A Difference without a Distinction?


Washington Times:

The Lahore Press Club has received two letters from the Taliban warning of an attack any time after Oct. 10. The letter explained that the attacks would be carried out if the journalists continue to portray the Taliban as terrorists instead of highlighting them as “mujahedeen.” The letter warned the journalists to “stop becoming a mouthpiece of America and prepare the people for jihad against American infidels.”

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Stop calling us killers or we will kill you.

I agree with this mujahedeen’s position in regards to what he wants himself (and the “cause”) to be labeled as.

Terror is a tactic. It is the tool of the ISLAMIC MUJAHEDEEN.

If he wants everyone to call him a religious warrior for Mohammad (pissbeuponhim) then our media should go ahead and do it. But we all know that this same media will go to their graves, insisting that this war has nothing to do with religion.

I see it as a clash of Cultures, Moral Values, Economies and a perfectly justifiable excuse for Islamic extremists to resort to Any Means or Leverage to create the chaos necessary for Fear and Terror to destroy civilization as we know it. They are not true followers of Islam. They are a Death Cult that exists because they have financial support from Middle Eastern Governments. They recruit from various Middle Eastern, European, Asian and African Nations. All dis-satisfied Customers with the current World Order. Islam is just a recruiting tool and soiled by the perversion of it.

My first Military deployment was to the Philippines to assist in subduing the New Peoples Army. An early US attempt to fight Terrorism on the island of Mindanao. The NPA had popular support from the locals who were Muslims by the way. It was right after Marcos fled the country and opportunity was knocking for them due to the perceived instability of the Government. The US did not furnish the assistance needed for that task. The UN less than was worthless. The World Press ignored it.

Anyway, these “mujahedeen” are Opportunists, Murderers without conscience willing to commit mayhem on any population to achieve their goals. It is not about Religion. It is about Power, Domination and maintaining the climate of Fear to keep it. They are not Holy Warriors in any sense. They are Thugs, Punks and Murderers. If the Media portrays them as anything less, they are Lying to You.

Quite a few deployments later to the Balkans, the Middle East and Southwest Asia I concluded that from having seen it first hand. The Print and Broadcast Media lies because it serves their purposes. Blood and Mayhem makes Ratings. Never mind the actual events or rationale. The media becomes a tool to be used by Terrorists. I state facts here because my conscience will not allow anything less. I hold Career Politicians and “Newsies” in low regard because somehow the truth always escapes them.