proper intervals indicates at least a certain level of military training. Incursions into American airspace by Mexican helicopters and ground vehicles, ground fire against a sheriff department chopper, and armed men protecting drugs on ranches in Arizona are all indications of a force conducting combat operations.

Robert Krentz was killed the day after 280 pounds of marijuana was seized on his ranch. Krentz was known to give water to those illegal immigrants who needed it. It doesn’t take much analysis to know that Krentz paid for the loss of the drugs with his life. It is likely that drug traffickers knew that Robert Krentz would bring water and therefore provide an opportunity to be ambushed. This indicates that the drug traffickers are collecting intelligence, analyzing it, and using it to conduct their operations.

This is war. Drug traffickers are using military tactics and techniques to get their products across the border. They carry automatic weapons and use vehicles with machine guns mounted on them. They are ready and willing to kill anybody who gets in their way. It’s time to close the southern border.

TJ Woodard is a retired Army officer who lives less than ten miles from the Mexican border. He carries a pistol even in his own house in order to be prepared to defend his family whenever necessary.


there is nothing wrong with adopting both strategies to address this very real problem. The problem I have with people’s criticism of Arizona’s law, is that the premise for this criticism is just patently false. My answer to the left’s complaint that it would unfairly be used to send Mexicans back to Mexico, because the illegals in Arizona are mostly Mexican, (a complaint which is jaw droppingly specious,) is good. If 100% of illegal aliens were from Chad, I would want 100% of illegal aliens from Chad to be caught and sent packing. Arizona has a responsibility to protect her citizens, and the right to enforce whatever of her laws which are constitutional.

What I find amazing is the Obama discussed the Arizona Law with the Mexican President, but will not even talk to the Arizona Governor. What country is Obama president of, it sure as hell can’t be the USA.

What I find Ironic is that the Federal law is even stricter than the Arizona law – however, if you don’t enforce the law – what’s the point?

I think the Dems have made a huge mistake here – I already dumped the party after May 31, 2008 and I will never vote for another Dem unless or until big changes happen (not holding my breath on that). I also am not crazy about the Repubs – there are very few who are not masquerading as Dems/Progressives and they need to be voted out too. Hillary used to be my shero but Sarah Palin has overtaken her – she & a few other conservative women seem to be the only ones with enough testicular fortitude to stand up against the a$$holes who are trying to transfrom this country into Europe –

And, another thing, if I have to hear one more entertainment idiot speak about the law without knowing anything about it – not sure what I will do – I already have stopped going to movies (ick), am very selective about music & have even stopped reading some of my favorite authors who have managed to slip little derogatory tidbits into a fiction novel (funny, I never noticed that prior to 2008 or if I did, didn’t think much of it).

It is quite obvious that Obama/feds are not going to help Arizona with its border. The governor should organize a significant and well armed force to confront the situation. Give the feds an ultimatum that they have ninety days to shut down the border. If the feds don’t respond then let them know that Arizona will handle the problem. A few hundred dead illegals might finally get their attention. The ‘L” shaped ambush would work very well on those drug columns.

Stupid is, stupid does.
Seems that the Dictator and Osocialist needs to review history.
Through out the past history of war against Med e co, it was the Democrats that have started them wars against Med e co.
Before anyone blasts AZ, they need to review history first!
All AZ is doing, is enforcing the Federal Law! Nothing more, nothing less.


Unless the changed the process, and listening to Beck it didn’t seem they did, the problem with the Arizona law is one of levels of accountability. The one I read (and it seems the same with the modified one too) states that;

1. Being illegal in the US is a crime- arrestable by the police
2. Transporting an illegal is a crime- arrestable by the police
3. Picking up an illegal for day work is a crime-arrestable by the police.
4. Aiding, hiding, etc. an illegal is a crime-arrestable by the police.
5. Employing an illegal is not only NOT an arrestable crime, the law is designed to protect the one group of people who are arguably the reason why most illegals are here in the first place.

Read the portion where the “complaint” of employing illegals is sent to the AG then the local DA before anyone even starts an investigation. Even after being found in violation (guilty being too strong a word) the business owner gets a number of opportunities to block any penalty, which seems to be limited to a suspension, for a short time, of the business license, of that particular business at that particular location. (Imagine a McDonalds franchise issue here. Shut down one license but leave the rest running?)

When I read about the Oklahoma law, passed in 2007 without all the issues this one has, making employing illegals a felony, the article indicated that 75,000 illegals left immediately, like a “Juan Moses” led exodus.

Now if Arizona has made employing an illegal an arrestable felony, able to be enforced by the police, I’m all over it as a good move. If they haven’t, shame on them. The politicians chose their wallets over their people.

The key to all of this is really simple- CUT OFF THE MONEY!!!! No free government programs, no jobs. Nobody will walk a thousand miles over drug trafficker infested land in order to come here and starve. You will have some coming here, trying to get away from the violence, but the police can handle that small number. It is always about the money.

archer52, it already was against the law to hire illegals, and the grief it took to pass the first law, and the resistance from the usual suspects, and the uselessness of E-verify, have made that part ineffective so far. For instance in N. Phx. someone got the bright idea of making a special spot for “day laborers” to congregate so they would quit pestering people trying to go to Home Depot. That was the result of a neighborhood feud and continued to fuel the feud.

Yesterday I had to have a palm tree taken down. I hired a specialist, he showed up, then his crew who were obviously from some work agency. They were legal immigrants from Somali, waving papers! This was new to them, it’s very dangerous to take down palms, so they did most of the hand carrying and the expert did the cutting. It is totally untrue that we need a lot of illegals to keep things running. These guys were very happy to have a job for the day.

Dave and Patter,

I’ve tried to post several times, nothing came across. The short version is make the employing of illegals criminal, an arrestable offense by the police and you’ll see even more illegals leaving.

Cut off the money, both public and private and they will stop coming. Nobody walks a thousand miles in order to starve.

Oklahoma did it in 2007 and 75,000 left immediately.

The law was badly written but with good intentions. However, the politicians let their wallets speak before their duty to get it right got the chance.

Since the Arizona law only enforces EXISTING Federal law, what Obama is telling the governor is that he doesn’t want her to enforce EXISTING Federal law. Maybe Obama should be using his energy to have the Federal law changed so that NOBODY can prosecute illegals. That way the police can concentrate more on the LEGAL citizens breaking OUR law.

First and foremost we need to continue the argument but accept the fact the left AND the right are working to become Hispanics favorite politicians. We citizens are in a trick bag here.

HOWEVER, to change subjects, did anyone see the West Point speech Obama gave? It was so badly accepted if the cadets clapped any less, they would have been using only one hand. It was embarrassing. He didn’t want to be there, and it was obvious, and they didn’t want him there. The only person who could have gotten a worse reception would have been Bill Clinton carrying a handful of cigar tubes at the nunnery of the blessed Virgin.

It was awful!