We are now in the midst of a coup, not just of Trump, but of America




“There must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment supported by one of our major political parties and opposed by another.”

– Jerry Nadler.

“Impeachment is a very serious matter. If it happens it has to be a bipartisan initiative.” 

– Nancy Pelosi

“In the absence of very graphic evidence, it would be difficult to get the support in the Senate needed to make an impeachment successful. Again, my feeling is let’s see what Bob Mueller produces. But the evidence would have to be pretty overwhelming.”

– Adam Schiff

If you ever needed proof that democrats were lying hypocritical dogs, there it is.

democrats have voted to send two whiny, small, narrow articles of impeachment to the full House for a vote. It’s the lamest case in the history of the US:

So that’s it? That’s all there is? After all the talk of obstruction of justice, collusion with Russia, bribery, extortion, profiting from the Presidency, and more, House Democrats have reduced their articles of impeachment against President Trump to two: abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Honey, we shrunk the impeachment.

Democrats on the Judiciary Committee will vote as early as Thursday on the text of the two articles they unveiled Tuesday, and then they will rush it to the floor next week. It’s enough to suspect that Democrats understand they are offering the weakest case for impeachment since Andrew Johnson, that the public isn’t convinced, and so they simply want to get it over with.

There was not a single fact witness in the last two days. in fact, there was’t a single witness. It was, Louie Gohmert said, a “kangaroo court.”

“America needs to hear from the witnesses. And we didn’t get to hear from them here. This was a kangaroo court.”

It’s so lame that democrats want to impeach Trump for being too tall.

It’s a lot more than that. It’s gone from a fishing expedition that came up empty to a full blown coup.

A full array of government resources were used in attempt to frame the President.

3. Regarding the FBI’s actions in surveilling Trump campaign associates, it was a “travesty” and there were “many abuses.”

4. From “day one,” the FBI investigation generated exculpatory information (tending to point to the targets’ innocence) and nothing that corroborated Russia collusion.

5. It’s a “big deal” to use U.S. law enforcement and intelligence resources to investigate the opposing political party, and I cannot think of another recent instance in which this happened.

6. Evidence to start the FBI’s investigation into Trump associates was “flimsy” from the start and based on the idea that Trump aide George Papadopoulos expressed he may have had pre-knowledge of a Democrat National Committee computer hack. However, it was actually just an offhand barroom comment by a young campaign aide described merely as a “suggestion of a suggestion, a vague allusion” to the fact that the Russians may have something they can dump. But by that time, May 2016, there was already rampant speculation online and in political circles that the Russians had hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails in 2014 and that they might surface. So the idea that Papadopoulos’s comment showed pre-knowledge of the Democratic National Committee hack and dump “is a big stretch.”

The rest of the lists is at the link. Fortunately, it failed.

democrats and their henchmen in the left wing media have been hammering Trump and the GOP with lies non-stop for three years. The IG report has handed them their heads and shoved their egos up their backsides.

Thus the need to impeach, despite an absence of evidence or facts. Still, it gets worse. democrats mean to nullify the next election. They mean to take the election away from the voters.

Nadler:  “We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems, when the president threatens the very integrity of that election.”

Pelosi: “The weak response to these hearings has been, ‘Let the election decide.’ That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because POTUS is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections.”

They are telling the American people that they do not trust them. They know Trump cannot be beaten fairly and have resorted to this unconstitutional chicanery in an effort to smear Trump sufficiently that America won’t reelect him.

Not. Gonna. Work.

By the way, there is no Constitutional allowance for removing a President for a crime not yet committed.

democrat desperation grows by the second. Make no mistake. This is now a coup.  democrats are committed to preventing America from having its rightful and Constitutional voice in the next election.

That’s real obstruction. That’s real abuse of power. They must not succeed.

It’s not Trump assaulting the Constitution. It’s the democrat party.

