As much as I despised the last President, I always stood for my country’s flag



I despise Barack Obama. I despise what he did to my country. I hated his apologizing for America. I hated his dividing the country. I hated his pitting segments of the nation against each other. I hated his seeing himself as President of the World and not President of the United States. I hated his weaponizing the IRS to persecute conservatives. I hated his abusing the law to spy on Donald Trump in the name of national security. I hated his selling automatic weapons to drug cartels in Mexico. I hated his writing laws unilaterally. I hated it when he called Americans “enemies.”

I also despise Colin Kaepernick, and now I despise the entire NFL.

The Ravens and the Jaguars played a game in London (so I hear) and it seems many players took a knee during the US national anthem and then stood for UK national anthem.

The Pittsburgh Steelers could not be bothered to even come out on the field for the flag.

The other day Donald Trump spoke for an awful lot of Americans when he suggested fans boycott the NFL if players refuse to stand for their flag and anthem.  He also added:

‘Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, “Get that son of a b***h off the field right now! He is fired. He’s fired!”‘ Trump boomed.

His crowd applauded and chanted ‘USA! USA!’

In response, Roger Goodell issue a statement in which he said:

“Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities.”

Divisive? The divisiveness began with Kaepernick, who has parlayed a lack of skill and a pissy, whiny attitude into a movement. The divisiveness continued when the league allowed this stupid behavior continue.

My grandfather used to say “You don’t shit where you eat.”

I am pretty damned tired of pampered, spoiled morons in the NFL whining about how tough their lives are and how they are oppressed. Here are a few people whose lives are somewhat more compromised than your average footballer:






I am sitting here writing this today when in a different time I would be watching football.

No more.

I have no interest in watching the National Social Protest league. None. NFL TV ratings continue to slide. Some are trying desperately to deflect from the downturn, creating all sorts of excuses for it such as hurricanes and lack of quality.

But we know better. We also remember someone else who chose to diss the flag:

(CNN) – An astute reporter for CNN affiliate KCRG-TV noticed there was something missing from Sen. Barack Obama’s wardrobe. He wasn’t wearing the common American flag lapel pin, a fashion fixture in post-9/11 politics used to display patriotism following the attacks.

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” the Democratic presidential candidate told the reporter Tuesday in Iowa City, Iowa. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great. Hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”

This grandstanding idiocy is not going to hurt Trump:

Indeed. The flag is not Donald Trump, the flag is America and everything America stands for. Donald Trump is the President, he is not America. Dissing the flag is dissing America, not dissing Donald Trump.

Patriots understand that. Which is why no matter how much I despise Barack Obama I would never not stand for my anthem and my flag.


And thank you, Alejandro Villanueva. This is what a real American looks like.


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Today was the last straw. The NFL was already close to crap status in my book, but this finished it for me. No football in my house anymore.

You couldn’t have worded it better Dr. John. I absolutely hate everything these idiots from their leader Obama to the crap head Republicans like McCain have done to our country. But to disrespect our flag and country is to much for me. As far as I’m concerned, the NFL can go directly to hell as can the rest of these morns who are purposely working to destroy this country. I’ve had enough!

As much as I despised the last President, I always stood for my country’s flag

Obama never presumed to publicly judge anyone who refrained from public displays of patriotism or piety.

Personally, I don’t think Donald Trump is qualified to judge on behalf of the entire nation. I despise his cheap exploitation of the issue.


Obama never presumed to publicly judge anyone who refrained from public displays of patriotism or piety.

No? He only told an Hispanic radio station that citizens that did not agree with him are “enemies” that should be “punished”. That’s kind of judgmental, isn’t it? He demanded patriotism to HIM and worship for him breaking the laws he didn’t like.

In fact, you can lay this divisive destruction of an American pastime at his feet as well. The genesis for this is Michael Brown and the protests over the lie, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, which Obama even cited before the UN, already aware it was likely a lie.

Trump stated what millions without a national forum to get their opinion out are thinking. These people are idiots being used by the propagandizing left. It started with one washed up crybaby and has only spread due to peer pressure on people that have little respect for anything that doesn’t pay them.

At our local High School they always do the National Antheme and everybody stands no one knells down were not like these pathetic excuses for american citizens and we don’t burn old glory or use it as a doormat like they do at U.C. Berkeley or some liberal run campus and Antifa thugs are not welcome

Perhaps allowing the NFL to operate as a monopoly should be revisited.


Greggie Goebbels,

It’s always about Trump with you, isn’t it? He lives, rent free, in your head.

No, idiot, it’s all about the flag that represents the freedom that these NFL spoiled brats have to earn a living. Drugs, wife beating, dog fighting, nothing is too low for the NFL brats. Yet, they think they are so very, VERY special because they can play a damn game.

Put one of them on the front lines of the war in Afghanistan and watch them cry for their mommies like the weasels they are.

I hope the NFL and ESPN all go down the memory hole.

