Sometimes it really is a sh*thole



How would you describe this picture?

Once again Donald Trump is under fire for being Donald Trump. Trump made the mistake of believing that a private meeting with democrats would remain private. Dick Durbin, the loathsome lefty Senator from Illinois, emerged from the meeting on immigration reform and asserted that Donald Trump had made a number of interesting remarks. In its usual haste to pound Trump, the media seized upon and circulated them without scrutiny in order to exact the maximum amount of damage on Trump and misrepresented much of what he said. The language was more colorful but it was not a departure from past expressions.

BTW, Trump did not call Haiti a sh*thole country.

This all comes in the aftermath of Trump discontinuing the Temporary Protection Status program for a number of countries.

 Last week, the Trump administration announced that they would not renew “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) for nearly 200,000 Salvadorans residing in America, meaning that those individuals would need to leave the country by 2019, or face deportation. The administration had already decided in December not to renew TPS for about 60,000 Haitians and Nicaraguans, and may soon announce an end to TPS for 57,000 Hondurans.

Many countries in Africa are sh*tholes. Thing is, Trump is not alone that belief.

Huffington Post: The 10 Worst Countries For Human Rights

In its 2014 Human Rights Risk Atlas, global analytics firm Maplecroft revealed that in the past six years, the number of countries with an “extreme risk” of human rights offenses has risen dramatically.

Evaluating 197 countries on various human rights violations, Maplecroft classified 20 countries as having an extreme human rights risk in 2008. That number has since risen to 34. Of the countries with a high risk of violations, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Mali and Guinea-Bissau have seen the worst deterioration of their human rights situation, according to the report.

Geographically speaking, nations in the Middle East and North Africa account for the vast majority of the countries in the “extreme risk” category. With state repression of protests and widespread conflict, Syria ranks highest among the countries evaluated.

Several countries in sub-Saharan Africa also made the list of the top 10 worst offenders, primarily for ongoing ethnic conflicts and sexual violence.

However, state repression and violence are far from the only stimuli for human rights violations. In countries with emerging economies, for example, the potential for work-related offenses is growing.

VOA: 17 Countries Top List Of World’s Worst Human Rights Abusers

Seven African countries figure among the list of the world’s worst violators. Osman Hummaida, the executive director of the African Center for Justice and Peace Studies, is from northern Sudan. He lives in exile in Uganda.

Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: Female Genitalia as National and Community Property

The violence directed at African women’s sex is shocking. Perhaps most familiar to the West are
the human rights atrocities such as ethnic rapes in Rwanda, women’s sexual enslavement in the wars
of Liberia and Ivory Coast during the 1990s, and the tactic of spreading HIV/AIDS through sexual
assault campaigns in Sierra Leone. From gang rapes to attacks so brutal as to leave girls permanently
disabled, African women are encountering levels of sexual violence relatively unprecedented in
modernity. In Sierra Leone, it is estimated that more than 72 percent of women and girls were
victims of wartime violence, 50 percent of that sexual in nature (Nowrojee 2005).
Rapes by alleged protectors reveal gaps in international mechanisms designed to shield wartime
populations from violence—there were several cases of sexual violence by peacekeepers with the
UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL). These included the rape of a twelve-year-old girl and the
gang rape of a woman by two Ukrainian soldiers. Peacekeepers with both the Economic Community
of West African States Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) and UNAMSIL sexually exploited
women—and solicited child prostitutes—during their “peacekeeping” missions.

If these aren’t sh*thole countries, then they do not need Temporary Protected Status and we do not need to allow them to immigrate here.

Speaking of sh*tshows- down the media memory hole went Barack Obama’s calling Libya a “sh*tshow.”

“So we actually executed this plan as well as I could have expected: We got a UN mandate, we built a coalition, it cost us $1 billion — which, when it comes to military operations, is very cheap. We averted large-scale civilian casualties, we prevented what almost surely would have been a prolonged and bloody civil conflict. And despite all that, Libya is a mess.

Mess is the president’s diplomatic term; privately, he calls Libya a “shit show,” in part because it’s subsequently become an ISIS haven — one that he has already targeted with air strikes. It became a shit show, Obama believes, for reasons that had less to do with American incompetence than with the passivity of America’s allies and with the obdurate power of tribalism.

No outrage.

Obama’s actions in Libya resulted in a thriving black slave trade there. Where’s the outrage for that?