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Its cold civil war, it began well before the election. It wouldn’t matter who was running against Ms. Clinton.
Note she has has extensive plastic surgery. They say she looks “glowing”, I think they have plumped up her cheeks and botoxed her to the point of looking like some cabbage patch doll lookalike. (Fillers?, she had a valve stem installed.)She doesnt look a day over 85.
They know Joe is going down in flames.
They have been very quiet about the ongoing email investigations often reported on JW. https://www.judicialwatch.org/tag/hillary-clinton.
If She is their best shot, or Michelle (who found and ate all the lunches our kids tossed out, up about 95 lbs) You can see why impeachment is the best option for them. (yes catty but not as catty as they are with our Flotus)
We must keep the fashion designers that dressed those women away from the White House.

24. Why haven’t we already thrown people in prison? “These things take time.” The government has to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt before we indict; it’s a substantial hurdle. Nobody is going to be indicted and go to jail unless that standard is met.

Barr respects the rule of law and individual rights far more than Democrats do. All Democrats need is an idea.

Since we can, based on the evidence and the way Democrats behaved, rule out the possibility that any illegal act of Trump’s has made impeachment necessary, it is difficult to determine exactly WHAT the purpose is? Clearly, people who will take impeachment seriously (not watch golf while it is being debated) and would require even SEMI-compelling evidence to remove a President from office will not consider this a serious cause. So, what IS the goal?

Is it merely to put an asterisk by Trump’s Presidency like Clinton’s? Yes, Democrats ARE that petty and immature, but is that worth all the effort? Something has to be done to try and offset the tremendous achievements of this administration, many of which were determined impossible by Democrats. Perhaps.

Is it just to be able to blame Republicans for not voting to remove Trump from office due to party loyalty? That’s possible, too, as it is not only assured that, again, no sentient being would take Democrat’s articles seriously given the total and complete lack of ANY evidence. But, given the outcome of Clinton’s impeachment, why would this be regarded as anything noteworthy?

Is it merely to carry through with impeachment at the behest of the radical screamers that are in control of the Democrat House, whether it fails or not? Maybe, but the Democrats sure severely damaged ANY credibility or character they might have had to get to this point. Schiff has proven himself the lowest level of shyster, a most vile ambulance-chasing, sidewalk-slipping liar that will do and say anything to draw attention to himself. He will NEVER recover, though it appears this appeals to Democrats.

Hell, who knows? The only thing that can be ruled out is a lawful reason to do this. Beyond that, who can possibly know what goes on in the liberal mind?


Its cold civil war, it began well before the election. It wouldn’t matter who was running against Ms. Clinton.

You know, Trump was just about the least likely winner of the Republican primaries, I wonder if the same spying regimen was being run on all the other Republicans? I see that as likely and would like to see it investigated. It shouldn’t be difficult, as Democrats (assuming Hillary was going to win) didn’t cover their tracks very well. We’ve just been focused on Trump because he won.

They are telling the American people that they do not trust them.

No, they’re telling the American people that they don’t trust Donald Trump.

Why should anyone with a brain trust him? He was just caught red-handed, attempting to cheat in the 2020 election.

Seriously, Donald Trump, Corruption-Fighter? This is the guy who has mainstreamed the control of our government by corporate special interests. This is the guy who hands out ambassadorships in return for for million-dollar-inauguration donations, and then uses the guy who bought the spot as part of an international extortion scheme.

Here’s a possible scenario for elected republicans to consider: They quickly give this guy a pass in the Senate, and then Giuliani gets indicted and begins singing like a canary, or the Supreme Court rules Trump’s taxes must be furnished and the lid gets blown off emoluments, international conflicts of interest, and serious financial irregularities. Perhaps they should at least try to pretend they’re taking the Senate trial seriously.


Why should anyone with a brain trust him? He was just caught red-handed, attempting to cheat in the 2020 election.

Proof, please.

Seriously, Donald Trump, Corruption-Fighter? This is the guy who has mainstreamed the control of our government by corporate special interests.

Proof, please.

This is the guy who hands out ambassadorships in return for for million-dollar-inauguration donations, and then uses the guy who bought the spot as part of an international extortion scheme.

Proof, please.

I hope they DON’T give him a pass; I hope they call witnesses, get testimony and submit tons of evidence. This is a golden opportunity to really expose Democrats lies and corruption and I hope Republicans don’t think Democrats will appreciate them giving THEM a pass. They won’t, as they have shown by being despicable liars even when Trump provides them with all the documents and testimony they demand.

