The Washington Post goes full Pravda on Richard Hopkins




The Washington Post has jumped the shark. They are now publishing lies as facts. They are deliberately spreading disinformation. A US Postal worker named Richard Hopkins asserted that supervisors in Erie PA instructed workers to backdate received ballots:

This refers to the allegation that USPS supervisors have instructed postal workers to continue to pick up ballots and intentionally postmark them as coming in on election day.

Richard Hopkins is the whistleblower and postal worker who is now willing to go public, although still hesitant in relation to the consequences of him doing so. Hopkins said, “I’m nervous. I am nervous because this is a big deal.”

At first he was reluctant to come forward but then decided in favor of it. Quickly, investigators descended upon him

The Feds retaliated. They reportedly squeezed and threatened him.


Today the Washington Post tweeted out a story that is 100% false.


How do we know it’s false?

Richard Hopkins says so.

I have said repeatedly that the media cannot be trusted, but this is about as bad as it can get. The Washington Post has gone full Pravda. It is publishing outright lies. You would do well to write them off permanently.

This is a reflection of how bad the electoral situation is. This is the tip of the coming iceberg. They’re not posting the truth because they do not want you to know the truth.

It’s been reported that Hopkins has lost his job? WTF happened to whistleblower protection? GoFundMe shut down Hopkins’ account because of the lies.


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I lived in Fairfax Co. 70 years ago. The Post published lies as “news” in 1950. Who was I to believe? My lying eyes, or the KGB run Post?

New owners but same bigots in charge!

Social media giants claim he has to be lying simply because, as they put it, election fraud is a tiny, rare issue.
And who says that?
Only the Left after they dropped their Russia, Russia, Russia lies.
Another rumor about this poor man is that he has been put on UNPAID leave for an unspecified amount of time.
Talk about being “cancelled” for telling the truth.
Ages ago I pointed out that, according to the koran and islam, the truth was no defense. Disparaging mohammad, islam or a supposedly good muslim was enough for punishment even if the disparagement was true, like a man raping his niece, for instance.
Now the Dems have adopted this basis for guilt.
That means the whistleblower is the guilty one, but not the lawbreaker.

It’s been fun to watch Leftist trolls claiming some kind of “victory” for their Marxist values.

Biden and Company, if they are allowed to illegally occupy the WH, will take down all the media and tech companies that have helped them steal the Oval Office.

Very quickly, I might add.

“I’m not scaring you…but I am scaring you.”


The Washington Compost Fake News 52 weeks a year and 12 months as well

@Nathan Blue: Federal Agent Russell Strasser who interrogated and used coercion tactics on USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins also runs an Anti-Trump burner Twitter account

The Washington Post has jumped the shark. They are now publishing lies as facts.


Massive voter fraud is an open secret. We’ve all anticipated it, we’ve all seen it coming, we’ve all understood that the widespread vote by mail campaign was for no reason but to invite voter fraud. Of course the Democrat media knows it, probably more definitively than we do. They are working diligently to cover it up. There is simply too much of it.

It’s been reported that Hopkins has lost his job? WTF happened to whistleblower protection? GoFundMe shut down Hopkins’ account because of the lies.

Fascist style, people need to be instructed that if they go against the regime, they will face consequences. If Democrats get more power, the consequences will become more severe.

@Nan G:

hat means the whistleblower is the guilty one, but not the lawbreaker.

A whistle blower is only a whistle blower when they serve the liberal agenda. In all other cases, they are criminals. Bonus points when the liberal whistle blower is lying.