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Liberal stupidity is non ending liberals are stupid and that’s a fact

You know what USED to be racist? When blacks were not used in advertising enough. Didn’t this ad have to go through the Ministry of Propaganda for ideological acceptability, or do we have that yet?

Far be it from me Wordsmith to attempt to school the Wordsmith but the term racism has come and continues to become more abstract in its meaning. The words “prejudice”, “bigotry”, and “racism” much to many people’s surprise aren’t synonyms.

Prejudiced is a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason. Bigotry comes closer to most here at FA and many of today’s so-called conservatives as its definition is an intolerance of other’s opinions, ideas, races, political affiliation, or religions. Racism while usually both prejudice and bigoted, is more of the belief that one’s own race is superior to that of others and usually is implemented with antagonism or an ultimate goal of oppression. Note that key difference in racism is the part about superiority and goal of oppression.

So one can be prejudiced and bigoted without being racist. Let’s throw a few examples.

1) I’ve always enjoyed oriental food and often dined at a Chinese restaurant which was later closed down by the health department for some rather atrocious reasons. Afterwards, I found it difficult to dine at any oriental restaurant as the thought of it turned my stomach. Is that prejudiced? Bigoted? Racist?

2) My wife and I were driving and she needed to use the restroom so I pulled into the 1st place we came to and there stood 4 or 5 young black men standing around outside socializing. 1 was drinking a beer. I had intended on staying in the car as our 2 yr old grandson was asleep. I decided to drive on. Prejudice? Bigotry? Racism?

3) I have bought and sold automobiles all my life to make a few bucks on the side and display them in my yard with the price on windshield. I put a fair price on them and firm on my price, often even stating “firm” on the windshield. I came to dismiss Mexicans and Latinos who would stop to ask. I wouldn’t even let them test drive it, just told them I had a buyer or such. Why? Because their culture seemed to forbid them to buy at sticker price. They would always haggle and never paid they asking price and ultimately always wasted my time. Prejudiced? Bigoted? Racist?

As for Dove, I detected an assumption that the black woman may have been unclean until she used Dove and turned white. Seems to be a hint of superiority there to me. Maybe that wasn’t their intentions. Regardless, it sure was a stupid ad on their part.

@Ajay42302: Far be it for you to back up your brazen statements with facts, but here is another opportunity:
What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

As a racist white woman I am buying the crap by the frigging case lest I have to put on a brown t shirt some day.
You know some ad agency guy somewhere is crapping his britches screaming I didnt mean it that way, as he collects his unemployment check.
All advertising and public speech needs to be sent to the PC collective think tank to be filtered properly, and someone somewhere will still find offense.

@Ajay42302: #5
I can’t believe you asked a serious question, but here’s the answer:

#1,2,3: Not racist. Experienced.

You’re welcome.

There is just no dealing with people like that. We cannot unite with them. Say something, anything, and you’re criticised. Say nothing and you’re criticised. They are an outrage in search of an offense.

Reach the people you can and leave the others to drown in their own misery and victimhood. The sooner the better.

@Ajay42302: But the white woman turns into an Hispanic woman. The ad wasn’t stupid: the reaction that it’s racist is.

@Ajay42302: And you understand the white woman turned into an Asian?

Your opinion of “cleanliness” was provided for you, not an actual thought.

That’s actually just stupid.

@Nathan Blue: @Khiri:

As I stated and you ignored, I really don’t know what they were trying to articulate. And yeah, I get the Asian point but in advertisement, any and every aspect is relevant and can be the big seller of the ad.

Let’s see, it would be logical to assume a soap company would want to sell the concept that their soap cleans. Pretty simple.


As I stated and you ignored,

Will you ignore this… again?

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

@Ajay42302: Dove has for a looooong time marketed itself not as soap but a beauty bar, comparing the wonderful moisturizing effects to the drying of soap.
Ivory the soap that floats, Irish spring its smell ,Safeguard antibacterial. There are few soaps that actually advertise clean, they want to set themselves apart you get clean plus…
Dove was trying to put out that each race has beauty but the message became totally twisted by those who are forever looking for the new outrage. These type of people are sad and pathetic always victims of some type.


You certainly stay true to form of not making a great deal of sense.

So. If like Irish Spring they want to promote a fresh sent, are they suggesting the use of Dove will prevent one from smelling like “one of them”?

