The Lesson Of Jordan Neely: Your Courage And Sacrifice Will Be Punished



Young American men will be taught the hard way that selflessness, courage, and their masculine instincts will get them 20 to life in prison.

This week, a brave Marine acted when no one else would to restrain a deranged homeless schizophrenic on a New York City F train who was, by all accounts, terrorizing people and shouting “I’ll hurt anyone on this train.”

“‘I don’t mind going to jail and getting life in prison,’ screamed the 30-year-old Jordan Neely, who had 44 arrests under his belt and an outstanding warrant for felony assault (he punched an old woman in the face), as he flailed around throwing items of his clothing. ‘I’m ready to die!’ In response, a 24-year-old Marine Corps veteran put Neely in a chokehold, incapacitating him and releasing him after he stopped struggling and passed out,” Inez Stepman wrote.

When Neely died at the hospital, all hell broke loose.

This is not the first time a courageous man minding his own business has put himself in danger to protect others. It’s happened many times, in fact. Toxic masculinity has saved more lives than penicillin.

But in this case, the erratic lunatic was black, the courageous restrainer was not just white but blond and handsome, and worst of all: the lunatic shuffled off this mortal coil when he arrived at the hospital.

Inevitably, the left’s muscle memory of how politically lucrative George Floyd’s 2020 death was for them kicked in. The Floyd Playbook could be run!

AOC fired up her Twitter and called his death a “murder.” Al Sharpton is polishing his diamond cufflinks before his press conference. Neely’s cousins are getting fitted for new suits before their Oval Office visit. Nancy Pelosi has already ordered the solid gold casket and white horse-drawn carriage for the funeral, which will be held after Neely lies in state in the Capitol. Kente cloth scarves are being passed out in the Old Executive Office Building. Kamala Harris’s speechwriter is ripping nitrous balloons as he crafts her eulogy. The whole band is getting back together!

Weakness Is Strength. Courage Is Hatred

In the aftermath, I tweeted this: “Strong men brave enough to intervene publicly when a deranged lunatic is terrifying people are going to be rounded up first; this is brilliant strategy for the Regime. Pick off the bravest and most selfless heroes first. Leave the cowards behind, who will fall in line fast.”

The worse the subway Viking’s fate is, the less likely any of us, the sane ones, will be tempted to lift a finger when they come for us, our friends, or our neighbors. If the Viking gets 20 years on Riker’s Island, plus some prison rapes and beatings for good measure as the guards look the other way — that’ll teach you boys a lesson.

Since literally the morning the first European settlers set foot in the new country, the ethos drilled into American men is to be strong, be brave, and be prepared to protect and defend your family, your homestead, and your fellow man. This is what men are for, after all. This is why God made them stronger than women. Those biceps are not just for deadlifting. Their main purpose is twofold: wielding a spear for the hunt, and wielding your fists or a sword for defense.

It feels like Good Samaritan laws have gone in and out of favor over time in America. For many years after 9/11, no able-bodied man boarded an airplane without first preparing himself to tackle a terrorist if he had to. Does that happen anymore? Or would the passengers laugh and whip out their phones as the terrorist slit a flight attendant’s throat? You will not go to jail for watching someone beat another person to death as you stream it live on social media. That’s perfectly acceptable now, even encouraged.

But every normal man I know would be unable to stand and watch a psycho assaulting an innocent stranger. My future husband once threw the first punch in a bloody fistfight against a much larger, much drunker man who was persistently harassing me and getting in my face late at night outside a bar in New York City. (My husband won, so I married him soon after.)

You Won’t Get In Trouble for Being a Coward

As an avid Twitter user, I probably see a dozen graphic videos a week of men doing the opposite: standing idly by, shouting approval and laughing, cameras out, as violent individuals assault, beat, rape, and shoot innocent strangers. This violence is almost exclusively black-on-white, or black-on-Asian.

In April, such a video made national news: a terrified young woman in downtown Chicago is knocked down and stomped on by a large mob during a “teen takeover” of the city. Where are all the videos showing the white-on-black and white-on-Asian stompings? I’m sure if they existed, AOC herself would be tweeting them out 24/7.

In this terrible, ugly, upside-down, zero-trust society I’ve been forced to raise a family in, I have developed new survival rules. I have instructed my husband and son to be cowards. That’s right: to do nothing if they are in a situation where a dangerous psycho is threatening violence to a stranger.

