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“We finally beat Medicare”


“We finally beat Medicare”

That is an exact quote. That is the moment many people in the country realized what the rest of us already knew. Joe Biden is not up to the job. This is why he wasn’t allowed to conduct a real press conference. This is why he needs notecards in every meeting with foreign leaders. This is why the Muppet does all the talking for him.  Right away you knew something was wrong with Biden- the staccato cadence, trying to spit out the memorized talking points while they remained in his head, the confusion, the blank stare. It was all downhill. There was no upside.

As I watched I saw it coming. He hinted at it first and then fell right into it. He repeated the lie about Charlottesville- about Trump praising neo-Nazis. I wrote about this seven years ago. The NY Times and Politifact lied about it then and maintained that lie until just recently. Finally, Politifact, after seven years, properly branded the story as false. Biden’s handlers had to have known this and had to have told Biden not to say it. and still he went there.

He was wrong about Roe vs Wade. Roe was always bad law, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed with that.

Biden asserted that those voting for Trump were voting against democracy. That would be at least half the country- voting against democracy?

This was inexplicable

Biden said he was endorsed by the Border Patrol

When Biden said that Trump had “the morals of an alley cat” I would have responded “An alley cat? Your own daughter said you molested her. Care to address that?” I think Biden would have melted down on the spot.

But this was the moment it was over.

This from Jacqui Heinrich on X

VERY well-connected Democratic source tells me  – the house and Senate are the GOP’s for now -everyone is freaking out – he needs to go – but no way they replace him unless he agrees

Tapper and Bash surprised me. Although they tried to save Biden a couple of times, they did a pretty good job.

Through the debate, the drugs they administered to Biden wore off. All that was missing was Barack Obama leading Biden off the stage.

Will he stay in the race? Well, let’s ask Jill:

OMG Is this real?

Please note that Jill treats Joe like a child at a birthday party, or a fading old uncle. Today at a rally Biden made clear that he is going to remain in the race. And he wasted no time going back to his lying theme.



His reelection cannot happen. America learned what world leaders already know- that he is a basket case. Biden is functional only when the words are visible on a teleprompter and sometimes not even then. He cannot process without it. He is not capable of fulfilling the duties of the Presidency. It’s Jill who is pushing him on. The stiff gate, the staccato speech, the inability to process – it’s suggestive of Parkinson’s.

Putin and Xi know this already. Man of us knew it long ago. It must not continue. The country deserves better.

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