Want to know why the US response to Corona was not what it could have been?


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It’s actually pretty simple.

It begins with China.

China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials.

The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret, and they declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.

The report was received by the White House last week, one of the officials said.

The outbreak began in China’s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.

China destroyed evidence.

Chinese laboratories identified a mystery virus as a highly infectious new pathogen by late December last year, but they were ordered to stop tests, destroy samples and suppress the news, a Chinese media outlet has revealed.

A regional health official in Wuhan, centre of the outbreak, demanded the destruction of the lab samples that established the cause of unexplained viral pneumonia on January 1. China did not acknowledge there was human-to-human transmission until more than three weeks later.

The detailed revelations by Caixin Global, a respected independent publication, provide the clearest evidence yet of the scale of the cover-up in the crucial early weeks when the opportunity was lost to control the outbreak.

Censors have been rapidly deleting the report from the Chinese internet.

China refused to allow US authorities in to help fight the virus

Amid its outbreak of coronavirus that has killed over 100 people and sickened more than 4,500, China refused two direct offers from the US to send infectious disease experts to help fight the virus’s spread, and a third made via the World Health Organization.

It was only as US Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Alex Azar was disclosing this information to reporters in a Tuesday press conference the China at last acquiesced, telling the WHO it would welcome foreign assistance.

Although the global public health community has widely praised China’s quick – if ‘Draconian’ – work to address the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, the Communist Party run nation is haunted by its secretive handling of past outbreaks.

China has “disappeared” another whistleblower:

A Chinese doctor who claimed her bosses tried to silence her early warnings about coronavirus appears to have disappeared — stirring fears that she was detained, according to new reports.

Ai Fen had pointed out cases of the illness to colleagues at Wuhan Central Hospital, eight of whom were reprimanded themselves, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported.

The whereabouts of Ai, who is head of the emergency department, are now unknown, 60 Minutes Australia reported Monday.

“Just two weeks ago the head of Emergency at Wuhan Central hospital went public, saying authorities had stopped her and her colleagues from warning the world,” the outlet tweeted. “She has now disappeared, her whereabouts unknown.”

And then this was prolonged by the World Health Organization (who some call the Chinese Health Organization)  who claimed COVID 19 is not contagious


The head of the World Health Organization is Xi’s stooge and he should be in prison.

  • World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus won his 2017 election with China’s backing.
  • Tedros is now providing cover for China’s propaganda campaign denying responsibility for the outbreak.
  • Tedros praised China’s “transparency” and said China’s response to the virus was a model for other nations, though China tried to cover up the virus’s outbreak and silenced whistleblowers.
  • Tedros is the first-ever WHO chief not to be a medical doctor and was accused of covering up three different cholera epidemics as Ethiopia’s health minister.

This is how it all began. This is what Trump and Fauci and Birx had to work with. Blaming Trump and Fauci for accepting the word of China and the WHO is stupid and pathetic hindsight.

Now China is desperately trying to rewrite history and the left media has become China’s echo chamber

The Global Times, a state-run Chinese tabloid, released a video recently highlighting various U.S. media personalities and Democratic leaders, who have pushed the Beijing-approved talking point that it is racist to refer to the virus by its country or city of origin.

The video features CNN’s Chris Cuomo and NBC News’s Richard Engel. The Chinese-produced propaganda also cites failed two-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Engel said earlier this month in one of the dumber soliloquies ever to grace television screens, “It is easy to scapegoat people, and that is what has always happened when there have been pandemics or epidemics. This is a virus that came from the territory of China but came from bats. This is a bat virus, not a China virus.”

The Chinese propaganda video also features Clinton’s tweet wherein she wrote, “The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis.”

She adds, “Don’t fall for it. Don’t let your friends and family fall for it.”

Cuomo, Engel, Clinton and others in the left have become China dolls of the Chinese Communist Party. One wonders how much the CCP is paying them.

This is how it began and this is why it won’t end soon.

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If you go to the Johns Hopkins Interactive Covid 19 map, the world stats show up.
Click on China and its stats show up.
Click on the graph under the stats to see China’s Daily Increase stat graph.
No New Cases whatsoever.
Ever since China QUIT TESTING!
We increased our testing and, lo & behold!, more new cases were found.
China QUIT TESTING and is touting it was a cure!
Meanwhile New York is skewing our death rate numbers by calling EVERY DEATH where coronavirus was even present in the body as a coronavirus death!
That’s not how it’s done in medicine.
Just look at AIDS.
Almost all its dead have pneumonia as cause of death on their certificate.

