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What the hell does it take to indict a democrat?

The score is now 2 to 1. The two-tiered justice system strikes again. It showed its ugly face back in July of 2016 when James Comey charged down the field and first and goal on the 1.

And punted. I wrote about that.

Tell me if this sounds familiar. Comey let Hillary Clinton off the hook despite her using BleachBit to destroy computer files and a hammer to destroy I-phones. She kept classified documents in her toilet where they were accessed at least 5 times by foreign actors. She was guilty of mishandling of classified information and obstruction of an investigation.

And nothing.

Over a period of forty years as a Senator and VP Joe Biden steals classified documents from a SCIF, leaves them over seven places for foreign actors to access and shares them with a ghostwriter. He had zero authority to do any of it.

He was not exonerated but rather let off because he’s incompetent to stand trial. democrats furiously argue that he is not mentally impaired. OK, then indict him.

Matt Gaetz got Hur to admit Biden has lied repeatedly

MATT GAETZ: Joe Biden said, “I guarantee I did not share classified information.” That’s not true, is it?

HUR: “That is inconsistent with the findings.”

MATT GAETZ: Joe Biden said, “All the classified documents were in lockable filing cabinets.” That’s not true, is it?

HUR: “That was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation.” MATT GAETZ: “Among the places Mr. Biden’s lawyers found classified documents in the garage was a damaged open box.”

Biden could not remember what a fax machine was. Nor could he remember what year Beau Biden died or when he left office as VP.

President Biden: And, so what was happening, though – what month did Beau die? Oh, God, May 30th –

Ms. Cotton: 2015.

Unidentified Male Speaker: 2015.

President Biden: Was it 2015 he had died?

Unidentified Male Speaker: It was May of 2015.

President Biden: It was 2015.

Mr. Bauer: Or I’m not sure the month, sir, but I think that was the year.

Mr. Krickbaum: That’s right, Mr. President. It –

President Biden: And what’s happened in the meantime is that as – and Trump gets elected in November of 2017?

Unidentified Male Speaker: 2016.

Unidentified Male Speaker: ’16.

President Biden: ’16, 2016, All right. So – why do I have 2017 here?

Mr. Siskel: That’s when you left office, January of 2017.

There was much talk about “willful intent.” Back in 2017 Biden told his ghost writer that he “found a bunch of stuff” (classified materials) in his basement. He did not return the documents after having “discovering” them.  Seems to me that is clearly “willful intent” to retain them. Hur did find evidence of willful intent.

special counsel report released Thursday found evidence that President Joe Biden willfully retained and shared highly classified information when he was a private citizen, including about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, but concluded that criminal charges were not warranted.

Again, because Biden was deemed incompetent to stand trial.

democrat spent a lot of time hyperventilating trying to put distance between what Trump and Biden did.

There is no difference. Well, there is. As President, Trump had domain over all classified information. democrats spent the day today as they have in the past, arguing Trump obstructed justice.

Trump has never been charged with obstruction. He is charged with mishandling documents. Just like Biden did.

All of this caused Gaetz to vent:

What does it take for Republicans to be treated equally under the law?  I’m no lawyer but it seems to me that Trump could seek to have Jack Smith’s case dismissed based on the 14th Amendment.

What does it take?

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