Chain of fools


Chain, chain, chain
(Chain, chain, chain)
Chain, chain, chain
(Chain, chain, chain)
Chain, chain, chain
(Chain… Chain… Chain..)
(Chain of fools)

Liberals are engaged in a perennial and endless pursuit for things by which they might be offended. Dick Durbin, the feckless democrat Senator from Illinois has jumped aboard the train.

During a press conference on Friday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) recalled how he told President Donald Trump that the term “chain migration” was offensive.

Durbin confirmed an accusation that the president called African countries and Haiti “s—holes” during a Thursday meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers, calling the comments “offensive.”

But Durbin also says he took offense to something else the president said: “When we came to the issue of, quote, ‘chain migration,’ I said to the president, ‘Do you realize how painful that term is to so many people?'”

“African-Americans believe that they migrated to America in chains, and when you speak about chain migration, it hurts them personally,'” he recalled.

Chain immigration is an offensive term? Chains?

What about chain smoking, retail chains, food chain, supply chain, chain rule, chain mail or chain reaction? How about chain of command?

How about chain of fools?

Chains are painful? These must really hurt:




Maybe it’s just me, but these gentlemen do not appear to be suffering.

Ironically, Dick Durbin once advocated the end of chain migration.

Durbin has adapted himself to the mold of the new democrat: shoot your mouth off without thinking and depend on everyone forgetting what you said in the past. And speaking of idiots and chains…


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Yo Dickhead Trump wants to end the Chain. Free America of the chains. Again the soft racism of the left shines through, does he think the blacks believe chain migration is some big ol white guy running around Africa to bring some back in chains? We know they think they are too stupid to find a DMV for a free ID card, are not able to survive without government intervention of all types.
If this is sooooo painful for them why not end it?
Shall we talk about your incredibly unprofessional behavior? Shall we talk about your record of lying about what happens in meetings? Lets talk about you total incompetence in coming up with a policy that is good for the security and safety of America.

When Harry Reid stood in the well of the Senate and accused Mitt Romney of not paying any taxes for at least 10 years, then said of that lie, “well, it worked, didn’t it?” I thought Dems had reached the very bottom of the barrel in terms of scum in elected positions.
I was wrong.
Harry Reid must have a secret book of lessons in how to be scum out there.
Dick Durban is his student, for sure.
And, if Bradley Manning, tranny, gets elected to the Senate, he will join the clown parade.
They all seem sure they can get away with outright lies as long as they’re in the Senate when spreading them.
We need stronger libel and slander laws if there’s any extra protection for Senators.

DJ, banana banana banana banana banana. And by the way, banana.

With trumps latest addition to his long list of racism and admitted goal to “Make America White Again”, I expected you to promote that “everything is racist so therefore nothing is racist and accordingly, trump cannot be racist” snake oil. I didn’t know if you’d come up with something in the form of someone saying “Oreo” or a Dem asking someone to pass the fried chicken or a Dem captured on Facebook eating a slice of watermelon or Hannity making a case of a liberal saying the snow was white but it looks like you’re off to a good start.


Biden is a stupid blabbering pea-brain its his own Demac-Rat Party that were Slave Owners and founders of the KKK the late Robert Byrd was a Grand Lizard(Wizard)in the KKK and Woodrow Wilson was a Racsist Demac-Rat

@Ajay42302: Here is your big chance how is ending chain migration making America White again?


Here is your big chance how is ending chain migration making America White again?

Enter stage right rodeo clown # 1 to distract from the epic failure exposed of Dr, John. Do you sock-puppets even try? Must you all adapt to the same childish Bill default?

Hoping your reading and comprehensive skills are better than your ability to create a constructive sentence in English, Dr John’s screed pertained more to the reaction of the term “Chain Immigration” than on the actual argument of family reunification which allows U.S. citizens, immigrants, or green card holders to petition for visas for their immediate family members.


Enter stage right rodeo clown # 1

Ha I’m #1 everyone whoo hoooo!
He has nothing constructive, as proof he calls names (stick and stones) and used up tattered english language or spelling hits. I gave you 1 question… 1, one, uno and you cant form a rational thought.
Try this one, why are you so racist that you dont think there is a singe colored person that could apply for citizenship that would have useful skills?


Try this one, why are you so racist that you dont think there is a singe colored person that could apply for citizenship that would have useful skills?

Now, hold that thought while we revisit Mully coming to your rescue just yesterday:

@Ajay42302: Why don’t you answer Kitt? is honesty that foreign to you?

Probably because any possible answer to any of the dozen or so questions asked or alluded to in that hodgepodge of word salad rhetorical gibberish would once again be met with denial, spin, lies, or just disregarded. I can pretty much lip sync from the playbook you cloned sockpuppets use in advance. Yes, you really are that obvious- considering you invoked the need for honesty.

