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The Week in Radical Leftism, 05/03/2024

Welcome back to Day 1201 of America held hostage by the Biden* Regime! Another light post, as IRL got in the way of my blogging this week. But I did manage one new post, in the ICYMI. On to the crazy:

4/22 – Is New York City in 2024 Better or Worse Than Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692?

4/25 – Will Jewish Voters Stop Voting for the Democrats Who Want to Kill Them?

4/26 – Half of Population Condemns Man Who Stood By Idly While a Woman Was Attacked; The Other Half Asks, What Did You Expect?

4/27 – The D.C. Court’s fiendish plan if the Supremes overrule J6ers’ 1512(c)(2) convictions


Respectfully disagree. The “Greater” of these Evils would never have this much power if the “lesser” had done their freakin’ jobs.

4/29 – Middle-Class Americans Don’t Care What Paul Krugman’s Charts Say About Inflation

4/29 – October 7 Massacre Projected on Screen at UCLA Anti-Israel Encampment

4/30 – Biden Now Trying to Mandate that All Business MUST Use Fake Transgender ‘Pronouns’

5/1 – Napa Valley’s Famous Wineries Revolt Against Eco-Activist Bureaucrats

5/2 – Dem Judge Claims Conservative Lawyer is “Threat to Public” for Representing Conservatives

5/3 – The Neo-Nazi Left

What exactly is this “Neo” Nazi Left? (Copulate) Godwin’s Law! I’m not being hyperbolic when I ask Lefties to explain how todays Democrats don’t resemble the National Socialist Workers’ Party from 90 years ago?

ICYMI – Who’s Standing up for the Kids? THESE Guys!

Have a great weekend!

Brother Bob is no longer on Facebook (although you can see his archives there), and is back on Twitter again, but is ramping up on Minds and Gab, and has his biggest presence on MeWe.

Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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