democrats unveil their agenda- “Get Trump”


democrats told America what they were planning to do should they retake the House and or Senate. Well, it’s what they said they would do. Their tax plan? Increases, naturally

  • Increase the top marginal income tax rate from 37 percent to 39.6 percent.
  • Increase the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 25 percent.
  • Bring back the alternative minimum tax (AMT) for 4 million families.
  • Cut the “death tax” standard deduction in half.

The rest of what they say they want to do:

Lowering health care costs, rebuilding infrastructure and running the House chamber with more transparency and openness are near the top of the Democratic agenda, Pelosi said during a talk Tuesday at Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Democrats would also prioritize giving legal status to young immigrants, known as Dreamers, and strengthening background checks on gun purchases, she said.

Thing is, there won’t be time for any of this. At this very moment they’re loading up the subpoena cannon:

Jonathan Swan wrote in August that Republicans had already catalogued numerous oversight targets that Democrats had signaled, including:

  • President Trump’s tax returns
  • Trump family businesses — and whether they comply with the Constitution’s emoluments clause, including the Chinese trademark grant to the Trump Organization
  • Trump’s dealings with Russia, including the president’s preparation for his meeting with Vladimir Putin
  • The payment to Stephanie Clifford — a.k.a. Stormy Daniels
  • James Comey’s firing
  • Trump’s firing of U.S. attorneys
  • Trump’s proposed transgender ban for the military
  • Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
  • White House staff’s personal email use
  • Cabinet secretary travel, office expenses, and other misused perks
  • Discussion of classified information at Mar-a-Lago
  • Jared Kushner’s ethics law compliance
  • Dismissal of members of the EPA board of scientific counselors
  • The travel ban
  • Family separation policy
  • Hurricane response in Puerto Rico
  • Election security and hacking attempts
  • White House security clearances

Adam Schiff wants to rescue Acosta, Nita Lowey wants to dig into the Space Force thing. And there are already 64 subpoenas that have been filed by democrats, including:

  1. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services Withholding Documents on Trump Administration Child Separation Policy
  2. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Withholding Testimony on Census 2020 Citizenship Question
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs Withholding Documents Relating to Reports that Mar-a-Lago Members Influencing Department Decisions
  4. White House Withholding Report and Documents on Security Clearance Process Required by Law
  5. White House Withholding Documents on Revocation of John Brennan Security Clearance
  6. White House Withholding Documents on John Bolton Security Clearance
  7. State Department Withholding Documents on Retaliation
  8. Office of Personnel Management Refusing to Provide Briefing on Complying with Court Order
  9. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Medicaid Work Requirements
  10. Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Withholding Documents on Scrubbing of Department Websites
  11. State Department Withholding Documents on Decision to Close Cyber Office
  12. Director of National Intelligence Testifying Before the Oversight Committee on the extent of the Russian Threat to Our Country and Our Elections.

There are many more at the link. These will occupy about 150% of legislative time. It will be quite amusing to watch as dems fight for their own personal desires.

It’s very clear that THE democrat agenda is cripple Trump and take him down. Of course, he can do as obama did- use Whitaker as obama used Holder and Lynch as a wall, if you will, against the attacks. That would, of course, drive liberals nuts and they would in their typical amnesic fashion start screaming obstruction all while forgetting that such a move comes directly out of the barack obama playbook.

obama used the AG’s office as a shield. His claims of there being no scandals or indictments were the result of his AG’s ignoring subpoenas and burying the crimes including IRS targeting and Fast and Furious.

Holder would go on to find himself being held in Contempt of Congress. He simply dismissed it all and continued on his merry way and that is exactly what Trump and his AG should do.

Given their blood lust and sheer hatred, democrats are very likely to overplay their hand on this and be seen as the Inspector Javert of the Trump era.

Country be damned.

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Liberals cannot accomplish anything legislatively, so they turn to the courts and seek out liberal activist judges to take their side. No doubt they learned NOTHING from their Kavanaugh adventure. Let’s hope they didn’t and they continue to destroy themselves.

Kavanaugh needs to clean out all the liberal actvists judges especialy the notorious 9th Circut Court need to be totaly disinfected

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s business dealings
That’s the list of movies he was the executive producer on.
Not all my cup of tea, but a solid group.
Find fault?
Then you MUST be a stupid dem.

