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He’s a poor looser.

………and he is on his way to loosing!

Obie appears nervous in this clip and acts like he doesn’t even believe the crap he’s preaching. I guess he got a close-up aerial view of the Tea Party protest in D.C. on his way out of town. He realizes the opposition is “all fired up” and ready for HIM to go — back to Kenya, Indonesia or Hawaii.

Healthcare to everyone? Not with Obamacare.

“They can’t Stop Us” sounds as lame as “Hope & Change” and “We Won so STFU” from Pelosi or Reid’s middle aged tough punk talk that may have his Senate seat in danger.

Right now America wants accountability, not vaguely worded talk on the Cost of his programs that most Americans don’t want and doubt if they are affordable without another huge addition to the deficit and higher taxes during a time of the worst economy in decades. America wants fiscal responsibility, not increased spending. America is getting a look at ACORN, Unions being pandered to, Appointees that are Socialists, Marxists and connivers with an unacceptable Agenda and not vetted by the Senate or accountable to anyone but Obama, Emmanuel, Axelrod or others that do not share Our Values.

Double digit Unemployment to continue for years while his collection of Czars that have never run a business or worked in the private sector exercise Un-Constitutional Authority over Industry and Banking, impose regulation over every aspect of American life in their twisted vision of a Socialist Utopia. They can’t fund Social Security or Medicare but are trying to sell programs that will be Government run and controlled.

The New GI Bill payments are not arriving for returning Veterans to buy books, pay tuition, housing and food. Those payments are estimated to lag until November for a Fall Semester that began at the end of August. I am made aware of those issues by Veterans in my neck of the woods and it angers me. Broken promises do not pay the bills for Veterans that kept theirs to the Nation at great personal risk.

We are facing the Over Regulation and Taxation of Energy production with Winter not far off. A refusal to allow Energy Exploration in the US after years of paying for Foreign Oil is damned foolish. New regulations on Coal Mining that supplies Coal Fired Power plants that provide electricity for the majority of American Industry and Homes right now are assinine beyond my understanding. The American Voter is beginning to see the light.

Yeah, “They Can’t Stop Us”. Incredible arrogance and ignorance exhibited by the least qualified President ever. Condescending statements made by Pelosi and Reid regarding protest over bad policies has awakened an anger that will change the landscape of Politics in America in 2010. The rally of Citizens Nationwide and in DC are indicators of discontent that the Democrats will regret in 2010 as their “ruling” but failure to govern will remove their Majority.

That’s what I hear when I go to town and after church from folks that have had enough of this malarkey and nonsense from an unresponsive Government. The Republicans that are part of the problem need to be warned as well. They were not elected to be obedient minions to the Administration.

The Tea Parties are only the beginning and appear to be gathering momentum.

Skye, there are rumors about TRICARE for Life is going to increase in cost and copays as well.
Military Retirees like me view that as a very personal issue. At one time We received medical care at any Military Hospital at no cost. Then along came TRICARE and TRICARE for Life upon Retirement with premiums and copays for care and medications.

As Congress receives a gold plated package with little cost but keeps moving the goal posts for Retirees some of US are not really jazzed about increases for US as we are an aging population that paid Our price with 20 years or more of Service and not in air conditioned offices in DC.

I am glad this thin-skinned President flew over and witnessed the 9-12 DC Rally while the March to the Capitol Building was in progress and the rally area was simultaneously filling up from all directions…where “They” were sending a message of “ENOUGH!” to him — while enroute to “his” counter rally against “THEY” in another city…

I hope some future author uses this real life cliche, when writing a bio of BO — it is way too good to pass up.

They= Sane, rational people.

These are the people that sent Al Franken to the Senate.

You’re not in Chicago any more, Barry, and you’re about to learn that the hard way!

Little coward had to duck out of Washington to avoid the “astroturfers.” Had to fly to “friendly territory.”

These libs make me so ill! Get a load of the bag of hate at planetpov dot com! (Type it in so they can’t see the referring site!) These jerks need to see what real dissent is.

Kanye West and obama have something in common and NO it’s not that they are black. It’s that they are racist. America better wake up fast and realize what’s going on.

This guy doesn’t know how to govern or run anything – all he knows is how to campaign – over and over again. Even his backers – or most of them – will have to realize that one of these days – at least I hope so.

I can’t believe that this is happening to our country. If people fall for President Obama and his radical agenda I may give up on politics all together.

Jeez, didn’t anyone tell him he already WON? He is the President, after all, or does he think his job is subject to a never-ending public referendum? (In the Banana republic he’d like to turn us into, he would be able to call one every few months probably, but thank God we still – so far – have a Constitution that proscribes such tinpot BS.)

My God, he’s on TV again. I can’t watch – I just ate.

I’ll bet he has more TV face time since January than any news anchor has in ten years.

you know who’s a real loser? People that cant spell ‘loser’