No Democrats, You Don’t Have the Moral High Ground. You’re Not Even Close


The latest casualties in the Pervnado of the last few months, John Conyers and Al Franken, appear to be products of the Radical Left’s fear that Roy Moore is going to win his special election in Alabama, despite what appear to credible allegations of harassment against Moore. The Radical Lefts new narrative seems to be, “We supported these guys until we learned that they were bad people. Now you’re going to elect this creep even though you know about his past? Shame!”

What our Lefty pals seem to misunderstand is that our response is simple, “Yes we know. And f*** you. You made this OK.”

Why would this be OK? Let’s look at the end game here – what the Radical Left sees are (what someone on Facebook wrote who I can’t remember for attribution) two easily replaced Pawns in safe seats that they’re offering to sacrifice in exchange for a Bishop. This has nothing to do with decency, it’s about power. How do we know?

Two words: Bob Menendez

Surely you know the good senator from New Jersey – the one who just got off of multiple corruption charges thanks to a hung jury, of which the charges included… soliciting underage prostitutes. You’ll notice that you haven’t heard much about Bob in the news, and there’s a reason. You see, through a historical fluke Jersey elected a Republican Governor 8 years ago in Chris Christie. And of course, if Bob were to resign his replacement would be appointed by the governor, and would most likely be a Republican. So of course, the Radical Left’s sudden moral high ground and indignation comes to an abrupt halt when it could hurt their own power. Yes, it’s as simple as that.

Of course, the end game of this Pervnado chess game is seen in calls for President Trump to resign over the harassment claims against him, starting with Senator Chavez from Vermont. Personally, from his personality I’d believe these charges against our president, except that I don’t because I don’t think his accusers are credible. And I’ve reached that conclusion without knowing anything about the accusers, aside that one or two are Clintonistas. Why the skepticism, you say? Because given how much our press loathes Trump and have a “facts be damned” approach to trying to destroy him, if any of the accusers were credible they would have been elevated to sainthood status and a mascot for Democrats. And yes, I know that’s a horrible reason to reach my conclusion but that’s the world that the people who tell me I should hate Trump as much as they do have created.

So you’ll have to forgive me if I doubt the Radical Left’s sincerity over these newfound principles of theirs. It’s nothing but a power play, hoping to use deceit to weaponize Conservatives’ natural decency against us. That won’t be happening. The bottom line is that while we dislike supporting someone like Moore, we like you even less. But I’d prefer to live in a world where we can agree to condemn bad behavior and apply the rules equally. You want us to universally condemn Moore? OK, here are our terms, and you’re not going to like them.

First, the easy part. Menendez resigns, and he does it while Gov. Christie can appoint his replacement before the end of the Governor’s term in January. I know you hate this because you feel that we’re on the edge of The Apocalypse happening because of whatever Trump did that has you angry this week. You need every possible vote for #TheResistance to subvert a legally elected president and subvert our Democracy. This means that every vote in the Senate counts, and losing a Democrat in New Jersey will make it easier for President Trump to push his radical agenda of crazy things like letting the American people keep their own money, getting the government’s regulatory boot off of the country’s throat, not apologizing for our country’s existence, etc. I know that this will be extremely painful for you, but if you want us to take you seriously this is a critical first step. Oh, you thought that was it? We’re just getting started!

You want to call a president unfit for office because of charges of harassment against him? I’m actually OK with this, but before we do that we’ll need to clean your own house to show your sincerity. Bill Clinton is going to need to publicly apologize to every woman he harassed, as well as the one he raped. Hillary is going to publicly apologize to each woman who she smeared or tried to intimidate into silence. This is important, because if you want us to renounce someone who was a sexual predator, you’re going to acknowledge that you knew about and ignored the fact that you supported the #1 enabler of the world’s most famous sexual predator. You don’t get to act all huffy about someone who said “Grab ’em by the p***y” while you were fine with someone from your side who actually did. Don’t worry, we’re almost done.

Some Democrat in Congress, doesn’t matter who, issues a proclamation condemning Ted Kennedy. This needs to be done loudly and publicly. Just like names attached to The Confederacy are getting erased from history, so must the same happen with this horrible human being. Feminist groups will be expected to lead the charge on this one. Hopefully you don’t need to ask why.