Oh, and you don’t want Giuliani “singing”. You won’t like the lyrics. Trust me on this.

Trump’s taxes must be furnished and the lid gets blown off emoluments, international conflicts of interest, and serious financial irregularities.

Well, the Supreme Court has put a crimp on that. Seems just wanting to see stuff to help invent lies is not sufficient cause for an invasion of privacy.

This is the guy who hands out ambassadorships in return for for million-dollar-inauguration donations, and then uses the guy who bought the spot as part of an international extortion scheme.

Like over 1/3 of the ambassadorships in every single admin dont got to donors and buds.
Shows us where that isnt tradition.

Why should anyone with a brain trust him? He was just caught red-handed, attempting to cheat in the 2020 election.

You cant convict someone over something that hasn’t happened. Joes a crook his kids a crook and they got busted.We have a treaty to assist with crime fighting aww petty 1.8B. What the Dems are afraid of is we will want to have a full accounting of ALL foreign aid. An account of USAID and IMF.
Gulliani came back with documents lots of documents. Not 16 magic millions in only a couple of years like lunchbox.

@kitt, #14:

Like over 1/3 of the ambassadorships in every single admin dont got to donors and buds. Show us where that isn’t tradition.


In Obama’s case, 31 out of 217 U.S. ambassadors were big money donors. None of his donor appointees were caught up in schemes to extort dirt on his likely presidential election opponent from a foreign government by withholding military aid, however.

Gulliani came back with documents lots of documents.

Republicans were in need of a pile of papers to use as a stage prop.

History will trample poor Greg’s distorted view of the world like a cow pie in a cattle stampede. The UK election and the British left’s reaction in riots and threats prove that it is not Trump who is responsible for corruption, chaos, and division. It is entirely caused by the soulless demons of the left.


None of his donor appointees were caught up in schemes to extort dirt on his likely presidential election opponent from a foreign government by withholding military aid, however.

How about that! And none of Trump’s! Amazing! However, none of Trump’s VP’s extorted a foreign country to protect his son that was waist deep in corruption. In fact, none of Trump’s VP’s had children wallowing in corruption. So, I guess Trump is way ahead on that count, huh?

@Greg: Ukraine was low hanging fruit there is plenty more theft to be exposed, unfortunate Old Joe had to take a big dipper to our tax dollars. If the investigation proves he and that kid and Kerrys kid didn’t, then we owe them an huge apology.
You constantly make empty and inane accusations exactly like the articles of impeachment.
Dont you ever tire of trying to hold us to our moral and ethical code when you have none?
New game, heads we win, tails you lose.

Dont you ever tire of trying to hold us to our moral and ethical code when you have none?

I’m not the guy who was arguing that we not only have no obligation to provide flu vaccinations to the 4,000 or so immigrant children we have locked up in overcrowded detention facilities, but that we’re also justified in preventing volunteer medical personnel from providing them with vaccinations funded by private sources.


I’m not the guy who was arguing that we not only have no obligation to provide flu vaccinations to the 4,000 or so immigrant children we have locked up in overcrowded detention facilities, but that we’re also justified in preventing volunteer medical personnel from providing them with vaccinations funded by private sources.

Just STFU in what dimension does that have any significance?
Stay on topic or go jump some 3 year old thread as you are often apt to do.

@Greg: No, but you’re the guy that defends drawing them here and allowing them into our country AND withholding the additional resources to contain and support the detainees.


Do you seriously think he was trying to cheat with a dozen people listening to his conversation including spies planted by Brennan?

How would he pull off cheating- exactly?

Yes he does and who other than a Democrat would know how to cheat in an election? Maybe Trump could give Israeli citizens US drivers licenses like liberals give to illegal immigrants. Then Israeli citizens, who really like Trump, could register to vote in 2020. From the looks of the British election, some select Britishers could be set up to vote as well. Democrats show us the way.