@Nan Gladden: One thing Democrats don’t understand is that most Republicans are not professional politicians like Obama, Hillary or Schumer. They have WORKED for a living and have a business history. That’s where you get real world experience and knowledge and keeps you from saying stupid things like a $1000 tax windfall is “crumbs”.

Obama, the IRS and Hillary have already set the set the precedent, ignore the subpoenas, claim executive privilege, destroy evidence and put on your I’m above the law smirk if you ever deign to take any questions.

Anyone following spygate guess who has surfaced, once rumored dead, per buzzfeed, much to the horror of Dems, heeeees baaaack Misfud, and may testify before the Senate.
The Daily Caller, an attorney for Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee reached out Roh on Oct. 24, hoping to obtain an interview with Mifsud. The mysterious professor hasn’t been seen in public since November 2017, after Papadopoulos entered a plea deal with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office.
I hope they keep him under special protection til he blows the top off the popper.
Trumps Current CIA director she also served as a senior official in London and deputy director of the CIA’s Russia Group. We have it all, which is why the Dems are fighting tooth and nail to stop declassification.

@kitt: Yeah, don’t leave him alone with any of Hillary’s assass…. er, associates.

@Deplorable Me: Maybe he is dead and decided to go to southern florida and vote he heard through an ouija board it wasnt too late.

The new NY concress woman says she cannot afford an apartment in DC, Fishing for a go fund me? while sitting on 15K to 50K in her checking account. Spending other peoples money is all they know. What type of digs cant this money get?

@kitt: Why doesn’t she “just rent it”?

@kitt: And what’s worse Trump says you need a picture ID to buy groceries
Have his supporters forgotten He was for gun control–he supported HRC—He was for Universal Health Care—he was pro-choice—his grandparents were immigrants who changed name from Drumpf to Trump—he’s been an Indie–and a Dem.
His politics like the New England weather–don’t like em–wait a day.

Unfortunately his personality has never changed

@Richard Wheeler: I have not forgot that most of his worst irritating habits come from hard to break Democrat roots.

Ever try to write a check for groceries without an ID? Board a plane without an ID, open a bank account, you need it to get food stamps and welfare, apply for SS, get a job, buy or rent a house,get married, get a gun, adopt a pet, rent a car, get a hotel room, hunting or fishing license, get a cell phone, pick up a prescription, have a rally or protest, even to buy an M rated video game. If you look under 25, get into a casino, bar, buy beer or cigarettes.
So the ID remark is the liberal outrage of today, I haven’t seen libs this outraged since yesterday.

@kitt: Odd that it is impossible for some people to get a photo ID, so that means it is disenfranchising voters, yet Chicago thinks illegal immigrants are smart enough to figure out how to get a photo ID.

Liberals lie. It’s in their DNA.

@Deplorable Me: Libs are mean Jr high girls or old women petty cake petty cake bakers man make me an outrage as fast as you can.

Maybe someone should have explained the meaning of the phrase obstruction of justice to Donald Trump.

11/15/2018 — In a ‘self-defeating and self-incriminating’ slipup, Trump just indicated he installed Matthew Whitaker to kill the Russia probe

Not that it wasn’t known already.

@Greg: All that needs to be done is declassify and prove there was never a reason to begin an investigation, then take to trial the traitors, no matter how high in the former administration that leads.
That sir is justice not obstruction.

@Greg: It IS an “investigation” that should never have been brought. It is political, through and through. Stating that truth is no indication Trump is going to ax it. As usual, the left is working itself up over a false hope to try and justify their sore loser actions.

@Deplorable Me, #18:

Trump apologists are essentially arguing that any and all evidence of wrongdoing that took place should be erased and forgotten, based on the argument that it wasn’t proper to look for it in the first place.

This is not going to happen. There’s far too much that strongly suggests collusion, conspiracy, and cover-up at the highest levels of the Trump campaign and Trump administration. Mueller undoubtedly has information and evidence not yet available to the public that does a lot more than merely suggest, and Trump’s attorneys and advisers almost certainly know this.

Matthew Whitaker’s appointment as Acting Attorney General indicates we’re entering the phase of a few last desperate moves before the whole thing blows up.


There’s far too much that strongly suggests collusion, conspiracy, and cover-up at the highest levels of the Trump campaign and Trump administration.

