Why NATO Was Obsessed With Ukraine and is Now in a Panic


by Larry Johnson

To answer the question in my title you need only look at two numbers — 1) Ukraine’s rank in terms of natural resources and 2) the size of Ukraine’s Army in February 2022. Since the end of World War II the West has viewed Ukraine as a critical piece on the global chess board for attacking and defeating Russia. The joint CIA/MI-6 effort to destabilize the Soviet Union, which started in 1947 with the provision of funds, weapons and training to Stefan Bandera’s organization, was crushed by the Soviets by 1952. It was shortly after that, following the death of Stalin in 1953, that Khrushchev gifted Crimea to Ukraine (1954). Was it a reward for Ukrainian assistance in wiping out the CIA-backed OUN uprising?

How is it that on the eve of the Russian Special Military Operation in February 2022 that Ukraine was the poorest country in Europe but was ranked number four in the world in terms of natural resources?

The country [Ukraine] ranks fourth globally in terms of total assessed value of natural resources, with roughly $15 billion in annual output and a potential “assessed value [that] could be as high as $7.5 trillion,” according to the report.

Beyond that, Ukraine is thought to have the largest supply of recoverable rare earth resources in Europe, although much of it is undeveloped.  Rare earth minerals (cerium, yttrium, lanthanum and neodymium) and alloys are used in many devices people use every day, such as computer memory, rechargeable batteries, cellphones and much more.

The answer is simple — the Western oligarchs who fund the political leaders of the NATO countries were busy cutting deals with Ukrainian oligarchs to get control of those rare earth minerals and energy resources. Do you think that putting Hunter Biden on the Board of Burisma, along with former CIA Counter Terrorism Chief Cofer Black, was just a coincidence? But note — the plan to pillage Ukraine of its natural wealth did not include a plan to ensure the economic development of the Ukrainian people. Only those closely tied to Western oligarchs would profit.

Simply compare what Russia achieved since Vladimir Putin took the reins of government in August 1999 with Ukraine’s national squalor. Russia is number one in the world in terms of natural resources and Putin put a stop to the oligarchs plan, along with Western partners in the 1990s who gleefully raped Russia for their own enrichment. During the last 23 years Putin has resurrected Russia from the ashes of economic ruin, restored the military, rebuilt infrastructure throughout the 11 time zones that comprise Russia and created a vibrant, modern economy. Oh yeah, almost forgot. Russia’s space program surpasses that of all Western countries, including the United States.

Ukraine by contrast, thanks to a clown parade of incompetent, corrupt leaders, sold their country and their souls to the West. That is why Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe instead of one of the wealthiest.

The West had zero interest in fostering a genuine, legitimate democracy in Ukraine. Ukraine was nothing more than a proxy for weakening Russia and carving it up into pieces the West could readily devour to sustain faltering economies. Prior to the start of Russia’s Special Military Operation, Ukraine was treated as a de facto member of NATO. There were NATO training bases in Ukraine. The U.S. Department of Defense set up dozens of bio-research labs across Ukraine. And NATO and the U.S. European Command conducted annual military training exercises in Ukraine with Ukrainian forces.

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07/19/23 – Massive blasts at Russian depot in Crimea force thousands to flee

A series of explosions roared through a Russian ammunition storage facility in occupied Crimea on Wednesday, forcing thousands of residents of nearby areas to flee and prompting leaders there to redirect traffic away from a local highway.

Footage showed smoke and flames rolling over the site near Stary Krym in Crimea’s Kirorvsky district, where blasts were heard for at six hours after the initial explosion. The head of Crimea’s parliament said that it could take two days to fully extinguish the blaze, according to Russian state media.

The cause of the blasts has not yet been confirmed. The Russian-backed leader of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, said on Telegram that “a fire occurred at a military training ground.” Askenov said residents of four surrounding villages – more than 2,000 people – were being evacuated…

Probably another instance of careless smoking…

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Putin’s final desperation—throwing everything he’s got left at civilian targets, and staving innocent people dependent on Ukrainian grain…

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

It wasn’t a “terror attack”. It was an attack on a military target used to supply Putin’s invading forces.

The idiot of this story is Vladimir Putin. I can’t believe he has let Wagner regroup in Belarus—a nation he recently supplied with nuclear weapons. He expects loyalty from Prigozhin? What he has provided is opportunity. Lukashenko can’t be relied on. Why would he want to remain a Putin puppet?

