Biden’s America. This is what they mean by healing and uniting.

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We’ve heard a lot about healing and unity recently. If you thought democrats meant any of that you’d be be sorely mistaken. When democrats speak of healing, they mean nothing. When they speak of unity, they mean you must surrender to their demands or you will be punished.

This weekend Trump supporters took to the streets and rallied in favor of their President. It wasn’t well received by Antifa and BLM Biden supporters who were not going to allow it.

Here a young couple is terrorized

Amusingly, this is how AOL portrayed this one sided violence:

Trump supporters’ protests turn into violent clashes

The writers’ names are ASHRAF KHALIL and KEVIN FREKING and they are contemptibly dishonest.

Freaking dishonest, to coin a phrase.

Not one democrat has disavowed or condemned this behavior. Biden is silent. Harris is silent. This is their America.

One is tempted to call these things animals, but animals behave better than this. This is scum- cheap shot artists who strike and run away, intimidating families and children, terrorizing restaurant patrons. They are emboldened by numbers and are singly cowards. This must make democrats proud.

Not one left wing media outlet accurately reported it. Not one. There is no free and objective press any longer.

They need to be crushed. Utterly destroyed. Unfortunately, that is what it’s going to take. You can bet your life that once Trump supporters strike back it will be reported as them being responsible for the violence.

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unity-right. all have limited vocabulary. the F work is always interspersed with one or two words “get out” “does not belong”.
who gave these animals the right to Destroy America? pedophile joey, kamaslut and the democratic party. Trump could issue federal warrants for creepy joey and his druggy son for treason and sedition.
As Lincoln noted, “America will destroy itself from within”
Welcome to another third world country .

Just think, in a year or two this blog will be declared racist and not in communist party lines

One common element in all those encounters; ANTIFA are cowards. Wormy little cowards. They don’t face anyone and fight; always sneaking up from behind, clocking someone in the back and running away. They look back to see if the victim went down and, if they did, reverse and begin kicking the victim on the ground. Yet, when someone faces them and fights, even if outnumbered, they run.

Of course, they were “triggered”. They were triggered by someone having opinions other than theirs, believing in something they don’t believe in.

This was my brother-in-law’s plea for “unity”.

I know a lot of us have separated and/or distanced ourselves from friends and relatives during the past 4 years due to politics. Our new President has asked that we bury those hatchets and work together, as one, to bring America back together. So I am asking a simple question, are you willing to work together to make America great again. Please answer yes or no.

Mind you, he had declared anyone supporting Trump a racist (which, of course, would include myself, my wife and my entire family), had unfriended anyone that disagreed with him and ceased coming to family functions because of “COVID”, though he and his wife go out to eat and to pool tournaments on a regular basis. But it is up to US to pledge to “work together” to support a socialist regime that condones and encourages, through its silence, violence and terrorism, racism and hate.

Not one democrat has disavowed or condemned this behavior. Biden is silent. Harris is silent. This is their America.

Why condemn it? It’s just an “idea”. Nothing to see here.

To promote unity, it sure would be nice to see some Democrat come forth and take responsibility for this violence as being in support of the Democrat agenda, disavow it, condemn it and demand Democrat leaders eliminate it.

But that ain’t gonna happen. The one and only message sent here is that submission and ONLY submission is an acceptable response.

If you think for a moment that, just because the official Trump Accountability Project is offline now, Trump, his supporters and 1/2 of the voting public aren’t in for targeted violence, think again.

Just a month before the election Bookworm Room wrote and published an article about how people were looking for Biden supporters’ enthusiasm in the wrong places.
His support, his rabid support came, not from those who went to see him, but from these people who haven’t got the morals of ally cats.
Of course they cheated.
Look at what they’d already proved themselves willing to do:
Arson, Loot, Shoot police, Kill opponents, beat people up, abuse black owned businesses.
Think they couldn’t get into the vote tallying business?
The vote delivery business?
The Trump vote destruction business?
The Biden vote creation business?

We see the unity of the Democrat party as long as they get some cabinet position. Now they will never admit those pesky machines we fed our ballots into are anything but the most secure way to cast our ballots. McCarthy, & Staple Street letters.pdf
Now sit down shut up else you get a good whompin’
You are outnumbered do not believe your lying eyes.
Despite Call For Unity, Biden Silent After Trump Supporters Are Viciously Attacked

@Deplorable Me: Tell your bro-in-law that yu’ve finally come around to him and are ready to join #TheResistance against a corrupt, illegitimate president. Ask him what he wants to do first to fight the new regime.