So far impeachment has been a disaster for the demokrats. Not only were their charges 100% pure bullshit, it also exposed their true colors as totalitarians. They have the impeachment charade hanging around their necks and they also have the stigma of how they abused their power and denied Constitutional rights to PT such as due process and the right to confront witnesses. In addition to all that, Durham’s investigation is slated to be finished in late spring. If justice prevails and indictments start coming down they’ll be just in time for the election. And rest assured, Americans will be reminded daily about the dems’ totalitarian ways in which they tried to overturn an election and how they tried to cover up the coup via impeachment.

Let’s break it to Hank Johnson before Guam really does tip over:
The men are two different heights because one is taller (by far, apparently) not because the chairs are different.
In fact, the chairs are identical!
See for yourself:comment image?resize=900,600&w=450

As to Biden being the best the Dems have and therefore President Trump needed to cheat to beat him, we will never see a debate between these two men.
Biden will have dropped out by then.

But if President Trump wanted to begin campaigning against Biden he’d have PLENTY of ammunition without any need to cheat.
Go back to when the GOP field was 17 candidates strong.
Donald Trump dealt with each and every one of them.
And the others were all seasoned politicians who’d been on campaign trails for years while he was brand new to politics and debating.

Now, with four years of being a politician behind him, President Trump will trounce whoever the Dems put up against him
At the Hershey, Penn rally President Trump spent a few moments on EACH of the Dems still in the running, including Joe Biden.
It was beautiful!

PS, If Hillary decides to run again her bad plastic surgery will be hard to ignore.
Maybe by a year from now it will have settled in?
See for yourself:comment image

@DrJohn, #12:

How would he cheat?

He was pressuring a foreign government to manufacture an investigation that would lend credibility to a favorite made-to-order conspiracy theory that serves his every need:

It would be a weapon against Trump’s most likely 2020 presidential election rival;

It would counter Trump’s vulnerability to accusations of painfully obvious nepotism by making Biden’s son the target of similar accusations, when the situations are actually similar only in the most superficial way;

It would take the heat off Russia as the perpetrator of 2016 election meddling, and recast Ukraine—the nation under attack by Russia—as the villain;

It would turn the tables regarding 2016, making Trump the innocent victim of the crime, and Clinton the villain and the beneficiary;

It would give Trump further ammunition with which to attack the credibility of the FBI and our nation’s own intelligence community.

As was observed, it’s made to order. It plays into and stitches together a grab-bag of conspiracy theories that have already found favor on the right—where well more than half were successfully sold the lie that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. That’s how well repeated lies can work.

Even as the impeachment investigations have revealed what Trump and his associates have been up to, Rudy Giuliani has been off on his not-so-secret-mission in Ukraine—financed by Who the Hell Knows, since he’s allegedly paid by nobody—setting the whole plan into motion. There can be no quid pro quo because he got nothing? Rudy’s going to be rolling out the bullshit provided by Russia-friendly workshop elves in Ukraine like Santa emptying out his sack. It won’t matter that it’s bullshit, because it will be pouring from of every right wing propaganda outlet as if it were God’s own Truth.

That’s how he’ll cheat. If you don’t believe me, just watch it happen. And cheating works. The only problem is the reality of what you get as a result—which in this case is covered up by yet another endlessly repeated set of lies. All is not well when a recovered economy has been artificially stimulated into a manic state which coincides with a built-in million-million-dollar annual deficit. And that situation is the crowning glory of this administration.

@another vet:

So far impeachment has been a disaster for the demokrats.

In our eyes, in theirs this is the Pinnacle summit, peak, , climax, apex, acme, culmination mean the highest point attainable. They have been working on this masterpiece for years.
The very thought that it isnt without flaw?
He is doomed, the walls are closing in, the end is near.
It does remind me of one of those art pieces of the Podestas.


He was pressuring a foreign government to manufacture an investigation that would lend credibility to a favorite made-to-order conspiracy theory that serves his every need:

You don’t retain much, do you? He wasn’t asking to MANUFACTURE an investigation, he wanted the investigation Biden had killed REopened and completed it. He wanted to know WHY Biden extorted Ukraine to have it killed.
And, reopened it was, and guess what they found? CORRUPTION. Government funds (some of it US aid) being siphoned off and stolen. Some of it going to Hunter (and, no doubt, to Joe). MILLIONS of dollars. There’s nothing to “manufacture”; the real stuff is already on the shelf.

