Liberal Professor Sends Moonbat Contingent To Spam Pro-Iraq War Blogs


I’m jealous, why does Hawkeye from View From Above get moonbat professors talking trash about his blog and not mine?  Not only that, the good professor suggested his blog would be a good place to vent their idiocy:

Secondly, a certain Ms. Judy
, who teaches English Composition (of all
things) at the University of West Florida,
directed her students to come visit my humble blog strictly for the purposes of
antagonizing me (or so it would seem). According to one “Kelly L” whose comment
I really appreciated…

The reason you are seeing so many anti-war comments is because Ms.
Benny has many more anti-war students this year (trust me, I know) and you were
a suggested pro-war blog for all the anti-war students. (Isn’t it great to be
popular?) All the pro-war students are off somewhere posting on the anti-war

Thanks Kelly. It would have been nice if Ms. Benny had
given me some kind of warning herself before she turned loose the “dogs of

You have to go check out her curriculum, it’s a doozy.

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Standard fair for the left: Insult, attack, spam, and silence all opposition.

Actually if the report is correct it sounds fair and productive.

The young lady said
“All the pro-war students are off somewhere posting on the anti-war blogs.”

That to me says an English teacher told her students, both Left and Right, to go view the other side. That doe not make the techer leftist. In reality she may WELL be right winged and feels that this is the best way to get the anti war students to hear reasoned arguments from the right.

If the purpose of these blogs is to simply preach to the choir then I think your wasting your time. The purpose should be to exchange oppinions and rethink or reinforce our opinions through solid debate and discusion.

You should thank any teacher who sends their students here since if your arguments are good you will wind up swinging some over to your side. The only way I can see that you can argue the teacher is reinforcing an anti-war position is if you feel this site POORLY and INACURATLY reflect your oppinions.

Would you prefer teachers simply teach and use anti-war websites, or sited only antiwar sources?



Reading Hawkeye’s blog I noticed that the prof did send opposing sides to other’s blogs. Hawkeye’s guests turned into hate spewers.

The prof is, according to her students, very left winged but still rational enough to allow students an opinion. I ran into a few of these when I was in college, but far more of the “I am a progressive and if you are not, you will not pass my class”.

The issue is, we are so used to spam trolls, hate, personal attacks, etc that the response is almost Pavlovian. We fully expect the above and are surprised when it does not happen.

That said, leftists can come hare all they want. Everyone here stands by the facts and no matter what fantasies the left has, the facts refute them.

Honestly Ms. Benny I’m in your class right now and im tired of you spewing out your attention whore shenanigins.

I’m tired of your near death stories.
just cut it out we don’t care.