The Biden denial dam bursts


The left’s excuses for Biden’s pathetic performance last week at first poured like booze at a frat party. Then, little by little, the dam began to crack. Now it has burst.

Despite being at Camp David for more than a week, Biden blamed jet lag for his failure. His family blamed Biden’s staff. Now facing the reality that continued denial would be a complete farce and embarrassment, democrats are coming to terms with the truth – Biden is unfit for office. This should have been addressed as soon as SCO Robert Hur concluded that Biden was not mentally fit to be tried for violating the Espionage Act but somehow was fit for the Presidency. Now, frankly, as Carol King might say, it’s too late, baby, now it’s too late.

Joe Manchin (D-WV) was ready to call for Biden to step down after the debate but was asked to hold back:

Sen. Joe Manchin had planned to publicly call on President Biden to step aside after last week’s train wreck debate, but top Democrats got wind and convinced him not to — as a growing number of White House officials say they are “freaking the f–k out,” according to reports.

The West Virginia senator — who recently left the Democratic Party and slammed the “partisan extremism” in politics — had let slip to allies that he was going to use a TV news appearance on Sunday to demand the 81-year-old president throw in his re-election campaign, the Washington Post reported, citing multiple sources.

But senior Democrats quickly assembled a “full-court press” as they scrambled to prevent him from becoming the first prominent elected official allied to the party to break from Biden, the sources said.

Twenty-five House democrats – the most at risk in the fall- are now prepared to call for Biden to step down. A poll found that one-third of democrats now feel that Biden should step down.

Biden has sought to portray himself a nice guy and I’ve said here that he is instead a prick. He is a prick.

Some White House staffers have been forced to tiptoe around President Biden when briefing him on certain topics because they want to avoid eliciting his wrath and are “scared s–tless” of him, a new report says.

“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’”a senior administration official told Politico, referring to how some of the 81-year-old president’s aides feel they have to walk through a minefield before briefings to avoid him getting angry with them.

“It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing,” the source said. “Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared s—less of him.”

Now he is an addle-brained prick.

A whole lot of us are due an apology. Clinton water boy George Stephanopoulos owes Nikki Haley an apology:

Following the debate debacle Biden has continued his mendacious ways:

During the debate, Biden claimed that he was motivated to run for president in light of the debunked narrative that Trump had referred to neo-Nazis and white nationalists as “very fine people.”

The longstanding narrative was corrected by left-wing fact-checker Snopes days ahead of the debate. Trump himself explicitly stated in his 2017 remarks that white nationalists and neo-Nazis should be “condemned totally.”

“I said I wasn’t going to run again until I saw what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. People coming out of the woods carrying swastikas on torture and and singing the same antisemitic bile they sang when back in Germany,” he said. “They asked [Trump], they said, ‘What? What do you think of those people’… He said, ‘I think there’s fine people on both sides.'”

As Donald Trump remarked:

‘I really don’t know what he said – and I don’t think he does either’

The calls for Biden to step down may continue, but replacing him would be a yuge task. Court challenges will fly all around. Then who do they pick? Kamala Harris? A good friend of mine- a liberal- said to me “she must not become President.” He’s right. She is a scatterbrained idiot, absolutely not of Presidential timber. On top of that, dumping her would lead to all kinds of racism accusations.

Which would all be great fun for many of us. But it seems unlikely that Lady MacBiden would condescend to have Joe step down.

That might be the biggest hurdle of all.


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