Speaking of weapons against political rivals, what exactly was the spying on Trump? What was Crossfire Hurricane? What was the Mueller investigation? What was impeachment? Abuse of power in order to attack a political opponent has been the Democrat trademark. Trump’s a candidate so, by your own definition, EVERY probe is improper and an abuse of power. When they have no legitimate provocation, they are a coup.

Your entire Democrat agenda has been based on lies.

I assume you want the “whistle blower”, Schiff, Joe and Hunter Biden, Chalupa, Yovanovich and Vindman to testify before the Senate as much as I do. You should be chomping at the bit to shove my ignorant words down my stupid throat Right?

Just like with the Mueller and Horowitz report. Really teach me a lesson.

@kitt: Apparently Jeff Van Drew (D-NJ) is switching parties because of this Soviet styled schittshow. What happened to the Labour Party in the UK needs to happen to the dems in this country next year. The Communazis shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near power.

@Deplorable Me, #18:

You don’t retain much, do you? He wasn’t asking to MANUFACTURE an investigation, he wanted the investigation Biden had killed REopened and completed it. He wanted to know WHY Biden extorted Ukraine to have it killed.

I try not to retain lies and disinformation.

Biden DID NOT have ANY investigation killed. He pressured the Ukraine government to have Viktor Shokin removed from office, because Shokin wasn’t doing a damn thing about Ukraine’s corruption problem, and everybody knew it. From Just SecurityTimeline: Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Ukrainegate:

Feb. 16, 2016 – Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin resigns, then returns to office before finally being ousted

Ukrainian news media report on Feb. 16 that Viktor Shokin resigned as Prosecutor General after months of intense criticism for failing to adequately pursue any major corruption cases. But wait … despite President Poroshenko’s public call that day that Shokin resign and the apparent submission of a resignation letter on Feb. 19, media cited a prosecutor in Shokin’s office on March 16 saying the chief prosecutor was back after a “long leave.” Finally, on March 29, the Parliament voted overwhelmingly to approve Poroshenko’s recommendation to dismiss Shokin.

The European Union issued a statement hailing his departure. The respected English-language Kyiv Post writes, “By the end of his term, he was likely one of the most unpopular figures in Ukraine, having earned a bad reputation for inaction and obstructing top cases.” The paper also says it “wasn’t able to find any public comments that Shokin made about [Burisma] during his 14 months in office.”

The documented facts are incompatible with Trump and Rudy’s spin. There was no investigation involving Hunter Biden to be killed.

Further, the guy that replaced Shokin as Ukraine’s Prosecutor General, Yuriy Lutsenko, was a hard-liner with respect to Burisma. He wouldn’t have been inclined to cut the company any slack. If he had found a basis for pursuing an investigation of Burisma, he would have done so:

May 12, 2016 – A new General Prosecutor

Yuriy Lutsenko, who had headed Poroshenko’s political bloc in Parliament, takes office as prosecutor general, after Parliament changed the law to allow someone without a law degree and legal experience to hold the position. According to the New York Times, “Lutsenko initially took a hard line against Burisma.”

May 13, 2016— Biden speaks with Poroshenko to commend the appointment of Lutsenko and the creation of an inspector general for the PGO, and informed the Ukrainian President that the U.S. would finally sign the $1 billion loan guarantee program. The guarantee was signed on June 3, with Ambassador Pyatt representing the United States.

So, the money was only released after a Prosecutor General who was serious about taking on corruption and had a generally unfavorable view of Burisma took Shokin’s place.

Again, the facts are incompatible with the tale Trump’s associates are spinning over three years later.


There can be no quid pro quo because he got nothing? Rudy’s going to be rolling out the bullshit provided by Russia-friendly workshop elves in Ukraine like Santa emptying out his sack.

Lets unwrap this Greg.
There can be no This for that, Trump is seeking a restart of an investigation as per a treaty we have with them.
Rudy will be unwrapping documents provided by the very puppet regime that the EU, Soros and Obama set up after they manufactured a successful coup in that country. Battling Oligarchs payoffs bribes, murder and spying for oligarchs through the state dept. Who wins biggest the ones that are nice to the calfs to get to the cash cow.
They robbed and raped every country they destabilized, most of the money dumped into Caymen tax shelters or Switzerland. BIS registered the transfer of $1.8 billion from the Clinton Foundation to the Qatar Central Bank. in Oct 2016.