It appears that not only do you not seem to know who you’re talking to (as you switch from 1st person to 2nd to “we” and all points in between) but you seem to be struggling with the definition of “Chain Immigration” and how or why it pertains to the argument at hand. You do understand “rhetoric”, right?

I’ll likely put you on the “Bill ignore list” as you’ve too seemed to have become full blown stupid and I have no interest in playing along with your “why do you beat your wife” distractions. I do understand the ploy but I’ll just stick to exposing the fraudulence of DJ and ignore his distracting sock-puppets.


With trumps latest addition to his long list of racism and admitted goal to “Make America White Again”

You are a liar that never answers to questions about your lies, which makes you a coward as well. The best thing for you to do is shut up.

This is merely yet ANOTHER attempt by the left to silence discussion on a subject to which they have no defense by redefining the terms as offensive and, thus, not to be discussed. Well, I have ceased to care or worry about whether or not people who use being offended as their first line of defense are offended.

We have learned that Trump did not use the term “shithole” in his meeting, so the disparaging remark is the opinion of the person that accused and attributed it to Trump. This is most likely Durbin.

@kitt: Come on, kitt. AJ doesn’t respond to challenges to his lies… he just lies, then runs away.

@Ajay42302: @kitt: See? See any address of the basis for his lies? Nope. Only cowardice.


I’ll likely put you on the “Bill ignore list”

Because you are a coward and you cannot debate with me. Your Soros-provided responses cannot come in fast enough to debate someone armed with facts, so you scurry off like a roach frightened by the illumination shined upon it.

@Ajay42302: Rather than the ignore list try to form a thought and express that thought, you make statements with no evidence.
Chain migration, children move away from home the family does not follow them into the college dorm room, or apartment. If the thought of leaving family or the basement is too much for them let them stay.
Perhaps your mindless attacks on persons here could be expounded on with some form of rationality. ” I disagree because” would be a starting point to better your communication. Unfortunate you dont see your own racism and bigotry feelings are not fact. A child feeling chips, soda and candy would be the best dinner is how we see liberals. Liberals encouraging the very unscientific more than 2 sexes or trans-species trend, its mental illness. They are the Parents that let the childs teeth rot and brain degrade from malnutrition.
I wish you would step away from attacks and post opposition and reasons why.

@Ajay42302: You show yourself to be racist.
Racists are usually the angry type. You fit that mold to a T. That’s just for starters with you.

On the other hand everyone should be free to express a rational thought and perhaps sway another person to a different opinion, or just remain an F-grade troll.


He will not and cannot match wits with Bill

Dr. John: Obama lied which is why I hate him so.

AJ: But Trump lies more. What about that?

Bill: Tell us AJ, what is today?

AJ: Sunday. But what does that have to do with DJ’s hypocrisy?

Bill: What don’t you answer the question, what is today?

AJ: Sunday

Bill: You are a liar and a coward for not answering the question. What is today?

AJ: ?

Bill: See, AJ is a liar and coward.

AJ: I continue to answer but you seem to make some game of it, as if you’re intentionally distracting my exposure of DJ as a hypocrite.

Bill: Exactly, you’re catching on. Now, what is today?

Dr John: AJ will not and cannot match wits with Bill

@Ajay42302: Instead of spending all that energy showing how stupid, obtuse and cowardly you are, why didn’t you simply answer the questions (or some… or a few… or ONE) requesting you to substantiate your statements or admit to being a liar? You’ve never answered any of the questions, and your little play there is yet another lie.

Oh… that’s right. Because you are a cowardly liberal liar.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: An interesting study a cure for conservatives, study concludes you need to have part of your brain shut off to become liberal. No known cure for liberalism, keep working scientists there may yet be hope for the poor unfortunate souls.
It could be brain damage that liberals have.

Prefrontal Cortex Damage Can Lead To Violent Behavior

What’s the source? Is it hearsay? Guess it is hearsay. But countries without proper sewer systems are in bad shape. Will Durbin retire to Jamaica or Haiti?

@Benjamin Harrison: People crapping on sidewalks look no further than our democrat run cities, Denver just decriminalized it (what are they high?), Seattle, San Diego, LA and of course Berkeley
But we know the Democrats are the most compasionate people

@kitt: I have pointed out before, at the risk of sounding cruel, that Gabby Gifford was shot in the head and could still function as a liberal. James Brady was shot in the head and BECAME an anti-2nd Amendment liberal. It is apparent that a healthy and functioning brain is not necessary equipment for a liberal, only the ability to repeat what they have been told and not question it.

@kitt: hey kitt guess what jake tapper admitted Trump did NOT say sh%thole. It was all made up . MAGA

@Enchanted: A liberal Democrats lips were moving, no shock.

@Enchanted: @kitt: Yet, like the false assertion that Trump said all immigrants are criminals, liberals will continue to cling to this lie because, first, lies serve their purposes and second, it supports their racist prejudices.