@Brother Bob: Well, I wasn’t on his email list (he sent it to my son-in-law) and though they live on the next street, we never see them. We’ve gone over there (my wife’s sister has had health issues) but that’s it.

Would you believe Trump 410 Biden 128

Did the US Raid European Software Company Scytl and Seize their Servers in Germany? — Company Refutes Claims?

Trump is going to win the election so “healing and uniting” won’t be on Democrats lips for at least 4 years. Carry on.


Would you believe Trump 410 Biden 128


@kitt: Is this the Kraken?

@Deplorable Me: Kraken Sidney doesnt make statements she cant back up.
We need to keep our heads up and out of submit mode, no big reset.
Caught on my radar but new to me

@kitt: Recall that Trump does not say things he can’t back up, either.

@Meremortal, #8:

Trump is going to win the election so “healing and uniting” won’t be on Democrats lips for at least 4 years. Carry on.

Trump has already lost the election, by over 5.5 million popular votes and a wide electoral college margin. There’s no actual uncertainty about the outcome—only his ego-driven refusal to accept reality, and the cult-like hold he has over his enablers and followers. That combination shows signs of become a seriously destructive force.

FOX News is apparently unwilling to continue wholeheartedly aiding and abetting this lunacy, but Newsmax has no such scruples. They’ve seen their opportunity and they’re making their move.

@Greg: Greg, after all this time, do you truly not understand how our elections are supposed to work? The popular vote is only an aggregate of state-by-state voting easily explained by votes in California, New York and Illinois, and the Electoral College- the vote that actually matters in all this- hasn’t even met yet.
Seriously, Greg. Do you need a remedial class in Civics?


Trump has already lost the election, by over 5.5 million popular votes and a wide electoral college margin.

Nope. Not even close. Until all the suits and investigations are done, we can’t know. The has been so much left wing corruption and fraud that it is absolutely necessary to find out how much fraud there was and how much it affected the outcome. Just another aspect of America the Democrats are converting to third world status.

@Bill H: What Greg means is that the fraud is complete and the artificial, fraudulent picture is of a Biden/Harris victory. Fraud and corruption is the rule, not the Constitution.

@Bill H, #14:

Do you need a remedial class in Civics?

No, I don’t. The electoral college result is generally a reflection of the will of the voters. The will of the voters in sufficient states was more than enough to overcome the advantage the electoral college tends to give to republicans. That’s what would be expected with so large a popular vote margin. Biden will have 290 electoral college votes. He’ll win the election even if a few electors break their vow to vote as the popular vote in their respective areas indicate they should.

Biden’s 5.5 million vote margin was not all in California, New York, and Illinois. Here’s the state by state breakout of the percentage that voted for Trump. Biden has a lot of supporters in every state. The break-even point is midway down the list, not all the way at the bottom. Purely red or blue states is a fiction.


The electoral college is generally a reflection of the will of the voters.

Of course, in 2016, Democrats wanted the electors to ignore the voice of the voters and vote for Hillary. But, that was when denouncing the outcome of an election was the fashion. What has changed?

@Deplorable Me, #15:

What Greg means is that the fraud is complete and the artificial, fraudulent picture is of a Biden/Harris victory. Fraud and corruption is the rule, not the Constitution.

No one has produced any real evidence of a meaningful level of election fraud anywhere. Those who claim they have it have had nearly two weeks now to do so.

The claims are the fraud, not the election. The simple truth is that Trump lost the election. He was rejected by a very large majority of American voters—many of whom undoubtedly dislike him far more than they like Joe Biden.

People don’t like what has happened on Trump’s watch. They don’t like what’s still happening. His current behavior certainly isn’t changing their opinion about him. That he’s blocking an incoming president’s access to daily security briefings is totally irresponsible. Al Gore was getting them even while the outcome of a genuinely close election result was in dispute in court. It’s a matter of national security.


The claims are the fraud, not the election.

And you know that how, Comrade Greggie?

Prove the claims are the fraud. PROVE IT, YOU COMMIE POS.

@retire05: He cant prove Biden won not 1 state has officially been called and confirmed. He really thinks the media gets to choose the president, quite pathetic really. See how he still cries about popular vote, clueless pathetic troll squealing from under the bridge to no where.


