School District Secretly Pushes Sexual Orientation to Eight-Year-Olds Behind Parents’ Backs


By Jeff Charles

It seems that every few days another story emerges showing that progressives are lying when they claim sexuality and gender identity are not being taught to young children without their parents’ knowledge. This one, coming from a California school, further demonstrates why Florida’s Parental Rights in Education law is necessary.
Parents of children in the Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) became incensed when they realized a third-grade teacher was colluding with district officials to instruct eight-year-old students on gender identity and sexuality. Video footage shows these parents castigating the school board at a meeting on April 19.
The parents filed a public records request, which turned up emails showing that the teacher was presenting videos on LGBTQ ideology to their children and making inappropriate comments about nudity. They identified the teacher as Tammy Tiber.
According to the parents and a blog post published by the Gender Identity K-12 Team on Substack, the educator reached out to Glendale Unified School District’s Teaching and Learning Department, after a parent removed her child from a lesson being taught via Zoom on LGBTQ Pride Month.
“Today I talked to my class about LGBTQ pride month and played 2 short videos from YouTube that were geared towards kids,” Tiber’s email read. “A parent who heard the lesson and discussion made her daughter leave Zoom and texted me asking me when I was done discussing sexual orientation so that she could let her kids back into Zoom. I was planning on doing more lessons tomorrow and Wednesday, but now I’m afraid to.”
The teacher provided links to YouTube videos designed to teach children about sexuality. The response from the district was “[d]o not be concerned or afraid,” and “[t]hank you for your bravery!”
At the school board meeting, one of the parents laid out the issue with Tiber’s choice of teaching. She said:

“Instead of this teacher being concerned of what she did wrong, she goes to a district employee and asks for ways of how she can continue to teach sexual orientation to her third grade class. You guys want us to believe that this isn’t a propaganda, that no agenda is being held? This wasn’t just any sexuality class. This was specifically designed three days a week. She taught LGBTQ curriculum in her class.”

The mother continued, highlighting the disrespect Tiber showed for the parents of children in her class. She said:

“It raises the question, how many of those students are excelling in that classroom? Is everybody in that class getting A’s in math, English, grammar, social studies that we can dedicate three days a week to teach eight-year-olds about sexual orientation? I don’t care what kind of sex is being discussed. The word ‘sexuality,’ ‘nudity’ does not belong in the ears in a classroom of eight-year-old kids. And when a parent showed their concern, what does this teacher do? Completely disregards and goes behind the parents back trying to find ways of how to continue these lesson plans.”

Another mother stood up and complained about how the district responded when Tiber reached out for advice on how to continue teaching her class about sexuality. She said:

“This district staffer goes even further and gives more media recommendations to the teacher, but says to steer clear of content that says sexual or coming out, since it may raise red flags. In other words, coaching this teacher on proven methods to push your agenda, but to stay under the radar. Immediately after the release of this email chain, the parents at Jefferson Elementary who have or have had Ms. Tiber as their child’s teacher reached out to the principal and demanded answers.”

The mother added: “Why is gender and sexuality issues being taught to eight-year-olds to begin with?”

As if this weren’t already horrific enough, it gets even worse.
According to the Gender Identity K-12 Team’s Substack post, a group of parents met with GUSD’s administration a week before the email exchange occurred. “The group met regarding the topic of exposing children to topics of gender identity and sexual orientation during elementary school, which parents were concerned was too early for their children,” the authors wrote. They continued:

“The parents were told that their concerns would be taken into consideration and that their voices were heard. One week later, we see in this email that GUSD administrators doubled down on exposing 3rd graders to a very specific gender ideology, even after a parent asked that her child be opted out of the ‘lessons.’”

What is even more egregious about this situation is that California prohibits parents from opting their children out of lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation. You read that right. Parents cannot prevent schools from presenting far-leftist ideas regarding these topics to their small children.
Even worse, California’s public schools are not even required to inform parents ahead of time when they plan to teach these lessons. The parents found out about this after seeing the lesson being taught to her child on Zoom amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

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I am sure Hitler,Stalin and Mao would have approved of his sort of Brainwashing taking place at the echools espeialy with the Global Warming/Climate Change Scam and Greta

What is even more egregious about this situation is that California prohibits parents from opting their children out of lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation. 

It would be interesting to see some evidence for this. Parents can and do opt out of all kinds of things in California schools, including sex ed.

Wouldn’t that be hard to do with the parents being unaware this is going on? The article states they first knew during a zoom lesson during COVID. Imagine where they’d be if the pandemic never happened.