While it may be true that many are exploiting the political correctness of racial sensitivity in order to sell racism as overblown hype, Dove was obviously off the mark on this particular ad.

@Ajay42302: Speaking of a fresh scent, how about the pleasing aroma of answering questions you run away from?

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

@Ajay42302: I know concepts are difficult for you
here is a visual
Its a beauty bar, it is a marketing thing they have used for years and years and years.
Seems only ignorant offense seeking a$$holes are the only ones that think it doesnt make sense.
EXCUUUUUSE them for marketing that beauty doesnt have a friggin color, and shame on those that dont get it.


I’m not sure of your comprehensive level but if you’d notice, I’ve repeatedly said that I’m not aware of Dove intentionally airing (assuming a FB ad is considered “airing”) a racist ad. I merely pointed out how or why it may be offensive to some, something by the way that Dove has acknowledged as well.

It’s also worth pointing out that there really hasn’t been the backlash on this ad that is being pretended here, just as there really isn’t backlash from fried chicken dinners or watermelon eating contests. It’s always the same rabid folks from the uglier side of the corner who want to try to imply otherwise with the objective I suppose, that the more you can muddy the definition of racism, the more you can dismiss real racism as irrelevant.

@Ajay42302: If everything is racist nothing is. The continual screeching and name calling has not brought it to attention but makes people roll their eyes and ignore it.
Real vile racism does exist, this is not an example, They degrade the meaning twist the meaning til it means nothing. Examples like this they still learn nothing they are being laughed at. Nothing but slapstick comic versions of those that fought real racism. The bigger the reaction the funnier it really is


If everything is racist nothing is

Exactly and thank you for validating my argument.

Using your very own admission, that makes for a damn good reason for racist to make everything racist. Maybe that’s how they logically deny their very own racism?

@Wordsmith: If anyone thinks the left gives a damn about that girl just trying to make a living (and not liberal enough to see opportunistic offense at every turn), they should think again.

@Ajay42302: Are you at least aware that you run away from answering questions about the basis of your own statements? Questions such as these:

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

@Ajay42302: #21 exactly, but tell the screechers they are the racists and you get meltdown and a barrage of mindless insults.

@Ajay42302: Yet it’s illogical to be outraged on cue because media distortion told you to..

You are a tool. Literally.

@Wordsmith: Love it—welcome back!!!


@Ajay42302: #21 exactly, but tell the screechers they are the racists and you get meltdown and a barrage of mindless insults.

I don’t think you quite get it. Your admission of “If everything is racist nothing is” is consistent with the rationale of today’s rabid right in their justification that racism doesn’t exist, that it’s mere hype because it equates to someone saying the forbidden “watermelon” word or such. The Jim Crow laws during the Reconstruction era were irrelevant because, well, because someone uttered the words “fried chicken”. The fact that all of these confederate statues that popped up during the the 1950s and 60s at the time of challenging the legality of jailing blacks from drinking from a white mans water fountain or daring to urine in a white man’s peeing hole somehow makes them hundreds of years old and placed in honor of war heroes. Realistically, these hero statues were erected by the strong arm of the KKK (some of those referred to today from Trump as “good guys”) in retaliation to the Martin Luther King Jr movement which is precisely why the KKK returned in Charlettesville protecting their territory.

What Wordsmith and such are trying to create is a norm by saying “Oreo” or such in order to mean, as you say, “everything is racist” so accordingly, nothing is, it was all a hoax, the plight of the blacks, the culprit of the racial breakdown is a product of their own choosing rather than Jim Crow, the Southern Strategy, segregation, the lynching of a black teen whistling at a white girl, the fact that a white man has never been hanged in the states of Florida or Louisiana for murdering a black man. All of this, much like Rodney King, never ever happened and even if it did doesn’t matter because since everything is racist, we all know nothing is.

Get it yet?

S@Ajay42302: Nothing you listed has anything to do with a commercial that some racist hunting fool has attacked. The young black girl was proud of the commercial she was in, and it was ruined for her. People like you ruined it for her. Beauty in all races doesnt exist for race baiters. No I cant see it from your eyes they didnt lynch her in the commercial nor beat her, but the race baiters made it ugly for her. That idea may never get under your bridge.


Get it yet?

Gonna answer yet?

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

Racist judges want clean sidewalks, this is how far into PC insanity they have twisted themselves.