I have begged them to sit on their hands; to be one of the people who just watches, runs away, or calls 911. It goes against every chivalric instinct in their bodies, but I do not want them dead or in jail. Instead of being hailed as heroes for saving some old lady’s life, they would be tried as killers and put away for life.

My teenage son informed me he won’t go along with my surrender monkey ethos and is prepared to defend himself and others if he has to. This is a dangerous virtue for a boy to have in a blue city in 2023! Does he want his mother to get gray hair? Doesn’t he know how much good hair colorists cost these days?

I have failed as a mother because I forgot to teach my sons to be cowards.

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They,ll want us to follow the European Unions example allowing for home invaders to loot and ransack your home and you cant stop them yes Liberal Democrats are total idiots

Neely didn’t deserve to die; that was a tragedy. But, he did and he brought upon himself. We need the toxicology report even though, as in the case of Floyd who killed himself with his own fentanyl and sent a cop to prison, it probably won’t matter. However, when people defend themselves against mentally ill people who don’t know when they should stop fighting and there is no law enforcement available to apply better methods of restraint, these tragedies are inevitably going to happen.

There is no reason the charge the “Marine Subway Hero”. The deceased homeless man was a threat to every individual on that train. Eventually the deceased homeless man would have met this fate as his behavior would have continued to escalate. It would seem ending his miserable life is perhaps the best outcome for him.

People such as this deceased homeless man belong in an institution. Prison is one institution and in this case having been arrested over 40 times indicates a problem with the justice system or a reluctance to put his person in an institution designed for those who are mentally challenged.

People have a God given right to protect themselves and others who may befall threats such as made by the now deceased homeless man. When a civil society chooses to ignore that most basic of human rights, there is no justice only chaos.

Now the Marine has been identified. His life is very much at risk and he deserves protection.

AOC fired up her Twitter and called his death a “murder.” 

I wonder how many homeless people Sandy’s $1,000 dress, the thousands spent on hair and makeup and the $30,000 for a Met Gala ticket would have helped? How did her constituents benefit by here showing her stupid face there? NONE. Like most leftists, she is a disgusting hypocrite that has had her right to criticize anyone else about anything REVOKED. And while the left claims free speech does not protect the right to spread harmful lies, where are they here?

I am reminded of the McClusky’s in St. Louis, whose only crime was being wealthy. In the midst of a BLM/ANTIFA violent uprising, they took a position out in front of their home, armed, to protect their property. They threatened no one, they hurt no one, they merely openly demonstrated they were willing to defend themselves and their property. For this, there were prosecuted and persecuted. This is the left’s plan: disarm citizens and leave them defenseless as they promote violent mobs to intimidate, threaten and assault the law abiding who don’t conform to leftist group-think.

The left only wants “bravery” in overwhelming numbers, like ANTIFA thug mobs. They “bravely” single out non-believers and attack them. Then it is illegal to defend one’s self. It’s been documented.

The left destroy cities, weaken the police, promote drug use, which results in homelessness, which results in mentally ill people on the streets attacking innocent citizens. A citizen cannot wait for the police to arrive, even if called; they probably aren’t coming. So, I guess the only acceptable reaction is to hope death will be quick and painless.

No, that ain’t going to cut it with me.

He choked to death a homeless, mentally disturbed man who was distraught and shouting because he was unable to find food, and you’re calling him a hero?

With the nutjobs history, which included attempted kidnapping of a 7 year old, Yup that subway artist wont be committing another crime.
Zero sympathy, not one iota.

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

He had a warrant for arrest
The senior citizen suffered a broken nose and fractured orbital bone when she was knocked to the sidewalk, along with swelling and “substantial” head pain after hitting the ground. Felony assault.
2019, Neely was arrested for punching a 64-year-old man in the face during a fight in a Greenwich Village subway station
New Yorkers are speaking out about their experiences with the dangerous man. One person says Neely tried to push them into the train tracks at the Broadway-Lafayette station. Neely had an arrest warrant for the assault of a 67-year-old woman at the time of his death & has a long arrest history.
Civilization depends on locking these nutjobs up. Unless you want to live California style, where a guy that maced an attacker that hit him in the head with a pipe the victim gets charged.

Neely also punched a 67 year old woman in the face, shattering an eye socket. If it weren’t for shit-bag garbage like Bragg, Neely would be in jail, possibly receiving treatment, but alive.

Yeah, I picked up on that.

Do you suppose the man who killed him knew his history?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

greg won’t address this because he’s a f*cking coward.

No need. The actions were taken in the moment, and appropriately.