And Lindsay Graham? Graham repeatedly repeatedly referred to nations south of the border as “hellholes.”  

“The people coming across the southern border live in hellholes. They don’t like that. They want to come here. Our problem is we can’t have everybody in the world who lives in a hellhole come to America,” Mr. Graham said during a 2013 debate in the Judiciary Committee on an immigration bill he co-authored.

The senator continued: “There are 11 million people coming through the southern border ‘cause they come from countries where they can’t find work, and life is miserable. So it seems to me that if you can control who gets a job you’ve gone a long way in controlling illegal immigration. Because as long as the jobs are available in America you can’t build a fence high enough to stop people.”

No outrage. Why?

Because not Donald Trump.

Neither Stephen Colbert nor any other left wing mouthpiece was critical of obama for his comments or for the dreadful legacy he created for Libya. Why?

Because democrats.

Hillary Clinton had to weigh in on the Trump comments. The Clinton’s screwed up post-earthquake Haiti and friends and family managed to score following Clinton efforts there. No real outrage. No late night snark. Why?

Because Clinton’s. Because democrats.

This will blow over soon. It’s one more desperate effort to bash Trump and cripple his Presidency. Collusion, obstruction and dementia have all failed to stick. The race card is old and tattered from its overuse but it’s always one democrats are quick to whip out. It won’t work either. People understand that there are a lot sh*thole countries in the world. Here is an article from the African Exponent which lists the top ten reasons Africa is still poor. The top two reasons?

  • Civil wars and terrorism
  • The Unending Corruption

Time to get real. It’s the denial of the truth that allows this to continue, i.e. democrats. The best remedy is not for everyone to leave, it is foster change from within.

Did I forget to mention Female Genital Mutilation?

This was a genius move by Trump. democrats are now scrambling to condemn Trump’s comments that those countries are sh*tholes and they have fallen into  a trap. If these countries are not sh*tholes their citizens do not require protection status and their immigration to the US is unnecessary. democrats are in no position to argue otherwise.


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A few years ago some Airheaded liberal Helen Caldicott heaped big fat praise for Castros Cuba and said WHAT CASTRO HAS DONE FOR CUBA IS SUPERB yeah sure woo hoo i’m sure a lot of cuban’s would tell this airhead their dumber t hen a sack full of rocks

This outrage (faux outrage) is encouraging because it shows how desperate and pitiful the Democrats are and how hopeless they realize their prospects are. They are a shithole factory.

You know, I can think of a few other sh*tholes: Congress and the Senate, both of which have far to many scumbags, deep in the State Dept and numerous other agencies, apparently CIA and FBI and on the list goes.

The crazed repetition of the “shithole” comment on MSM, which came out 3 seconds after they heard a new bash point, It will be the unicycle for the weekend and Sunday shows, along with those countries asking well what are you going to do to help us.(forget the trillions and trillions sent to them in the last few decades)
While we are told we must embrace their right to their previous shithole producing culture, trying to maintain the one they are fleeing to is evil and racist. How backward trying to protect our Christianity that formed this nation, how progressive it is to embrace and change our laws to conform to theirs.
A country because of capitolism allows us to get out of our climate controlled houses into our climate controlled cars drive to a climate controlled store and purchase anything we want on fully stocked shelves. Evil bad we should be ashamed for wanting to preserve our way of life without having our heads on a swivel looking for unattended bags, or walking behind barriers to stop trucks from mowing us down.
You cannot improve their shitholes by turning ours into one, you cant civilize them by taking away ours.

I heard James Woods defined what a shithole country is:
If your country’s engineers cannot keep your well water separated from your sewage water, you live in a shithole.

The UN agrees with Pres Trump:
Here are a few interesting statistics, straight from the U.N.:

– Around 60% of the global population – 4.5 billion people – have either no toilet at home or one that doesn’t safely manage excreta.

862 million people worldwide still practi[c]e open defecation.

1.8 billion people use an unimproved source of drinking water with no protection against contamination from [feces].

Globally, 80% of the wastewater generated by society flows back into the ecosystem without being treated or reused.

– Only 39% of the global population (2.9 billion people) use a safely[] managed sanitation service [–] that is, excreta safely disposed of in situ or treated off-site.

– Combined with safe water and good hygiene, improved sanitation could prevent around 842,000 deaths each year.