Biden DID NOT have ANY investigation killed.

Yes, he did. Not only did he do it, but he BRAGGED about it on video. Can’t make it go away, Greg, and that FACT is what makes your pet impeachment that which resides in the septic tank.

It is not debatable.

@Deplorable Me: Not only Biden but the Cleaning gal Ambassador made sure there were not ant investigations that would be troublesome for the Embassies activities.

@kitt, #21:

An interesting story, but it isn’t compatible with the underlying facts. The problem is that Trump doesn’t really care about that, nor does Rudy, or Rudy’s little helpers. They’ll tell the tale anyway because it serves them so well, and all of their media outlets will dutifully repeat it over and over and over.

Here’s another shocking statement concerning the coming Senate impeachment trial. At least it should be shocking, but no one on the right seems to care any more than they did about McConnell’s statement that the Senate majority would follow the marching orders of the White House counsel—essentially, that a majority of the supposedly impartial trial jury will follow the instructions of the defendant’s attorney.

Lindsey Graham, earlier today, verbatim:

“This thing will come to the Senate, and it will die quickly, and I will do everything I can to make it die quickly. I am trying to give a pretty clear signal I have made up my mind. I’m not trying to pretend to be a fair juror here.”

Earth to Lindsey: It is your sworn duty to be a fair juror in this situation, however much you might dislike that duty. You took an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. This is a Constitutional process. When a president is being investigated, one must temporarily cease being the obedient tool of the one being investigated. You are to listen to the testimony with an open mind and then decide.

Yes, he did. Not only did he do it, but he BRAGGED about it on video.

Right. And Obama was born in Kenya, Hillary Clinton sold 20 percent of our uranium to Russia, Donald Trump is a teller of the truth who will release his tax returns as soon as the audit is done, Mexico will pay for the wall, there’s an Obamacare replacement that will be cheaper, better, and available to everybody ready to roll out right after the elections, enormous progress has been made with North Korea, the tax cuts will pay for themselves and they’ll be made permanent for everybody right after the elections. If you believe in fairies, clap your hands. If you don’t clap your hands Tinker Bell will die, and it will all be the fault of the Democrats.


An interesting story, but it isn’t compatible with the underlying facts.

What are the facts? We dont have a treaty?
Billions in aid were not absconded with?
Biden could keep his yap shut?
If sworn testimony is gold those Ukrainians swore the Ambassador gave them a do not prosecute list and it was
Biden that forced firing of the guy looking into Hunters employer. Why is that sworn testimony not valid? Why are their documents not valid? They were not working for oligarchs Hunter and Christopher were.

@Greg: It’s a little late and unconvincing to suddenly develop a desire for fair and equal treatment, after the most disgusting exhibition of bias, prejudice and corruption the Democrats put on. What you will get in the Senate is full disclosure, and you WON’T enjoy it.

Right. He extorted Ukraine and was stupid enough to brag about it. Sorry, but that’s your front runner.

If sworn testimony is gold those Ukrainians swore the Ambassador gave them a do not prosecute list…

A lot depends on which Ukrainians gave the testimony. Some are known to be supportive of Russian positions and objectives. Some have connections with people who are themselves the subjects of corruption investigations.

It’s a little late and unconvincing to suddenly develop a desire for fair and equal treatment, after the most disgusting exhibition of bias, prejudice and corruption the Democrats put on.

They methodically investigated Trump’s attempted extortion and abuse of power, narrowly focusing on one particularly egregious and obvious instance, while republican tried to derail the process every inch of the way. Republicans are so far gone at this point that they won’t even acknowledge anything was wrong about what Trump and his cronies did. They won’t acknowledge obstruction of Congress when the White House defied subpoenas for evidence and ordered thirteen people with direct, inside knowledge of the particular situation under investigation to unlawfully defy subpoenas.

