The walls close in on Fauci


I tried. Lord knows I tried.

I tried to believe Anthony Fauci. As a member of the medical community, I wanted to believe Anthony Fauci but his inconsistencies started aggravating me. Things he said just weren’t holding water. Eventually the posturing and lies were too much.

I was irritated with his support of WHO head Tedros who assured us in January 2020 that COVID was not transmissible person to person. Tedros just swallowed what China told him and it cost an untold number of lives as nations were not able to take appropriate action.

Let’s not forget that somehow Fauci knew that Trump was going to face a disease outbreak.

Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

Let’s review “Gain of Function”

Certain gain-of-function studies with the potential to enhance the pathogenicity or transmissibility of potential pandemic pathogens (PPPs) have raised biosafety and biosecurity concerns, including the potential dual use risks associated with the misuse of the information or products resulting from such research.

In 2011 Fauci wrote that Gain of Function was “worth the risk”

It’s fun and games until people die. A pause was placed on Gain of Function research in 2014. The pause was lifted by the NIH in 2017 (you know, when Trump was President).  And then

But just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.

Fauci would deny this but yesterday Rand Paul nailed him to the wall

Paul was so effective in pinning Fauci down that even a Washington Post columnist agreed

“Hey guys,@RandPaul was right and Fauci was wrong. The NIH was funding gain of function research in Wuhan but NIH pretended it didn’t meet their ‘gain of function’ definition to avoid their own oversight mechanism,” Josh Rogin, a columnist for the Washington Post, said Tuesday.

Fauci was desperately trying to split hairs to avoid culpability. Paul was having none of it

“And yet, gain-of-function research was done entirely in the Wuhan Institute … and was funded by the NIH,” Paul said, citing a Wuhan Virology paper entitled, “Discovery of a Rich Gene Pool of Bat SARS-Related Coronaviruses” and detailing the claims made in the paper. Paul went on:
In this paper … she credits the NIH and lists the actual number of the grant that she was given by the NIH. In this paper, she took two bat coronavirus genes, spiked genes, and combined them with a SARS-related backbone to create new viruses that are not found in nature.
He continued (emphasis added):
These lab-created viruses within to shown to replicate in humans. These experiments combine genetic information from different coronaviruses that infect animals but not humans to create novel artificial viruses able to infect human cells. Viruses that in nature only infect animals were manipulated in the Wuhan lab to gain-the-function of infecting humans. This research fits the definition of the research that the NIH said was subject to the pause in 2014 to 2017 — a pause in funding on gain-of-function. But the NIH failed to recognize this, defines in a way, and it never came under any scrutiny.


Fauci grasped at straws

This is the definition that you guys wrote. It says that scientific research that increases the transmissibility among animals is gain-of-function. They took animal viruses that only occur in animals and they increase their transmissibility to humans. How you can say that is not gain-of-function?
“It is not,” Fauci said.

This is insulting enough, but then this caught my attention:

FAUCI: I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating, senator, because if you look at the viruses that were used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published in the literature, it is molecularly impossible.

“the viruses that were used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published in the literature”

What if this particular virus wasn’t in the annual reports?

What if this particular virus wasn’t included in the publication?

A couple of things to remember. One, the safety rules were bypassed

According to the Daily Caller News Foundation, the “NIH subagency that awarded the grant to the nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance to study Chinese bat coronaviruses opted against” running the grant through the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) committee, essentially sidestepping the safeguards for such research.

Second, China destroyed samples and evidence

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese media outlet has revealed.

A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

Third, China silenced or disappeared people who were involved.

Fauci has been defending China all the while.

These are not the actions of innocent parties. I think we can reasonably and confidently conclude that this was indeed a lab created virus and it leaked. Once it leaked it was intentionally allowed to spread.

And yes, Fauci lied.


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Of course he lied. He committed perjury because, in recent history, unless you are a Republican, there is no penalty for perjury. Paul has referred Fauci for criminal charges. It will be interesting to see how this weaponized DOJ reacts (I already have an assumption).

There is a long list of Democrat enablers that need to be prosecuted and convicted of perjury. Maybe Fauci will start a trend.

” It will be interesting to see how this weaponized DOJ reacts (I already have an assumption).”

There really are two sets of scales in our so-called Justice system today.

For an example, in professional and school sports, you can kneel if you want to dis the National Anthem and pretend you care about blacks.

BUT, if you kneel to PRAY you can be punished with termination!

There seems to be two scales for everything now; that which is fair and that which is for Democrats and leftists.

I once believed the walls would close in on Lois Lerner.

fauci lied; 4 1/2 million people died

Yes, Fauxi lied and millions dies.

Wednesday must be the day that idiots change their socks.

Speaking of idiots, we were all wondering when you would appear greggie!

