The Week In Radical Leftism, 5/29/20



Welcome back! Straight to The Wayback Machine of insanity…

5/12 – This is why I LOVE Africa

I can’t verify the video, but it passes the smell test. This is one of many reasons you shouldn’t trust the WHO.

5/18 – Resolving the Argument Between Lockdown and Liberty

Nails it.

5/18 – The Constitution Will Not Protect You From the TRACE Act

I’m not too worried about this, as even the Deep Staters know there’s only so much they can push onto the peasants before there’s a revolt.

5/20 – Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger’s Club to Operate While Barber Loses License

Shorter Michigan: Churches = bad. Glory holes = good. Please let Sundown Joe pick Governor Karenvaffen as his running mate. The ads will write themselves.

5/22 – Biden: ‘Amazon should start paying their taxes’

Um, Joe? Maybe it’s not a good idea to baselessly insult the owner of one of your most reliable PR firms (The Washington Post)?

5/22 – Scaring Parents Of Trans Kids With Suicide Shuts Down Their Ability To Consider Options For Their Kids

Another example of the malice of the Gaystapo

5/23 – Will COVID-19 Tyranny Turn California Red?

Short answer: No. No chance at all. Demographics = destiny, and The Radical Left has been running a decades long campaign of replacing Americans with foreigners who will cast the votes that Americans won’t do. It might make a difference in states that Leftists haven’t destroyed yet, though.

5/24 – Jonah Goldberg Attacks Kayleigh McEnany’s Behavior Toward the Press as ‘Indefensible and Grotesque’

I have a lot to say on this one, and realized it’s too much for here and warrants another of my “Waiting for Godot” posts to come. So I’ll just suggest that, as one of the leaders of the Vichy Conservatives, Jonah Goldberg take the sage advice of Dean Wormer: “Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.”

5/25 – Whitmer’s Husband Asked For Special Treatment In Getting Boat On Water After She Urged People To Not Go To Area, Report Says

Please let Sundown Joe pick Governor Karenvaffen as his running mate. Just like with Joe, the ads will write themselves.


MS-13NBC earns itself a well deserved smackdown from a citizen journalist. Damned shame they didn’t have a journalist present to capture the story.

5/27 – Perfect: Texas Bar Owner Asks Mask-Wearers to ‘Stay Home Until It’s Safe’

Now THIS is the kind of mask shaming I can get behind!

5/28 – Democrats Fear Prosperity

Prosperity is the disease. Democrats are the cure.

5/29 – Charge Twitter with a campaign finance violation

I’ve been wondering about this for a while. For that matter, why aren’t softball “interviews” by the likes of Ellen, Oprah, etc. comnsidered campaign contributions? And yes, the press’ treatment of Candidate Trump prior to him becoming their Emmanuel Goldstein would also fall in this category.

ICYMI – I offered my thougts on how Biden and the Democrats deserve each other.

Have a great weekend!





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Cross posted at Flopping Aces<!– Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog–>

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Just call it the ChiCon flu.
Yeah, the first time I typed it, I meant to spell ChiCom. But this is better.
So many things I do turn out better when I don’t know what I’m doing.

maybe gretchen is a bi-swinger?? she was useless as a county prosecutor, and her intellectual inadequacies have become apparent during this alleged crisis. the hypocrisy was so blatant when she asked the demonized citizens of MI for forgive her husband’s boat deal. anyone in the state should look at her divorce from her first husband—very nasty.
fat ass jonah goldberg and lap sucking wallace are both long time democrat boot licking activists-not journalists. both have interpersonal issues with females.
harris, wonder where she buried the mattress she wore on her back and the knee pads? every whore has a price and she has told America what her price is.

5/12 – This is why I LOVE Africa

Let’s see… edited? Lies? Staged? What will the defense be? Certainly not an admission of the truth.

5/18 – Resolving the Argument Between Lockdown and Liberty

But, for the left, the shut down is the goal.

5/18 – The Constitution Will Not Protect You From the TRACE Act

And the current riots prove that the left will happily accept riots, looting and violence on the basis of hurt feelings. So, light em up! Democrats are so sneaky… we never figure out what they are up to, do we?

5/20 – Gretchen Whitmer Allows Gay Swinger’s Club to Operate While Barber Loses License

Well, you know… critical services. Can’t let the spread of AIDS and veneral diseases fall off just because of a pandemic.

5/22 – Biden: ‘Amazon should start paying their taxes’

Isn’t he considering a Vice President candidate that didn’t pay her taxes? I bet there’s a wink, wink, nudge, nudge agreement there that Biden will talk tough about Amazon paying taxes but it’s just talk… don’t worry.

5/22 – Scaring Parents Of Trans Kids With Suicide Shuts Down Their Ability To Consider Options For Their Kids

What other mental illnesses are treated by condoning and reinforcing the mental illness?

5/23 – Will COVID-19 Tyranny Turn California Red?

Common sense doesn’t seem to catch on as rapidly as stupidity does.

5/24 – Jonah Goldberg Attacks Kayleigh McEnany’s Behavior Toward the Press as ‘Indefensible and Grotesque’

Well, we can hope that one day the media will become mature and journalistic. Further, we can hope it won’t take a Democrat administration to turn them around.

5/25 – Whitmer’s Husband Asked For Special Treatment In Getting Boat On Water After She Urged People To Not Go To Area, Report Says

Yeah, but, he was just, ha, ha, kidding. Ha, ha, ha.


Are they incapable of learning?

5/27 – Perfect: Texas Bar Owner Asks Mask-Wearers to ‘Stay Home Until It’s Safe’

We ain’t skert.

5/28 – Democrats Fear Prosperity

Political movements with bad intentions cannot come to power amidst prosperity.

5/29 – Charge Twitter with a campaign finance violation

Consider every liberal that posts on Twitter without a “fact check” a campaign contribution to that candidate.