And what would that be?
We have hard copy evidence thats court documents, electronic evidence that text messages, testimony the dossier used as evidence and not verified to back this was no less than an attempt at a soft coup and sedition.
I can strongly suggest something but that isnt grounds for a 20 million dollar get Trump and his little dogs too investigation.
This is not some banana republic where we fabricate out of thin air an investigation to punish or prosecute political rivals.
I really want to know what you have to justify this cluster.
You may need to wait to look like a fool as soon off to deer camp.

@kitt, #19:

Have you been following the news regarding Roger Stone? He knew what Wikileaks was going to do before they did it, and was talking with Trump campaign insiders about it before it happened. It appears that Julian Assange is about to be indicted. There have just been requests for 10 day sentencing delays on people the Mueller investigation has already nailed, which strongly suggests they’re suddenly revealing more relevant information. They probably realize Trump’s not going to be in any position to magically pardon anybody. Everybody’s cover stories and contradictions are going to unravel.

This is not the doing of democrats. It’s the doing of the people who actually did the unlawful things. Those who notice, report, and uncover crimes are not themselves the criminals. It’s not their fault for noticing, and for daring to talk about it. They are not the problem, or the betrayers of trust.

@Greg: Stone is going down—may well be the big fish who drowns Trump—events now moving quickly-DT being questioned
We’ll see a lot of Rudy G.—Is he O.K.??

Trump says he “easily answered” Mueller’s written questions. Hasn’t returned them.
Want’s press to be “totally free” after Judge orders W.H to return Acosta credentials.

His B.S. is coming fast and furious–stand by.

Assange’s comments in a June 12 interview with ITV made it clear that he intended to harm Hillary Clinton’s chance of winning the presidency, and timed the release of the emails….6 weeks later, dude, dude everyone knew before it happened everyone. And Podesta thinks she stinks like a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts.
The leak of what is in a sealed indictment is slightly illegal and could screw up anything they try, damn they are so dumb.
Again strong suggestions isnt proof, and you are right Rude Roddy and everyone who signed for the spying warrants lied to the fisa court and will need to pay for that.
“Dossiers” multiple? Who else were they illegally spying on through NSA data base? Trump wasnt always front runner….Cruz, Rubio, Walker ?
Stone revelation not as interesting as Misfud turning up, a known friendly asset that was suppose to be the infamous Russian Clinton dirt connection.
Is Trump just waiting til 5 eyes gets its assets pulled to safety before he declassifies that both the Aussies and English were duped into helping set up Poppa D?
See ya guys later the dogs know something is up daddy is packing the truck.

The Trump administration is essentially a criminal organization disguised as a presidency. What they’re fighting in every way possible is anything and everything that could reveal the truth of that statement. It won’t work. There’s just too damn much to hide. Revealing his tax returns alone would probably be enough to destroy him.


Trump apologists are essentially arguing that any and all evidence of wrongdoing that took place should be erased and forgotten, based on the argument that it wasn’t proper to look for it in the first place.

No. Wrong. What the people who value and support the rule of law instead or rule by fascism is what IS the proof? Beginning with Hillary’s Russian lies, upon which ALL this is based, there has been nothing that would even raise suspicion in anything but the liberal, partisan mind. This is really an odd viewpoint from the people who make it a STANDARD to ignore actual evidence of illegal activity and vote for the criminals, but it’s been a long time since liberals surprised me with their hypocrisy.

There’s far too much that strongly suggests collusion, conspiracy, and cover-up at the highest levels of the Hillary campaign and Obama administration.

There you go. NOW the statement reflects facts and reality. Thank me later.

Matthew Whitaker’s appointment as Acting Attorney General indicates we’re entering the phase of a few last desperate moves before the whole thing blows up.

Indeed. The investigation is no longer under the control of someone involved in the coup.

The Trump administration is essentially a criminal organization disguised as a presidency.

What crimes? Name one. Also, you never answered, would it be bad if the media was lying to the public? Please show more courage than some notable others.


And what would that be?
We have hard copy evidence thats court documents, electronic evidence that text messages, testimony the dossier used as evidence and not verified to back this was no less than an attempt at a soft coup and sedition.

Remember, when liberals make an accusation against someone, it has been revealed what THEY are actually doing. The investigation has to go forward to try to destroy those that are uncovering the coup in progress and destroy the evidence, since Hillary lost the election and is not in the position to do that, as planned.

As we now know, EVERYONE that could hack had Hillary’s emails, which she stupidly made available for them.