@Greg: Donald Trump was elected as the head of the US government. The very symbol of the free country. Whether you like it or not, he was elected as the leader of America. That means he is supposed to ‘lead’ the country. He’s supposed to give guidance in matters of patriotism, etc. Not stand there twiddling his thumbs like obozo did.

I’m not impressed by superficial patriotism, and won’t be lectured about it by the likes of Donald Trump. Patriot? The man is as phony as a three dollar bill. This is a guy who has repeatedly berated John McCain’s service record, remember? He’s the guy who exploited undocumented workers’ labor to build his fortune, and then got elected by demonizing undocumented immigrants.

With all the serious problems we should be focusing on as a nation, we don’t need this sort of b.s. as a distraction. That’s not leadership.

Great. Good for you. The kneeling does not and has never had anything to do with Trump, the flag or the country. They are kneeling regardless of who is in office. Recall it began under Obama too.


I’m not impressed by superficial patriotism, and won’t be lectured about it by the likes of Donald Trump.

Or you’ll do what? What recourse does a sniveling little coward like you have?

Patriot? The man is as phony as a three dollar bill.

Well, after the past 8 years of a phony you should be used to it, then.

This is a guy who has repeatedly berated John McCain’s service record, remember?

And why was John McCain known as “songbird?”

He’s the guy who exploited undocumented workers’ labor to build his fortune, and then got elected by demonizing undocumented immigrants.

Prove that claim. I guess you have access to the Trump businesses so you can show you haven’t let your mouth overload your a$$.


He’s the guy who exploited undocumented workers’ labor to build his fortune

How about some substantiation. Also, he didn’t “demonize” illegal immigrants”. Illegal immigration is out of control and he has made great progress in controlling it. The demonizing is a product of leftist lies.

Because of your frustration over the most incompetent, lying, corrupt candidate to ever run for the Presidency losing, you invent bogus rationalizations for maintaining a hatred for Trump. She lost because she deserved to lose, not because Trump encouraged Russians to run Facebook ads… which we have yet to see a single example of. These idiots kneeling share your hatred based on ignorance.

Or you’ll do what? What recourse does a sniveling little coward like you have?

I’ll speak my mind about it. People speaking their mind and saying something you disagree with certainly seems to punch your button.

That’s basically the problem you have with the a number of popular sports figures who haven’t been intimidated into silence by Donald fricking Trump. They have the temerity to exercise their freedom of speech, with a television camera pointed at them. Or worse still, not to emerge onto the field until the moment is over, demonstrating that they not only won’t be intimidated, but won’t play Trump’s game.

@Greg: Obama never presumed to publicly judge anyone who refrained from public displays of patriotism or piety.

That’s right.
He sat in the pew for 20 years for a black liberation theologist who screamed “God Damn America.”
He had his 1st fundraiser at the home a a man who stood on a flag like it was trash.
Deaf people swear his wife said to him, “all this just for a flag!” he didn’t seem shocked.

The NFL has a rule regarding the National Anthem.
comment image
(I hope that works.)


I’ll speak my mind about it.

Whoo-hoo!!! Color me impressed, NOT!!!

That’s basically the problem you have with the a number of popular sports figures who haven’t been intimidated into silence by Donald fricking Trump.

And just pray tell, Greggie Goebbels, how could Donald Trump “silence” them?

They have the temerity to exercise their freedom of speech, with a television camera pointed at them.

You’re more of an idiot that I originally thought. How do you exercise “speech” when you don’t say anything? No, what those players are doing is exercising their right to disrespect the very flag that men fought and died for and the one, since you claim to have been in the U.S. military, that you wore on your sleeve. Defending their disrespect makes you as big a slug as they are

Or worse still, not to emerge onto the field until the moment is over, demonstrating that they not only won’t be intimidated, but won’t play Trump’s game.

If this nation is just, and I believe it is, it is those players that won’t be playing any game because Americans will finally tire of their disrespect to the very nation that provides them a high dollar salary and the NFL will be DOA.

@Nanny G:

Get fined $50K a couple of times and penalized 3-4 games and those slug players will be the most patriotic guys you ever saw.

I am pretty damned tired of pampered, spoiled morons in the NFL whining about how tough their lives are and how they are oppressed. Here are a few people whose lives are somewhat more compromised than your average footballer:

Thought you guys were trying to forget those victims of the GWB lies. I guess they’re nice to keep in your back pocket for such occasions?

And while ” We also remember someone else who chose to diss the flag”, let’s also remember that the Iowa event photo never has never been verified of any particular timing, that it has never been substantiated that Obama was reluctant of saluting the flag or if it was caught prior to, So it appears you grasp for yet another excuse to “hate” Obama?

But no one expects honesty from you.

@Greg: Oooo…. it’s real brave to join the liberal media and Hollywood anti-Americans and denounce the flag and National Anthem, isn’t it? That is courageous.