I don’t know what will happen. The entire situation is too volatile to make predictions.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Wagner’s core of Prigozhin loyalists are the most effective shock troops Putin had. That’s why Putin pissed his pants when they took Rostov-on-Don without resistance and were cheered as they advanced up the M4 halfway to Moscow. Putin would have neutralized them if he could. Instead, they’ve regrouped in Belarus, and now Prigozhin has apparently showed up. Are they really preparing to go off and raise hell in Africa? We’ll see.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Russia lost in Afghanistan, lost in Chechnya, and will lose in Ukraine. The Mighty Russia is a Russian myth.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

It feeds the poor of the world’s developing nations. Trump supporters don’t give a damn about that. They’ll only bitch and moan about their own higher grocery bills and seize the opportunity to blame Biden.

Most of that grain goes to Wealthy Western nations, if Europe wants to eat have them leave the Farmers alone.

The largest annual amounts were going to China, and then Spain. Putin cutting Ukrainian grain supplies will drive global prices above what the poorest nations can afford. The expensive crumbs that are left won’t be adequate to their need. The poor and powerless will die.

Because of Putin and his damned invasion.

He has effectively declared that Ukraine-bound ships on the Black Sea would be deemed to be hostile. The Black Sea is considered to be international waters.

We’ve seen this before. Putin fits a recurring profile. If he’s not stopped, he’ll roll over Eastern Europe. He’s a ruthless bastard in an expensive suit and elevator shoes who has taken control of a nation.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

False. The grain supplies were already cut when the war started, a war started by, and continued by, the US and NATO.

Putin is now RICHER after the U.S. gov blew up the Nordstream.

They’re plan backfired.

And I say the gov because NO AMERICAN wants this Blackrock-sponsored war.

The murderous Moscow homunculus will be lucky to survive the insanity that he created.

Just understand, you show us who you are when you call for the assassination of someone to maintain your ideology.

You’d kill Putin.

You’d kill me.

You’ll be treated as the murderous feck you are.

Just stay posting worthless nothings on the internet, and we’ll continue on with humanity. I don’t think we need you involved, at this point.

With a flat tax and gold backed currency maybe they would be better off than under Germanys and the world banks boot.
Not our business, just like Ukraine.

Last edited 11 months ago by kitt

Moscow’s KGB homunculus has destroyed Odesa’s Transfiguration Cathedral. It is now in ruins and structurally unstable. It was previously destroyed by the Soviets in 1939 and rebuilt by Ukraine’s faithful in 2003.

“War is a place where young people who don’t know each other and don’t hate each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other… ”

~Paul Valéry~

Tell that to your war mongering shit pants Biden.
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America is literally invading and killing innocent people while I type.

You have no high ground, so perhaps you should get on your knees and talk to Christ a little bit while you’re down there.

Zelensky was not allowing orthodox services anyway.

Good news for you, right? You hate Christianity.

The guy takes a drive up the M4 toward Moscow, shoots down six Russian military aircraft killing their regular Russian military crews, and Putin still can’t get away with getting rid of him?

I’d call the situation at the top in Russia volatile.

Uh, he played your people to the tune of 6.2 Billion…as we now PAY Russia to fight us.

No one died in that “coup” the West fell for, but a lot of Ukrainians died when they came out of hiding and followed Prigozhin.

You idiots are trying to out-Russia Russia, and getting your asses handed to you.

Sorry. I didn’t quite get that.

That happens often with you, perhaps you should sit at the kiddie table.

Oh…you got it, alright.

Any luck on your plan to go over to Russia and kill Putin?

Or do you just post nonsense online, but not take any action?

Doers are the ones writing history right now, son. That’s clearly not you.

Trump isn’t going to enjoy the next chapter. Neither is Putin.

Doers are the ones writing history right now, son. 

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

And yet they are both two of the most powerful men in the world right now.

Perhaps you and your masters woke up to find you don’t even have the pen in your hand anymore?

I have no master, and will have none.

And that my friend, is your problem.

You, in a nutshell.


Serfs, slaves, lackeys, and drones have masters. A free man with a free mind doesn’t.

Jesus would disagree with you.

Jesus didn’t come to enslave the minds of Man. He came to set minds free. He was killed by the authoritarians of the day because of that.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Some scriptures you seem ignorant of:
 Romans 6:22
22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.

Romans 1:1-15
God’s Good News for Rome1 Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle and singled out for God’s good news- 2 which He promised long ago through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures- 3 concerning His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who was a descendant of David according to the flesh 4 and was established as the powerful Son of God by the resurrection from the dead according to the Spirit of holiness.

