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Quit making excuses for them, just stop. They are on a mission One World Government.
Read their guide book or manifesto, Rules for Radicals.

I suppose the left believes that when they accuse someone else of the ideology, opinions and actions they embrace, it cleanses them of those stains. It doesn’t.

The left is employing all the communist and Nazi best practices; outrageous propaganda that if they repeat it often and loudly enough, their sycophants will believe and repeat it, voter fraud, illegal activities and fascist, violent tactics are all in their playbook and all employed. Yet, these are the very affronts they accuse conservatives of.

I think this indicates the death spiral of the Democrat party, taken over as it is by the far left. The neo-Nazi, fascist, violent, lying faction cannot expire fast enough.

Black Lives DON’T Matter.
If blacks cared a whit about black lives they wouldn’t want to see Planned Parenthood funded for another day.

And, BTW, when people have met Donald Trump, how do they feel about him?
Homosexual Boy George:
Boy George blasted Trump’s “mean-spirited” detractors.
“You know what — as somebody who has a past — I think it’s really wrong and mean-spirited to be so abusive,” Boy George told the Associated Press.

Many female executives praise Trump for encouraging their career growth and creating a positive work environment for them.
“I just thought he was phenomenal. So supportive and encouraging.”
Donald Trump told one female executive, “a good woman is better than 10 good men.”

As to Liberals and their mouths…
Seems to me a lot of people are struggling to understand why an astroturfed mob acts like it does.
Of course, there’s the money.
But, more than that, there’s the demonic action of the mob mentality which rubs off from one bad actor to the next.
Antifa protesters literally get caught on camera frothing at the mouth, cussing uncontrollably, writhing in an out-of-control manner.
Could be demonic possession.
Sounds like it.

@Nanny G: Well, those are people not trying to sell a decrepit and failing ideology, desperate to make the opposition appear more amoral and villainous than they themselves actually are.

Hearing a liberal speaking with their irritating high pitched voices is like fingernails on a blackboard

she is an idiot