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The Attorney General of the US promises to destroy the integrity of the vote in November


I told you this was coming. You know how people keep telling you that it’s ridiculous to assert illegal aliens will be voting this year?

It’s not and Merrick Garland is going to make it happen.

Eight million illegal aliens are poised to vote come November and Garland will be making sure they do. He promised to fight voter integrity laws all across the country.

Speaking at a Selma church service to mark the anniversary of the attack by Alabama law officers on civil rights demonstrators, Garland recounted the history of voting rights since the end of slavery – a history which, he told the crowd, has “never been steady” for Black Americans and “other voters of color.”

He lamented that in recent years, certain measures such as voter ID laws and redistricting maps have made it harder “for millions of eligible voters to vote and to elect the representatives of their choice.”

“Those measures include practices and procedures that make voting more difficult; redistricting maps that disadvantage minorities; and changes in voting administration that diminish the authority of locally elected or nonpartisan election administrators,” Garland told worshippers at Selma’s Tabernacle Baptist Church, the site of one of the first mass meetings of the voting rights movement. “Such measures threaten the foundation of our system of government.”

Garland said the DOJ was “fighting back.” He pointed to having doubled the number of lawyers in the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division, and his legal challenges to state and jurisdictions to implement when he deemed “discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary restrictions on access to the ballot, including those related to mail-in voting, the use of drop boxes, and voter ID requirements.

80% of Americans favor voter ID. The Carter-Baker commission of 2005 supported photo ID for voters and said voter ID was not an undue burden.

In 2005, the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform led by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker concluded that our “electoral system cannot inspire public confidence if no safeguards exist to deter and detect fraud or to confirm the identity of voters.” As a result, the Carter-Baker Commission recommended that states adopt a photo identification system with three key features: 1) require voters to present a valid government-issued photo identification card; 2) provide identification cards free of charge to voters who do not otherwise have them; 3) allow voters who fail to provide the required identification to cast a provisional ballot, which will be counted if they later certify their identity.

The Commission felt photo voter ID was of great import.

“The right to vote is a vital component of U.S. citizenship, and all states should use their best efforts to obtain proof of citizenship before registering voters,” the commission’s report stated. “In close or disputed elections, and there are many, a small amount of fraud could make the margin of difference.”

Far from seeing a photo ID requirement as a negative, the commission said it could become a path to even greater access to the ballot.

“To prevent the ID from being a barrier to voting, we recommend that states use the registration and ID process to enfranchise more voters than ever,” the executive summary of the commission’s report states. “States should play an affirmative role in reaching out to non-drivers by providing more offices, including mobile ones, to register voters and provide photo IDs free of charge. There is likely to be less discrimination against minorities if there is a single, uniform ID, than if poll workers can apply multiple standards.”

The Commission also recommended paper ballots

  • A national system to connect state and local voter registration lists
  • Voter identification based on a universally available REAL ID card
  • Policies to improve voter access for all communities, as well as innovations like vote centers and voter information lookup sites
  • Stronger efforts to combat fraud, especially in absentee voting
  • Auditable paper backups for all voting technology

What this means if that Garland is going to disallow any charges of voter fraud unless a Republican wins. It’s going to free up voter fraud on a galactic scale.

Many municipalities already permit illegal aliens to vote in local elections and many also allow illegals to obtain driver’s licenses. A driver’s license is the path to motor voter registration. There is no other country on Earth that allows illegals to vote but this is the reason Biden is flooding the country with illegals and dems are pushing for amnesty, green cards and voting rights.

To create a one party fascist state in control forever. After all, illegals already have decided to vote in favor of Biden.

Every fraudulent vote tears away the rights of Americans. Every potential illegal alien vote neutralizes the vote of an American citizen. If Trump loses in November, Americans are screwed. If the GOP loses the House in November, democracy is dead in this country.

Garland’s intentions should enrage every American.

Things for which one must have an ID


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