I’ll tell you what courage is; courage is Alejandro Villanueva respecting his country when the lemmings are pretending to know what is going on in the world outside the locker room and bars.


let’s also remember that the Iowa event photo never has never been verified of any particular timing, that it has never been substantiated that Obama was reluctant of saluting the flag or if it was caught prior to, So it appears you grasp for yet another excuse to “hate” Obama?

Oh, so you are big on verification and substantiation? Well, HELL! GIMME SOME!!

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?


Thought you guys were trying to forget those victims of the GWB lies. I guess they’re nice to keep in your back pocket for such occasions?

And you know those warriors were not wounded under Obama how?

Get back under your bridge.


repeatedly berated John McCain’s service record,

Just how do you berate a person that has the Superstar status as the Hanoi Songbird?

@retire05: to HoJay444xxx

Get back under your bridge.

Defined as: Go home.

@Greg: #13
“I’ll speak my mind about it. People speaking their mind and saying something you disagree with certainly seems to punch your button.”
And you are free to do so here, because you’re a Liberal, speaking to conservatives.
Has anyone here posted your personal information online and encouraged others to harass you because they disagree with what you say?
Showed up at your house to threaten your family?
Organized a campaign to harass your employer in an attempt to get you fired, and succeeded?
Gotten in your face and physically attacked you because of your opinions?
Wished that you and your family suffered long and agonizing deaths by rape and torture?
Yeah, Greg, you’re free to come here and speak your mind without fear, because you’re disagreeing with conservatives.
Pity we’re not free to speak our minds to liberals in as much safety as you find here.
The media is full of accounts of how people don’t have to even speak at all to punch liberals’ buttons and be punched in return.
All they have to do is look like someone who might be a conservative to be attacked.
Enjoy your freedom to disagree, Greg.
It would be nice if you liberals would recognize our freedom to do the same.

@retire05, #15:

If this nation is just, and I believe it is, it is those players that won’t be playing any game because Americans will finally tire of their disrespect to the very nation that provides them a high dollar salary and the NFL will be DOA.

Do you expect that to happen before or after the shysters you keep voting for repeal Obamacare?

And speaking of respect… Who was it that publicly referred to them as “son’s of bitches” for not behaving in a manner up to his own usual high standards?

@Greg: They are sons of bitches. Every last one of them. Cowards as well.


and you know those warriors were not wounded under Obama how?

You seem to follow the mindset here with an implication that something bad or any unfortunate circumstance must be a result of Obama unless proven otherwise.

As I’ve proven repeatedly here and my obsessive troll Bill has readily confirmed, any proof given is dismissed will not be accepted as proof.

I doubt that you understand my point.


You seem to follow the mindset here with an implication that something bad or any unfortunate circumstance must be a result of Obama unless proven otherwise.


Thought you guys were trying to forget those victims of the GWB lies.

You mean LIKE THIS?

I know Papa George didn’t tell you, but there were more military casualties under Obama than Bush. In Afghanistan, TWICE the number of Obama’s casualties than Bush’s. But, those are facts, something you can’t abide.

Speaking of which….

What is your substantiation for calling Trump a racist?

Does Hillary dropping N-bombs make her a racist (and, by extension, all of her supporters)?

Is ANTIFA committing violence?

Shouldn’t the left be demanding Yale University change its name because Elihu Yale was a slave trader and the school was built with support from slave traders?

Tell us of how Trump “breached the Constitution”.

Why do liberals get to make vile, unsubstantiated accusations in media but conservatives get fired if they voice a non-liberal opinion?

How is questioning Obama’s demonstrably dubious birth records racist?

Are immigration laws expected to be enforced?

Who is justifying “mass murdering people not of their heritage”?

Who has ever asserted that “all Hispanic and Latinos are murders, rapist, and drug dealers”?

When did Trump ever grab anyone’s vagina and who was it?

What did Trump lie about?

Whose wages did Trump steal?

What is the nature of Trump’s “con”?

How did I indicate your answers would be meaningless?

What answer have you provided that has been ignored?

There’s your cue, coward. Run away and hide.


Obfuscation seems to be your forte. Was that part of your troll training?

You claimed those warriors were “victims” of the GWB lies The onus in on you, troll, to prove your claim. But then, you don’t prove anything (as proven), do you? You simply lob spurious comments then run back to your bridge.

I’m sure that Dr. John could show pictures of other “victims” such as Sean Smith, Glen Doherty, Tyrone Woods and Chris Stevens, just to name a few.


, #15:

If this nation is just, and I believe it is, it is those players that won’t be playing any game because Americans will finally tire of their disrespect to the very nation that provides them a high dollar salary and the NFL will be DOA.

Do you expect that to happen before or after the shysters you keep voting for repeal Obamacare?

When I see those players refusing to stand to honor their health insurance cards, we’ll have that discussion, which, in reality, is moot.