Your weak tea spin and the admiration of the rabid racist in chief is almost comical dr john. Leave it up to blatantly dishonest hypocrites like you to reinvent the argument.

The question isn’t if Africa or Haiti have or hadn’t had their share of misfortunes or
has or hasn’t prospered.

Once again Donald Trump is under fire for being Donald Trump.

Yes, he’s under fire again for another admission of his goal to “Make America White Again” by alienating blacks while welcoming folks from white countries.

Trump made the mistake of believing that a private meeting with democrats would remain private.

It’s disturbing that you somehow advocate “private” racial slurs or “private” white supremacist objectives. You are actually admonishing democrats for informing the American people of what they really should have a right to know.

BTW, Trump did not call Haiti a sh*thole country.

For starters, we really don’t know as that is only coming from trump who I think even you can agree is a compulsive liar. But even conceding that one, that not only fails to absolve the comment towards Africa but actually makes it worse. Sounds like he’s saying the larger the population of blacks, the more a shithole. Or, it must be more of a shithole because there’s more blacks.

Many countries in Africa are sh*tholes. Thing is, Trump is not alone that belief.

What a chump excuse of a spin dj, even for you. Lots of folks have acknowledged their problem as your long winded chump justification says. But the Huff et al did not endorse a concept that Africa is a shithole BECAUSE their blacks are entering the US and that we should be letting in more whites from non-shitholes such as Norway.

So I hope you can now capture the difference of Trump’s racist comment and others in history saying a country was a “mess”. Most of the world weren’t taken aback simply because trump used the shit word or that he spoke derogatorily of other countries.

@Ajay42302: Please point out all the benefits of chain migration and lottery immigration, please enlighten us on all the need for these beneficial programs you hold so dear. Show us the error of a merit based system, the horrid consequences of securing our borders and returning those that came here on temporary visas to their homes.
Convince me, change my “racist” mind, you have the secret truth announce it to the world, that sweet MS13 gang member, those that behead co-workers, mow down pedestrians, blow away those in a gay bar or Christmas Party or those that without paying a dime into our system get free education, food stamps and other benefits meant for our citizens, by simply walking across the border.
While you are at it if they want to stay why do they wave other flags?

@Ajay42302: he’s under fire again for another admission of his goal to “Make America White Again”

So, is this a Trump nightmare version that lives, rent-free, in your head, or can you find proof that this is Trump’s goal?
Nope, you can’t find proof.
Are you an ill-informed idiot?
I have proof:



You dodged my point like the sniveling trump suck up that you are.

Obama said “shitshow” of Libya. Obviously racist. Sh*thole is a synonym for “mess.”

Aside from your comical attempt to once again blame Obama, no, the 2 words have completely different meanings in the context in which they were used. You are trying (quite poorly) to not only invent your own definitions but you are dishonestly inventing your own interpretations. Much like your kowtowing sockpuppets, you play ignorant in order to cheerlead for your racist serial lying conman.

While your audience of a possible half dozen might applaud your disingenuous ploy, it appears most of the world disagrees with your nonsense.

We know that Jake Tapper reported it (that trump called Haiti a shithole)

Between Donald Jesus Trump and Tapper on their records of known lies, what exactly is your point?

On a final note, Sarah Huckabee Sanders actually came out and said that the trump admin would stand behind it because their base would support it. Who exactly do you think she was referring to?

@Ajay42302: Why don’t you answer Kitt? is honesty that foreign to you?

A business creates a dumb shirt with the words, “Coolest Monkey in the Jungle” on it.
Poses it on a young black model.
What would a proper response be?
Turn the store into a shithole like the place the protester is from?
This just happened:
The photos and video are off the hook.

@Mully: His only known lucifarian doctorine is to deny truth and try his best to foster division. If we see the ideology they must attack not only those that out them but those that may even in part agree. The weapons used are old and mostly now ineffective but as old as time itself. To answer my questions would be to question himself.


You dodged my point like the sniveling trump suck up that you are.

Point dodging? YOU accuse someone else of “point dodging”? REALLY? Here follows a list of points YOU have dodged:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?

Provide examples of anyone that “harass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.

How is calling Warren, who lied about being Native American, Pocahontas a slur?

Who has ever admitted that they’d vote for satan or Hitler or Kim Jong over a Demaocrat? Names and quotes, please.