There are our terms. I’m fine with living in a world where our leaders are held accountable for their behavior, but you have to be too. If you don’t feel that this is acceptable, that’s fine. Just don’t be surprised when you question our decency and we just point and laugh at you. Because in the words of the great Robert Ellsworth, “We don’t care what you say…”

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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All accusations are credible… until they aren’t. Initially, I was absolutely ready to see Moore cast aside for his terrible behavior (even while being naturally suspicious of the timing) until the questions started arising and Moore unequivocally rejected the accusations, something very risky to do. The topper was the eventual (and inevitable) entrance of the scandal-chasing Allred and how HER client’s accusations, with tangible “evidence” in hand, fell completely apart and appears to be forged and concocted. I hope and pray I am right, because I don’t want any true victim to go unrequited. But, due to the left’s on choosing of the moment these accusations would be raised, there is not the time to determine, with certainty, the facts.

However, above and beyond all that, it was be a disaster of monumental proportions to allow the despicable use of false charges of sexual misconduct (or anything else, for that matter) to successfully alter an election. But, if you want to see this appear in every election from now on, by all means, declare Moore guilty without evidence and drive him out of the race.

The expected overwhelming hypocrisy aside with the understanding that Bigot Bob’s dishonest spin is only a product of a disturbing few, it looks likes over here in the real world, today’s rabid right and believers that America was great when blacks were in chains, are actually losing ground on that moral ground argument.

But by all means, continue humoring yourself with delusion while you coddle your admitted vagina grabber and endorse your Girl Scout stalkers.

Obama is comparing Trump to Hitler Look who’s Talking coming from someone who violating the U.S. Constitution sneered his big fat nose at the law released convicted killers and rapists and opened this borders to so called refugees Shut Up Obama Hypotcrites


But by all means, continue humoring yourself with delusion while you coddle your admitted vagina grabber and endorse your Girl Scout stalkers.

Why don’t you humor us with the answers to these questions:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?

Provide examples of anyone that “harass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.

How is calling Warren, who lied about being Native American, Pocahontas a slur?

Why don’t you be a big boy now and stop running away from the questions about your most questionable remarks?

@Ajay42302: Hehe, you so silly…

Does the hysterical, fact-free fly by rant ever actually serve your Party, beyond making less people vote for it?

Thanks for reminding me I’m the smarter person for not supporting the Democrats.

So…another sexist pig Democrat down…more to go.

Can’t wait to live in an America where the Racist agenda of the Left is no more.

Goodness gracious the Allred yearbook accuser had admitted to embellishing the yearbook what else did she embellish?


Boom. Just as Moore said. There really needs to be criminal penalties for this. This needs to be strongly discouraged. Of course, the liberals that instigated this won’t go to jail; they would just watch their useful idiots march off to the clink.

@Nathan Blue:

What’s going on in the real world is that Democrats have seemed to take a principled stand against sexual harassment whereas Republicans have taken to embracing it. That along with pedophilia, blatant dishinesty, pluticracy, racism, and blowing up the defict in order to transfer more wealth from the working class to the top 1 percent.

And all of this is occurring while the reality of a treasonist president and an abeting Republican party is being exposed.

I realize that conflicts with what’s going on in your blind corner of the world.


That along with pedophilia, blatant dishinesty, pluticracy, racism, and blowing up the defict in order to transfer more wealth from the working class to the top 1 percent.

If you would answer the questions below, you could explain how you came to the ridiculous conclusions above. Go against your normal character and have a manly go at it.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?

Provide examples of anyone that “harass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.

How is calling Warren, who lied about being Native American, Pocahontas a slur?

@Brother Bob: AJ is not big on answering questions that would support his arguments.

It is useless to debate a person who’s paycheck or ‘sanity’ depend on not being convinced.

Demorats live in a different reality…a dark world of deception and sin.

They will not use logic, and will be lemmings.

What is this? National Sock Puppet Day? I shall call forth my army of minions from my upper left sock drawer! Behold their wrath, and be afraid!

I think Greg is getting tense and anxious with the total failure of their dream investigation to find even the slightest hint that Trump did anything to collude with Russians. Knowing full well that there was nothing there, but hoping for a miracle to upturn the election that showed what a true loser Hillary is (and continues to expose their idiocy), folks like Greg have to watch the whole fantasy come tumbling down.

Elections have consequences and one of those are that, in American, they cannot be reversed simply because a pack of crybabies didn’t get what they wanted.

@Brother Bob:

You should try reading a post before commenting.