Do you not understand the difference between “free speech” and blatant disrespect? Obviously not. Those players have disrespected the very flag that is sewn on every soldier’s sleeve. But hey, nothing is sacred to you Socialists.

And speaking of respect… Who was it that publicly referred to them as “son’s of bitches” for not behaving in a manner up to his own usual high standards?

I would not have called them that. I would have called them what they are; ungrateful, spoiled trash.

Ah, hypocrisy, thy name is NFL:

1) The NFL is a private company — it is not the federal government. Every private company has codes of conduct.

2) The NFL forced RGIII (Robert Griffin III) to turn his “Know Jesus, Know Peace” t-shirt inside out because — according to NFL management — it violated their code of conduct in regards to apparel. (bear in mind Griffin was not on the field at the time since he had been injured)

At the time, Los Angeles Times reporter Chuck Schilken reported that RGIII had been fined $10,000 last year for wearing a T-shirt with a Christian message. Schilken wrote:

“The NFL has pretty strict rules about what players can and can’t wear at the stadium on game days at any time they might be visible to the public. Players’ outfit can’t feature ‘personal messages either in writing or illustration” and cannot “honor or commemorate individuals,’ at least not without league approval.

Furthermore, the league won’t grant permission for any items ‘which relate to political activities or causes, other non-football events, causes or campaigns, or charitable causes or campaigns.’ Anything that is approved is supposed to be, among other things, “non-controversial.

So while there doesn’t seem to be any specific rules pertaining to religious-themed shirts like the one Griffin was wearing, there looks to be plenty of gray area and language that could have caused some grief for RG3.”

3) When the Dallas Cowboys wanted to honor police that were gunned down by a progressive terrorist, they were not allowed to by the NFL. What about their “freedom of expression?”

4) So the argument that NFL players have “freedom of expression” to do whatever they want is utter bull$hit. Complete bull$hit, so much bull$hit. They do not.

5) Expressing your Christian beliefs or supporting police is not allowed by the NFL. Expressing your America-hating or Marxist beliefs, like Kaepernick’s Communist Castro-loving t-shirt he was allowed to wear or his socks depicting police as pigs were allowed by the NFL management. Is this the USA or the USSR, NFL?

6) During a game on Sunday in London between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens, NFL players sat on their collective asses for the American National Anthem but then STOOD for the rendition of “God Save the Queen,” the British anthem. How in the world does this make any sense at all?

7) NFL owners like the New England Patriots’ Robert Kraft, called President Trump’s strong condemnation of the flag-sitters “divisive.” But it’s not divisive for players to disrespect the American flag and everything it stands for, including those who gave their lives fighting for it? That’s somehow not divisive? Huh?


You claimed those warriors were “victims” of the GWB lies The onus in on you, troll, to prove your claim.

OH, GOOD LUCK with that one!!! You are addressing the foremost coward and liar that appears here.

6) During a game on Sunday in London between the Jacksonville Jaguars and the Baltimore Ravens, NFL players sat on their collective asses for the American National Anthem but then STOOD for the rendition of “God Save the Queen,” the British anthem. How in the world does this make any sense at all?

Of course, the British have never been associated with oppression, colonialism, slave trade or anything these whiny athletes might want to protest.

One thing all leftist protests have in common; they all follow a logical, rational straight line from the protest, the demand and to the result.

@Deplorable Me:

OH, GOOD LUCK with that one!!! You are addressing the foremost coward and liar that appears here.

True, that.

One thing all leftist protests have in common; they all follow a illogical, irrational straight line from the protest, the demand and to the result.

Fixed it for you. Rules for Radicals, Deplorable Me, Rules for Radicals.

Does Venezuela have football teams? Perhaps they would be happier in the land of pure Socialism where they could express their discontent. Oh, that’s right……..they would wind up in jail, or missing.

@Greg: Except he didn’t call Nazis very fine people. He was talking about OTHER people, who protested the monuments coming down.

You know it. All liberals know it. You and they don’t give a damn, you just want to use it as a tool. That you need to lie to make your point is telling, and your dishonesty is noted.

Idiot Greg is the type to knock the phuck out just to shut it’s mouth.

retire05 said: Put one of them on the front lines of the war in Afghanistan and watch them cry for their mommies like the weasels they are.

Pat Tillman
Tillman joined the Army Rangers and served several tours in combat before he died in the mountains of Afghanistan.

Tillman was the first professional football player to be killed in combat since Bob Kalsu, who died in the Vietnam War in 1970.

Bob Kalsu
an All-American tackle at the University of Oklahoma and an eighth-round selection in the 1968 NFL/AFL draft by the Buffalo Bills of the American Football League.