We don’t get to kill a person for simply causing a disturbance. Neely hadn’t touched or threaten anyone. Expect manslaughter charges.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

You might want to consult NY state laws scooter. It is against the law to verbally threaten anyone with physical harm. The three men who subdued the lunatic were legally acting to protect others.

Neely hadn’t become violent nor had he directed threats at any passenger, scooter.

There are police reports as well as eyewitnesses.

None of which you’ve seen or heard.

There are police reports as well as eyewitnesses.

They exist and confirm the lunatic homeless decedent was violently threatening all on the subway train.

Your effort to alter the facts of what happened is typical leftist bilge and it is pathetic.

You have no “facts of what happened”. You’ve got what your imaginations are conjuring up–the sort of imaginings that cause crazy old coots to shoot people who knock on the wrong door, pull into the wrong driveway, or throw popcorn in a theater.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Jordan Neely, 30, a homeless man, was subdued aboard a northbound train according to police.

He reportedly started acting erratically on the train and harassing other passengers before being restrained and ultimately choked by a straphanger, identified as a 24-year-old Marine from Queens.

“…choked to death…”

He’s nobody’s hero. He was a homeless, mentally ill man who hadn’t been right since his mother was murdered, who was choked to death for creating a disturbance on a train.

How about higher taxes for billionaires, so we could provide homes for the homeless and care for those suffering from mental illness?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

He was crazy, yes. He had threatened and attacked people for years.

It was only a matter of time.

All Americans are now ready to defend themselves from the natural outputs of Democrat policies, which Neely clearly embodied.

He’s nobody’s hero.

So, what is it that the mindless rabble are protesting, dangerously impeding subway trains, inciting and committing violence and severely inconveniencing thousands of innocent people? Just another homeless dreg that died, something that probably happens a dozen times a day in NYC? They damn sure aren’t protesting those who get beaten, robbed or pushed in front of subways by the criminals the corrupt DA’s do all they can to keep on the streets.

He was a homeless, mentally ill man who hadn’t been right since his mother was murdered, who was choked to death for creating a disturbance on a train.

And he should have been in jail for numerous previous violent assaults on innocent people. Who’s f**king fault is that, scooter?

How about instead of spending $30,000 for a ticket to a stupid, self-congratulating and decadent “gala”, liberals put their money where their bit, stupid, lying mouths are and do something to support the mentally ill and homeless besides making their situation worse/

You have no “facts of what happened”.

And you do, enough to declare Neely was “murdered”?

“Crazy old coots” are living in fear for their lives because Democrats release violent criminals from jail, will not arrest criminals, will not prosecute criminals and discourage law enforcement from doing their job. You can take personal responsibility for the tragic, unnecessary deaths for your support of the failed Democrat agenda of supporting crime and violence.

You know, if you actually don’t like this kind of action, you might mention it to your beloved AOC and suggest that if people could actually expect law enforcement to be in proximity to keep the peace, not only would citizens not take matters into their own hands but there would be fewer criminals openly breaking the law.

Neely hadn’t touched or threaten anyone. Expect manslaughter charges.

He had threatened people on the subway. He assaulted they by throwing objects at them. He said he didn’t care if he went to jail for life; what do get life sentences for?

You might want to wait for the toxicology report before you look even more stupid. Sure, Floyd killed himself with enough fentanyl to kill three people and a cop still went to prison for life, but in this case (since this is just a white guy that happens to be former Marine) death by overdose or poisoning would make a difference in a non-fascist justice system.

He threw his jacket on the floor. What “objects” did he throw at passengers?

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Trump Crushing Biden and DeSantis in New WaPo/ABC News Poll

Jill Biden Wears a Bedspread to Lunch Party Marking Coronation of King Charles III (VIDEO)

Why didn’t jill take her granddaughter, Navy Joan Biden to the coronation of King Charles? This would have been a most memorable event for the young granddaughter to have.

There’s just too many instances where someone like Neely has killed someone while everyone sat there saying “he’s not actually doing anything wrong…”

Until he does.

Hope you behave on the subway to, greg. No one will tolerate your antics.

He could have killed the little girl he tried to steal. He could have killed the old woman he punched in the face. He had multiple counts against him that would have put a person, under an actual functioning justice system in jail for 10 years.

According to those that were there (i.e., NOT you) he was throwing garbage at people and making violent threats. The problem with you crybaby leftists, you never seem to be the victims of your own failures. Perhaps it that happened more often, you’d understand what other people are experiencing. In other words, you are a hypocrite.