You again confirm my argument. It isn’t the left howling about anything and everything being racist. Your link on poop power washing being racist is coming from the National Review, a right wing rag and here you are using another rabidly right wing outlet to relay it. And you do so with the very admission that. “If everything is racist, nothing is”.

@Ajay42302: Nice to know its only rabid rightwingers want a clean city. The leftists enjoy to walk through human feces to a public building.
INSANE you are
Its a liberal city I have no intention of visiting so let em poop.
Any sane person should flee, take the tax dollars with them.
Gives a whole new meaning of democrat run shithole.
Your response is so stereotype.


Sometimes I have to wonder if even you have a clue as to what you’re trying to argue.

The argument has nothing to do with poop on the sidewalk or what party prefers cleaner streets.

My point is that it isn’t the left trying to claim any minute issue is racist. The concept that saying “watermelon ” or serving fried chicken or a soap commercial or using a pressure washer isn’t being promoted by the left media but rather the right. And you and this site clearly abet that initiative.

And the reason is likely twofold. One being as you admit, to downplay the relavance of actual racism. The other I suppose is to build a smokescreen to protect the KKK sympathizer and Neo-Nazi friendly president that you genuflect to.

With the constant screeching of the left we have tuned your concerns out, they lost the meaning you want them to have. Now they have escalated to insane levels, just go take your meds.

@kitt: @kitt:

With the constant screeching of the left we have tuned your concerns out, they lost the meaning you want them to have.

Yes and thank you for identifying and admitting to yet another crack in the armor of today’s rabid right and their dishonest and bigoted agenda. I agree that you have indeed covered your ears to anything and everything that doesn’t support your radical plutocratic and Brownshirt movement.

As Matthew Henry said, “There is none so deaf as he who will not hear and none so blind as he who will not see.”


It isn’t the left howling about anything and everything being racist.

Yes it is. You’re a moron.

My point is that it isn’t the left trying to claim any minute issue is racist.

Yes they are. You’re a moron.

Perhaps YOU are not so blind as to see that many are quite aware of the cowardly way you avoid substantiating your idiotic, infantile and unfounded claims. Perhaps YOU will answer the questions, finally, or simply admit you are a lying liberal that makes up accusations to fill in the blanks in your mind.

Note that I have added two MORE questions to the ever-growing list of questions you evade like a scurrying cowardly liar. These are in response to two more unsubstantiated and ignorant accusations you have just made.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

How has Trump been a “KKK sympathizer?

How has Trump shown himself to be “Neo-Nazi” friendly?

@Ajay42302: Yup, whatever, sure sure sure, now take the meds and back under the bridge. We ran out of give a F@#ks awhile back.

@kitt: He’s a little rattled because his hero, leader and idol Weinstein got himself in hot water.

@Deplorable Me: Jeeze I thought he was venting on me cause grandma tossed a trashbag i the basement and expects him to pick up all the dorito bags and pizza boxes.

@kitt:Have you also tuned out the concerns of the right “Trump is a delusional narcissist and an orange faced windbag.” Dr. Rand Paul
Sens Corker and McConnell have similarly unleashed on DT.
Should we ignore Sec State’s He’ s an “f–ing moron.”
How bout ghostwriter of Art Of The Deal. “Trump won’t get through his first year in office.”

Of course your favorite con man Bannon says he’s good for a second term.

Mid-term results will be a barometer–should be interesting

@rich wheeler: No not tuning them out, Corker and Turtle man have done almost as much to damage the Brand and squash the constitution and conservatives as anyone in office. Looking at their failing voting records I cant respect their voices. Rand Paul Trump wants good ideas, has called for top dems to help but they are empty suits. Bannon is backing conservative candidates, that might not be a plus for them
You are right the midterms will tell

@rich wheeler:

Should we ignore Sec State’s He’ s an “f–ing moron.”

Is your entire belief system based on fake news?


Excuse me for interrupting your highly intelligent conversation with my obsessive robo-troll but wanted to point out a common trend I’ve noticed of the FA resident loyalist. Every time your argument fails spectacularly (which is indeed often) and even aside from the expected interjection of the buddy kibitzer to ease your embarrassment, there’s always the worn out accusation of basement dwelling. It’s sad that from the vast pool of intellectual thinkers here at FA, the wit level is so consistently low.

As far as Weinstein, I didn’t even know who he was until this scandal reared its head. But if you think sexual predators and vagina grabbers are limited to democrats, well, you must live in a basement or something. Oh my, excuse be while I go bask in the brilliance of that last statement.