Following the 1968 season, to satisfy his Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) obligation, he entered the U.S. Army as a second lieutenant and arrived in Vietnam in November 1969 as part of the 101st Airborne Division. He was killed in action on July 21, 1970, when his unit came under enemy mortar fire at FSB Ripcord near the A Shau Valley

Mike Anderson
After high school, Anderson served four years in the Marine Corps. It was there that an assistant coach at Mt. San Jacinto, a junior college, noticed Bell playing touch football. After two years of JUCO, Bell played for the University of Utah, where he was a two-time all-conference player. The Denver Broncos drafted him in the sixth round, and Anderson rewarded them with a 1,487-yard, Offensive Rookie of the Year season.

Rocky Bleier
A 14th-round pick out of Notre Dame in 1968, Bleier had been drafted into the Army December of that year, after his rookie season, and was sent to Vietnam in May 1969. Bleier recovered from gunshot and grenade injuries for which he received the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star, and returned to the Steelers after his service.

Ted Williams
“Teddy Ballgame” entered active duty with the Navy in 1943, one year after winning the AL Triple Crown. Williams served three years and was certified as a Naval Aviator in 1944. Eight year later, at the age of 33, Williams was recalled to active duty for service in the Korean War, where he flew 39 combat missions.

Yogi Berra
The Hall of Fame Yankee catcher didn’t play major league baseball in 1944 or 1945 due to his time in the Navy, when he served as a gunner’s mate during the D-Day invasion. Once he got to the big leagues, though, he had a fruitful career spanning 19 years,

Joe DiMaggio
Two years after his record 56-game hitting streak, DiMaggio enlisted in the Army Air Forces in 1943, and rose to the rank of sergeant. The star Yankees outfielder never saw combat, and was released on medical discharge in 1945

Bob Feller
Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Feller became the first American professional athlete to volunteer for combat. Although he had been granted an exemption, Feller requested that he serve in combat missions. He was assigned to the USS Alabama, where he served as Gun Captain. Upon returning to baseball in 1946, Feller pitched 11 more seasons and made four more All-Star games. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1962.

Whitey Ford
After a debut season in which he finished second in Rookie of the Year voting, Ford missed the 1951 and 1952 seasons while serving in the Army during the Korean War. Once he returned to baseball, the star Yankee pitcher picked up where he left off, making 10 All-Star games, winning six World Series and winning the 1961 Cy Young.

Joe Louis
In the middle of his 140-month reign as World Heavyweight Champion, Louis voluntarily enlisted in the Army. Although Louis was originally assigned to a cavalry unit, the Army eventually placed him in the Special Services Division — ensuring he would not see combat action — in an effort to raise troop morale. Louis went on a celebrity tour along with fellow boxer Sugar Ray Robinson and staged boxing exhibitions around the world for his fellow soldiers. Louis was awarded the rare Legion of Merit in 1945, which qualified him for immediate release from the military.

Roger Staubach
Staubach won the Heisman trophy in 1963 as the quarterback at the Naval Academy. Although he was drafted by the Dallas Cowboys, he still had to perform his required post-graduation service time. Staubach served in the Navy Supply Corps from 1964 to 1968, which included a tour of duty in Vietnam. After his service, Staubach joined the Cowboys and led them to two Super Bowl victories, in 1972 and 1978.

Willie Mays
Mays was drafted in 1952 and assigned to Fort Eustis in Virgina, which caused him to miss the remainder of that year and the entire 1953 season. Like many athletes, Mays primarily participated in exhibitions for morale and publicity purposes. Mays played for 20 years and hit 636 home runs after he returned to baseball in 1954. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1979.

Pee Wee Reese, Phil Rizzuto, and Hugh Casey
Reese, Rizzuto and Casey served three years in the Navy, from 1943 to ’45, and saw combat in the Pacific Theater. Reese, most known for his support of and friendship with Jackie Robinson, was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1984 on a vote from the Veterans’ Committee. Rizzuto was inducted in ’94.

Jackie Robinson
Five years before breaking Major League Baseball’s color barrier in 1947, Robinson was drafted into the Army. Robinson eventually joined the 761st “Black Panthers” Tank Battalion. Like his professional baseball career, his military service was marked by incidents of racial discrimination. Robinson was honorably discharged in 1944. Although his 761st battalion was the first black tank unit to see combat, Robinson was never deployed overseas.

Ahmard Hall
Hall took an unusual path to professional football. He wasn’t recruited heavily by colleges out of high school, so he enlisted in the Marine Corps. He rose to the rank of sergeant, and saw time in Kosovo and Afghanistan. After he processed out, Hall attended the University of Texas on the G.I. Bill and walked on to the football team, where he became an effective starter. After graduating, he went undrafted, but the Tennessee Titans signed him as a free agent. Over his six-year career, Hall garnered 24 rushing attempts and 73 receptions

David Robinson
Robinson starred at the Naval Academy, winning college basketball’s highest honors, the Wooden and Naismith awards, his senior year. The San Antonio Spurs selected him with the first overall pick in the 1987 NBA draft, but Robinson had to perform his two years active-duty service before he could join the team. After graduating, Robinson became a civil engineering officer at the Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay in Georgia. Robinson went on to an illustrious NBA career that saw him win two championships, one MVP and make the All-Star game 10 times.