I see you can no longer defend Fauci and can only fall back on silly boomer insults.

Good one.

Fauci is an utter embarrassment and should be charged with criminal negligence and manslaughter for the deaths of millions.

Luckily Trump didn’t listen to him and closed the country, and got the vaccine early…saving millions.

Way to go President (actual President) Trump.

Oh, he can and inevitably will defend Fauci because Fauci is another tarnished Democrat icon. Remember, Greg has been defending Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Avenati, and the idiot Biden. Hell, he even defended the racists that attacked the Covington kids.

It’s not virtue Greg defends; it’s purely ideology.

He SHOULD have gone, but he seems to have gotten stuck halfway down. The second flush will probably be up to the courts.

Heard that before. When the courts are now Stasi-led witch trials, it holds no weight.

Trump is leading the country now, because Biden can’t.

Trump at the Border, Biden at the audits because he knows the election was rigged.

Who would a sane person trust?


So, did Fauci lie when the documentation clearly shows he did? Or, are you once again denying reality?

Do you actually KNOW what “documentation clearly shows that he did”, and can you state what it is?

That’s a rhetorical question. You don’t, and you can’t.

Dr. Fauci is just another guy on Donald Trump’s enemy list. Trump points his finger, and his followers start barking.

Comrade Greggie, Fuhrer Fauxie should be prosecuted and spend the rest of his useless life in a 8′ x 10′ cell for all the harm he and his NIH has done to Americans who paid, via our taxes, for the very Chinese bio weapon that killed so many of us.

The problem is, he isn’t on idiot Biden’s enemy list. The problem is he is a corrupt liar that cooperated with the CCP to fund the development of this deadly virus then covered for the CCP when it was leaked upon the world.

The problem is, he is just the kind of lying scumbag idiot Biden has surrounded himself with.

Actually, Rand Paul cited it. No rhetoric necessary.

See? That’s how you answer a question.

Really? So what evidence was that?

Come on, Comrade Greggie; you know, as does everyone with cognitive powers, that Fauxi is just that, an over paid fraud. But then, I doubt you cared when his advise was responsible for allowing gay men to die.
Fauxi is an egotistical fraud.

Fauci’s emails. Maybe you should watch some hearings instead of CNN.

I didn’t think you could cite anything specific.

I did. I cited Rand Paul’s questions and evidence. Don’t fear the truth so much; it will set you free (of the bonds of corrupt, failed liberalism).

Here. Check this out.

The walls close in on Fauci

Apparently, you are simply too blindingly stupid to see it.

Don’t expect Deplorable Me to back up anything he says. He just repeats nonsense he reads on the Internet and refuses to check his facts. Soon he’ll link to a column on this website and claim that as a factual backup.

So what, exactly, is your problem with the information Rand Paul presented?

Fauci caught lying about not knowing why funding for COVID research in China was cut off.

Fauci lies about Wuhan funding

Fauci lied about asymptomatic spread of COVID

Fauci Promoted Threat of Asymptomatic Spread In Public, But Downplayed It In Private Email

Fauci lies before the Senate about his responsibility in funding the Wuhan lab and viral GOF

A 2005 study showed hydroxychloroquine works against COVID… based on an NIH study… headed by Dr. Fauci

What is it about looking stupid that leftists like you and Greg find so appealing?

So what is the documentation you were referring to? Your laundry list of links doesn’t address it at all.

Your link from Fox News doesn’t mention anything about Dr. Fauci lying. It’s just not there. Your link from the National File, whatever that is, quotes an email from February 4, 2020 before the asymptomatic nature of the virus was known. No lie there. I’m not even going to touch the laughable Ace of Spades link about about Fauci “parsing and equivocating.” No lie there. The NewsNow link makes dubious declarations and confuses in-vitro and in-viro studies. Dr. Fauci always maintained that HCQ’s effectiveness was anecdotal so no lie there. Your Daily Mail link is totally based on hearsay. No lie there either.

Instead of all these links, just reprint one Fauci lie and back it up. You can’t.

You’re not looking too good here, Deplorable Me. There are no lies here. Just your usual nonsense.

Ah… so you don’t know what a lie looks like. I guess that explains your positions and the lying, corrupt idiots you vote for.

Fauci said funding for gain of function was cut off. It wasn’t. Fauci said he didn’t fund gain of function. He did. Fauci said the virus was not manufactured. It was.

The links show the lies. Read them.

I look just fine. You simply look like a fool in denial.

“Fauci said funding for gain of function was cut off.”

Dr. Fauci said nothing of the kind. And if you’re using the Daily Mail link to back this lie up, read it again. There is no mention of gain of function in the piece.

And the jury is still out as to the origin of the virus. But once again, you make crap up and claim it was manufactured.