It’s right and good for men to stop crazy and or evil men from harming others.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nathan Blue

Unless, of course, we’re talking about a state-level homicidal maniac like Vladimir Putin…

Biden is the much bigger, and much more evil threat to our world.

This war is the fault of the West and theirs alone.

Strong men are now opposing this globalist coup, and people like Biden will be pulled from the positions they didn’t earn.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nathan Blue

So, if someone threatened to harm you child or someone you know and you took action to prevent it, you would be a “homicidal maniac”?

Does not matter. The marine subway hero protected many potential victims from a maniac lunatic.

Do you suppose the man who killed him knew his history?

He knew Neely was unhinged, threatening harm and could very well hurt or kill someone. He knew that wasn’t going to happen when he could do something to stop it. I guarantee you, if the Marine had wanted to kill Neely, it wouldn’t have taken 15 minutes. Maybe 15 seconds.

15 minutes? Maybe somebody should have pulled Rambo off. A choke hold can render a person unconscious in 10 seconds.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Nice packaged response, you turd.

That’s the same thing all you bots are posting on twitter.

You know, the nice thing to do is to leave people alone.

Why couldn’t Neely do that?

Possibly because he was stressed by homelessness, hunger, mental illness, and a world that doesn’t give a damn. He made too much noise about it, so the world killed him. He’s one of God knows how many in the same sad situation. Somebody should have taken out $10 and told him to buy himself a meal.

Why couldn’t Neely do that?

Dude should have got a job.
Who did he think he was Zelensky, begging for a living drugged up?

Last edited 1 year ago by kitt

Jesus would weep.

Jesus would also ask where your umbrage is concerning six Christians killed by a trans satanic lunatic.

Pleading “insanity” doesn’t strip strong men of the right and responsibility of protecting themselves and those around them.

Expect more men to stop this attack on our nation, by no longer standing idly by while a Neely-type harasses and ultimately kills people.

Sad that Neely died? Of course. Justification for lunatics to get away with destroying our lives?



Yeah, Satanic cults… I’m sure. Meanwhile, that’s a picture of one man choking the life out of a mentally ill homeless person, while another helpfully restrains his hand.

Sorry. No medals for this guy.

Sorry, you’re losing the culture war and you know it.

The attacker in the picture was subdued by three good Samaritans.

No amount of spin is going to help you turn this into another St. Floyd insurrection on our nation, bub.

Again, that you care about this (you don’t), but won’t address the six Christians killed by a demonically-possessed trans lunatic is hilarious.

There’s no reason for subway riders to live in fear anymore.

The Marine did the right thing. Even if you pigs jail him, there will be more actions taken to choke bullies like Neely out so they aren’t a threat to normal Americans trying to live with Democrat policies.

Daniel Penny protected himself and others, and had compassion for this poor man.

After other subway murders at the hands of homeless like Neely, there’s NO reason for responsible men not to act like this hero.

Will they hide the toxicology report like they did Floyd, who died of a drug overdose and not a “murder’ at the hands of Chavin?

Reject, mock, resist, and overpower this propaganda campaign with the Truth.

No more.

Good idea. That might spell the difference between voluntary and involuntary man slaughter charges.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Weaponizing the law to deter good Samaritans, and to tell normal citizens like Penny that they MUST just “take it” isn’t a good plan for your cause.

The only reason the marine is being charged is for regime propaganda, but he’ll walk in the end….just like another hero Americans know and love.


05/07/23 – Texas mall massacre gunman identified as witnesses describe horror of the shooting spree that killed 8 people
I guess we’ll see how much of that the investigating authorities confirm.

The key detail they’re leaving out is that the man is already dead.

And that’s just fine. Penny’s actions were both justified, and he showed compassion for the aggressor Neely.

Somebody should have taken out $10 and told him to buy himself a meal.

He made choices. That fact that no one “gave” him $10 is not the fault of those who did not help. He could have done more to help himself rather than rely upon others.
His death was his choice no one else

Nah. The man was violent, and he was stopped by strong men.


The poor will always be with us.

A choke hold can render a person unconscious in 10 seconds.

Uh oh. Careful you don’t blurt something like that out in the courtroom. You could get dirty looks from the prosecution. Yeah, a chokehold could put a person alseep in less than a minute. But, not simple restraint with the intent to immobilize a person until they could become rational and calm down. Again, we need the toxicology report to know what killed him. Like with Floyd, it wasn’t the restraint.

You don’t really know that, do you? You can’t possibly. But any trace of drugs or alcohol will confirm it for you.