Tedros praised China’s “transparency” and said China’s response to the virus was a model for other nations, though China tried to cover up the virus’s outbreak and silenced whistleblowers.

Apparently “transparency” has gained a new definition since the Obama error.

The Global Times, a state-run Chinese tabloid, released a video recently highlighting various U.S. media personalities and Democratic leaders, who have pushed the Beijing-approved talking point that it is racist to refer to the virus by its country or city of origin.

So is this yet ANOTHER case of Democrats and a foreign power working together to affect a US Presidential election? Sure looks like it.

I notice they don’t include any of Biden’s brilliant comments. I guess THEY can’t understand them, either.

@Nan G:

China QUIT TESTING and is touting it was a cure!

This is how the left thinks. They don’t want answers; they want ammunition. CCP wants to look competent, so they show how well they controlled the epidemic in their country while everyone else falls apart. Likewise, Democrats simply want to blame Trump for the epidemic instead of admitting that relying on globalists that have interests other than the good of the world as their priority is a bad idea. That’s why they NEVER solve a problem; they simply seek to weaponize them and reinforce their own power.

It’s such a dick move, saying we were “slow”.

Not even listening to that anymore. It’s all political, and even the Dems/Leftists can’t seem to hide that they only say it because they are too vested in their own blind obedience to…uh…whatever their beliefs are…which I’m not sure they know anymore.

Orange Man Bad.

@Nathan Blue: Their belief is in THEIR power over others. It’s all they care about.

the war has begun. china’s economy is now in serious trouble, not as bad a north korea but getting there. there are about 1.5 billion humans in china, the agricultural machine and output has been stagnated over the last two years. the trade agreement in 1918 between china and Italy is now an issue – BRT agreement. the most inventive idea has come from the idiot mayor of nyc. he is going to place a 24% tax on the virus so it will leave the city to areas of better taxation. increasing the taxes on anything in nyc has forced mass exodus of the city’s inhabitants; thus taxing the virus will hasten its exit from the city

Want to know why the US response to Corona was not what it could have been?

Okay, so we now have an admission that the U.S. response to the pandemic came up short. I’m pretty sure Trump is still in charge here so let’s look at a few things.

This is how it all began. This is what Trump and Fauci and Birx had to work with. Blaming Trump and Fauci for accepting the word of China and the WHO is stupid and pathetic hindsight.

So far, we have an admission that the U.S. failed response, because, well, Trump accepted the word of China, as if he didn’t know Tedros was a politician but to hold Trump accountable would be “stupid and pathetic”. But of coarse.

If we had a leader that actually listened to his own intelligence team and reacted accordingly rather than his gut feelings, maybe, just maybe we would have been better served.

Tedros praised China’s “transparency” and said China’s response to the virus was a model for other nations, though China tried to cover up the virus’s outbreak and silenced whistleblowers.

On Jan 24, Trump posts his first Tweet about the coronavirus. He praises the Chinese government for its “transparency” handling the outbreak and says, “it will all work out well.” He also said he had confidence in the Chinese government to be transparent in an interview with CNBC’s Joe Karen and again said: “We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine,”

Despite the time line of events building a credible case of Trump lagging in a productive response and even aside from Trump’s weakening of our safety infrastructure to respond quicker (along with his on record attempts to defund the CDC which by the way, we should applaud Democrats for being there to save us), Trump’s delays, lies, deflection of blame, and dereliction of leadership is consistent of what we’re seeing in several red states vrs blue. Democratic governors are putting their people over business whereas Republican governors have been putting $ over people.

States led by R governors were an average of nearly three days later than other states to enact social distancing measures. Do we really need to go into more specifics on that, you know, spring break and Sunday services? Is it their fault for not listening or adhering to the correct intelligence or data ir is it something else?

How bout U.S. Senators dumping stock after a briefing in January and turning around telling us all was well and then Trump telling the same? They knew. Again, they knew. And Trump knew it too.