You should really stop putting words in Dr. Fauci’s mouth. And you should stop making things up.

Well, yes. He did. Then he denied the Wuhan lab was conducting gain of function research. No, the jury is not still out. There are simply those who prefer to defend the CCP.

“Well yes, he did”

Then it should be easy for you to post him saying that right here. And not a million links to stories that have nothing to do with Gain of Function research. And not this nonsense of “I already posted the links.”

Which is what I have already done. If you have information REFUTING this, then now would be the time to provide it.

Hehe. “He’s not TECHNICALLY lying…”

That’s your silly excuse?

Fauci misled us. It’s fact, and backed up by facts, statements, and video evidence.

Deal with it.

Then he’d be operating just like CNN, WaPo, the NYTs…fabricating non-facts by cross referencing others to seed the minds of idiots like you.

CNN would be an upgrade from his normal cartoon network fair.

Evidence on the same level of Auschwitz.

It’s fact.

Does playing dumb really work in your part of the world?

Don’t you new ones feel and smell better? You should try it more often. Now be a good lad and leave.

I think Fauci was in on the coverup with the Chinese.

Indeed. Most of the goverment is “in” on something, including not letting an actual democratically elected choice of the electorate into office.

They choose that for us, then let us think we did the choosing.

Trump was not supposed to happen and he’s unmasked these tyrants for what they are.

Is anyone surprised that Comrade Greggie continues to defend Beijing Biden’s Chinese enablers?

Question of the day; did Comrade Greggie fight FOR the NVC or the Chinese?

If you calculate all of the people who dies because Trump considered a therapy to treat COVID prior to the vaccine, a therapy that now democrats admit were suppressed due associating with Trump, there are millions of people who would have been saved. The WHO, CDC and FDA as well as the AMA all fought a therapy that actually worked and would still work. Doctors were prevented from prescribing therapy to patients with loss of license. Yet, greggie supports all those who allowed those millions of people to die.

Again, the people who lied to us about anything and everything are surprised when some will not take the vaccines they are promoting. How stupid is that? I guess they don’t even know what credibility is.

Actually, Greg is behind the curve.
The far left WaPo has thrown Fauci under the bus.
His hands were visibly shaking as he was confronted by Sen Paul’s facts.
He tried to parse it away but even the WaPo couldn’t bring itself to pretend Fauci had the truth on his side.
Greg is slow to open his daily letter from his dear Lefty leaders.

Dr. Fauci is widely trusted and respected by everyone but Trump’s supporters.

He is only “widely trusted and respected” by those who accept lying as a method of communication.

…those who accept lying as a method of communication?”

That’s hilarious, coming from a Trump follower.

Yeah, since we see, over and over, what Trump says is true and what you and your Democrats spread around are lies.

That’s funnier still.

That’s because you gravitate to liars, like those who said Trump was a Russian asset, SWORE to you he was, whom you believed religiously. Or told you China didn’t leak the virus. Or told you idiot Biden didn’t know his coke-head son was peddling his influence all over the world. Or any of the thousands of other lies you have embarrassed yourself believing and peddling.

Why do you think the Russians helped Trump to get elected?

There’s NO QUESTION that there were secret meetings between central figures in the Trump campaign and Putin’s operatives.

There’s NO QUESTION that certain highly-placed Trump supporters had undisclosed contractual relationships with Russia and other foreign powers.

There’s NO QUESTION that the Trump campaign secretly provided confidential internal polling data to the Russians.

There’s NO QUESTION about the extent of Russian hacking, the carefully timed disclosure of damaging information, or extensive social media manipulation.

All of this has been clearly established to be fact. Have you got some theory explaining it all?

Trump was successfully impeached. TWICE. Both occasions warranted Senate conviction. Instead, the republican leadership of the Senate rigged the trials. First. they let him stay, and then—after he openly incited a mob that violently invaded the Capitol to stop the electoral count—they refused to take action that would have precluded him holding office in the future. NOW they’re attempting to monkey-wrench a full bipartisan investigation of what led up to January 6th.

Because I don’t happen to think feeding his corrupt opponent opposition research based on lies can be considered “help”. Putin helped Hillary because he wanted to be able to blackmail the President. He then supported idiot Biden because he wanted a moronic nincompoop as President.

Why do you suppose Hillary’s operatives met with the “Russians” (which Kerry had to pull strings so they could even be in the country and sat with Democrats during Congressional hearings) before (a briefing) and after (a de-briefing) the meeting? Also, it was Hillary and Democrats that sought foreign help from Ukraine for her campaign.

There’s no question the Russians helped Hillary. None.

All of your allegations (more of the lies you love to believe) have not only been soundly disproved but it is also a fact that Democrats KNEW they were lies all along.

