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I just sent this to all my CONgressional reps plus Reid, Pelosi, the Prez, the VP, and all my mailing list. Sorry if this is long… venting, you know.

Congress – a study in dereliction of duty

The constitution created congress (legislative branch) to be a check and balance to the other 2 branches of the government – the Executive (president) and the (Judicial) Supreme Court.

The congressional oath of office that has been in effect since 1884 reads:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.
Apparently this oath is no longer viable. You have set it aside in your quest for money and power. You have ceded your authority to the president (and special interest groups) by the following:

1. You create bills based upon your own political desires. These bills are couched in language so convoluted that one cannot understand it.

2. You pack each bill with items that have nothing to do with the main part of the bill – namely, pork. There should be NO bill voted on my any congressperson who stands to gain from it financially. Those people should divest themselves from those investments prior to a vote – and not to their family either!

3. You allow the president to dictate when the bills need to be sent to him.

4. You have allowed partisan politics to destroy the practice of open discussion and debate.

5. You have voted on bills without even reading them. No bill should be voted on without allowing the PEOPLE to view and comment first. You do not even allow the legislation to be posted so that WE, THE PEOPLE, can read and analyze what you plan to enact into law.

6. You pass legislation without questioning how they will be paid for.

7. You allow legislation based upon special interest groups – unions, big business, ACORN, rather than the wishes of the people.

8. You have surrendered to corruption to insure re-election and more power.

9. You have allowed your authority to be usurped by the czars appointed by the president. How can you allow these people to make decisions that affect the health and well-being of the PEOPLE without any oversight. Put a stop to it! We are up to 32 czars now and that is about 30 czars too many!

10. You have ceded your responsibility to manage the peoples money to the Federal Reserve which has no oversight or accountability. Remember this part of the Constitution?
“No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. “
11. You have lost your moral compass. You should be held to a higher standard of ethics and morality, but you have forgotten that in your quest for power.

12. You have risen above the people you serve. While we are tightening our belts in a horrible economy, you continue with your automatic pay raises, raises in your expenses and additional perks. This job was NEVER to be a full-time position, but you have turned the leadership of this country into a political blood sport.

13. You do NOT police your members – so much for draining the swamp. You blatantly promote trading of favors to get YOUR legislation passed. You allow members who have demonstrated a lack of ethics to continue drawing a salary and pensions. Where are the investigations into Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha, Charlie Rangel, Chris Dodd, Ed Perlmutter and all the rest? Why is Alcee Hastings still in Congress?

14. You have allowed the president to take over private companies, fire their executive officers and dictate how their companies should be run.

15. You have allowed the federal government to infringe upon States Rights and the Freedom of the individual.

16. You have indulged in witch hunts against people with whom you disagree.

17. You have allowed the president to support our enemies and to put down our allies.

18. You are spending our money and that of our children. We are trillions of dollars in debt and yet you keep finding more ways to spend money we don’t have. You are borrowing and printing money so fast that we will never be able to clear those debts.

19. You have cost the American people jobs. You are costing the US dollar to decrease in value. You are turning our sovereignty over to the UN and the EU. STOP IT!

You, who cannot run ANYTHING (Social Security, Post Office, Medicare, AMTRAK, and the lunch room), should not be messing in private business. You don’t know anything about banks, car companies or the freedom of Capitalism. A good number of you are lawyers which disqualifies you from the real world. You have caused this mess. You did not do your job in overseeing the financial institutions of Freddie Mac and Fannie MAE. Why should we allow you to give away any more of our freedom and sovereignty?

At the very least, you are totally incompetent. At the very most, you are corrupt and criminally negligent! You have abused the trust placed upon you by the people you swore to serve.

In summation, since you are not willing to do the business of the people and for the people, we really don’t need you!!! Turn in your keys to the washroom, turn out the lights and GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!

Be warned! We are now awake and demanding answers. We will work to defeat each and every congress person who votes for the Federal takeover of Health Care, Cap and Tax, Amnesty for Illegals and more bailouts.

It’s time for you to start doing your job, or you won’t have one!!!


The teasers [for “V”] running on ABC offer a hint of this. “They gave us hope. We gave them our trust.” Who does that bring to mind? Of course, the Visitors (hence the title), after promising things like universal health care and peace in a one world government, turn out to be totally evil. They attempt to seize control of the media, favoring those who don’t challenge them or ask probing questions about their real agenda, which turns out to be the annihilation of humanity. The heroes are everyday people, who form a grass roots resistance movement.

Maybe they should have renamed it to … “O”

President O’Dumbo has ‘almost’ a complete Marxist regime in the white house. Don’t believe it check out the people who are there or save some time and get it from Glen Beck. Not one of the weasels in the white house will call him (on a line dedicated for their use) to challange the facts on a bunch of his Marxist. The can’t actually challange him since he has most of them on tape praising Marxist leaders.

FOX just ran some clips of O’Dumbo’s promises of an open government and the televising on CSpan of all hearings, like those behind closed doors of idiot Reid’s office. The biggest liar in the U.S. now resides in the white house. As one of my friends says, All he can do is laugh as everyone who voted for the Marxist loses everything they own. It’s worth the pain to watch the bast**** go down first and it will be more fun watching them face the firing squad first when O’Dumbo gets total control. Democrats have short memories, they can’t even remember the hundreds of thousands slaughtered by Castro or the Communist in Vietnam when the democrats surrendered the already won victory. They stand around with one thumb in their mouth and one up their butt waiting for O’Dumbo to command ‘switch’. Like good little cowards they obey.

How’s that hope and change working out for you?

I never believed in this dreck. I knew what this guy was the first time he opened his mouth. But then I distrust all democrats. In my experience, they are all liars, cheats and thieves. As the years go by, they just get worse. Every time I think they have hit bottom, they surprise me by going lower. Witness reprimanding Joe Wilson for saying “you lie” when they booed and yelled at Bush during a State of the Union speech. Obama’s speech was not even a mandated speech, just another infomercial for his effort to enslave us.

Nice letter Fedup. Send it not only to all of congress, but to some of the bigger blogs, as well.