@Ajay42302: Gee, you didn’t interrupt with ANSWERS, but there’s always next time… like now.

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

Can you show us an incident when conservatives overreacted to a tragedy and accused the wrong responsible party?

Do you denounce those who are rejoicing in the slaughter in Las Vegas and using it for obscene political gain?

Trump said a word. Weinstein groped, fondled and… whatever else that shall be revealed. Are you intellectually incapable of understanding the difference?

How has Trump been a “KKK sympathizer?

How has Trump shown himself to be “Neo-Nazi” friendly?

I’ve noticed every time YOUR argument fails (as in when you are asked to substantiate one of your stupid, racist, false remarks) you run away, whining, only to return some days later as if it never happened. NOW you deny even knowing who Weinstein, who finances all your favorite liberal liars, even is? REALLY? I guess all sexual predators have to stick together and deny they were ever aware of their sexual predatory nature except when cornered. In this case, you do what you do best, scurry off into denial-land. The little worm that makes false sexual abuse accusations against others has issues when one of his idols is caught with his hand in the… cookie jar. As it were.

@Deplorable Me: AJ is so deep in his own false narratives that he does not know what reality is.
Our country is so racist that if they cant get in legally they will risk their lives to get in illegally. Are they over running the borders of Russia , Venezuela, North Korea or any African nation, has anyone been shot trying to escape our Nation? Those that promised to leave the nation if Trump were elected must be held at gunpoint forced to make millions in Hollywood.

@Deplorable Me: When asked, did Tillerson deny calling POTUS a moron? Did I miss his personal denial? Should have been easy.

BTW Trump accusers of sexual misconduct have not gone quietly into the night—more will be revealed.
What do you personally like about Trump–no comparisons. Has he actually got any qualities you admire?
Same question to you Kitt

“Trump said a word.” That’s it? lol

@rich wheeler: Did he confirm it? Do you think that without a specific denial of EVERY stupid, vapid, hateful, crybaby, sore-loser rumor your propaganda ministry thinks up, they instantly become true? This is, after all, NBC we are talking about.

BTW Trump accusers of sexual misconduct have not gone quietly into the night—more will be revealed.

Oh, beyond any doubt. With the dethroning of Weinstein (and those that are yet to be revealed; this scandal runs very, very deep), the corrupt left will need an equivalency to try and divert attention away from its own amorality and hypocrisy. We will just have to wait and see if any have any foundation of truth about them, unlike the past accusations.

Trump’s success and tenacity is to be admired. As President, his leadership and directness is a welcome change. The fact that he made bold promises and is making a bold run to achieve them is commendable. His judicial picks are also a welcome change from the liberal legislating and reinterpreting judges of the past.

@kitt: Oh, AJ knows what reality is; it’s why he scurries away from it. He knows he is lying and he knows he is being hounded to answer for his lies. His only defense (since he has no facts to base his stupid accusations on) is to pretend not to see them. Kind of like Hillary on the rare occasions that she is asked to rectify her apparent disgust with sexual abuse when when she enabled it within her own marriage for decades and decades.

@rich wheeler:

What do you personally like about Trump–no comparisons. Has he actually got any qualities you admire?

He seems to be a workaholic
He truly cares what the voters who put him in his position think of him.
He really doesnt care if its a dem or a rep if he thinks they need a little jacking up they get a little jacking up.
Reminds me of a certain Senator

@rich wheeler: Oh, and MOST importantly… he IS NOT Hillary. If you have been watching her since the election, you should be quite aware of the massive bullet the nation dodged.

@Deplorable Me: and Kitt
Two loyal Trumpeteers—-You got almost 2/3 of
the electorate disagreeing with you.
But you’ll carry his water and care not.

Workaholic? He’s played more golf than any POTUS since Ike. Is twittering er tweeting same as working?

@rich wheeler: Have you bothered to look at Or are you still looking to MSM to form your opinion for you?
He is up at 4am a habit of many successful people is being an early riser. His twitter habit drives MSM and liberals nutz so I love it! Ike was a damn good Prez got a truce in Korea.
You never did answer what he has done as president that has your panties in a wad, just hate his personality.
I know you would rather see Hillary in office, she would have melted down the teeth in the unknown soldier by now for the gold. You voted 3rd party that had no chance of winning thinking the old battleax had it won. You were wrong get over it, stop knitting you pink hat or trying on skinny jeans.