Impeachment should be because a crime has been committed, not just because a corrupt, police state party has enough votes to do it. That’s all the Democrat’s disgusting abuse of power was. Notice Trump was still in office, found not guilty, of both impeachments.

You, sir, are totally full of it, all the way up to the gills.

You only like lies, huh?

Before moving into any alternate reality, we should first make sure that it supports intelligent life.

I don’t know about intelligent life, but your reality absolutely support lies, liars and lying.

Fauci is a disgraced medical spokesman who lied to the American people during a pandemic.

He has no support amongst the American electorate, beyond the pitifully small number of people who believe CNN.

But Greg hasn’t been told it’s OK to admit the truth.

An eye for an eye. The liar needs to pay for his crimes.

Sadly, if you believe there will be any consequences for Fauci, you’re a simp.

Ah. Ag Greggie sighting! Always at the worst time, while I’m drinking my coffee.

One really good way to lok at this. Paul is a medical doctor as known. To have him talked down to and in efeect be deemed unqualified by the lying sack if crap Fauci is sickening to say the least.

The fact is he lied. worse, he is defending an act of war against the world by China. he knows damned well that is the fact.

BTW: Can anyone tell us how much financial interests he has in the companies being ok’s for the vaccine while in turn lying about hydrchlodae (or whatever it’s called)?

Rand Paul has put politics ahead of both scientific evidence and the American public’s health and safety. In the process he publicly insulted Dr. Fauci, one of the rational, non-political voices that the American people should be listening to.

We’re going to get clobbered by the COVID delta variant, because contrarian idiots have deliberately turned the most effective countermeasures we have against the COVID pandemic into political statements.

As Dr. Fauci and others have repeatedly pointed out, the rapidly building fourth wave of COVID IS PRODUCING THE MOST SERIOUS ILLNESSES AMONG THE UNVACCINATED. In the coming weeks and months, THEY’RE going to account for the vast majority of all new COVID hospitalizations and deaths.

This isn’t hypothetical. It’s the observed pattern everywhere that the delta variant is on the rise. It’s happening most where vaccination rates are the lowest. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out what that means.

An eye doctor publicly attacking and discrediting one of our nation’s most knowledgeable public health experts in order to further his own party’s claim that it’s all the fault of a Chinese virology lab isn’t even remotely helpful. It’s a seriously dangerous distraction.

No, supporting the Chinese instead of Americans is putting politics (and their own personal finances) first. Lying about hydroxychloroquine just because Trump mentioned it is putting politics first. Denouncing vaccines just because Trump was developing them is putting politics first. Democrats have put their politics before the science and health and safety of the American people EVERY SINGLE TIME.

If we suffer more infections and deaths from the variant, it will be because Biden is an idiot and knows nothing about being a leader. It’s all on him. HIS variant. HIS cases. HIS deaths.

If you were interested in science instead of simply using fear as a political weapon you would know that while more infectious, the Delta variant is far less deadly. But, all you care about is supporting the Democrat’s hunger for power and control and using COVID, again, as an excuse to perpetrate more election fraud.

Democrats denounced COVID vaccines because of Operation Warp Speed and they could not tolerate Trump getting any credit for their development. That is pretty much the very definition of putting politics before science or the needs of the nation.

There is NO evidence that hydroxychloroquine is effective in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. There IS evidence that it can produce potentially dangerous side effects. In France, its use for COVID-19 is now banned.

The national authority responsible for drug safety and effectiveness in France is currently investigating drug trials that appeared to support hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness, after it came to light that the study was flawed by procedural violations.

In the United States, a controlled trial conducted by the National Institute of Health demonstrated that the drug has no beneficial effects with respect to COVID-19.

Dr. Trump didn’t know what he was talking about.

There is AMPLE evidence of its effectiveness. It was used extensively with great success. Denouncing it was just lying for political gain and, no doubt, people suffered ans some died because of it.

Of course, if not properly prescribed and administered it can cause harm. The vaccines, when not judiciously administered, can cause harm as well.

Democrats lied about HCQ and people died. That’s the kind of scum they are.

It was used extensively with great success to prevent and treat malaria. For COVID-19, it’s useless. It won’t keep you from getting it, and it won’t help you if you do. That has now been conclusively demonstrated by multiple controlled trials.

Everyone I personally know that had COVID was treated with HCQ. EVERY ONE. It is a treatment that keeps the symptoms from growing worse. It’s been confirmed to be effective.


A 2005 study showed hydroxychloroquine works against COVID… based on an NIH study… headed by Dr. Fauci

More studies and proof hydroxychloroquine is a vital treatment for COVID19

Another study showing hydroxychloroquine works to reduce symptoms and cuts death rate

The correlation between the ban of HCQ and an increase mortality of COVID19 patients

Another study showing the benefits of HCQ

Lancet “study” now totally debunked

Now Lancet doubts the data used in the study they reported.