John Wooden
The Wizard of Westwood served in the Navy during World War II as a physical education instructor. His aptitude for teaching stuck with him as he became one of the greatest basketball coaches of all time. His UCLA teams won 10 national championships, including seven in a row.

Tom Seaver
Seaver joined the Marine Corps Reserves after high school, at age 18. He served a six-month active duty stretch before moving on to a city college, USC and the major leagues. In 20 seasons with the Mets, Reds, White Sox and Red Sox, Seaver won 311 games and threw an incredible 231 complete games.

Nolan Ryan
Ryan, one of the greatest pitchers of all time, missed the 1967 season with the New York Mets due to service with the Army Reserve. He was back in 1968 and made it through his first full major league season. He went on to have a Hall of Fame career, in which he made eight All-Star teams, won one World Series and retired as MLB’s all-time strikeouts leader.

Tom Landry
The legendary Cowboys coach served in the Army Air Corps from 1942 to 1945, and rose to the rank of Second Lieutenant. During his enlistment, Landry completed 30 combat missions and survived a crash landing in Belgium. After the war, Landry went on to play football for the University of Texas and the New York Giants, before coaching the Dallas Cowboys to two Super Bowl victories over 29 years.

Larry Doby
Doby served in the Navy from 1944 to ’46 and saw combat in the Pacific theater. After his discharge, he broke the American League’s color barrier when he signed with the Cleveland Indians in 1947. The Hall of Fame outfielder played 13 major league seasons and hit 254 home runs.

Roberto Clemente
In the winter before the 1959 season, Clemente enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve and served his six-month active duty commitment at bases in South Carolina, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. The 15-time All-Star and two-time World Series champion was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1973

Ty Cobb
Cobb served in the Army Chemical Corps in France in 1918. Other baseball players in that division included Christy Mathewson and George Sisler. After being honorably discharged, Cobb played for 10 more seasons, before being inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1936.

Christy Mathewson
In 1918, Mathewson enlisted in the Army Chemical Corps at 38. During a training exercise, he was accidentally exposed to poisonous gas and subsequently discharged. He struggled with health problems for the rest of his life, before dying at 45 in 1925. The 373-game winner was posthumously inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1936

Bill Bradley
Bradley served six months in the Air Force Reserves before joining the New York Knicks in 1967. Bradley’s 10-year career included two Knicks championships and one All-Star game appearance. After retiring, Bradley served three terms as a senator representing New Jersey.

Bill Sharman
Sharman served in the Navy during World War II, from 1944 to ’46. In the NBA with the Boston Celtics, Sharman made eight All-Star game appearances and won four titles. He teamed with Bob Cousy to form one of the league’s best backcourts.


Bob Ross Was a Sergeant in the Air Force
[you know, the nice guy who does the painting shows and puts in the nice trees]

Star Trek’s James Doohan Got Shot Six Times on D-Day

Anything else you want to disparage in your attempts?

@Greg: He’s the guy who exploited undocumented workers’ labor to build his fortune, and then got elected by demonizing undocumented immigrants.

His grandfather came here on his own, ended up working hard, and took many jobs. eventually they saved up 30,000 dollars and he died during the flu epidemic. His grandmother took over and decided to build apartments and then to allow low income people into them, they underwote the loans for the apartments. in actuality, it was trumps father who did the work as his grandmother signed the papers for him.

Now before you get all your fluffy soft balls in a puff, can you explain how those illegal workers your bitching aout got to a place so far away from their homelands without prosecuttion to work in a city run by dems?

here is your problem in a NUTSHELL for a NUT named GREG

you and the left are standing there trying after 50 years of deconstructing morals and moral judgments to have us upset at some arbitrary moral judgment while ignoring the facts around it.

think hard greg.. real hard…

if dems let in illegals, then giving them jobs and prevent starving is a social good, and eben better if they get the money than the unions (where the average school janitor makes more than 150k a year, and retires on pension after 25 at almost full salary)..

Which party created the illegals issue by letting them in when they shouldnt?

which party agreed to a wall in exchange for amnesty they got, but never kept their agreement?

which side does not prosecute the capitalists if they hire and use these workers? going so far as to make sancutary cities?

GREG YOU MONSTER, you wanted these illegals to starve and you didnt want them to work for the american dream they came here to have!!! your so mean and cruel… to let these people starve rather than let trump hire them!!!!!!!!!!

problem is that he didnt do it..

did you read this?
Attorney Lewis Steel wrote to Manhattan Federal Judge Loretta Preska last week, stating former lawyer Wendy Sloan had uncovered the documents that could shed further light on a 1983 lawsuit filed by a Polish union worker that alleged then-real estate developer Trump had mistreated and even threatened to have Polish workers deported while they demolished the building that stood before his titular tower on New York’s Fifth Avenue, Trump Tower.

so, your the one so keen on legal jurisprudence… what does ALLEGED mean and does a settlement mean your guilty? can you be innocent and settle to avoid being bankrupted by the process?

it was settled in 1999…

now, here is why its a problem for you..

you have ted kennedy, killed a girl, deat with the KGB in trying to defeat ronald reagan..