Reading your bigoted and racist rants Bob, is akin to subjecting oneself to an hour of Sean Hannity or Mike Savage or Rush , only at a lower intellectual level. I’ll pass. I usually just address the title of the forum which seem to be that first “punch” of your dishonest spin.

What have the Dems done to address the two harassers that were cited?

Accordingly, I really don’t know or care who you have cherry picked in order to build your case of claiming Dems low morals while distracting from the reality of today’s Rs embracing and endorsing child molestation. I do know that in very recent news breaking events, Dems have ousted a congressman and senator for sexual harrassment at a historic time in politics when seats mean everything AND knowing well that Franken will be replaced with a Republican by the states R governor. At the very same tinme Rs have opened their arms to a child preditor because as they’ve openly admitted, those political seats supercede any morals of the seat holder.

That’s whats going on today in the real world regardless of how many times you and your ilk yell Hillary or Obama or whoever. But I’d expect nothing better of you than to keep chanting “banana banana banana”.


Reading your bigoted and racist rants Bob, is akin to subjecting oneself to an hour of Sean Hannity or Mike Savage or Rush , only at a lower intellectual level. I’ll pass. I usually just address the title of the forum which seem to be that first “punch” of your dishonest spin.

Yeah, don’t read anything… you might learn something. And, IF you learned anything, you might understand the point of these questions you scurry away from:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

What is Trump doing that is “energizing the KKK and Neo-Nazis”?

Provide examples of anyone that “harass and falsely imprison and then beat and attributed death to people of color (even openly declaring his prison as his “own personal concentration camp)”.

How is calling Warren, who lied about being Native American, Pocahontas a slur?


child preditor

What the hell is that?
If you refer to Moore, a predator doesn’t change he would still be trying to flirt and date young women if he were a predator. Perhaps your sources might want to properly define words and phrases. Justice has a different meaning when you place the word social before it.
At least you dont have to worry about any women accusing you of kissing them on a date, or a date. Your main conquests are the notches in your keyboard for getting booted off conservative comment boards. Thanks mainly to inane pointless attack posts on those that dont agree with your lucifarian ideology.
Never change AJ its all in the headline very progressive of you.


Your ramble doesn’t change the reality of what today’s so-called conservative party has become.

It’s interesting that several resident trolls of FA actually admitted during the election that they’d vote for satan or Hitler or Kim Jong over a Demaocrat. And indeed, you elected a lying racist and sexually assaulting con man for your leader.

You hatred of Dems is one thing. Your defending of sexual assaulting, child molesting, racism, and lying and conning of your newly elected heroes is yet another. All you know is hatred of 1 party and if you need to be defenders of the atrocious and deviant republican party to help sell that, so be it. It’s obviously who you are.


Your defending of sexual assaulting, child molesting, racism, and lying and conning of your newly elected heroes is yet another.

None of the accusations has proof behind it.
The whole sexual sharknado is diminishing the real harassment, assault and rape.
Feminists have no barriers, no limits no clear definitions they are dangerous to advanced women.
Until convicted and proven guilty….
Damn straight I will defend men, I am their equal. I AM NOT, NOT A NASTY WOMAN.

Whether democrats truly hold the moral high ground or not, a man like Trump in the White House endorsing a man like Moore for the Alabama Senate will certainly position them to make a very compelling argument. For thoughtful voters who truly put their ethics above all else, the repeated message that Moore is the lesser evil must feel a bit like the devil whispering in their ear.

@Brother Bob:

& Bill: Why are you feeding the Troll?

The obvious hypocrisy you continue to expose is amusing. Who was it that responded to me in comment # 10?

Looks like you responded, promptly got your ass kicked with the truth, and then turned to your sockpuppets with “why are you feeding the troll”.

@kitt: Funny that you’d fall back on that due process argument after declaring dems guilty-without proof. Seems like I kicked Dr John’s ass on that topic as well. At least he had the common sense to tuck tail and run rather than prove an idiot like Bigot Bob.


Whether democrats truly hold the moral high ground or not, a man like Trump in the White House endorsing a man like Moore for the Alabama Senate will certainly position them to make a very compelling argument.

Your view of both Trump and Moore is based on unsubstantiated rumors and accusations. Meanwhile, Obama clearly demonstrated himself a liar about everything he spoke on and Hillary is not only a liar but also a corrupt thief married to the most famous sexual predators in US politics.

Your left only reacts to crime depending upon the political aid it can render, never as a pure matter of right or wrong.