More questions about the Lancet study about hydroxychloroquine

Lancet study severely flawed

Hydroxychloroquine Lancet study of 96,000 Covid patients ignores Zinc, wasn’t randomized, has 12% death rate

The politicization of hydrochloroquine

What is useless is replacing facts with left wing politics.

You’ve linked a bunch of crackpot right-wing propaganda sites. The single link pointing to an article in a legitimate news outlet takes us an opinion piece.

You linked propaganda. I linked facts based on experiences. You have floundered to prove there was something wrong with responsibly prescribing HCQ to treat symptoms ever since Trump mentioned it, merely because Trump mentioned it. The stupidity level of that spoiled baby reaction is off the charts.

Comrade Greggie, sorry, but you are stoned assed wrong. Hydroxychloroquine, along with zinc and vitamin D, was used by many physicians and nurses as a prophylaxis. I know at least three physicians who have to work the ER that were all on it prior to the introduction of the jab.

And now you want to reference the French who haven’t done anything right in decades.

But then, you are an asslicker of Faux Fauci who is the modern day Robert Gallo. Then, there is the NIH that lied about a virus (HIV) and had to settle with the Pasteur Institute for the lies it, and Gallo, told. Of course, Gallo, and his buddy Robert Redfield have raked in MILLIONS in research money for a vaccine that has yet to be discovered.

The fact that you trust the words of Fauci/NIH shows why you are a good little Marxist.

You should be following the money, as in Bill Gates’ money, and the pharmaceutical money. What happens to the vaccine if hydroxychloroquine or any other pharmaceutical is found to be effective in early treatment? Ooop’s, bye bye pharma profits. Better yet, follow Faux Fauci’s close association with the Democrats (Hillary, especially) and the de-populationist, Bill Gates.

Of course, all Faux Fauci has done over the years is blather the same mantra: “While NIAID is an active participant in the global effort to address the public health emergency ……………, it is important to recognize that we are still in the early stages of understanding how infection with the ….. virus can be treated and prevented.” Doesn’t that have a ring of familiarity to it, Comrade Greggie? It should. It’s what Faux Fauci has been blathering since 2014, long before he used it for his Kung flu routine.

Americans are not stupid. Fauci is going down in flames. Remember, he doesn’t even have hospital privileges ANYWHERE. Some doctor. He’s nothing more than another egotistical government worker who thinks he is so much smarter than the average American who pays his salary.

Americans are not stupid.”

Actually, many Americans ARE stupid. A person would have to be stupid not to have noticed this. Stupid people can be found everywhere. So can unscrupulous people who run every sort of imaginable scam to take advantage of them.

July 16, 2021 – Doctor Pleads Guilty To Pushing Covid ‘Miracle Cure’ And Hydroxychloroquine Smuggling Scheme

Yeah, like 60 million stupid people voted for idiot Biden and they also believe another 20 million also voted for that idiot loser. Stupid. VERY stupid.

Did you know that Trump’s Save America Leadership PAC has raised $75 MILLION so far this year by pitching his stolen election lies, but HASN’T SPENT A NICKEL funding recounts, audits, ballot reviews, or other related bullshit?

Are you aware that the PAC was set up in a way that allows Trump to spend the money any way he wishes, and leaves donors with no legal recourse, should they ever figure this out? It’s all in the PAC website’s Terms of Service.

His hopeful donors—otherwise known as “the rubes”—are laying out millions to support Trump’s lavish lifestyle, his unending, highly profitable “Stolen Election” Elvis tour, and legal costs related to countless investigations and personal lawsuits.

The guy is a gold-plated grifter, plain and simple He always has been, and always will be.

Judas Priest, Comrade Greggie, yes, there are stupid people living in the U.S. That is proven every time you post your Marxist drivel here at FA. Hell, there are people so stupid they deny that Beijing Biden is brain dead, or at least his brain is on life support. Or that he lies. Those are the people that continually say “But, but, but ………………….Trump.”

He needs to spend it defeating Democrats. Trump supports his own “lavish” lifestyle. He’s not some bum feeding off the taxpayer like Pelosi, idiot Biden, Hillary, Swalwell, Omar or any of the other lying, corrupt Democrats. Trump was the best President and leader the country has had in 4 decades. Democrats simply did all they could to destroy him. They are destroying themselves and it’s funny to watch.

Yeah. I saw that on CNN.


Perhaps the truth and what you read on Leftist propaganda differ…considerably?

Are you going to be a prison guard, by the way?

I really want to know if you have what it takes to get your hands dirty.

Hydroxychloroquine, along with zinc and vitamin D, was used by many physicians and nurses as a prophylaxis.

