Why Is Time Kaine (D-VA) Campaigning for his Opponent?


I get plenty of emails from politicians, and most go straight to my spam folder. They get repetitious, regardless of which side they’re from. I let Tim Kaine into my Inbox since he’s one of my state’s Senators, and it’s always interesting to follow the father of a terrorist. So with Hung Cao winning the Republican nomination for Virginia, Kaine wasted no time reaching out to me:

Folks, I wanted to make sure you saw this message from my campaign team about my opponent. Take a look, because this is so important. We cannot let him anywhere near the U.S. Senate — and with GOP money pouring into Virginia and Donald Trump determined to flip us red, we’re going to have a fight on our hands.

Flip Virginia Republican? You have my attention!

After a few links that mysteriously suggest donating to Kaine’s campaign, he proceeds to seemingly endorse his opponent:

It’s official.

Cao is a self-described MAGA supporter. And he’s earned that label with flying colors:

He’s endorsed by Donald Trump.

OK, and that’s supposed to get me to vote for Kaine instead of Cao?

He wants to ban abortion nationwide, dismantle the Affordable Care Act, and put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block.

Abortion’s not one of my top issues, but OK. Repealing Obamacare? Heck yeah! And Putting any “XX program on the chopping block” is Leftspeak for “Actually trying to reform unsustainable programs instead of sticking future generations with the bill.” You had me at Hello!

He wants to release and even seek compensation for convicted January 6th insurrectionists.

Hey, you’ve already sold me! You don’t need to keep closing!

Cao is a self-described MAGA supporter. And he’s earned that label with flying colors:

Damn straight! Where can I donate or volunteer for his campaign?

This isn’t Hung Cao’s first rodeo. He ran for Congress unsuccessfully in 2022 but showed impressive fundraising skills with his connections to right-wing donors.

Now, he’s sure to have even more financial support as Trump’s hand-picked candidate.

Remember, there’s no math that keeps Democrats in the Senate majority without Virginia

OK, now you’re just piling on!

Has anyone else been getting these strange emails from Democrats?




Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Amusingly tone deaf, isn’t it?