Barney dates a male prostitute, who sets up a business in his apartment, that doesnt fly so the business ends and he gets an aids job in the senate, barney gets to hande the real estate stuff freddy and fanny…

grand keagel robert byrd a democrat who died serving, was a major recruiter for the KKK…

bull connors, democrat governor of georgia, put the dogs on blacks and all that…

dems in ny, the copperheads, got the unions of the left to attack blacks and kill them and destroy their businesses. irish of five corners protect them..

dems in the organization Knights of the White camelia ride through the parishes of the south, to prevent blacks (before the amendment to the constitition) from voting in the hayes tilden election. you can read about their murdering elizas baby and husband and cutting off her breasts… as she survived and gave testimoney of which the dems did all they could to disparage who she was her lack of schooling and all manner of racial horribles.

want more greg?

@Greg: And speaking of respect… Who was it that publicly referred to them as “son’s of bitches” for not behaving in a manner up to his own usual high standards?

Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson: Clausewitz said “Politics is war by other means.”… Bullshit. Politics is War… Period. You know how you win a campaign, by not losing it. I only lost one election my whole life. The son of a bitch stole it from me in the final seconds with a handful of fake votes, I will carry the pain of that with me to my dying day. But I’ll tell you what, nobody will ever do me that way again, It’ll be some other way

or are you referring to his use of his penis or his quote on blacks?

Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963… “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

want to hear the democrat talk?
President Lyndon Johnson using the “N” word

[i remember him from my youth]

or are you referring to FDR?
in 1939 President Franklin Roosevelt said: ‘Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.’ Oxford Dictionary of Humorous Quotations edited by Ned Sherrin

or maybe
“That bitch of a war killed the lady I really loved — the Great Society.” ― Lyndon B. Johnson

or are you referring to Truman?
I fired him because he wouldn’t respect the authority of the President. I didn’t fire him because he was a dumb son of a bitch, although he was, but that’s not against the law for generals. If it was, half to three-quarters of them would be in jail.

hard to get riled up when a republiacn says a bad word while the democrats been using those words in times when they were actually shocking and you couldnt say them in front of women or children for sensibilities reasons…


Anything else you want to disparage in your attempts?

And how many of those names are of the current crop of snowflakes now on the NFL roster? One? Two? Seems the NFL is more hooked on giving jobs to wife beaters, drug addicts and convicted felons, not former military.

Too bad the current NFL snowflakes don’t have the same respect for our flag that our athletes had in WWII. Same goes for the pampered Hollyweird left.

@retire05, #29:

Do you not understand the difference between “free speech” and blatant disrespect?

Yes, I certainly do, but the target audience Trump is working obviously doesn’t. I would put the President of the United States publicly calling people he doesn’t agree with “sons of a bitches” in the blatantly disrespectful category. I would put quietly and respectfully making known one’s opinion that all is not right with the nation during a public moment focusing on a symbol of that nation free speech. It was an exercise in one of the most important values our flag is supposed to stand for. Take those values away, and you’ve got nothing left but a piece of red, white, and blue cloth.

None of this would have become disruptive had Trump not made it so by injecting himself into the situation. Instead, there might have been some discussion about why people were not behaving in the customary manner.

This is Trump’s modus operandi. He works up negative energy around some politically exploitable event or issue, creating a distraction from far more serious matters in the process. It’s a classic technique of shell game con artists. Trump has elevated it from the street corner to the national level.


Yes, I certainly do, but the target audience Trump is working obviously doesn’t. I would put the President of the United States publicly calling people he doesn’t agree with “sons of a bitches” in the blatantly disrespectful category. I would put quietly and respectfully making known one’s opinion that all is not right with the nation during a public moment focusing on a symbol of that nation free speech. It was an exercise in one of the most important values our flag is supposed to stand for. Take those values away, and you’ve got nothing left but a piece of red, white, and blue cloth.

If those snowflake players want to show disrespect for Trump, that is one thing. Showing disrespect for the very flag that represents the freedom they have to disrespect the President of the United States is another. Trump’s picture is not on that flag, now is it?

It also shows disrespect for every soldier who have ever worn that flag on their uniform sleeve. How do those snowflakes even compare with the sacrifices made by our military? Like I said, put the snowflakes on the front line and watch them fold like a cheap suit. And ask 10 of them what this is all about and you will get 10 different answers. Ask them what their end goal is in their disrespectful actions and you will get gibberish.