Goodness gracious the Allred yearbook accuser had admitted to embellishing the yearbook what else did she embellish?

Might wanta take another look at that as it appears Fox News (the true “Fake News” that has well earned that reputation) has had an “oops” moment and has had to retract their accusations. And you claim a need of “proof”?

It’s understandable why some of the writers duck for cover, some of them want you to shut up, and applaud Bill for sticking to one script.

@Ajay42302: In your dreams did you kick anybodys ass, Photos, confessions and apologies,they dont claim innocence.
I didnt get it from fox, I dont have cable tv. She forged his last name from her divorce papers, where he ruled against her.
Why embellish at all if your story is true?

@Brother Bob: If you dont feed a troll we just sit here agreeing with each other I guess its a boredom thing. They dont know that it isnt about high moral ground if involving politicians. Thats the laser pointer they chase, we know a vast majority of all politicians are basically scum.
Heres an oldie from 1884 “Mama wheres my Pa? Gone to the White House ha ha ha.”


Might wanta take another look at that as it appears Fox News (the true “Fake News” that has well earned that reputation) has had an “oops” moment and has had to retract their accusations.

Provide the retraction.

@Brother Bob: My policy has been to demand he answer the questions of how he substantiates the lies he traffics in. My view is that is what everyone should do until he either answers the questions or starts using facts to base his arguments on.

@Brother Bob:

The facts are exactly as I stated. Today’s Democratic Party seem to be taking a principled stand against sexual harassment whereas Republicans have taken to embracing it.

What you are presenting is some “but look over there” distraction in order to dismiss the GOP endorsing and embracing the vagina grabber in chief and the child predictor running for senate.

To be clear, sexual harassment and deviant acts are not partisan. Take a look at not only Trump and Moore but O’Reilly, G.W.H. Bush, Ailes, Hastert, Vitter, Foley, very recent Republican state Reps Souders (IN), Lee (NY), Barton (TX), Murphy (PA), McAllister (LA), the R KY Congress shakeup, and I could go on.

Where that “high ground” you mention comes into reality is how these acts are dealt with. Again, today’s Democratic Party seem to be taking a principled stand against sexual harassment whereas Republicans have taken to embracing it. Dems are kicking them out whereas Rs are welcoming them in.

That’s true regardless of your sophomoric “but look over there” diversions.


The facts are exactly as I stated. Today’s Democratic Party seem to be taking a principled stand against sexual harassment whereas Republicans have taken to embracing it.

Democrats have no principles. They “took a stand” when there were no other options. Pelosi had already openly defended both Conyers and Franken but reversed when it was a political liability to do so. More and more accusers come forth, but in their cases, it was just accusers but accusers on top of admissions of guilt, apologies, payoffs and photos. What do you have against Moore? A forged signature in a yearbook? What do you have against Trump? A group of accusers that disappear when they are no longer politically useful.

Why don’t you answer the questions?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: The Democrats dont deal in reality, accusations are just that unproven. What is true history that Democrats and some nwo republicans cant stomach. Moore defended the 10 commandments, thousands of Alabamians protested the federally forced removal of the marker from their state courthouse. He defended the State law defining traditional marriage, while the officials in California turned Kates killer free on their people and the Feds dont do a thing to punish them, Moore was forced out of his seat for upholding his States law.
Moore should have the basic right of facing his accusers in a court of law before judgement is passed.
Its all politics, only used to push a narrative and agenda, tomorrow it will change if its expedient.

@Ajay42302: Ummm Slick got a hummer in the White House, Hilldabeast blamed Republicans, and Congress is exploding with demoncrap sexism!! Try reality for a change moron!!

@Common Sense:

Ummm Slick got a hummer in the White House, Hilldabeast blamed Republicans, and Congress is exploding with demoncrap sexism!! Try reality for a change moron

The “reality” of your blatant partisan hyperbole is that much like your rabidly bigoted cohorts, you only see fault in who you want to see, even if you have to grasp for a weak tea specious sound bite to do so while completely ignoring that “exploding sexism” of republicans (Trump, Moore, O’Reilly, G.W.H. Bush, Ailes, Hastert, Vitter, Foley, very recent Republican state Reps Souders (IN), Lee (NY), Barton (TX), Murphy (PA), McAllister (LA), the R KY Congress shakeup, etc etc etc).