The release of the FISA warrants would make it clear what the justification for the surveillance (i.e., “evidence”). The release of the FISA warrants would go a long way proving who is lying and who is telling the truth. The side telling the truth should want them made public. Trump wants them released, Mueller and Rosenstein want them to remain secret (though the media already has them). So, it is really very clear who IS lying and who is telling the truth.

November 18, 2018 — Trump says he wouldn’t stop acting attorney general from curtailing Mueller inquiry

President Trump said he would not overrule his acting attorney general, Matthew G. Whitaker, if he decided to curtail the special counsel investigation being led by Robert S. Mueller III of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign.

“Look, it’s going to be up to him. . . . I would not get involved,” Trump said in an interview on “Fox News Sunday.”

The president also publicly mocked a House Democrat who criticized Whitaker, deriding Rep. Adam B. Schiff (Calif.) as “little Adam Schitt” in a tweet.

Yeah, right. And if I had only a double-digit IQ, there might be some possibility that I wouldn’t realize you just replaced Sessions–who has demonstrated some scruples–with a new Trump toady who has none whatsoever.


And if I had only a double-digit IQ,

But you don’t and we all know that your I.Q. is no greater than your shoe size.

You’re an idiot. Your only talent is to be a parrot for the Democrats. I bet you sit at your computer with your head bobbing up and down, parrot style.

Actually, it’s been known for quite some time that support for Donald Trump correlates with feeble mindedness. We all know that.

Trump blasts retired Navy SEAL critical of him, suggesting he should’ve caught bin Laden sooner

Perhaps the preceding administration should have managed bin Laden, having had seven years to work on the problem, instead of removing Iran’s single greatest worry at the cost of American lives and taxpayer dollars. By the way, Donnie, the Obama administration didn’t catch bin Laden; they eradicated him—along with virtually all of al Queda’s leadership cadre.

Democratic senators sue to block Matthew Whitaker’s appointment as acting attorney general

Trump is a lying jackass. Of coarse he knew Whitaker’s position on Mueller. It’s the only reason one unqualified jackass appointed another—other than their mutual liking for scams, unethical money-making schemes, and deceptive operating practices. (Refer to Whitaker’s involvement with MEM Investment, World Patent Marketing, and the so-called Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust. The guy shouldn’t be an acting Attorney General, even if the Mueller investigation weren’t a consideration.)


Trump is a lying jackass.

ANYONE with any brains whatsoever believes Mueller’s “investigation” is a sham. It is clearly obvious and apparent. All one has to do is THINK and consider the facts. The crybaby left is simply infuriated that a coupster is no longer in charge of it.

@Deplorable Me, #29:

ANYONE with any brains whatsoever believes Mueller’s “investigation” is a sham.

That would certainly explain the following:

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 32 people and three companies — that we know of.

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Six of these people (including now all four former Trump aides) have pleaded guilty.

The article linked above breaks those numbers down for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention.

Here’s an interesting question, posed three days ago:

There are dozens of sealed criminal indictments on the DC docket. Are they from Mueller?

It isn’t a sham that will soon hit the fan, as the lawyers for Team Trump surely know by now.

@Greg: The sealed criminal indictments could be for journalists that bribed government officials, drool away, or for those that accepted the bribes. Muellers investigation is just to distract from a certain text “The POTUS wants to know everything we are doing”…/obamas…law-firm-funneled-money-fusion-gps A 4th bucket of electronic communications
Without Sessions what shall they do?

Trump’s problem as clearly defined where I live—-“Reagan country”–Orange County Cal —-upper middle class—suburban—college educated many with advance degrees—median family income approx. $110,000
Until now staunchly Republican—guys like ISSA and Rohrbacher—80-90% of Congressional seats Repub.
With the overwhelming loss of women voters Repubs will be in greater trouble—a myth that African Americans are VOTING Repub–14-16% tops-Latinos–surprising to me and my wife–up around 25%.

Fast forward Dems recruit good candidates—vets and smart successful women.—speaking of women– in Orange County they are 60% Repubs but they can’t stand Trump.–we know the reasons–they switch and vote 65% Dem.
College degreed voters switch from Trump 65%+Dem

Dems sweep Orange County +5 seats. This happened in “suburbs” throughout America—EDUCATED upper middle class women–traditional Repubs voting down Trump Repubs.and turning The House BLUE 235-200.
Trump is losing traditional Repubs. against which he’s made gains with traditional Dems high school educated working class white males.
Generic vote 2018 56% d 43% r

@Richard Wheeler:

VOTER FRAUD? Orange County Numbers DON’T ADD UP – GOP Candidate for Governor Wins District But EVERY SINGLE HOUSE SEAT Is Swept?

nothing to see here.
How many died because of poor forest management?