You actually added a new one above, but I find it pointless to add to the already long list of examples of your lying cowardice.

I resent that a person has been elected to the presidency about whom such questions arise on a daily basis. He’s corrupting our institutions, diminishing our traditional values, and lowering our standards of conduct across the board. His character is not a reflection of the character of my nation.

@Nanny G: A proper response would be—“What an idiot.”

Just listening to you Trumpeteers go on and on is truly depressing–I try to limit coming here but it’s like trying to turn away from a car wreck.
The countries from where these immigrants come are “shitholes” but the people are not—what differentiates them from earlier immigrants that came from Ireland –like mine-or Italy or
our forefathers from England—-other than their skin color?

Trump made a racist statement–says he’s simply saying what others—like his base–are afraid to say Trump has no filter–that’s for sure.

Greg #17 Concur


I resent that a person has been elected to the presidency about whom such questions arise on a daily basis.

Then why don’t you contact your favored media outlets and corrupt politicians and ask them to stop lying about Trump and what he does, as it upsets you?

Funny this bothers you (false as it is) yet you happily voted for and continue to support what turned out to be the most corrupt and Constitution-violating regime we have ever had and then the most incompetent, corrupt and dishonest candidate we have ever seen run. Something about that does not compute.

Nothing scandalizes a leftist like the truth. Point out that women and men are different, that black Americans commit a disproportionate amount of violent crime, that most terrorist acts are committed by Muslims, and the Left leaps to its collective feet in openmouthed shock, like Margaret Dumont after a Groucho Marx wisecrack. This is racism! This is sexism! This is some sort of phobia! I’m shocked, shocked to find facts being spoken in polite company!
No one is really shocked, of course. This is simply a form of bullying. The Left has co-opted our good manners and our good will in order to silence our opposition to their bad policies. The idea is to make it seem impolite and immoral to mention the obvious.
The bullying is highly effective and very dangerous. In England, in the city of Rotherham, at least 1,400 non-Muslim girls, some as young as 11, were brutally raped by Muslim immigrants over a period of years in the 2000s. Police and other officials worked to keep the facts hidden because, according to multiple reports, they were afraid of being called racist. Think about that: police officers did not want to seem racist, so they stood by and let their city’s children be raped. The same thing goes on in other cities in England and throughout Europe. And in fact, some who have spoken out have had their careers curtailed by manufactured scandal. The message is clear: it’s just not nice to tell the truth. It’s just not done. Don’t do it.

It is a dangerous sh*thole according to the U.S. Dept. of State.
Haiti Travel Advisory Warning ….
I had to cache the Haiti warning page because it was blank….


@Ajay42302: Why don’t you answer Kitt? is honesty that foreign to you?

Probably because any possible answer to any of the dozen or so questions asked or alluded to in that hodgepodge of word salad rhetorical gibberish would once again be met with denial, spin, lies, or just disregarded. I can pretty much lip sync from the playbook you cloned sockpuppets use in advance. Yes, you really are that obvious- considering you invoked the need for honesty.

But out of sport, let’s scroll through Kitt’s assault on the English language and pick out an example.

Convince me, change my “racist” mind

You see, that’s asking for the impossible.

Can there be a gov’t shutdown now that a Hawaiian nepotist had a slacker relative push the real, not the test button, for a missile alert?
Our nation is not even prepared for a false alert.

Notice how this real news story killed the entire shithole 1/2 day bogus story?

@rich wheeler:

what differentiates them from earlier immigrants that came from Ireland –like mine-or Italy or
our forefathers from England—-other than their skin color?

Nice the race card… what a shock.
Earlier immigrants came mostly with a skillset (butcher, baker, farmer, candlestick maker), learned english. There was no welfare, foodstamps, subsidized housing or schools seeking teachers who can teach the kids in their home language, they did not demand laws be changed to suit their culture, glad to be here wanted to melt in, and the USA took little parts of there culture and wove them in. The english gave us basic laws, the germans and Pols sausages, the Italians and Irish organized crime 😉 , Catholic hospitals and orphanages ect ect.We have a very diverse country and all had their shot at being demonized as they came in legally, those that were sick or deemed mentally incompetent were popped back on a boat homeward from Ellis island.

