A British Disgrace – Ahmadinejad Allowed To Air Alternative Christmas Message


If this idiotic British television station really wanted to give an alternative Christmas message they could very well have aired it before or after Christmas. Instead they allow Achmedanutjob to air his message of whining on Christmas day as a rebuttal to the Queen’s message.


A spokesman for the broadcaster said the message is a spiritual one and includes the president’s wishes for seasonal goodwill.

In it he congratulates followers of Jesus Christ and the people of Britain on the anniversary of Jesus’s birth. He speaks about society’s problems and crises being rooted in its rejection of the message of God’s prophets including Jesus.

He also criticises the “indifference of some governments and powers towards the teachings of the divine prophets, especially those of Jesus Christ”.

Philip Davies MP, a Tory member of the culture select committee, said Channel 4’s decision to broadcast a message from President Ahmadinejad was “completely unacceptable on every level”.

What does he say? Get a load of this crap:

If Christ were on Earth today, undoubtedly He would stand with the people in opposition to bullying, ill-tempered and expansionist powers.

If Christ were on Earth today, undoubtedly He would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists and bullies the world over.


We believe, Jesus Christ will return, together with one of the children of the revered Messenger of Islam and will lead the world to love, brotherhood and justice. The responsibility of all followers of Christ and Abrahamic faiths is to prepare the way for the fulfilment of this divine promise and the arrival of that joyful, shining and wonderful age. I hope that the collective will of nations will unite in the not too distant future and with the grace of the Almighty Lord, that shining age will come to rule the earth.

Such a good fella. Nevermind the terrorism he and his nation are responsible for. Nevermind the nuclear arms race he is dying to start. Nevermind his Holocaust denying. Nevermind the weapons he has sent into Iraq to kill those who brought freedom to Iraq.

Nevermind all that. The world needs to stop bullying them because they are just minding their own business you see.

And to top it all off, the Brits continue to bend over backwards to ensure that their complete conversion to Islam is successful.

Just sad.

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Hey, cool Christmas Flopping graphic!

Merry Christmas everybody!