“Reality” to you and your useful band of orking seals is simply what you want to be reality. You remind me of Cinderella in the Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical where sings “in my own little corner in my own little chair, I can be what ever I want to be”. In the world of extreme hate and profound bigotry in which you live, you’ve allowed yourself to confuse reality with fairy tale.

@Ajay42302: Yep you got nothing in defense of Slick and hilldabeast except bounce the ball elsewhere. NO high ground there moron!!

@Common Sense:

“Slick” nor “hilldabeast” are in office my poor delusional friend. Hillary lost and your self admitting sexual assaulting sexist won. He’s your man who is now, along with the bulk of so-called conservatives and the disgusting lot of FA loyalist, endorsing a child predictor.

You and your rabid ilk seem to be perfectly fine with that and somehow magically justify it it by chanting ” “Slick” and “hilldabeast” while claiming I “got nothing in defense” and void of reality.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #23:

I’m just suggesting what’s going to happen. Roy Moore is likely going to be a bigger problem for republicans than his Senate seat is worth. Like Trump, he’ll be another deal with the devil—or another expediency, depending on how you like to phrase things.

@Greg: You never tire of being wrong, its now all about politics ,the seat ,the vote. Lets let the list of congress that spent 17 million taxpayer dollars to cover their perversions, both R and D alike, make them pay it all back out of there own pockets if no removal let their voters decide the next election cycle.

You never tire of being wrong, its now all about politics, the seat ,the vote.

The man has already been removed from office as a judge twice, for openly defying the rulings of higher courts. As a judge, he has twice broken the oaths he took to uphold the very law he was elected to administer. He seems to think he’s been empowered by God to be a law unto himself. This is not how our Constitution-based legal system works.

I suppose the third time will be charm.

@Greg: Both times he was removed it was federal over reach. Why are there cities allowed to defy federal immigration laws no one loses their jobs. Even in the event where they defy federal law causes the death of their citizens nothing is done.
What the Judge was defending caused no deaths, again you just BEG to be wrong time after time.
We want someone to be our voice not just in it for themselves, are you so blind deaf and dumb? He was voted in his seat because he was their voice he tried to keep their harmless monument.
How many dangerous violent repeat offenders has California and other sanctuary cities released?


The Democrats dont deal in reality, accusations are just that unproven.

Case in point, @Ajay42302:

@Bill… Deplorable Me: AJ loves these Dems, this email from Cheryl Mills check out the end
Who in hell ( literally) mentions a human sacrifice god in casual conversation?

@kitt: I expect this is one of the emails that “wasn’t” on Hillary’s private, secret, unsecured server?

@Bill… Deplorable Me: No this was on her super secure secret non-government server most likely sent to them by the late Seth Richards. (poor chicken)

The Democrats dont deal in reality, accusations are just that unproven.

Like all of the bullshit the right believes about Obama and the Clintons without evidence?

@Greg: They found tons of evidence but decided to pronounce her innocent before even interviewing her.( FBI accomplices ) Do you assume Obama was so stupid he didn’t know? Well I guess he was pretty moronic, I guess I agree with you.

Donald Trump: Do Character, Morality and Kindness Still Matter?

A minister posed that question with great clarity in March, 2016. He got an answer 8 months later. The problem with many Trump supporters is that they apparently don’t recognize the low ground when they see it. They seem to think morality is a matter of an ideological check list rather than a matter of conduct.

Alabama voters appear to have narrowly rejected Roy Moore at the polls—a hopeful sign, at least. Thoughtful republicans are likely breathing a collective sigh of relief. Moore’s election would have created a serious backlash in 2018 and 2020.

@Greg: It is a great disappointment that liberals now know that false accusations can turn an election. With their stable of terrible, unelectable candidates, no doubt they will continue to use this despicable tactic.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #47:

Moore was previously removed from elected office twice, owing to ethics issues unrelated to the accusations. He’s a judge who has refused to recognize the rulings of higher courts that he personally disagrees with, despite his oaths to uphold the law.

It is a great disappointment that liberals now know that false accusations can turn an election.

That was Donald Trump’s single most heavily used campaign tactic, and remains the tactic he most commonly uses against his political enemies. He uses it on a routine daily basis. That is an established fact. One needs only to read back through his Twitter posts to see an abundance of evidence.

@Greg: The entire Democrat party is based on lies nowadays. Congressional leadership are liars, Obama is a liar, Hillary the Liar Supreme. One only has to tell the truth about them to show how unfit for service they are.

I’d like to dedicate this tune to…

Confounds the Science