@Kitt: I call bullshit on that answer Kitt–the people that came from shitholes at the time –such as Ireland and Italy were no better than the immigrants coming from Haiti or Nigeria.
sorry Kitt Racism exists right here in the USA–You can deny DT’S comment was blatantly racist but most would not agree. BTW—Trump’s statement said nothing about illegal immigrants.

Nanny G ” Hawaiian nepotist and slacker relative” you know this how?

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #19:

Then why don’t you contact your favored media outlets and corrupt politicians and ask them to stop lying about Trump and what he does, as it upsets you?

His critics aren’t the ones who are constantly lying. Nor should they be criticized for asking the obvious questions.

@rich wheeler: You asked me the difference, I call BS that I said better. If you interpreted that from the post ask your little heart why….DT was never called a racist when he was donating to Democrats ever He hasnt changed, you say in 40 years, why has the interpretation of him changed. This country has a surplus of unskilled poorly educated people, its time we get a bit pickier of who we allow in as citizens, we need people with skills ready to contribute.

The refugees the starving the abused are human beings who are sick of living the squalor of these sh-t holes and they are leaving them for the west. President didn’t accuse the refugees of being sh-t holes he accused their countries of origin as being sh-t holes and these refugees or displaced people or whatever you want to call them think the same thing about their home countries as Trump else why are they leaving. Why aren’t these aliens in the US, UK, France, Germany, Sweden etc. demanding to be returned to their homes? Because their homes are sh-t holes!

@rich wheeler:

Just listening to you Trumpeteers go on and on is truly depressing–I try to limit coming here but it’s like trying to turn away from a car wreck.

How can you hear anything above the shrill whining and crying of liberals crying about losing an election the media PROMISED them they would win? Funny you regard a growing economy, national security, rebuilding the military, confronting advisories (instead of apologizing to them) and rebuilding respect for our nation around the world as a “car wreck”. Actually, the wrecker is here to haul off the Obama junk.

@Jake: The left likes to be lied to; it is far more comfortable than hearing the truth about their failed, corrupt ideology. So, when known liars tell them something about Trump, they prefer to believe the lies for the truth is hard to swallow.

@rich wheeler:

sorry Kitt Racism exists right here in the USA

Cultivated by Obama and the left, used as a political weapon. It was on the decline but you leftists made sure it remains strong and vile, to suit your needs.


His critics aren’t the ones who are constantly lying. Nor should they be criticized for asking the obvious questions.

Yes, they absolutely are. Here, for instance… he did not make the statement you have your sphincter in an uproar about. Yes, they should be criticized and driven out of the business. Ideologues pursuing their socialist dreams should not be whom we take our news from. That’s called “propaganda” and it is rife with lies.

@Kitt: DT has been accused of being a racist before—keeping qualified minorities from renting in his buildings—the Central Park Five–birtherism claim against BHO–failure to timely denounce support of KKK and David Duke.–it goes on.

Bill Do you really think DT is so unpopular simply because the press makes him look bad?
That reasoning is absurd.

@rich wheeler: I might be wrong but he was 27 and the building belonged to his daddy? Is this a sins of the father thing?

FBI releases documents related to Trump apartment discrimination case

If BOs birth certificate and every other record imaginable can be private why cant DTs Taxes remain private. Why is asking where a person is born racism (a rumor proved to come from the Clinton camp)
Being pals with the Clintons at the time he picked up the gauntlet.
I know you dont like the President, its ok, you cant be blind to the fact he is constantly being attacked by the media, even if they need to make stuff up like fish feeding and housing discrimination.
I dont care if he called the shitholes, shitholes others have described them in public as hellholes, without the media having a shitfit.

The President didn’t even say that to begin with.
Look at what Baяack called Benjamin Netanyahu.

@Mjazz: It was also no big deal using taxpayer funds to try to sway their election

@Ajay42302: Your answer is exactly the kind you claim Kitt would give. Pot meet kettle.

@rich wheeler:

: DT has been accused of being a racist before—keeping qualified minorities from renting in his buildings—the Central Park Five–birtherism claim against BHO–failure to timely denounce support of KKK and David Duke.–it goes on.

There has been no proof that any discrimination took place. Like most accusations against Trump, “unnamed sources” seems to dominate the accusations. I sense a pattern.. Hillary created birtherism and there is nothing racist about it. One wonders why Obama has never cleared the question up. Trump IMMEDIATELY denounced the KKK and Duke, though why is it necessary for someone to constantly be denouncing things they have never had any association with? Why don’t your leftist gods denounce the Muslim abuse of women, gays and Christians? Why aren’t you asking THEM this question repeatedly and constantly? Oh…. you are afraid of the answers.