He really thinks the media gets to choose the president, quite pathetic really.

And in that vein:


No one has produced any real evidence of a meaningful level of election fraud anywhere. Those who claim they have it have had nearly two weeks now to do so.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, just like you told yourself Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016. It doesn’t make you any smarter.

People don’t like what has happened on Trump’s watch.

Yeah, all that peace and prosperity really gets on your nerves, doesn’t it? All the BAD things going on are what the Democrats are doing. Riots, looting, political terrorizing, politicizing and spreading the virus… all Democrat behavior.

@retire05, #19:

Prove the claims are the fraud. PROVE IT, YOU COMMIE POS.

Proving that an election wasn’t fraudulent or the loser gets to remain in power isn’t how things work.

@Deplorable Me, #22:

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, just like you told yourself Trump colluded with Russians to win in 2016.

So where is this evidence? Somewhere in Rudy’s legal briefs? If it exists, it should have been presented with a court filing. Lord knows they’ve filed enough of them, each one as full of unsupported allegations as the one before.

Yeah, all that peace and prosperity really gets on your nerves, doesn’t it?

A trillion-dollar-a-year deficit now boosted to over three trillion, 242 thousand dead of a worsening pandemic, 12.6 million unemployed, a coming surge of foreclosures and evictions, and a President about to turn Afghanistan back over to the Taliban… I’m not so sure about your definition of peace and prosperity.

@Greg: I declared myself winner of powerball they just picked the wrong numbers. Biden is nothing but the former VP of the most scandal ridden administration in history.
Its crumbling around you and your media.
Even the scamdemic is doomed as people find out the tests are a scam.

@Greg: About your thinly veiled threats to Trumps lawyers….
Trump’s Legal Team Lawyer (Lin Wood) Response to someone saying they were Worried about their safety given they are likely targets, working on the President’s legal team:

“You are so kind to express concerns for my safety. I am safe. I believe in Jesus Christ & the promise of protection in Psalm 91.

Assisting God are several AR-15’s, plenty of ammo, & some really good people who know how to use them.

I will be fine. God bless you”. – Lin ❤️
130 SS agents in quarantine hmmm wonder if thats true.


Proving that an election wasn’t fraudulent or the loser gets to remain in power isn’t how things work.

But that is exactly what Trump is trying to do.

@Greg: Much of the deficit is due to supporting the population due to following the “science” of the economic shut down… economic packages Pelosi and the Democrats exploited to load as much pork into as they possibly could. Are you aware there a no more deaths since January, 2020 than there were during the same period of 2017? That sort of lends credence to the claim that many of the deaths are not due to COVID at all. Plus, the US continues to do as well or better than most of the rest of the world handling the virus. Biden, claiming to do nothing Trump hasn’t already done, would be a disaster.

Peace, as in getting the US out of war zones where we never belonged and out of wars that Obama screwed up and lost. In addition, instead of sexually abusing underaged children, selling daddy’s political influence or snorting up all the coke and smoking crack, Trump’s kids have secured monumental and historic peace agreements in the Middle East. Prosperity is the best economy we have had in over a half century, benefitting more than have ever benefitted before and the strongest recovery from the shut down in history. Biden only promises to return the nation to the failed doldrums of Obama’s catastrophic economy.

Joe Biden’s cancer charity spent more than $3.7million on staff salaries but distributed ZERO towards research grants over two years, tax filings reveal.
I wonder who is on the board.


Prove the claims are the fraud. PROVE IT, YOU COMMIE POS.

Proving that an election wasn’t fraudulent or the loser gets to remain in power isn’t how things work.

Are you saying that everyone who provided a legal affidavit of voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement and refusal to allow proper inspection of the vote count by representatives of BOTH parties are all lying? So hundreds of people, including some who are Democrats and voted for Biden, are all lying?

You keep indicating that an affidavit is not “testimony.” Shows what a lousy legal eagle you are.

If there was no voter fraud, no dead people voting, no illegal mail-in ballots counted, and Biden won fair and square, what’s the issue with backing that up through legal means? Me thinks thou doth protest too much, Mr. Commie Scum.

Of course, you will never back up any claim you make because you are nothing but a flat out liar.


I wonder who is on the board.


@retire05: Nah not Hunter most likely some deepstate cronies that had to be rewarded to stay quiet and loyal.