Any rationale person who has followed Trump’s grifting patterns understands why Trump pushed Hydroxychloroquine as well as Clorax and shoving a blow dryer up your ass. This was simply his “I cured cancer” moment in his “heads I win/tails you lose” strategy. If he could have sold his snake oil, he would have claimed that without it over 5 million people would have died rather than the 1/2 million that perished under his incompetent watch.

And here we are again with the red state Trump worshipping so-called conservative fools spreading their COVID infestation among the good people who had the decency to wear mask, get the vaccine, and take precautions to help their neighbors and country rise above this god awful Trump/GOP promoted virus.

But considering the flock here only gets their information from nutjob propaganda Trump promoting sources, you may not be aware of the Delta variant spike in FL and other GOP controlled states or that over 95% of those becoming infected are unvaccinated. Considering those who followed Trump’s lead are the ones ending up in trouble, I guess you might call it biblical justice.

Aw, the hater is back. Of course, his/her/it’s sole purpose is not to tell us what a wonderful job Beijing Biden is doing, but to, in typical leftist style, bash the previous administration with bullshit left wing lies.

Notice, he/she/it ignores the case of the Super Spreader, so desired by the left wing press since March 2020, is finally achieved by the Texas Fleebag Dems, who, btw, were all vaccinated. Or ignores that Beijing Biden told us all that if vaccinated, we were immune against the Chinese bioweapon released on this, and every, nation on earth. And did this while a vaccinated Whore Harris rushes her Willie Brown ass to Walter Reed to make sure she was not infected by the Fleebag Dems from Texas (although she, too, has had the jab).

Also being ignored is the fact that Biden’s Brain On Life Support is allowing Kung flu positive illegals to just fly/drive/take the bus all over the nation with no treatment or quarantine, dumping them into communities that are at risk. The America Last policy is rocking and rolling.

Well, they SAY they’ve had the vaccine.

Are you COVID vacillated?

“Any rationale person who has followed Trump’s grifting patterns understands why Trump pushed Hydroxychloroquine as well as Clorax and shoving a blow dryer up your ass.”

Persons aren’t “rationale”. What is “Clorax”?

Have you ever met any? Trump never “pushed” HCQ; he mentioned it as a viable and effective treatment as encouragement at a time when there was none. Of course, idiots like yourself only feel happiness when you are denying facts and felt compelled to denounce HCQ simply because Trump mentioned it. However, it IS routinely prescribed as a treatment.

No doubt you really liked having a blow dryer up your ass… that’s where your head is anyway.

“And here we are again with the red state Trump worshipping so-called conservative fools spreading their COVID infestation among the good people who had the decency to wear mask, get the vaccine, and take precautions to help their neighbors and country rise above this god awful Trump/GOP promoted virus.”

Like the cowardly, scurrying Texas Democrats? No masks, spreading COVID? Maybe it becomes more infectious when propelled with lies. You are truly a dim wit. Idiot Biden is failing miserably dealing with the Biden/CCP virus.

Reckon the spikes have anything to do with the 1,000,000 plus un-vaccinated, un-masked, un-tested illegal immigrants FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD your beloved idiot Biden is drawing across the southern border and distributing throughout the country? Funny how you don’t mention the spikes in California and New York. I guess you forgot, too busy looking for “Clorax” at Walmart.

Should idiot Biden and Kamala denounced the vaccines? Was that a good idea?

It would be because so many people have refused a simple, free, very low risk vaccination, which can effectively reduce the worst outcome of COVID infection from serious illness, hospitalization, and death to that of a minor illness.

July 22, 2021 – The Delta Variant Will Drive A Steep Rise In U.S. COVID Deaths, A New Model Shows

Getting the vaccination doesn’t change anyone from a republican to a democrat.

Thanks mostly to Democrats denouncing the vaccines. I know THEY think everyone knows they are lying, but some actually listen to them and think they might be telling the truth.

On this I agree. We can/could have driven Covid extinct before having to live with it indefinitely.

But you are willing to give away rights, without considering the cost.

I am not.

““Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

– Ben Franklin, some *sshole white-guy they want to write out of history so whites like Biden can keep using blacks as slaves.

Way back when reason was still considered a good thing, (not just a “white” thing) we all learned that the Left didn’t have winning cards in debates.
Then we watched as the Left moved away from debate.
They had tantrums.
They morphed our language so as to “win” by default.
They pretended the “time for debate” was over.
They began “cancelling” those who disagree with them so as to silence their voices off social media.
Now they are in the process of criminalizing views that disagree with their own!

IF the Left looked at any commie gov’t the Left would realize that it won’t end well for THEM!
Not all lefties end up in the inner circle.
If you are not in that inner circle, China, Laos, Cuba, Vietnam, and more all show a starving populace of those who once fervently supported their leaders.