Bill Do you really think DT is so unpopular simply because the press makes him look bad?

First, he isn’t “so unpopular”. Second, what do you think the alternative result is when 93% of media coverage is negative and mostly false coverage? Where is the coverage of Trump’s success with NATO? The coverage of his success in the UN? The coverage of the turnaround with the economy (other than to falsely give Obama all the credit)?

Trump is not racist, he is not homophobic, he is not Islamaphobic, he is not misogynistic. None of this is true and are intentional lies invented by your leftist handlers. So, how you can actually think you can convince anyone with access to facts that Trump is unpopular by his own actions is incredible.

@Ajay42302: You need to take your Meds and go, have mommy change the crap out of your mouth and diapers, and go back downstairs!!

@Mjazz: Good point and it led me (who had forgotten what Obama called Bibi (a chicken sh*t).
A Huffpo article listed many, many PRIVATE conversations by political leaders, Lyndon Johnson, Obama, Boehner, etc., who spoke cuss words in PRIVATE about other pols.
Leaking is the only way we ever hear about these.
So, can we trust the leaker?
Durbin already had a record of lies about what he’d heard.
There’s a vast difference between calling people sh*theads vs calling places sh*tholes.
Johnson called all black Americans the N-word and claimed they’d vote Democrat for years because of his welfare reform.
Boehner called Obama a chickesh*t for all his “Present” votes in the Ill. state senate.
But it was all in private.
Progressives really ought to go live a few months in one of these sh*thole countries they think are so great.
They’d be mugged by worse than reality.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: You live in an alternative universe that believes that Trump can do and has done no wrong—-and that he is not “so unpopular” rather a self proclaimed “very stable genius”–after all it’s quite simply the MSM that has turned this wonderful,god fearing man into the devil.

Keep dreaming.

For the record DT is so unpopular in SoCal that 2 long serving Repub Conservatives–Issa and Royce– have decided not to seek re-election rather than face the anti-Trump wave—Dems need 22 more to turn The House Blue–after Moore defeat only 2 more to turn Senate–that will slow DT in his final 2 years .

@rich wheeler:

@Bill… Deplorable Me: You live in an alternative universe that believes that Trump can do and has done no wrong—

Indeed, if that was what I said or believed, I would be living in the same universe you liberals live in, where you believe Obama and the Clinton’s are infallible. But, of course, that’s NOT what I said. I said you and the media routinely lie about him and his accomplishments, which is a verified fact.

a self proclaimed “very stable genius”

So you believe a moron can out-think all your Democrat “geniuses”, play them like fiddles and make you ALL look like sore loser crybaby idiots? You think a moron could out-perform and out-lead in one year what Obama did in eight? You don’t give yourself or your side much credit… but credit where credit is due. Right?

For the record DT is so unpopular in SoCal

What?!? Trump is unpopular in the most liberal, indebted and crumbling state in the Union? Unpopular where the most anti-American environment in the nation exists? He should wear that as a badge of honor. Meanwhile, the military and law enforcement LOVES Trump and that carries a lot more weight than the opinions of a bunch of coddled, spoiled, ignorant liberals.

that will slow DT in his final 2 years .

Yeah, you liberals wouldn’t want prosperity to get out of control, would you? That would cost you the votes of the perpetually dependent poverty class, wouldn’t it? Very generous of you.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Your unique “access to facts” tells you DT is not racist, homophobic, Islamaphobic or misogynistic. and the press has created this erroneous perception held by a clear majority of Americans.
My eyes and ears have me with the majority on this Bill

Can we all agree he’s a loud mouthed egotist.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #29:

Yes, they absolutely are. Here, for instance… he did not make the statement you have your sphincter in an uproar about.

It’s highly probably that he did make that statement, because it has been so reported by credible people who were present, and because anyone who pays attention realizes that’s the way the man thinks and talks.

When questioned on the point, his more truthful allies who were present at the time say something along the lines of I don’t recall him using that word, but what I think the President was trying to say is… It’s too not hard to figure out what such an evasive answer implies. Others simply follow his lead and lie. The man lies constantly, without even thinking about it.