1 Corinthians 7: 22-24
For the one who was a slave when called to faith in the Lord is the Lord’s freed person; similarly, the one who was free when called is Christ’s slave. You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings.Brothers and sisters, each person, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation they were in when God called them.

A free man or woman is a slave to Christ.

Romans 1:1-15 translates as a servant of Christ, not a slave. The same is true for Corinthians 7: 22-24.

A slave is property. A servant is devoted to service, but has free will. The devotion is a choice. Choosing to be righteous is the point.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

I’ll go with my Greek training and knowledge of “doulos” over your quick proof-texting on google.

You’ve proven your suspend reality to distort things to fit your partisan lusts.

A free man or woman is a slave of Christ. It’s written plainly in the New Testament.

Yes, you are Christ’s property once you are born again.

Glad you get it.

I can see why the Episcopal Church is all but extinct.

I suppose your translation better supports a view that authoritarianism is the world’s ideal ordering principle. That’s how Rome used it. Rome turned Christianity into an instrument of worldly power.

Thomas Jefferson had a Bible from which he had removed most text that didn’t cover the deeds and words of Jesus. It seems like I read that somewhere.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

No. Trying to talk theology and faith with you is truly “throwing pearls before swine.”

Like the devil, there’s really no end to how you’ll twist, distort, and simply lie about God’s Word.

Which is what our new civil war is all about, of course.

It seems like I read that somewhere.

Uh huh. When a totalitarian movement like yours takes over, it’s critical they topple statues, and rewrite history to negate the very heart of the nation, which in this case is Christ Himself.

I think we Americans should offer you rebels clemency and let you move to China, peacefully.

You’ll get the world you truly desire.

You are a slave to the degenerate Democrat party. That’s why you feel compelled to lie for them and support their failures and disasters. You are completely beholden to them and, thus, bear all their degenerate characteristics.

Putin has been bombarding Ukrainian cities for 522 days. Maybe Russians should consider where it is leading. The irony? The S-200 is a repurposed Soviet missile, sent back to Russia.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Russia is winning.

The UFO hearing is proof enough.

500 billion light years many layovers in filthy spaceports for this?

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Putin is losing his grip on power, and Trump is going to prison.

Moscow building struck by drone, again…

Same target. They can hit what they want. What they want is for the Russian people to wake up.

Putin, meanwhile, targeted a Ukrainian hospital.

Last edited 11 months ago by Greg

Over the past week, regions across Russia have seen a spike in arson attacks against military recruitment offices.

08/04/23 – Ukraine war: Sea drone attack reported on Russian Black Sea port of Novorossiysk

Footage shared on social media on Friday appeared to show loud blasts at the port, which is a major hub for Russian exports.

Russia’s defense ministry said it had repelled a Ukrainian attack on its naval base there with two sea drones.

It said the drones had been spotted and destroyed by Russian ships guarding the outer harbour of the naval base.

The port temporarily suspended any movement of ships following the attack, according to the Caspian Pipeline Consortium which loads oil on to tankers at the port…

Apparently the attack was “repelled” by blocking the drone with the hull of a Russian warship.

A few days ago, they “repelled” an attack on Moscow by blocking an aerial drone with a government ministry building.

This valiant building in downtown Moscow has now “repelled” Ukrainian drone attacks twice.

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

08/04/23 – Russian warship seen listing in Black Sea after Ukrainian sea drone attack on base

Ukraine said it had carried out a sea drone attack on a Russian naval base, as footage showed a damaged Russian warship listing heavily in the Black Sea early Friday.

Social media images and videos showed the ship being towed near the Novorossiysk naval base, despite earlier claims by the Russian defense ministry that the attack had been repelled.

A Ukrainian source told CNN that a sea drone with 450 kilograms of TNT had attacked the ship and claimed there were about 100 Russian servicemen aboard.

“A big navy ship Olenogorsky Gornyak was hit,” the source told CNN. “As the result of the attack, the Russian ship has received serious damage and is not able to fulfill its duties.”

The vessel was identified by the Ukrainian source and Russian military bloggers as the Olenogorsky Gornyak, an amphibious Russian landing ship…

Kamikazi-Drone’s-eye view of the attack on the now-disabled Olenogorsky Gornyak:

Putin is likely counting on Trump or another Republican to win the 2024 election in hopes that the US will cut support to Ukraine, officials say

Last edited 10 months ago by Greg

Another Russian ship hit:
08/05/23 – Russia says tanker hit in Ukrainian attack near Crimea