“Fairness” doesn’t mean a president should be allowed to get away with this sort of oath breaking and blatant abuse of power of office.

@Greg:They cant prove abuse of power with out the fishin’. They wish to deny his right to seek court decision.
The circular argument is dead.
I think rats are jumping Pelosi and Shiftys Titanic, they might not have the votes, that would be EPIC !
Testimony from the guy Joe called solid?

@Greg: Just ignore Greggie. He always had a few screws loose and never had two brain cells that could rub together. It is way past his bet time.


A lot depends on which Ukrainians gave the testimony.

Yeah, you and your Democrats only want to hear from the Ukrainians that were on the same payroll as Hunter and Joe. They all got the “memo”.

They methodically investigated Trump’s attempted extortion and abuse of power, narrowly focusing on one particularly egregious and obvious instance, while republican tried to derail the process every inch of the way.

Yes, they did investigate Trump. Numerous times. And when they found no criminal activity, they simply invented some because they needed to distract from and hid their own corruption that was uncovered in the process.

“Fairness” doesn’t mean a president should be allowed to get away with this sort of oath breaking and blatant abuse of power of office.

Gee, you should have opened your goddamn eyes during the Obama administration. No law was left un-pissed on during that debacle. You’ve looked and looked and looked and can find NOTHING Trump has done that is impeachable, but you just use your imagination and lie. Can you think of a reason the FBI would be changing the wording of a CIA email in order to try and justify their spying other than illegal investigations?

Always remember, Joe extorted, Trump LED. That’s the difference. I wonder why you won’t address how the Democrats have been using investigations to influence TRUMP’S campaign?


Take a look at Comrade Greggie’s latest link. What do the authors of his (spin) article have in common? Two things jump out; the Obama administration and the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that has evolved into a globalist organization of deep staters.

Notice how on it’s Ukrainian time line it never mentions that the nexus for the “Maidan Revolution” was organized through social media by a Secretary of State (Clinton) internet guru who actually designed what is supposed to look like a impromptu protest or that Yunukovych’s successor was hand picked by the Obama administration.

Don’t take you eye off the ball with the Horowitz report and the fact that we learned that the FBI was conducting an illegal investigation into the Trump campaign. Keep your eye on the ball that the “deep state” was kicked into high gear under the Obama administration and the FBI was setting records for crookedness at that time.

One thing that is scary; that there are so many “deep staters” out there but we can thank Comrade Greggie for bringing that to our attention with his links.

@kitt: This one goes out to Jerry “The Penguin” Nadler, Adam “Buster from Arrested Development” Schiff, and Nancy “I swear they are holding me hostage. Call the police!” Pelosi:

@Deplorable Me:

Gee, you should have opened your goddamn eyes during the Obama administration. No law was left un-pissed on during that debacle.

Does it really bother you so much that one of the best presidents we’ve had in our lifetimes was both a Democrat and black? It certainly bothers the hell out of Donald.

@Brother Bob: Is that the Band Andrew Yang is using to get more than 5 people to show up to rally?

@Greg: Had that ever happened, it would not have bothered me at all. What bothers me is that Obama, the worse, most corrupt, dishonest and incompetent President we’ve ever seen weaponized all the institutions we NEED to trust and turned them into criminal enterprises. People’s skin color only matters to Democrats.

HB, a Ukrainian news outlet. The Google Chrome browser will translate it, if you’re curious, but you might not like what it says.

Цю компанію пов’язують з екс-міністром уряду Азарова Миколою Злочевським. Команда президента Дональда Трампа намагається довести, що Байден-старший просував бізнес-інтереси сина в Україні, користуючись посадою віце-президента США.

Колишній глава ГПУ Юрій Луценко заявляв, що Байден-молодший не є фігурантом яких-небудь розслідувань правоохоронних органів України.


Does it really bother you so much that one of the best presidents we’ve had in our lifetimes was both a Democrat and black? It certainly bothers the hell out of Donald.

Yes I heard 65% of Democrats polled think Barry was better than Washington.
I simply ask what did he do that was so great?
Was he the first to ride out the longest economic craptime?
Win any wars? End any? 8 years of nuthin.
You can say he was as white as much he was black if you are looking at identity.