Hell, look at what the liberals do here! Give them the data and the evidence and they simply deny it’s there. I guess being delusional and addicted to lies makes it easy.

Anthony Fauci needs to have time to think, like prison time…

fauci should have been fired when he failed during the aids debacle…

Your problem with Dr Fauci is that his opinions are widely respected by informed Americans, while Donald Trump’s are not.

His OPINIONS? The problem isn’t his opinions, it’s what he states as fact that is proven to be absolute lies. He’s shown himself to be nothing but a leftist hack that will tell any lie to promote the leftist agenda.

fauci has been a failure in his career in government…

Dr Fauci hasn’t conned the people who trust him out of 75 million dollars since the first of the year. He has, in fact, failed to do that.

Democrats LOVE lies. Without lies, their complete failure and corruption would be overwhelming. They have to lie about everyone else to make themselves appear not quite as bad in comparison.

Outside of the $417,000.00 a year salary Faux Fauci is drawing at NIH, along with his wife’s salary from the same agency where she is supposed to determine the “ethics” of what he does (I’m sure she had called him on the carpet over “ethics” many times, right? Can you say nepotism? ) what do you think his financial interest in the Moderna vaccine has put into his checking account?

Fauci was a failure during the AIDS epidemic and he hasn’t improved since then. He is a grifter who has lived off a taxpayer salary and doesn’t even have hospital practice privileges. Fauci is what we got for a NIH budget this year of almost $43 BILLION. The taxpayers got screwed royally.

“what do you think his financial interest in the Moderna vaccine has put into his checking account?”

Since there is no evidence of Dr. Fauci having a financial interest in the Moderna vaccine, the answer is none.

“Fauci was a failure during the AIDS epidemic.”

During the height of the AIDS epidemic, Dr. Fauci worked with activists to amend the way the government handles clinical drug trials. The policy shift increased the number of patients who had access to experimental HIV/AIDS treatments — and saved countless lives.

“…doesn’t even have hospital practice privileges.”

Dr. Fauci is an attending physician in the NIH Clinical Center treating patients two or three days a week.

“During the height of the AIDS epidemic, Dr. Fauci worked with activists to amend the way the government handles clinical drug trials. The policy shift increased the number of patients who had access to experimental HIV/AIDS treatments — and saved countless lives.”

Yeah, sing the praises of the grifter Anthony Fauci who has never had any other job but stealing from the American tax payer. But others have a different prospective of your hero:

And from the radically left wing Huffington Post:

And then, from someone who had no problem calling it like it was 1988 and blasting self aggrandizing Faux Fauci:

Fauci is a fraud. A grifter. And America is worse for ever having hired him. The bastard belongs in jail. He belonged in jail in 1990. But Democrats are never held responsible for the harm they do because morons like you refuse to hold them responsible, no matter how many people die.

Your Huffington Post piece is from 2017. The Village Voice piece is from 1988!

Fauci’s transformation was gradual, like a butterfly emerging from its comfortable cocoon. Over time, he became one of the most influential voices in the United States and the world on HIV/AIDS, winning the trust and respect of AIDS activists who previously loathed him. It was also his voice which was most influential in the creation of PEPFAR — the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief — a landmark achievement of George W. Bush’s, considered to be a model for addressing global epidemics and credited with saving more than 17 million lives worldwide.

Ah…”no evidence.”

The tool of dictators since the dawn of time.

And since when did liberals believe the government has the best interest of the people in mind?

This blind obedience to government is rather right-wing of you.

Guess my prediction, 20 years ago, that the Left would become the fundamentalist Marxist/Fascist scourge they think they are fighting…now backed by banks and Zucks Bucks, was quite right.

It’s called a salary. Dr. Fauci is Director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to the President. That’s a few steps up from the average practicing physician.

Get some perspective. The median annual income for physicians in the United States was $208,000 as of 2019.

You might want to compare Dr. Fauci’s annual compensation with that of the nation’s most highly paid Corporate Executive Officers:

I realize, of course, that you probably think responsibility for the nation’s public health is of less importance than selling Coca Cola or Nike athletic products.

People don’t usually pay someone to destroy them and support those who do them harm. That’s what Fauci gets paid for, apparently.

Really? Trump supporters have paid $75 million to the man who destroyed the Republican Party.

So useless, and lying Fauci makes over twice what the average practicing doctor makes. Why is that? And why would anyone compare Fauci’s salary to that of a CEO of a company that produces a product or service that is wanted by the buyer? Fauci is a grifter, a liar and got his clock cleaned by a real practicing physician.

Fauci produces a product: propaganda. He makes more than other doctors because lying and killing people can cost you your license.

That’s libel. Libel is a crime.

OK, GM sockpuppet, give an example of why you think that liable is an actionable crime.