Should Rambo be tested? Nah. Let’s give the man a medal! If he’s charged, you’ll be predictably outraged. It’s a pattern.

Like with Floyd, it wasn’t the restraint.

The only pattern is that our enemies, you, stand on the backs of people Neely and Floyd to further your agenda.

You couldn’t give a damn about him, the poor, or the homeless.

Men are standing up, and fools like you are sitting down.

Reducing this sort of bullshit is part of our social agenda.

You couldn’t give a damn about him, the poor, or the homeless.

Helping the poor and the homeless is part of our social agenda. That’s been so since the days of Roosevelt.

I wonder when the GOP’s base will figure out that “starving the beast” is cover for feeding ever more to the rich? Or that their retirement and health benefits will soon become part of the meal?

Who is “our”?

We didn’t elect you, dingus.

Helping the poor and the homeless is part of our social agenda.

If you really believed that, you’d admit your policies created the scene on that subway, and ultimately cost Neely his life.

Democrats are the primary vessel for corporate-government collusion.

You ARE the rich. You ARE owned by those with money.

You ARE the crony capitalists.

Reducing this sort of bullshit is part of our social agenda.

Wait… WHAT? You think refusing to prosecute violent criminals, encouraging drug use, failing to address homelessness and defunding the police REDUCDES crimes on innocent people and does not, just naturally, create MORE instances where people take the law into their own hands to protect themselves? That is a whole, new level of stupidity.

Helping the poor and the homeless is part of our social agenda.

Yeah, idiot Biden’s gift of massive inflation and defunding police which, as predicted, impacts the POOR first and worst, is a great accomplishment. Also of note is that with Democrat policies since the inception of the “War on Poverty” and though over $20 trillion has been spent, poverty has INCREASED.

Should Rambo be tested? Nah. Let’s give the man a medal! If he’s charged, you’ll be predictably outraged. It’s a pattern.

I wonder if you realize that the character you continue to reference, Rambo, was a sympathetic character who was always in the right. Perhaps not; you rarely seem to be a fellow occupant of actual reality.

Floyd killed himself with his own fentanyl, a death he deserved. It is tragic his worthless, violent, criminal life took a good cop down with him. Shit of Floyd, piss on his grave.

When a raving lunatic starts screaming he doesnt care if he goes to jail for life that shows intent, I dont think the Marine meant to do anything but restrain the guy until the police arrived.
He wont be dragging little girls away or smashing old women in the face anymore hundreds if not thousands f subway passengers will not be afraid, harrassed or hurt by this guy that needed to be put in an asylum.

I dont think the Marine meant to do anything but restrain the guy until the police arrived.

And when did the police arrive? Some time after 15 minutes, apparently. THERE’S the problem. AOC should be charged with homicide.

Civil society is better off for his death, period full stop.

What if someone felt that way about you? Societies are civil because law doesn’t allow individuals to act on such opinions.

Civil society is better off for his death, period full stop.

Elon Musk on Jordan Neely Protests: “Why Didn’t They Protest the Children Who Were Murdered at the Christian School?”

Society, thanks to you and people who believe like you, is becoming uncivilized.

You call for the death of Trump (and you have), but lie about caring for Neely?


You seem to have confused Putin with Trump.

You call for the death of Trump (and you have), but lie about caring for Neely?

Where was your protest and disdain for the 25 people 2 of which died having been pushed onto subway tracks in NY in 2022?

Last edited 1 year ago by TrumpWon

You’re chasing your tail, and talking in circles, like the internet trolls as of late.

Getting real desperate, son.

You seem to have confused Putin with Trump.

You might consider, going forward, that if the only response you can conjure up is something really stupid so just keep it to yourself.

What if someone felt that way about you?

Oh, you mean like you leftists that believe anyone that supports Trump, does not ignore biology and science, does not fully endorse the leftist agenda of failure, thinks our border should be secured, is actually patriotic and wants the best for this nation and its citizens don’t deserve their Constitutional rights, should be imprisoned and, if possible, killed? Gee, that would be awful, huh? I sure hope we never get to that point.


greg, even you can’t be THIS stupid.

Yes, the marine is a hero.

Expect more men of action, conscience, and honor to step up and stop society from getting destroyed by the policies and attacks of our would-be communist lords.

Yeah, they can take up their assault rifles and head for their local shopping malls.

Expect more men of action, conscience, and honor to step up and stop society from getting destroyed by the policies and attacks of our would-be communist lords.