Trump’s incompetence, mendacity, and what appears to be a partisan hatred towards blue states in need is problematic in itself. There’s a larger appearance that Trump and Republicans slowed their response to protect the profits of their corporate donors and/or their own personal interests. No surprise there, that’s just who they are.

As the realty of the slow response, which will certainly lead to more Americans dying, becomes more inarguable, the more the Trump cultist will need to protect their hero and shift blame. So by all means Dr John, spin all you can with “China, China, China”.

@Ronald J. Ward:

On Jan 24, Trump posts his first Tweet about the coronavirus. He praises the Chinese government for its “transparency” handling the outbreak and says, “it will all work out well.”

On February 24th, one month later, Malig-Nancy Pelosi showed up in Chinatown telling people “Come on down. All is great.”

Odd, you didn’t mention that. Nor did you mention the dump crap put out by Comrade Warren Wilhelm, Jr.

But then, haters (like you) are gonna hate.


So if Pelosi Pelosi Pelosi does something bad, Saint Donald who runs the country is exonerated from everything?

Was it a good idea to be promoting dining business in late Feb? Probably not but
I don’t think any state was pushing to close restaurants or such until around mid-March. So it got more to the point a few weeks later in the time line of which Democratic governors order businesses closed and which Republican state businesses ordered their governor of what to do.

Pelosi Pelosi Pelosi”s vist to Chinatown wasn’t about promoting their business because of loss revenue due of COVID but rather that the Asian restaurant business was suffering losses due to Trump’s racist rants and snake-oil pointing blame to those yellow people who stole all of our good paying jobs (not verbatim perhaps but in so many words).

You can view the entire interview here, if anything matter.

@DrJohn: @DrJohn:

@Ronald J. Ward:

China bot

Absolutely. Democrats are absolved of all things. Republicans are guilty of all things, even what Democrats are guilty of.

Haters gonna hate.

The Trump campaign is buying meals from local eateries and sending them to the hospitals for the doctors and nurses.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Asian restaurant business was suffering losses due to Trump’s racist rants and snake-oil pointing blame to those yellow people who stole all of our good paying jobs

If liberals thought that all Asian restaurants had an elevator in the kitchen to a wet market China, hell they would also vote for Hillary. There is simply no hope for you.

I’m going with: “It’s all Greg’s fault.”


@Ronald J. Ward:

but rather that the Asian restaurant business was suffering losses due to Trump’s racist rants and snake-oil pointing blame to those yellow people who stole all of our good paying jobs (not verbatim perhaps but in so many words).

I’d expect a member of the KKK to say something that stupid and that wrong.

@Ronald J. Ward: Keep gaslighting. Trump’s approval rating just went up.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Trump accepted the word of China, as if he didn’t know Tedros was a politician but to hold Trump accountable would be “stupid and pathetic”.

Not China… WHO provided the information. You know… the “experts” you whiny, lying, crybaby sore losers always insist know EVERYTHING. It just happens THESE “experts” were knowing tools of the Chinese. But, you simply aren’t smart enough to understand that.

On Jan 24, Trump posts his first Tweet about the coronavirus. He praises the Chinese government for its “transparency” handling the outbreak

That was WHO.

Asian restaurant business was suffering losses due to Trump’s racist rants

WHAT “racist rant”? Provide it.

Again… WHO on this earth reacted more quickly and more effectively than Trump has? WHO? Provide the name or organization or country. What information did Trump have that Pelosi did not?

@Nathan Blue:

Keep gaslighting. Trump’s approval rating just went up.

I’ve been rather busy the past few days with the grand kids, breaking a garden, spring cleaning, pizza ordered outside picnics and such so I haven’t followed trumpvirus or even his day to day gaslighting as close as usual (feels pretty good too) but I haven’t seen on any news tickers or news agitators of a Trump bump.

But you often speak as a 1 man conclusive poll with no evidence so this isn’t exactly unusual for you.

@Ronald J. Ward: I pity your unfortunate grandkids to have to spend any time with such a hateful piece of trash. Do you teach them how to lie by showing them your posts?

@Ronald J. Ward:

So if Pelosi Pelosi Pelosi does something bad, Saint Donald who runs the country is exonerated from everything?

You specifically mentioned the date of January 24, 2020 in reference to Trump’s comments about the Chi-Com virus. Who was he listening to on that date, AJ/Ward?