California prohibits parents from opting their children out of lessons on gender identity and sexual orientation

This is the part that needs to be proved. As a teacher in California, I’ve had plenty of parents opt out of family life lessons.

If that assertion is true, there will be a state law or regulation to that effect. Is it there? Can anyone cite it?

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

The California Healthy Youth Act permits parents/guardians to opt out of “all or part” of comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention instruction. Schools must therefore allow parents/guardians to opt their students out of this instruction in its entirety, including all LGBTQ-related content that is taught within comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

I wonder if during the sessions of the “contributions of LGBTQ people in history and social science ” they cover how gays were almost solely responsible for the explosive spread of AIDS in the 1980’s by ignoring the simple “safe sex” practices and also infecting the blood supply. That could be an entire day’s lesson.

Maybe I’m not clear. My question is how can you opt out of something if you don’t know it’s happening? Not whether they can or not by school rules.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mully

Maybe I’m not clear. My question is how can you opt out of something if you don’t know it’s happening? Not whether they can or not.

I’ve never worked in a school or district that didn’t send parent signoffs home for sex ed.-related curriculum. It seems as if the article is trying to make a situation seem widespread when it isn’t. Are there any figures on how often this happens?

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael

I’m not saying that I necessarily agree with this individual, but the topic could spark an interesting discussion among intelligent people, whichever side of the issue they’re on.

This type of teacher is a risk to children. They should not be permitted to teach

Look at this absurd clown. Does anyone believe their primary goal is not just seeking as much attention as they possibly can?

Then when actual human beings object to this pornographic trash being in the school library, they are accused of “banning books”. It is growing increasingly difficult to mingle the normal adults with the perverted, sexually-depraved, grooming psychopathic left.

04/24/22 – California man arrested and charged with making threats against Merriam-Webster Inc. for use of gender-inclusive definitions

A California man was arrested and charged with making threats against Merriam-Webster Inc. for the company’s inclusive language around gender, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts.

Jeremy David Hanson, 34, of Rossmoor, California, was arrested and charged with one count of interstate communication of threats to commit violence, according to a press release. He has been released ahead of a court date on Friday.

Hanson is accused of leaving threatening comments on Merriam-Webster’s website, as well as sending threatening messages via the company’s “contact us” feature.

The comments left by Hanson were made in October, authorities said.

On Oct. 2, he used the username “@anonYmous” to comment on Merriam-Webster’s dictionary entry for the term “female,” authorities said.

“It is absolutely sickening that Merriam-Webster now tells blatant lies and promotes anti-science propaganda. There is no such thing as ‘gender identity.’ The imbecile who wrote this entry should be hunted down and shot,” he allegedly wrote.

It is alleged that in a message sent to Merriam-Webster via the “contact us” function, Hanson wrote the company had altered “the definition of ‘female’ as part of the Left’s efforts to corrupt and degrade the English language and deny reality.”

“Your headquarters should be shot up and bombed. … You evil Marxists should all be killed. It would be poetic justice to have someone storm your offices and shoot up the place, leaving none of you commies alive,” he allegedly wrote.

Yup professors
comment image

Text and reference books being non fiction should maintain scientific fact.
Threats of violence are not an acceptable form of communicating.
“should be” is not a direct threat, if he wrote Im comming for you commie bastards I am going to kill you all, that is indeed a threat. It isnt even as threatening as a DC Congresswoman telling her nutter followers to get into peoples faces. Only as threatening as a President saying bring a gun to a knife fight. Thats just silly frustrated talk.

Yeah, not quite as specific as “I’d like to blow up the White House” or videos of stabbing or shooting the last actually duly elected President the country has had. Selective outrage is NO outrage.

Keep pushing your sick-ass agenda and you’ll push more concerned people over the edge.

It’s not our damn agenda. It’s your damn propaganda meme.

Yes it is, it was on the marxist goal killing the nuclear family. Killing religion, it is about taking away everything but government control. Alensky rules for radicals, divide and conquer. Thing is, it was suppose to be done in secret but people have big mouths think they can brag about it like Schwabb and Soros. With the open attack on parents and toddlers you have wakened a sleeping giant. We out number you, your false religion isnt popular, you can tell by the sifted freaks in your movement. They have announced we will own nothing, there is no one more dangerous than one with nothing to lose.
Locked down in Shanghi, food lines in Italy the religion of socialist communism is unsustainable. You can deny it all you want you are all to stupid to hide it.

Last edited 2 years ago by kitt

you have wakened a sleeping giant. 

Ugh. How many times have you people said that over the past two decades?

