Biden Email Bombshell – Bigger than Clinton’s Scandal


Brendan Smialowski/AFP

2021 was the year that brought Hunter Biden’s laptop into the limelight. What it unveiled was not surprising knowing the level of corruption in the Biden family. It revealed that while Joe Biden held the position of vice president, he operated a network of private email accounts for official business. Among these accounts, the aliases,, and were responsible for a whopping 82,000 pages of email exchanges – that’s more than what Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server, as confirmed by the National Archives.

But the real twist in this tale? The Archives had been keeping this secret. It took the bold action of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, a conservative nonprofit, to file a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act to unearth this trove of emails, spanning eight years. Brace yourself; it’s going to be a time-consuming journey to sift through these records.

NARA has completed a search for potentially responsive documents and is currently processing those documents for the purpose of producing non-exempt portions of any responsive records on a monthly rolling basis,

The document says that NARA and the plaintiffs are teaming up to find ways to make the email release faster. They hope to do it before the 2024 election.

Government officials use of private email for official business is discouraged under the law, and officials like Biden are required to preserve all government-related emails conducted on their private accounts under the Federal Records Act. The fact that NARA has such a large collection suggests Biden gave those emails to the nation’s history-preserving agency.

The total revealed by the Archives, however, is stunning in size, even dwarfing the total from the most infamous private email scandal in American history involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which also involved government business on Obama’s watch

So far, they are claiming that no secret stuff has been found in Biden’s emails but Special Counsel Robert Hur is looking into how Biden handled classified documents back when he was Vice President. And on top of that, Republicans are searching for records about what the Biden family did overseas, so these 82,000 emails might spice up their investigations into corruption in Congress.

Republicans have asked NARA for an un-redacted document that indicates that then-Vice President Biden took a call with the president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, on May 27, 2016.

Republicans say the document was emailed to ‘Robert L. Peters’ with Hunter Biden copied.

At the time, top Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was investigating oil company Burisma Holdings for corruption – the same company that Hunter was a sitting board member of.

Their demands come after Hunter Biden’s ex-business partner Archer testified before the House Oversight Committee earlier this month that Joe Biden’s ‘brand’ protected Burisma because ‘people would be intimidated to mess with them.’

Smoking gun incoming?

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The American people must see the content of the emails. Obviously they point to a diabolical criminal organization the specialized in money laundering.

The yoga a wedding preparation excuses have already been used.

biden is guilty of treason.

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

Half a Million Illegals Expected Each Month – Another 6 Million Invaders by Election Day – Steve Bannon Responds in Epic Rant

Last edited 8 months ago by TrumpWon

Shock Poll: Trump Leading Biden 40 to 17 Percent Among Arab-Americans as Support for Biden Collapses Over Support for Israel After Hamas Terror Attack

Yeah. Your identity. There aren’t many celebrities who DON’T routinely use pseudonyms, idiot. Can’t you figure out why?

You don’t use a pseudonym unless you’re trying to hide something.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Why do you suppose they’re throwing out this bit of information without showing the e-mails they were used on?

And then we have this garbage:

Congressional Republicans this year have revealed the existence of a confidential FBI file from a credible source alleging that Zlochevksy also paid a $10 million bribe to the now-president and his son amid Shokin’s probe.

A confidential file, from a credible source, that alleges…

Utter bullshit. If they had it, they’d effin’ show it. They haven’t revealed a damn thing but their own willingness to deceive—and their unflattering opinion about the gullibility of their target audience.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

Hey only wikileaks shows the emails.

They did show it, in a somewhat redacted 1023 form.

This? It’s a record of what an unnamed source alleged transpired at a meeting 4 or 5 years earlier—the source wasn’t sure—with Hunter Biden present. The meeting was conducted in Russian—a language Hunter Biden doesn’t speak. It sounds like an exchange between a number of shady characters. There’s no verification of the truth of anything.

I’m of the opinion that Hunter Biden was running a scam, peddling purely imaginary influence, and that Joe Biden didn’t know a damn thing about it. Tapes of conversations are alleged to exist. Fine. Produce the tapes.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

The answer is FOIA you ignorant cur.
They are not celebrities they are public servants on our dime, they spy on us, we should know what is up with them.
Barry used fake identity when emailing his SOS.

Last edited 8 months ago by kitt

Why aren’t they showing any of the incriminating emails Biden sent using pseudonyms, then? Think really hard. Even a blind squirrel must occasionally find an acorn.

I can’t think of anything that incriminates Joe Biden that they actually have showed you. Not one damn thing.

All of this b.s. is intended to counterbalance Trump’s four criminal trials and 91 felony counts supported by testimony and evidence vetted by four separate Grand Juries. The morons have even mounted an impeachment investigation without any evidence supporting it—because Trump was himself impeached twice for damn good reason.

Meanwhile—if we want to provide aid to Israel, we’ve got to agree to cut the IRS enforcement budget:

10/31/23 – House Republicans aim to pay for Israel aid with cuts to IRS funds

Seriously? Evidently Hama isn’t the only crew of lunatics taking hostages.

Last edited 8 months ago by Greg

You are a raving bloody idiot. Take your medication then suck on your binky.

Why aren’t they showing any of the incriminating emails Biden sent using pseudonyms, then? Think really hard. Even a blind squirrel must occasionally find an acorn.

Actually, the question is, why won’t archives release the emails to the committee? What are they hiding?

I WON’T ADMIT TO anything that incriminates Joe Biden that they actually have showed you. Not one damn thing.

There. Made that reflect reality for you since you can’t seem to accomplish it.

See? No evidence, if it’s kept buried.

Politicians are celebrities. “Celebrity” simply means a famous person.

Go to ER, and have the doc pry your head from your hind end.

Drip… Drip… Drip… Drip… my guess is that there will be regularly timed concessions by the “permanent” DC establishment to kneecap the Sundowner’s campaign delusions and usher in some other controllable asset,who will do what he/she is told. My money , particularly if ithappens after the convention, is Kamala. The California cokehead may be a bit unreliable.Kamala can run as a victim of the patriarchy (Biden) who was set up for failure… besides, what won’t she do for a well paying, prestigious government gig? Ask Willie Brown?

The question is who else gets spattered when this fecal zeppelin collides with the fan? Romney??? McCain??? Think of all the congress critters that have ever been cozy with the son of the used car salesman? Then, cross reference them with those with “unexplainable wealth”…

Could be like a tipping dominoes trick…

The trick will be getting them

Judge ends Biden’s Open Borders they cant cut the Raizorwire keeping out those Soros/CFR Invaders