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Democrats WANT a 2nd Civil War

Can anyone remind me why Donald Trump was impeached the first time? I thought it was because he asked a question about a potential opposing candidate, and that doing so was considered interfering in the electoral process. Wasn’t that entire act of Congressional partisan division based on one whistleblower who heard from his brother who heard from someone else, who heard half a phone conversation?

Fast forward to today…. there are almost three dozen whistleblowers with direct, firsthand knowledge of the DOJ, FBI, and Biden admin’s wrongdoing. Joe Biden’s son kept a laptop with child porn, gun porn, emails detailing how the Biden’s sold out the US to Ukraine, Russia, and China for their own personal fortunes, and there’s even 17 transcripts where you can hear them doing it. Then today a partner in the Biden favors for favors and cash for cash scheme testified to Congress confirming what everyone in the world knows: the Bidens are active criminals.

What’s the response from the Biden admin, from the Democrat propaganda machine? They indict Trump for January 6th, and again claim that the election wasn’t interfered with by Democrats. And they cite the Inquisition style January 6th hearings as evidence as if they or the second impeachment had any validity; offered any possibility for defense. It’s like it’s a race to see if Biden will be impeached before Trump gets sentenced for telling a crowd to peacefully protest (which the Biden DOJ calls ‘interfering with a Congressional process’).

Watching the report about the latest indictment on ABC News’ SPECIAL REPORT was like watching “Revenge of the Nerds: The First Trip to a Strip Club.” Go back and watch the tape-they keep swallowing lest drool leak and hang like infants w plastic toys. They were happy. They LOVED this.

Why not? Orange man bad, right? After all, he’s a mean Russian agent, no? Oh yeah, that was a fake story run by the media, created by Dems and the intel community as proven by two Congressional investigations, a Special counsel investigation, and a dozen DBI/DOJ investigations. Well, the orange man was a Putin Puppet except that he was harder on Russia than anyone since Reagan, and Putin was so afraid of his temper that he halted the war in Ukraine during the Orange man’s reign. Although, he had no right to ask the head of Ukraine if Biden was a criminal, ‘cause there’s only overwhelming firsthand evidence that he was now. Oh, and the election wasn’t interfered with except by the CIA director and 50 other intelligence officials who forced social media to censor out conservative media and deliberately hide the evidence that Biden is a criminal.

Too confusing? Don’t know who to believe? Still don’t like Trump? Fine, but ask yourself what our country could have done with the $173billion given to Ukraine without receipts or tracking? Go look at New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, San Diego, LA, San Fran, Portland, or Seattle. Take a good hard look-better yet, go walk those streets on a Friday night, alone, and try to think of ways we could have used our money for ourselves more than Ukrainians can?
Biden (i.e., the person who writes his notecards not the actual President himself) has spent TRILLIONS of dollars, and we have more poverty now than ever before. We have more crime than ever before. Each day our kids go to school is a literal game of Russian Roulette. Half the time he’s on vacation, and the other half he’s ignoring his own train wrecks-literally a train wreck in Ohio, and he ignored it, and still doesn’t have the balls to go and reassure people because he can’t stand them. It’s like when Democrats came to power in 2021, they put Americans in a pot of warm water, turned up the heat, and now they’re going to be all surprised when people die as it boils.

It would have cost $40bn to put cops in every school and make them as secure as a post office, but Biden gave that to Ukraine for their pensions-not the war, but to cover their pensions. One might wonder if there’s any Hunter and/or Joe Biden money tied up in Ukrainian pension plans?
Civil Wars do not happen for a single reason-ever. 13% of Americans would like us all to believe that the American Civil War was 100% about them and their ancestors, but it wasn’t. The other 20% of the progressive Democrats would like to believe it too, but it’s just not sound political science or accurate history.
Civil Wars happen when the population feels a rapid shift from democracy to autocracy or vice versa. The issue is the speed. People will live in a Democracy because they feel represented, and in control. People will live in an autocracy because they’re comfortable ceding control for security and stability. This scale between autocracy and democracy is called anocracy.

Take away faith in government institutions, and you move the needle in the opposite direction.

Add in economic hardship (like years of inflation and slower wage growth=increased debt), and the needle moves in the opposite direction.

Take away the sense of legitimacy that is felt towards government, and the needle moves in the opposite direction.

Take away any realistic expectation or even hope that things will get better, and you move the needle some more (see also Biden’s campaign plan for 2024; ie, “more of the same”).

There are literally dozens of other factors, but these are the biggest.

In 2016 Democrats told us that Trump stole the election. They screamed in the streets, attacked his limo, rioted, and burned DC for 3 days, and then tried to tell us it was a mostly peaceful protest full of dancing hippies who were sad, and a lotta Grateful Dead melodies. There might have even been glitter, and the flames that most people called burning buildings were just people holding up their phones as old John Lennon ballads played. The riots were identified as mostly peaceful protests.

Then they spent years attacking Trump for working with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, and anyone who complained that this was a false conspiracy theory was attacked as a racist, sexist, xenophobe who got off by putting little Hispanic kids in cages.
Then the impeachment, and another impeachment, and the election where anyone who dared even ask a question was a neo-Nazi?

And they told us Jan6 was an insurrection when it was really a Reichstag Fire Repeat from liberal fascists. How many ANTIFA were there? How many undercover Feds were there in the crowd telling people to cross the barriers? And how the Hell does Trump telling a crowd to peacefully protest get considered criminal incitement of violence-literally the question of the day!?

Democrats and the media are desperate to make sure Trump doesn’t get re-elected. We all know why. They can’t stand him. He’s mean, and he’s gonna clean friggin’ house this time. Rather than do something outrageous like have Joe or someone-ANYONE-go out and campaign for him, they’re keeping him away from cameras and voters, and again turning the DOJ, FBI, and CIA loose on Trump. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing again and expecting different results. At best, Trump goes down, but then they’ve got a feeble old man who can’t speak, can barely walk, and can’t think for himself running against ANY of the new Republican candidates, all of whom would crush him in a debate.

The progressive left’s wet dream is to see the Orange Man in an orange jumpsuit for something-anything. He could be found guilty by a Massachusetts’s court of witchcraft, and it’d bring back those happy go lucky, mostly peaceful protests of 2016 and 2020. They ignore the consequence of that though: Trump becomes a martyr. Joe Biden would have to run against a martyr, and a solid GOP candidate, AND he’d have to do it without the intel community pressuring social media.

There’s a downside for all of us, however. In 2020 we saw a hungry, scared, misled, population, one that was getting food from parking lot donations, take to the streets and cause billions in damage because 39 African Americans had been killed by police that year (as well as all the other factors). Today, people are even poorer, further in debt, and the parking lot food lines continue. Now, however, they’re losing faith in their govt institutions, losing faith in their ability to be represented, and one of the only people who has stood up for half the country-against 365/24/7 attacks from every media source, and every political force, now Dems and media want to put that one person in jail.

You thought it was bad when people had their mostly peaceful protests in 2020? Not only is that kind of behavior off limits in a small town deep in red flyover country, but now, we might see people from the hills and dales coming into the cities. The cities are already lined with homeless, empty businesses, burned down buildings and bodies on the street. Make no mistake about it, however, they’re not even gonna pretend to call em “mostly peaceful protests.” It’s gonna be Hell on Earth. It’s gonna be another Civil War. Biden got soundly routed by the Taliban who didn’t have an air force or nuclear weapons (though I’m sure he’d claim credit for sinking their navy).

I pray the powers that be chill the fock out, give up their irrational lust for prisoner Trump, that justice be done and swift, and that we all survive the coming storm.

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