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The Cost of Joe Biden

This Memorial Day Weekend, it seems like every news outlet from YouTube to the New York Times is talking about President Trump’s rally in the Bronx. No Republican has won there in over 100 years. It’s deep deep blue territory. Still, he’s not looking to be President of the red hat people. He was President of the United States before, and despite being undermined by his opponents to the maximum levels, he still worked to Make America Great Again for all Americans. By every statistic, he did more than President Biden.

Oh, there’s no shortage of people who will debate that, but as MSNBC and CNN reporters found out at the rally, the polls and stats don’t compare with what people tell them. The issues that bother Americans are the issues that are felt directly by Americans. Can a person afford a new car, or house, or washing machine? Can a person afford food, or are they waiting in line at church parking lots for free food donations? Can they afford higher education for their kids, and should they? What will happen to us, to our families?

There’s the rub. It’s been President Biden’s job to make life better. He promised he could do it, and he promised he would do it. As Vice President, he and President Obama came to office based on three things: 1) they were going to end the war in Iraq on Day 1. 2) For a stick, they were going to make life better for their supporters by shooting down opponents by playing the race card and intersectionality games. Finally, 3)most of all, they had a carrot. They promised HOPE and CHANGE. President Biden tossed HOPE and CHANGE to the wayside in 2020. Instead, he campaigned from his basement, and he promised to be the great Uniter.

President Biden does not like the American people-PERIOD. He likes the people who donate to his campaigns. He likes the people who keep him in power (usually so they can remain in power). Likewise, he puts up with his supporters. Everyone else is dead to him. He can’t stand the mass media and fears them-it’s not uncommon to see his hands shake when he faces them. On the other hand, the Great Uniter never misses an opportunity to do 2 things: complain about how Mega-Maga Republicans are a threat to the United States of America, and he likes to mention all the different ways his son died. And sleep. He likes to vacation and sleep.

Meanwhile, the American people struggle. Every year that Biden has been President has cost the avg American family $12000 more than it did during the Trump years. The cost of living is that high, and the quality of jobs is that low. $48,000 is nothing to the people in DC and NYC, nothing to the nation’s elites and its leaders, but the rest of us can’t afford it. His first year, people emptied their savings to keep up. The second year, they maxxed out credit cards to keep up. The third year Americans began tapping into retirement savings just to get by. This fourth year we’ve been seeing more and more theft and violence in poorer areas as people.

Then come the excuses. He blames today’s problems-four years after taking office-on the pandemic. History doesn’t lie. The vaccine came out long before he took office. Cases continued-and even continue today, but the number of covid deaths was also grossly exaggerated. Face masks never worked. The vaccine didn’t stop the spread. It barely even helped to protect those who got it. Supply Chain issues, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and of course those evil threats to democracy (half the American people) the Mega-Maga-Nazis…all excuses. Meanwhile, waiting in line for free food packages at the church parking lot, an average American might wonder? How problems seem to have stalled the entire Federal govt, but they can all still go on vacation once a month-or every other weekend in President Biden’s case?

Across the board, people on both sides of the aisle are losing faith in our Federal institutions. Whether one believes 2016 or 2020 was a stolen election, either way the people who believe one or the other have lost faith in the electoral process. Half the country believes that President Trump is guilty of working with the Russians to get elected, or believes his two impeachments or the hundred or so legal charges. The other half believes that Hunter is getting special treatment, Biden should be impeached, that the DOJ acted like the mob during Crossfire Hurricane, and that Bill, Hillary, Obama, Biden, Pence, and Trump all had classified materials at home, and only Trump deserved to be charged? Either way, faith in the judicial system has collapsed. Faith in the military has collapsed after being routed from Afghanistan and pushing DEI and drag queens for recruitment. Faith in any sort of spending is long gone as President Biden and Dems put $10 million million dollars into the country, and while people still get taxed (even more), we have a million people sleeping in tents on sidewalks, and tens of millions living below the poverty line. Congress is pathetic, with a member making fun of another’s eyelashes only to get a racist rap and worse rhetoric from multiple members on the other side. There was even a member of Congress who pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote, then successfully argued that he was too stupid to know the difference between a fire alarm and a door button. Every institution has lost the faith of both sides of the American people.

On this day in 1961, President Kennedy started the Mercury astronaut program and began mankind’s trip to The Moon. President Biden is at home eating ice cream and (since polls show he’s losing support from African American voters) he’s changing Memorial Day weekend to a time of remembrance of George Floyd, the career criminal and woman beater who died in police custody after taking fentanyl. America’s veterans take a back seat to him this Memorial Day weekend.

Hope, and change, and unity are gone. The only hope people can have is that if Biden is re-elected, and we all have to pay another $48,000 over the next 4yrs, maybe he’ll forgive our mortgage payments in lieu of paying us back $100grand as The Cost of Joe Biden.

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