Greg the guy at the mall had a gang tatt on his hand most likely one of your Dreamers.

Unarmed and willing seemed to work well in neutralizing a nut on the subway.

No need to waste time with an additional gun-cleaning.

greg, even you can’t be THIS stupid.

You underestimate our resident idiot.

I can see Greg at the subway protest,
“No justice, no peace!” protesters are heard repeated yelling in video. “Abolish the police.”

Ok no one to arrest the Marine. Flipping morons.

greg, even you can’t be THIS stupid.

Greg: “Oh, yes I can. I’ve proven it. Leave me alone.”

Total crock of shit.

Lawyers for NYC Subway Marine Post Statement on Jordan Neely Death – Protesters Won’t Like What It Says

Mr. Neely had a documented history of violent and erratic behavior, the apparent result of ongoing and
untreated mental illness,” the statement said. “When Mr. Neely began aggressively threatening Daniel Penny and other passengers, Daniel, with the help of others, acted to protect themselves, until help arrived. Daniel never intended to harm Mr. Neely and could not have foreseen his untimely death.”

Apparently, Penny is to be charged with manslaughter. Penny deserves all the help he can get and the fascist Soros puppet needs to be denied Penny’s scalp. I have a link to a site that takes donations for Penny’s defense fund. Would it be allowed to post that link here?

Of course he’ll be charged. He choked a homeless mentally ill man to death, who hadn’t touched or directly threatened anyone.

Not to worry. Trump would pardon him.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Of course he’ll be charged. He choked a homeless mentally ill man to death, who hadn’t touched or directly threatened anyone.

Gosh, really? I wonder why a dozen people called 911 to report a man making violent threats and reporting he may have a weapon on him? I guess your premise is that Penny just picked poor, innocent, peaceful Neely, snuck up behind him and spent 15 minutes killing him? Where is the toxicology report? Why did it take OVER 15 minutes for police to respond? Oh… that’s right. Scumbags like AOC, who hire personal security with taxpayer money have the police defunded.

Bragg needs to be on trial, not Penny. AOC needs to be on trial, not Penny. Penny needs to be invited to the White House, as soon as a non-criminal is back in there. He shouldn’t need to be pardoned; he shouldn’t be going through this anxiety and turmoil.

Too bad Neely died, but the failure his death is on the Democrats, not Penny.

My premise is that Penny continued to choke the man long after he’d been subdued and rendered helpless. He choked Neely for 3 minutes while another man held him down.

Unless you’re actively being attacked, release your choke hold after 10 seconds or so. If you continue to apply pressure to your opponent’s neck for 20-30 seconds, you may permanently injure them or even kill them.

That’s because the hold compresses both carotid arteries, which stops any oxygenated blood from reaching the brain.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

My premise is that Penny continued to choke the man long after he’d been subdued and rendered helpless. He choked Neely for 3 minutes while another man held him down.

As long as he was struggling, he was restrained. That’s how it works. You think after he was threatening violence on those around him, throwing garbage at them and telling them he didn’t care if he went to jail for life he was going to be in a better mood after being restrained?

Penny did nothing wrong and is being persecuted because he is white. This is the direct result of Democrat policies, from Neely’s mental illness, him still being on the street to the complete absence of law enforcement. Penny is to be sacrificed as a scapegoat.

That’s it. Thanks.

NEW: Trump Files Notice to Appeal E. Jean Carroll Verdict

The comments he made about her on CNN didn’t improve his appeal chances, nor does such poor judgement inspire much confidence. His lawyers must be shaking their heads, but they’ll continue to take his money.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

Lying skanks should be called lying skanks.

Not if you’re already being sued for saying it, and a jury has already decided it was defamation. People are tired of celebrity and money putting those who have them above the law. As they should be. It’s fundamentally wrong.

Last edited 1 year ago by Greg

It’s not defamation when she has already proven herself to be a lying skank. She obviously lied about being raped. That’s a lying skank.

People are tired of celebrity and money putting those who have them above the law.

Oh… you mean like Sharpton? Hunter? Beyonce’? Alec Baldwin? Hillary?Smollett? Like these shitbags?

Trump has been put below the law, as your celebrities….all Leftwingers, are free to kill people and not be charged.

Trump’s performance at the CNN townhall, against a hostile, regime-licking agent, absolutely inspires confidence for him to truly FINISH THE JOB and flush these criminals out of our government.

Trump 2024. You’ll have to go all the way with your coup, and declare yourselves enemies of the People.

Trump can’t lose a legal election.