So is perjury.

Can’t you read? Because he’s the chief medical advisor to the President and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Comrade Greggie, if Fauci is the “chief medical advisor to the President” why does Beijing Biden have a personal White House physician?

Faux Fauci is simply the head of an agency that has many agencies within it. He is an overpaid, arrogant grifter that was an idiot on HIV/AIDS and has not changed since the1980’s when he exhibited what a failure he was and remains to be.

Fauci’s main talent is being an overpaid left wing bureaucrat.

The Chief Medical Advisor to the President IS NOT the Physician to the President. It’s the medical expert who advises the President on the nation’s public health policy.

If you wonder why such a “superfluous” federal job exists, ask Donald Trump. Trump created the position.

As of 2021, Dr. Fauci ranks as the 35th most highly cited living researcher in the world.

Comrade Greggie, maybe you should start checking with your Dear Leader before you respond and prove just how big an idiot you are.

“The Chief Medical Advisor to the President IS NOT the Physician to the President.”

When did I say he was?

“If you wonder why such a “superfluous” federal job exists, ask Donald Trump.”

Why would I? Our government has been creating agencies and funding jobs for their cronies for decades and decades.

“As of 2021, Dr. Fauci ranks as the 35th most highly cited living researcher in the world.”

Yeah, read Furer Fauci’s CV. Must have wrote it himself. Or some other asslicker such as yourself. Sorry, but Fauci’s no Pasteur.

DONALD TRUMP created the job that Dr Fauci now holds, dip shit.

And proved the result of trusting a rabid liberal that will put his politics and personal benefit before the needs and safety of the people.

It was also the Trump Administration that used CDC directives to impose the eviction moratorium that republicans now blame on Biden. All Biden did was extend it by a single month.

Idiot Biden continues them, like he used the epidemic to waste trillions of dollars Democrats will line their pockets with. The vast majority of Democrats are corrupt criminals.

Except the US taxpayer is paying Fauci to lie to them and threaten their health, safety and economy. That’s not a good return on investment.

Like don’t wear masks, wear masks, wear 2 masks, wear 3 masks, 65% herd immunity, 75% herd immunity, NO herd immunity, don’t shut down, shut down, it’s no worse than the flu, it’ll kill us all… etc, etc, etc? He’s a liar, which explains why you worship him so.

You seem to be unable to grasp the simple notion that a professional schooled in medical science is going to adjust his responses to interview questions as new data becomes available. You would prefer he dig in his heels and not conform to updated data. That makes no sense.

So, you think it’s OK to make public health announcements based on NO or FAULTY data? If they don’t know the answer, maybe the best thing to do is state the fact, not make something up. What data supported the advice to NOT wear masks that was suddenly developed to advise everyone to wear MULTIPLE masks (in fact, what data supports wearing masks at all)? He obviously tells people what suits the agenda (we don’t have a lot of masks… so they aren’t important… thanks, Obama) instead of what is true.

Funny how Trump was criticized for voicing much of the advice Fauci was giving him (masks aren’t necessary, the virus will be mild, it will end in the spring, etc). Oh, but that’s not Fauci’s fault, is it?

“What data supported the advice to NOT wear masks that was suddenly developed to advise everyone to wear MULTIPLE masks”

The fact that asymptomatic individuals could transmit the virus, a fact that did not come to light until mid-March, 2020. That’s been well-documented.

Hmmm… that was along about the time that it was realized the CCP and WHO were lying about human to human transmission (two organizations the left consistently defend). However, asymptomatic infection is NOT confirmed and there is NO evidence supporting the efficacy of masks, yet plenty that show they do nothing to stop transmission. Some indicate they SPREAD the virus.

But, that’s just science and stuff. Nothing a liberal more interested in defending a failed ideology that would rather watch people die than admit failure would be interested in.

Since you support Biden, what’s 75 million in the face of Six Billion spent to install Biden?

Good luck with that new hoax. When Trump raises money you lie about it. When Biden gets free money from his cronies you hide about it.

If the average Leftist drone understood what their own party does, how white, rich, and utterly racist it is, you’d never get another vote.

Gotta keep those Zucks Bucks coming, eh?

That’s called Fascism, you creep. Explain that to the agent in the cubicle next to you at the FBI.

How about when idiot Biden’s worthless, drug-addled, whore-mongering son gets $1.3 million from a Russian woman (which “the big guy” gets half) and then idiot Biden, inexplicably (disregarding corruption) lifts sanctions on the Russian pipeline?

Fauci lied.

It’s fact.

fauci is a waste of taxpayers dollars. He is in bed with big pharma and is a tool of the CCP. Apart from being anti-American, he is promoting the “Nobel Lie”…
He serves no useful purpose to the American people and a such removed from his position after decades of failure…