Does it really bother you so much that one of the best presidents we’ve had in our lifetimes was both a Democrat and black

Oh, Trump isn’t black…and he’s a Republican.

And Obama? He was a cardboard cut out that simply sat pretty while outside forces ran their agenda.

Worst president in my lifetime. His entire “legacy” was nullified within a year of Trump’s term, and that’s what this is all about. Your party lost it’s power, and it’s going full coup to get it back.

Are you ready?

I am.

How far are you willing to go to steal and keep power for your failing party?

@kitt: 65% of Democrats is becoming a smaller and small number.

Congress people switching from Dem to Rep.


Their base is shrinking, and their hold on power has slipped away. If they think the military is going to back removal of this duly elected, and Constitution-following President, they are in for a surprise. I have a sneaking suspicion that the pajama-wearing beta males with bike lockers don’t know which end of a firearm to point. It will be quick.

@Nathan Blue: Honestly I think that the people that voted for him should have the opportunity of recall. Its sorta kinda like going to church and the priest has converted to be a Lutheran and no more high mass.
He could just vote his conscience. Not that he or any other democrat isnt welcome to change partys but this seems a bit of bait and switch on his voters.

Damn funny though

@kitt: It really is hard to find someone who voted for Obama any more. Those who did will not admit it. Only those who voted for “crooked” Hillary will admit the voted for Obama. That should tell us something. I think Trump will be very magnanimous towards Obama when the dems involved in his exploits start talking to minimize their time in prison. The treason case will be made, but kept quietly in reserve, because Obama did collaborate with Russia to allow Krameria to be taken from Ukraine.


Only those who voted for “crooked” Hillary will admit the voted for Obama.

But, as we repeatedly see, they won’t admit they supported Hillary. Funny how they say they didn’t support Hillary but they do not hold the DNC responsible for shoving her down their throats. Also funny how they think we believe them.


Not if Biden is innocent

Is NOT innocent?

You know, you can lay it out as clearly and rationally, provide all the facts and evidence you want, but folks like Greg are too heavily invested in turning this country into a police state (as long as it is one forcing THEIR ideology) to actually listen. Greg continues to believe (or say so) that Hillary only destroyed yoga emails and the Covington kids deserved what they got, among other nonsensical positions.


It would give Trump further ammunition with which to attack the credibility of the FBI and our nation’s own intelligence community.

Let’s take a look at that statement.

Anyone who has been paying attention understands that the FBI, over bloated and criminally egotistical, has lacked credibility for decades. From J. Edgar Hoover, to Mark Fink to other FBI heads that have violated the Constitutional rights of Americans for decades. And while the FBI, under questionable leadership, has managed to spy on innocent Americans it has failed on so many fronts that we all should question the credibility of the FBI.

September 11, 2001; Fort Hood; the Boston Marathon, the list is endless. It is these events that the FBI was tasked with preventing. And of course, the Whitey Bulger case where Robert Mueller was in up to his neck. Seems Whitey came to the same sorry end as Jeffery Epstein. The FBI has been a politicized organization for decades and now it is all coming to the forefront because of new media and the NYSlimes and the Washington Compost can no longer cover the sad state of the FBI.

@kitt: The real lie of the Dems is making this a “right vs left” thing. It’s the independents they are trying to trick or destroy…

Independents like me.

Funny how they’ve plastered the news cycle with “Dems uphold the Constitution”. So laughable. They want to do away with it and re-write our governing document…but will pretend to care for their own advancement. How pathetic.

A second Democrat is leaving the party. A Pennsylvania rep is going to become an independent and caucus with Republicans.

@Nathan Blue: Stay independent, keep frosty.
Vive la république

@Deplorable Me, #45:

You know, you can lay it out as clearly and rationally, provide all the facts and evidence you want, but folks like Greg are too heavily invested in turning this country into a police state (as long as it is one forcing THEIR ideology) to actually listen.

Hey, you folks are the ones who have been working your butts off to deprive women of sovereign control over their own bodies, and to turn government into the policing agency that makes certain your views and dictates are enforced. You would forcibly deprive half of the population of choice and control over one of the most private areas of their lives.

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