The January 6th Hearings Are in Limbo Again for a Laughable Reason


By Bonchie

In the minds of the mainstream media and too-online Democrats, the January 6th hearings are going just great. It doesn’t matter that no actual evidence of an organized coup has been presented. It doesn’t matter that nothing has been shown connecting Donald Trump to the Capitol breach. The orange man is bad, and Liz Cheney said he’s bad during primetime, so the hearings are a success.
Except they aren’t a success. Hyped as a way to send Trump to jail, the hearings have instead offered more of the same emoting we’ve been hearing for a year and a half. That’s left the committee scrambling to find anything that can turn things around, and with one postponement already on the books, the hearings are now being pushed off until after the July 4th recess.

They think you are stupid. Does anyone honestly believe that they are postponing these hearings because they received a magical new tranch of evidence that will finally provide a smoking gun? Or that they are adding more hearings because they couldn’t have possibly foreseen how much there is to cover?
Remember, these things have been planned and scripted out for months. But now, right before the clock strikes midnight, they are reassessing because they’ve just got too much darn evidence to handle.
Come on, no one believes that, and no one should believe that. It’s a pathetic way to brush off the fact that these hearings are falling apart and that the committee is now feeling the pressure to come up with anything that can drag things out. We started this process with promises of direct evidence that Trump organized the unrest on January 6th. All they’ve delivered are delays, confusion, and mumblings about documentary videos.
Who decided to hold the hearings like this anyway? Usually, hearings occur over the course of days in a concise manner in order to keep the public’s attention. For the January 6th committee to try to drag this out over multiple months makes its members look weak and unprepared, unable to deliver on what they promised. The longer they stretch things out, the fewer people will be engaged. Wasn’t the goal to persuade people?
Nothing about this gambit makes any sense. Did the committee really think they could just rant enough that Trump would suddenly be wiped off the national stage? Or is the game here to keep this in the news until the election in hopes it somehow saves Democrats from the coming red wave? Both calculations are asinine. Trump isn’t going anywhere, and as to the election, these hearings have done nothing but make Democrats appear completely out of touch.

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No one cares. This is a Soviet style show trial, nothing more. A complete waste of time that will never find the truth until January 2023 when Republicans begin serious oversight

The truth is staring America straight in the face, and it’s not blinking. Honorable republican witnesses who know what it is from first-hand experience are clearly stating it, under oath, and before God.

If Trump rises again and America fails, you will be the reason.

Last edited 2 years ago by Greg

The lead investigator has punched out with no statement. Thursday prime time moved to daytime, no Friday prime time and maybe they will do something in July.

Gee, I wonder how many skewed-Democrat polls taken by left wing propaganda organs it takes to get me to believe leftist propaganda? Keep trying, scooter.

Democrats pushed the riot. The only evidence being revealed supports that premise.

After all, what crime is he supposed to be charged with? 

Seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to defraud the government of the United states, or obstructing official government proceedings.

Seditious conspiracy, conspiracy to defraud the government of the United states, or obstructing official government proceedings.

Golly, those sound pretty serious. I wonder, why HASN’T he been charged already? It’s been a year and a half. If he’s so dangerous, why isn’t he in solitary confinement with those other dangerous “trespassers”? After all, once again, Schiff HAS the “evidence”.

That’s a f**king wish list, you putz. It’s also a list of the crimes already committed by Democrats, notably some on this very kartoon kangaroo kommittee. It’s nothing more than the two farcical “impeachments” that had no crime, no evidence, no Constitutional basis, just desperate leftist politics.

The j6 group of clowns have absolutely nothing. I cannot wait until those who have been unconstitutionally incarcerated are able the sue the tyrannical government for damages. It will make some wish we had not pissed 40 million into the wind.

I only wish they could sue their imprisoners themselves. I get weary of having to pay for the crimes of those in government I would rather not BE in government. THEY should pay the penalty, not the already overburdened taxpayer.

If only…

If only

Hey stupid. It’s a one sided farce. Soviet style, your favorite kind.

Imagine if we had the Ghislaine Maxwell trial and the only witnesses allowed were Maxwell and her friends? How much evidence of what really happened with Epstein, the Lolita Express and Pedophile Island do you think would have been exposed and who would have cross examined the witnesses and evidence? THAT’S what this January 6th Kartoon Kangaroo Kommittee is; nothing but a bunch of partisans bitching. No semblance of due process or evidence extracted The only things we know is what this version of the Nazi People’s Court wants us to know and what they DON’T want us to know is suppressed.

I watched a video yesterday of a Capital Cop pushing back barricades outside the capital and WAVING protesters forward. I saw videos of Capital Cops opening doors, holding doors open, moving back and forth among the protesters, not impeding them in the least. If this was not a total Democrat set up, or a false flag for some other purpose, THAT should be investigated and revealed. But, this was NOT a planned assault upon the Capital; not planned by the protesters, anyway.

I heard the heart-wrenching testimony of the two Democrat useful idiots that participated in the great State Farm Arena scam. Oh, poor things; they’ve been harassed. Well, sorry, gals, but LOTS of people get harassed, targeted by leftists for not believing in the “proper” things. Some people get harassed for just eating a meal. Spare me, fatso.

Maybe they finally found Ray Epps? Is that why a delay is necessary?

 Politico’s Betsy Woodruff Swan says two Democratic members of Congress have told her that “nobody gives a bleep about January 6.”

This makes sense when you see dems postphone these “hearings.”
Without cross examination and the inclusion of exculpatory evidence, these “hearings” are a sham.
If there were the slightest whiff of interest, they’d be on TV wall-to-wall.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nan G

Yet for some reason it’s making Trump foam at the mouth…

They did the same in Texas a few years back, actually ending a session. The next day, they were caught bringing bottles of the poopie and tinkle into the chambers to throw at Republicans because… you know, they have such respect for the institutions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Deplorable Me