That would be Dr. Anthony Fauci. So shall we review exactly what Dr. Fauci said just three days earlier?

Dr. Fauci: “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing. But this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.

That, AJ/Ward, was from a Newsmax interview on JANUARY 21.

Since President Trump is not an immunologist, he relies on the one he has. If anyone is subject to criticism, it should be Fauci who I am not really impressed with. He seems more politician than physician to me.

The Trump Admin is now advising ALL Americans to wear face masks when we might come in contact with others.

This lady’s You Tube video on “How to sew a face mask,” is great.

Instead of new cotton I used a well worn-in, high per-inch count, old pillowcase.
One king-sized pillowcase will make 8 masks.
Also, instead of plain flannel as a middle layer, I left open a pocket on the top of the mask to insert a virus-fighting Kleenex tissue.
Then you can toss the tissue and toss the mask in the wash (on HOT).
If you wonder why the pleats (seems like an unnecessary extra step) try one on without pleats: It won’t cling all around your face. The pleated ones do!

@Nan G: The pleats just give it extra surface area.

@retire05: 10 and yet even though the Dims are not guilty of anything and the Repubs are, why is it that the Dims don’t seem to even know where they are or the time of day. It’s a good thing they have Trump to lead them out of the darkness.

@Deplorable Me:

I pity your unfortunate grandkids to have to spend any time with such a hateful piece of trash. Do you teach them how to lie by showing them your posts?

Your days must surely be long and lonely.


You specifically mentioned the date of January 24, 2020 in reference to Trump’s comments about the Chi-Com virus. Who was he listening to on that date, AJ/Ward?

It’s really unknown as to who, to what extent, or the relevance of Trump’s hearing and interpreting of anyone on any given day and even if he does, how long that will last. It’s even difficult to know what he himself believes or thinks from one day to the next or maybe even from one interview to his damage control spinsters or hell, even from a start of his sentence to the end.

But last I heard, he’s the man. He is the guy in charge. And his incompetence and greed, much like republican controlled states, are causing more people to die while you and your ilk are here defending him while pointing blame at others, exactly as you have previously and exactly as I foretasted you would.

It doesn’t matter what he does. Nothing matters. He has a 40ish % cult that will defend him regardless if he showed up at one of his rallies in a stay-at-home state wearing a Hitler suit blaming the virus on every Democrat as well as all black males under 12 years of age and demanding they be shot down on site.

You and sick people of your cult would be defending him while blaming Democrats. That’s who you are.

@Ronald J. Ward:

It’s really unknown as to who, to what extent, or the relevance of Trump’s hearing and interpreting of anyone on any given day and even if he does, how long that will last

What do you not understand about this on January 21st?:

Dr. Fauci: “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing. But this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

But last I heard, he’s the man. He is the guy in charge

And like all Presidents who are not virologists he relies on those who are.

. And his incompetence and greed, much like republican controlled states, are causing more people to die while you and your ilk are here defending him while pointing blame at others, exactly as you have previously and exactly as I foretasted you would.

Shall we compare a “Republican” state to New York, a Democrat state?

First Chi-Com virus case in Texas 2/ 13/2020
Cases in Austin – 351 – 3 dead
Cases in Dallas – 831 – 17 dead
Cases in Houston – 955 – 8 dead
Total Texas cases – 5330 – 90 dead

Foretasted? No, creep, you just want something to rail on Trump for. You are just another dung beetle.

@Ronald J. Ward:

Your days must surely be long and lonely.

Not as long and lonely as those of anyone that has to spend any time with someone that has to lie to themselves and others just to justify their own hatred. You’ll be really hard to stand when Trump comes out of this victorious. You’ve built this up to be an insurmountable monster and Trump will not only solve this, but restore the economy as well and will look like an even BIGGER hero. Nice work, Chester.


What do you not understand about this on January 21st?:

Dr. Fauci: “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing. But this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”


You specifically mentioned the date of January 24, 2020 in reference to Trump’s comments about the Chi-Com virus. Who was he listening to on that date, AJ/Ward?

That would be Dr. Anthony Fauci. So shall we review exactly what Dr. Fauci said just three days earlier?