@kitt: Traditional Repubs–especially woman split the ticket-Congress they cast an anti-Trump vote for the Dem–when Trump’s gone they’ll probably return to voting Repub.The distain for Trump in “Reagan Country” is palpable.
To politicize the tragic fires,. as Trump did, is an example of why he’s so unpopular out here—classless and crude doesn’t play well here.

@Greg: NONE of it has anything to do with Trump or collusion. NOTHING. You know why? Because it was the DEMOCRATS that colluded with the Russians to affect the election, not Trump or anyone associated with him.

Cummings is demanding Mueller release his findings. Will he?

Would it be bad if the media lied to the people? I keep hoping one day you’d answer this simple question. Cowards avoid answering simple questions.

@Deplorable Me, #35:

Cummings is demanding Mueller release his findings. Will he?

Yes, in the context of indictments and trials. With democrats controlling the House, there will be no way to suppress Mueller’s findings.

I believe there was collusion. Roger Stone’s constantly changing stories won’t be sufficient to confuse and clown his way out of an indictment. The question is whether that leads directly to Trump himself, or to intermediaries very close to him. In any case, collusion is only one of his many ethical and conflict of interest problems. The man is a crook.

Cowards avoid answering simple questions.

Trump supporters can’t even figure out what the proper questions are. Trump and those like him are the problem, not the solution.

@Deplorable Me: All the evidence points to the DNC under HRC is the criminal enterprise, seems BHO may have been micro managing the coup.
House Committee Subpoenas Comey, Lynch over Botched Hillary Probe.


Yes, in the context of indictments and trials. With democrats controlling the House, there will be no way to suppress Mueller’s findings.

How about in the context of TRUMP? That’s what matters, isn’t it?

I believe there was collusion.

Of course you do. It’s all you have to cling to, despite the FACT that Obama conducted illegal surveillance on Trump and found NO collusion and Mueller has “investigated” for over two years and found NO collusion. Yet, it was so obvious, wasn’t it? Obama and Hillary were the colluders, not Trump, and they NEED the investigation to last forever to cover the fact.

Would it be bad if the media was lying to the public? What is so goddamn hard to answer about that? Yes, or no, bravery or cowardice, what is so damned scary about it? Sheesh! Do you have to wait until CNN does an article on it to know what to say? Is it good or bad? Why do so many liberals scurry away from a simple question like frightened children?

We’re clinging to our understanding of morality, and of fundamental American democratic values and principles, and will defend them aggressively whenever they are threatened.

For example, we do not gloss over or excuse the vile homicidal behavior of a spoiled Saudi prince just to protect somebody’s defense contract profits. The effing Saudi’s are about to produce a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions in Yemen, using our military hardware. Their values are the antithesis of everything America claims to stand for.


We’re clinging to our understanding of morality, and of fundamental American democratic values and principles, and will defend them aggressively whenever they are threatened.

Morality? Values? Principles? Your Lord and Savior ran guns to Mexico to create an argument against our 2nd Amendment which resulted in hundreds of Mexican citizens and a few US citizens being killed by them, then lied about it. He released ISIS on the world. He supported radical Islam wherever he could find it. He turned the IRS into an offensive weapon against conservatives, followed up by doing the same with the DOJ and FBI. You just elected a woman-beater AG of Minnesota while ginning up false accusations against an good, honest family man to destroy him in order to achieve a political goal. Time after time, you support men that abuse women and help them get away with it.

Spare me. Please, spare me.

For example, we do not gloss over or excuse the vile homicidal behavior of a spoiled Saudi prince just to protect somebody’s defense contract profits.

No, you just give the world’s largest supporter of terrorism $150 billion to use to create weapons with which to destroy Israel.

The effing Saudi’s are about to produce a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions in Yemen, using our military hardware.

Fighting the terrorists funded by the money YOUR god gave to Iran.

There is not one shred of American or moralistic values to be found within the Democrat party. You can’t support the dismemberment of babies and the sale of the parts and claim to have any moral values whatsoever.