@retire05, #28:

Are you saying that everyone who provided a legal affidavit of voter suppression, voter disenfranchisement and refusal to allow proper inspection of the vote count by representatives of BOTH parties are all lying?

I haven’t seen their affidavits. For all I know, whatever they think they saw was a matter of misinterpretation. We’re certainly not dealing with unbiased observers. Affidavits are considered hearsay in a courtroom. They are not considered proof of what they’re asserting.

You keep indicating that an affidavit is not “testimony.” Shows what a lousy legal eagle you are.

No I haven’t. They’re ARE akin to sworn testimony. Which means that they’re not automatically accepted as accurate—even less so, when the person who made the statement isn’t impartial. No statement is the equivalent of hard physical evidence.

The election authorities of all states have denied seeing any evidence of election fraud. That includes states where republicans organize and supervise the election process. Homeland Security denies there was anything amiss.

Several claims Trump or his campaign have made have been debunked.

@Greg: Let the courts not the media decide debunked its the media struggling to declare a winner before the disputes are settled. Nothing is debunked bucko.


I haven’t seen their affidavits.

Oh? Really? Yet you declare them without foundation? I guess that is in line with your full embrace of any lie concocted against Trump without seeing any evidence… EVER.

I hold out hope that any time now, you will address Democrats openly, on television, calling for supporters to commit massive voter fraud in Georgia. Like your party refusing to address the left wing terrorism ongoing, refusing to denounce it is tacit support and encouragement for it.

The election authorities of all states have denied seeing any evidence of election fraud.

Oh. You mean those whose job it was to prevent fraud and/or were actually INVOLVED in the fraud say none happened? Well, hell… let’s believe THEM instead of the massive quantities of evidence!

ABC is another source of lies and disinformation.

@Greg: Democrats have committed election fraud, and continued a soft coup for four years.

Biden will NEVER be accepted as a legitimate, legally elected President due to actual proof and not a dossier paid for by a losing political rival bent on cheating even in defeat.

Marxism does not work and will not be tolerated in America.


Trump has already lost the election, by over 5.5 million popular votes and a wide electoral college margin.

The election was rigged and the outcome is invalid.

Biden leads nothing. Biden wins nothing.

Thou shalt not steal elections or flags

@kitt: That bitch Karma again.

@Nathan Blue:

With the realization that the Trump cultist and Dem haters have gone full blown batshit crazy from the Trump/Fox/QAnon/Newsmax nonstop indoctrination and have no grasp between what is true and what isn’t true, you and your reality deniers are living up to exactly what I and most people of reasonable intellect predicted all along.

For the past year you and your clones were predicting an illogical decisive Trump win despite overwhelming realities that it was an uphill battle for him. No reasonable possibilities that pointed otherwise were allowed in your reasoning. During this time you were instructed to believe none other than a Trump landslide while at the same time, being instructed to believe that since a Trump loss would be impossible, that the only possibility was a rigged election.

Neither were likely. There were never any indicators or likelihood for either. And you nor the Trump cultist have ever given any reasonable explanations to give credence to your arguments. Because you have also been instructed (and obediently done so) to adamantly deny any news sources who dared to report Trump’s lies, cons, and scandals and rely solely on his propaganda machine, you and the FA Trump cheerleaders are now here doing exactly what you’ve been instructed to do, assist Trump in his ongoing con of denying his defeat. The scam has been in the works his entire presidency and those you’ve been instructed to reject have been trying to warn you the whole time.

I really don’t know if you realize you’ve been had or if you just don’t care.

@Ronald J. Ward: We just reject your sources that were sooooo correct in 2016 and 2020 Biden up by 17 in Wisconsin what did happen there a skinny questionable thin margin of 20 thousand votes that only appeared late at night over coming a 120 K lead. Brown County (home of the GB Packers) had a questionable representative interacting with poll workers.
I have questions even though Trump won the county by over 10K votes
The republican congressional rep got 10K votes more than the president Results/2020/November/summary-final!.pdf
Brown is not a split district it is solid 8th.

@Ronald J. Ward: Why are Democrats openly recommending, supporting and condoning massive voter fraud in the Georgia run off? They’ve come right on on television proposing fraud and endorsing it. Do you approve of it?

You don’t sound like you are endorsing or promoting “healing”, as your racist, corrupt leader recommends, either. I guess like everyone else, you see that as the lie it is.


. Affidavits are considered hearsay in a courtroom. They are not considered proof of what they’re asserting.