@rich wheeler: As I described, the entire left, which of course INCLUDES the media, took Trump’s citation of FBI data to make HIM a racist, particularly by misquoting him. So, there’s that, definitely and without refute. Accusing him of homophobia is based on… NOTHING. Accusations of misogyny is based on a 12 year old statement of what powerful men CAN do… which your liberal Hollywood gods have made a career of proving valid.

And then there’s “Russian collusion”, something you liberals made up so you could try and undermine Trump’s campaign (which worked about as well as every other liberal program) and has been used to try and reverse a legal, Constitutional election.

I await the first valid complaint by a liberal of some substantial failing of Trump.


It’s highly probably that he did make that statement, because it has been so reported by credible people who were present,

No, it isn’t because no, it wasn’t.

When questioned on the point, his more truthful allies who were present at the time say something along the lines of I don’t recall him using that word, but what I think the President was trying to say is

Someone open of mind could reasonably conclude that HAD he said it, they would recall it. Meanwhile, taking the word of a partisan liberal who also strongly subscribes to the fantasy of Trump collusion, Trump obstruction and any and all other imaginary hopes to take Trump out of office.

Just because what Trump says and does is a contradiction of your propaganda does not make him a liar. You have supported nothing but liars, so I doubt you have a clear impression of what honesty actually is.

We are incredibly fortunate to have those who don’t know what biology is, don’t know (or care) what science is, abuse civil rights to spy on whomever they deem a political threat, use the IRS to attack political opponents, try desperately to silence freedom of speech (if it disagrees with their own views) and is anxious to utilize violence to promote their fascistic vision for America. Right now, Trump and only Trump stands in the way of that fate befalling America.

#1 that picture of the stream looks like a creek in E. San Jose CA. Yeah it’s a shit hole…..Kommieforniastan that is.

#2 If the rich elites don’t vacation there or own a home, it’s a shit hole. Of course they do reside in Kommieforniastan but they’re not done totally screwing it up…..YET, have to have some hobbies I suppose.

@Oblamo binLyen:

#1 that picture of the stream looks like a creek in E. San Jose CA. Yeah it’s a shit hole…..Kommieforniastan that is.

You didn’t expect anyone to actually travel to one of those dangerous shit holes for just a picture, when any democratic run city could just as easily depict the utopia they seek.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Are you gonna accept Mueller’s conclusions? Simple yes or no will suffice.

Same question for any other Trumpeteers.

Just saw The Post—Outstanding movie –We The People must defend the free press and First Amendment Rights

@Richard Wheeler: I told you I am a trumpette
do wah diddy diddy dah ditty do, lay out the evidence, we dont accept conclusions, we weigh evidence and make our own conclusions based upon that. So far the evidence presented points to an illegal spying mission by Obama and Hillary do you accept that?
Comey made a conclusion before the first evidence was gathered, you made a conclusion that DT was guilty of housing discrimination on buildings he didnt own.
Sometimes conclusions are worth a Trump University Degree, you dig?

@kitt: Actually Dept of Justice in 1973 filed discrimination suit against Trump Management–DT was President.
We all know Trump U degree isn’t worth the piece of paper people paid thousands to obtain
A Trumpette you say–cute red white and blue cheerleader uniform?

I’ll accept Mueller’s conclusions.

@rich wheeler:They filed but there was no conviction, if you dislike someone you are much more likely to believe they are guilty. Wouldnt you be curious how they came to the conclusion? Mueller is a pal of Comey if he is such a staunch Republican, why is there not 1 republican attorney in his group of investigators? Not 1 that isnt a Democrat donor. Yes I want to see the evidence I will not at face value accept his conclusion. There is one in his group that lost a supreme court case against him 9 to 0, why would you want such a person on what could be a very important investigation?

@Richard Wheeler:

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Are you gonna accept Mueller’s conclusions? Simple yes or no will suffice.

Not unless I see compelling evidence. Sadly, your liberals have completely tainted the entire process.

Question is, if Mueller says he found NO evidence of Trump collusion, will YOU be able to finally face a reality you don”t like? I’d say, based on the evidence already provided, NO, you won’t.

We The People must defend the free press and First Amendment Rights

Indeed we should. We should assure the media does not remain a corrupt propaganda tool for Democrats so freedom of speech is not forever lost.