Joe Biden has struggled to remain relevant since he announced his presidential campaign in April 2019. That task became a lot more difficult since the outbreak of coronavirus.

Before his campaign finally acknowledged the crisis, Team Biden was already limiting public appearances. From 10-minute campaign “rallies” to scripted television interviews, Biden was doing his best to run a campaign without appearing in public.

When the establishment media was still working around the clock to save Biden’s campaign from Bernie Sanders, that plan was working. However, once 24/7 coverage transitioned to COVID-19, Biden remained stuck in his basement bunker, out of sight and out of mind.

His solution to this problem? Attack President Trump’s response to coronavirus with no regard for the truth.

Here are Joe Biden’s six most egregious COVID-19 lies:

1. President Trump called coronavirus a hoax

Editing President Trump out of context is Democrats’ favorite way to exploit this national emergency for political purposes. Biden’s campaign took two separate statements made by the president at a rally to make it look like he said, “Coronavirus, this is their new hoax.” If you go through the transcript of the president’s statements that night, it is clear that it never happened. President Trump rightfully said the politicization of the crisis is a hoax, just like the Russia witch hunt and the impeachment charade. The Washington Post even awarded Biden four Pinocchios for manipulating the video. But President Trump never said, and never would say, the disease itself is a hoax.

2. The Trump administration rejected WHO coronavirus test kits

During the March 15 presidential debate, Biden asserted the Trump administration “refused to get coronavirus testing kits from the World Health Organization,” while attacking the president for his handling of the COVID-19 response. The truth? WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris said, “No discussion occurred between WHO and CDC about WHO providing COVID-19 tests to the United States.” How could President Trump reject something that was never offered?

3. Trump eliminated entities responsible for global health security and biodefense

On March 19, Biden tweeted, “The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19. Donald Trump eliminated it.” This characterization, however, completely distorts what happened. After President Trump took office, the NSC established the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which included global health and biodefense. Tim Morrison, who ran the new directorate, claimed this change made America’s biodefense response even stronger.

There are three more at the link.