On what law do you base that opinion?

They’re ARE akin to sworn testimony. Which means that they’re not automatically accepted as accurate—even less so, when the person who made the statement isn’t impartial.

Damn, do you really need to go to such lengths to prove that you are clueless about juris prudence?

Affidavits ARE legal testimony and perjury rules apply to affidavits. And good luck with conducting any judicial hearing where those offering their testimony, be it by affidavit or orally, have no partiality (prejudices).

So first you say that affidavits are simply hearsay, then you say they are (basically) testimony.

If you ever get arrested, please, serve as your own legal counsel. Hopefully when you’re in jail, we won’t have to tolerate your b/s any longer.

@retire05: Greg only recognizes hard evidence, like the type Schiff presented during impeachment. Oh… wait.


@retire05, #41:

On what law do you base that opinion?

It’s not just my opinion. Affidavits are generally inadmissible as evidence in a courtroom because they’re treated as hearsay—or out-of-court statements—for the simple reason that a written statement cannot be cross examined. Affidavits have many other important and entirely acceptable uses in legal matters.

The same information given in an affidavit can be admissible testimony in a courtroom when it’s presented directly by a witness who is present to be cross examined. Then the statement is no longer being made out-of-court. Questions can be asked, answers followed up with more questions, and opinions can be reached by the judge and jury concerning both relevance and the witness’s credibility. There’s also a significantly greater likelihood of adverse personal consequences if a witness is discovered to be knowingly untruthful in the course of cross examination. Judges don’t like it when witnesses knowingly lie under oath.

What are the Rules of Evidence?

@Greg: Dont you think they will call them as witnesses? Along with tech, statistical experts and voting fraud experts?
Why did your favorite presidential candidate, Amy, along with 3 other Democrat senators question the Dominion voting machines in Dec 2019, cause she felt they were so secure and accurate?
But we shouldnt question them its just a danger to the Republic.
Having our vote count tallied in Germany, outside the hands of every American election official.
Sit down shut up and watch what comes to light look at other sources outside your scripted bubble. You dont have to believe that over 80 million people voted against defund the police, shut down oil independence. It isnt up to you or your insane ilk.
Your BLM brownshirts are animals without brakes, unable to control their emotions and have to physically attack people that have a different opinion to them.This guy lets a flag trigger him


Your link is to an explaination of “hear say” evidence. Not one and the same as a sworn affidavit.

You seem to not understand the very link you provided. If you say, as the Ukraine phone call whistleblower did, “I was not a witness to the event but was told by”…….. that is hear say evidence and generally not admissible although the Democrats had no problem with it in their hatchet job against Trump. But…………………

if you say “I was denied admission into Central Count as a poll watcher because I was there for a) a Republican canadidate, b) assigned by the County Republican Party” that is not hearsay evidence, it is first person testimony.

You really should stop trying to play legal eagle, you’re not very good at it. Maybe you could play doctor on TV.

@retire05, #46:

Your link is to an explaination of “hear say” evidence. Not one and the same as a sworn affidavit.

Any sworn affidavit is hearsay, by courtroom definition. “Hearsay is an out-of-court statement offered to prove the truth of whatever it asserts.”

The common usage definition of hearsay is different from the strict legal definition. The legal definition isn’t rumor or second-hand information.

@Greg: Let’s say, for the sake of argument, everything you say is true; all the evidence is simply made up. So? How is that any different from what you Democrats did against Trump for the past 4 years? NOTHING you have accused Trump of ever had the benefit of a shred of evidence. Not one bit. What is the difference between trying to unseat a duly elected President with lies or collecting stories about voter fraud to disrupt an election? I would think you could appreciate the effort. After all, it is the precedent your Lord and Master established; “the ends justifies the means”.

But, of course, the evidence of Democrat voter fraud is not invented, as all the “evidence” you placed all your support and hopes for a coup upon. This is the real thing and the very survival of this nation hangs in the balance.

@Deplorable Me: Nevermind a sworn affidavit is made out under oath and if you fib you can be prosecuted for perjury.
Hardly I heard it from someone who overheard someone else talking on a cell phone.

@kitt: Ooooooh… is that what the “sworn” part means? Golly, who knew?

Meanwhile, “I heard someone say they heard someone say that someone said…” can be used by Democrats to impeach Trump. Kind of hard to follow, isn’t it?

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