Sometimes it takes a while to get fully awake. Colorado school boards to include Denver made major changes in their composition. Liberals were put on the street. Look at Virginia recently.

They have announced we will own nothing, there is no one more dangerous than one with nothing to lose.

But you own stuff now. By your logic, then, you’re not very dangerous at all. Is that the “sleeping giant” you referred to? The Not-Quite-Dangerous Giant? The Giant Waste of Space?

Damn you get testy when you are busted as a commie.
I know you are soaked in toxic estrogen a gelded thing that isnt sure if he is a man.
Highly amusing Mikey, what will you do? You have zero survival skills a pathetic progressive thats always for the new thing what ever that might be.
Remember do not prepare, its silly, the guvmint will take care of you and your family just like the people of Shanghi are being cared for. We have seen this in the summer of love their potting soil farm was so bountiful.

We have seen this in the summer of love their potting soil farm was so bountiful.


Memory of a gerbil? The Portland autonomous the well educated occupiers poured potting soil on a park lawn and tried farming. Pics showed about 50 scraggly plants to feed all those violent dunderheads, hows that show the success of SEL?

I’ve found Leftists only think as they do because they literally don’t know what’s happening in the world. They only know a few weak assertions given by CNN et al and a complete blackout to things like CHOP, antifa, and proven corruption by Biden and the FBI.

I know Nate you can fix ignorance with knowledge you cant fix willful stupidity.

But you own stuff now. By your logic, then, you’re not very dangerous at all. Is that the “sleeping giant” you referred to? The Not-Quite-Dangerous Giant? The Giant Waste of Space?

What are you suggesting? Do Klaus Schwab statements mean nothing?

Would you be concerned if Trillionaires met and discussed how they will sculpt the order of the world and make major economic, production, and power-based decisions…all without any buy in or vote from the citizens in the nations they are bypassing democracy in?

It’s not an “if.”

Published on July 9th, 2020…calling for a “reset” before the pandemic even got going.

“COVID-19: The Great Reset” is a guide for anyone who wants to understand how COVID-19 disrupted our social and economic systems, and what changes will be needed to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward. (ACCORDING TO WHO, UNDER WHAT AUTHORITY, AND ACCORDING TO WHAT DEMOCRATICALLY OBTAINED VOTE?????) Klaus Schwab, founder and executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, and Thierry Malleret, founder of the Monthly Barometer, explore what the root causes of these crisis were, and why they lead to a need for a Great Reset.Theirs is a worrying, yet hopeful analysis. COVID-19 has created a great disruptive reset of our global social, economic, and political systems. But the power of human beings lies in being foresighted and having the ingenuity, at least to a certain extent, to take their destiny into their hands and to plan for a better future. This is the purpose of this book: to shake up and to show the deficiencies which were manifest in our global system, even before COVID broke out.”Erudite, thought-provoking and plausible” — Hans van Leeuwen, Australian Financial Review (Australia)”The book looks ahead to what the post-coronavirus world could look like barely four months after the outbreak was first declared a pandemic” — Sam Meredith, CNBC (USA) “The message that the pandemic is not only a crisis of enormous proportions, but that it also provides an opportunity for humanity to reflect on how it can do things differently, is important and merits reflection”– Ricardo Avila, Portafolio (Colombia) “A call for political change in the post-pandemic world”– Ivonne Martinez, La Razon (Mexico)”History has shown, the book argues, that pandemics are a force for radical and lasting change”– Mustafa Alrawi, The National (UAE)

Emphasis mine, with added comment.

These people mean what they say. They are who they appear to be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Nathan Blue

It’s not our damn agenda. It’s your damn propaganda meme.

Why do you bother LYING about it when the facts are clearly before us? Democrats, many of whom are deviant sexual predators, are pushing an agenda to normalize sexual assault and abuse of children.

LGBTQ Pride Month? What, exactly, is there to proud about? Proud of the sexuality you’ve decided to pursue? What?

I wonder how a curriculum promoting HETEROsexuality would be received? Is there a month left for HETERO-pride? I’m proud to be normal and not imposing my sexual ideology on anyone else. I’m proud to not be a sexual deviant or predator. I think THAT would be worthy of a parade.

comment image?resize=768%2C432&ssl=1
That’s the daughter who later wrote the diary joe wants suppressed.
Notice she’s already on his lap, but she is still an innocent with an open face and full smile.
Later she would feel so filthy that she would become an addict.
She wrote the diary later after realizing how corrupted she’d been made by joe.
So, the teachers’ union is busy corrupting youths much younger so they won’t be writing any guilt-fueled diaries in the future.
It all ties together.