Dr. Fauci: “Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing. But this is not a major threat for the people of the United States. And this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”

That, AJ/Ward, was from a Newsmax interview on JANUARY 21.

Yeah, I get that. Trump received an opinion from a pandemic expert of a new an unknown virus which wasn’t troublesome and showed no signs of economic destruction—-AT THAT TIME. But what happened next?

Jan 25, 1000 cases were confirmed WORLDWIDE
Jan 26, Chinese gov announces for the 1st time that it’s viral by people showing no symptoms.

Jan 31, the top CDC official said: “we are facing an unprecedented health threat”

Feb 1 10,000 confirmed cases worldwide.

Feb 6 25000 cases confirmed worldwide.

Feb 7 Trump Tweets the end of the virus is near, “especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone.” – something
scientists and public health experts quickly rejected.

Feb 10 Trump says: “looks like, by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.”

Fen 13 CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield contradicts Trump’s predictions in an interview with CNN, saying the coronavirus “is probably with us beyond this season, beyond this year.”

Feb 15 50,000 cases confirmed worldwide.

Feb 19 75,000 cases confirmed worldwide

Feb 24 Trump tweets, “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.”

Feb 25 CDC official, says it is inevitable that the coronavirus will spread in the US and that Americans need to prepare for disruptions to their daily lives.

Feb 25 Trump tells reporters that the virus is “a problem that’s going to go away.”

Feb 26 Trump disagrees with the CDC and tells reporters: “I don’t think it’s inevitable. I think that there’s a chance that it could get worse, a chance it could get fairly substantially worse, but nothing’s inevitable.”

Feb. 26: “And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” — Trump at a press conference. “We’re going very substantially down, not up.” “So we’re at the low level. As they get better, we take them off the list, so that we’re going to be pretty soon at only five people. And we could be at just one or two people over the next short period of time. So we’ve had very good luck.” — Trump at a White House briefing.

Feb 27 82,000 cases confirmed worldwide.

Feb 27 Trump announced Vice President Mike Pence will lead the United States COVID-19 response.

Feb. 28, 2020, campaign rally in SC, Trump likened the Democrats’ criticism of his administration’s response to the outbreak to their efforts to impeach him, saying “this is their new hoax.”

Feb. 29: “And I’ve gotten to know these professionals. They’re incredible. And everything is under control. I mean, they’re very, very cool. They’ve done it, and they’ve done it well. Everything is really under control.” — Trump in a speech at the CPAC conference outside Washington, D.C.

March 2: “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”

March 4: “If we have thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work – some of them go to work, but they get better.”

March 4: “Well, I think the 3.4% is really a false number.” — Trump in an interview on Fox News, referring to the percentage of diagnosed COVID-19 patients worldwide who had died, as reported by the WHO.

March 5: “I never said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”

March 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”

March 6: “I don’t need to have the numbers double b/c of 1 ship that wasn’t our fault.”

March 7: “No, I’m not concerned at all. No, we’ve done a great job with it.”

March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. And the tests are beautiful. They are perfect just like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”

March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on Coronavirus.”

March 9: “The Fake News media & their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power to inflame the Coronavirus situation.”

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

March 10: “And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

March 13: National Emergency Declaration.

March 17 “This is a pandemic, I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

So yeah, I understand the circumstances of Jan 21 when the virus was in the very early stage and much about it was unknown. Those circumstances changed on a daily basis. What pertained to Jan 21 didn’t on Jan 25 when there were 1000 cases or on Feb 1 withe 10,000 cases or of Feb 6 when there were 25,000.

As circumstances changed, Trump and several GOP Governors were reluctant to change. They were downplaying it while it grew. Trump does talk a good game but he came up short on actions, particularly on ventilators, masks, ordering Republican Governors in denial to shut their motels and beach resorts. Trump was obviously more concerned with getting his casinos up and running for those expensive packed Sunday brunches and how he could get his hands on the $500 billion slush fund.

On another note, you want to chastise Pelosi for promoting ChinaTown business on Feb 24 yet Trump’s Feb 28 Klan rally in S.C. gets a pass. But of course. There is no bounds of the hypocrisy and Trump defending of his glazed over cultists.

@Ronald J. Ward: You probably missed my other requests: WHO anywhere in the world reacted more quickly and more effectively than Trump?