Now, would it be good or bad if the media lied to the American people? If you have no balls, please borrow some from someone who does and answer the simple goddamn question.


We’re clinging to our understanding of morality, and of fundamental American democratic values and principles, and will defend them aggressively whenever they are threatened.

Allowing children smuggled across the border to be entered into human trafficking chains and slave labor. Ice Breaks up these rings so we must end ice redefine their role. Understand patriotism and America first as evil nazi theology. Even try to normalize pedophillia as love knows no age. The women that lead feminists are viciously anti-semetic with the college professors. Democratic values keep voting til you win, its voter supression to only allow citizens to vote.
We are done with your definitions and your understanding.

November 20, 2018 — Trump Wanted to Order Justice Dept. to Prosecute Comey and Clinton

WASHINGTON — President Trump told the White House counsel in the spring that he wanted to order the Justice Department to prosecute two of his political adversaries: his 2016 challenger, Hillary Clinton, and the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, according to two people familiar with the conversation.

The lawyer, Donald F. McGahn II, rebuffed the president, saying that he had no authority to order a prosecution. Mr. McGahn said that while he could request an investigation, that too could prompt accusations of abuse of power. To underscore his point, Mr. McGahn had White House lawyers write a memo for Mr. Trump warning that if he asked law enforcement to investigate his rivals, he could face a range of consequences, including possible impeachment…

He’s going down. He’s worse than Nixon. It’s becoming a matter of defending the republic from an insane man.

@Greg: They both committed perjury, obstructed justice and leaked classified information. Prosecute.

Unless such anti-American crimes are punished, they will simply continue.

@Deplorable Me:

Poor Greggie Gullible; what ever he reads in the left wing fake news press, or on left wing fake news websites, he believes. The NYSlimes being one of the worst.

Walter School of Journalism.

Believe not in The Free Press—-believe only in ME—I will provide you with the truth–well me and Sean..
So sayeth I your leader ordained by 46% of the electorate
Decreed 11/20/2018 DT

Now get back to raking the forests.

@Richard Wheeler:

The “free” press has been lying since the days of Thomas Jefferson. Why would you expect them to suddenly become truth tellers when every journalism school in the U.S. teaches the Walter School of Journalism?

So sayeth I your leader ordained by 46% of the electorate

Which is 4.9% more than Clinton got in 1992. Remember Clinton, the draft dodger you voted for twice?

@retire05: Have you noticed I keep asking Greg if it would be bad if the media lied to the public and he refuses to answer? I wouldn’t even waste time asking Rich, but isn’t is odd that a liberal cannot address such a simple question? It seems they believe lying to the American people is a GOOD thing, at least for the left who always benefits from the lies. Anyway, that is the sum total of their respect for honesty and truth.

@Richard Wheeler:

Now get back to raking the forests.

Wow progressives You double down on turning people and forest creatures into ash piles, managing forests is not turning them into city parks, but if you would take 5 minutes to research you might not sound quite as ignorant.

@kitt: Intelligent forest management is a big joke for liberals, isn’t it? No matter that billions of dollars of damage and hundreds of deaths results from liberal negligence, hating Trump always comes first. These recent fires have contributed 1/8 of the total carbon output California allotted itself this year, reversing years of cutting carbon production. Meanwhile, they spend billions coddling illegal immigrants and building (but never finishing) high speed rail no one wants. Everyone should have such intelligent leadership.

But, remember, it’s global warming and Trump’s fault. Rinse, repeat.

@Deplorable Me, #47:

Have you noticed I keep asking…

I answer that question every time I point out that Donald effing Trump lies with every other breath. The man is a liar by nature. Lying is how he created his phony public image as some sort of savior of the nation, and lying is how he operates “in business and in life”. He couldn’t function in any environment where truth is highly valued. Simply revealing his financial conflicts of interest would likely destroy his presidency in a matter of weeks. Money is almost certainly what explains his bizarre behavior toward the Saudis, Vladimir Putin, and a host of crooks and tin-pot dictators. The free press you so disdain is merely pointing his lies out, and will continue to do so until he’s history. Revealing the truth is their primary function in a democracy.

Do you really believe the Saudis have $450 billion in business contracts with the United States, producing over a million U.S. jobs? Because anyone with a brain realizes those claims are utter nonsense. Half of the claims Trump makes could serve as litmus tests for gullibility.