Remember, this all started under Obama. Are you willing to admit that it was Obama that set the scene for what we are watching now? Pretty hypocritical of Colin Kapernick to complain about his treatment as a black man when a loving, caring WHITE couple adopted him as age five weeks and raised him with all the advantages they could provide to him or that it was his WHITE brother that send DVDs to all major coaches trying to land him a spot.

You claim to have worn that flag on your sleeve, Greggie Goebbels, and if true, and you support the snowflakes that dishonor that flag, beside being an idiot, you are a bigger scum bag that I could have possibly ever imagined.

This is not about Trump. It’s not even about Obama. It’s about OUR FLAG.


I would put the President of the United States publicly calling people he doesn’t agree with “sons of a bitches” in the blatantly disrespectful category.

You never answered my question; does a President declaring that those who do not agree with him are “enemies that must be punished”, implying they should be physically harmed for having their own views on immigration and honoring laws, is disrespectful? I find that far more disrespectful… and DANGEROUS… than pointing out the low nature of those who purposely disrespect the nation that has provided them so many opportunities and so much wealth. How about your beloved Hillary declaring those who would not support a criminally corrupt liar as President “deplorable” and routinely calling them racists?

None of this would have become disruptive had Trump not made it so by injecting himself into the situation.

False. The protests are disruptive; they are INTENDED to disrupt, to draw attention away from honoring the flag and nation and towards disrespect and the false accusation of oppression and unfairness. Like every other conservative, Trump is supposed to not have the right to make a comment or have a view; in the perfect echo-chamber world of liberalism, all opposing views are shouted down so the lack of dissent validates the flawed opinions.

A lot of people seem have great difficulty separating symbols from the things that they stand for. It’s the same problem that frequently prevents them from understanding the difference between rules and the moral principles they’re based on. Not separating such things creates an it’s-either-black-or-white simplicity that gives some people a sense of order and security, but sometimes leads to a lot of erroneous conclusions and thinking. It’s how you get to the point where you say you honor the First Amendment and freedom of expression, and then condemn someone who expresses something you don’t like hearing—which is exactly what you’re doing in this case.

Neither the world nor moral truth will ever be as simple as you would like for them to be, no matter how angry you get about it.


It’s how you get to the point where you say you honor the First Amendment and freedom of expression, and then condemn someone who expresses something you don’t like hearing—which is exactly what you’re doing in this case.

Odd coming from the side that, on a regular and predictable basis, does EXACTLY THAT.

It’s not conservatives that threaten violence on businesses if they do not alter their religious beliefs. It’s not conservatives that seek to ruin economically anyone that will not subscribe to “gay marriage”. It’s not conservatives that gather, with chains and baseball bats, to prevent people from entering a peaceful political rally. It’s not conservatives that burn down a community so that someone is barred from making a speech.

It would be wise of you to get your own house in order before throwing such inane arguments about. We are not blind. We are not stupid. We ARE perceptive and we SEE the violent suppression of 1st Amendment rights you leftists seek to impose.

Aside from the anti-American aspect of the “protest”, the main problem I have is the dishonesty about it. It began, with Kaepernick, as a support for Black Lives Matter, “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, “What do we want? DEAD COPS!” and “Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon!” and now has transformed itself a protest against Trump’s reaction to their reaction to a lie and violence against police. So, what the protest is REALLY about, by their own admission, is a protest against the reaction to a protest based on lies; the divisiveness of Trump is dividing those dividing sports teams.

First Amendment rights, huh? Freedom of speech? Pittsburgh coach Mike Tomlin DEMANDED his team participate in the protest 100% “to show unity”. Offensive tackle Alejandro Villanueva put his dedication and love for his country above his “unity” with a protest based on lies, something NO football player… or anyone else… should be asked to do. Now, HE is the outcast, the pariah. Right becomes wrong, despicable becomes honorable. This is the contribution of the left to a sports diversion from everyday life.

@Greg: Be lectured on patriotism by a man who can’t remember which bad foot kept him from serving in Viet Nam with me and you and millions of other young Americans including over 50,000 who died there.
DT can stick his phony Patriotism where the sun don’t shine.

Semper Fi RJW Captain USMCR

Dr J You sure seem to hate a lot of people—What makes you like this self centered charlatan so much?


It was an exercise in one of the most important values our flag is supposed to stand for.

Greg, let’s analyze the logic behind your point. Here’s a US flag. What does it symbolize to you? The right to have an opinion? perhaps? So, your opinion is that the flag is not worth honoring. Right? So it symbolizes your right to an opinion, but you don’t like what it symbolizes. You don’t like that it symbolizes your right to an opinion. So do away with what it symbolizes. You now have no right to express an opinion. Is that the way you think it should work out? So now you have the flag, but you can have no opinion about what it means to have that flag. See how logical the lefties argument is?

@Richard Wheeler:

DT can stick his phony Patriotism where the sun don’t shine.

What was Bill Clinton’s exemption? Oh, that’s right… he simply evaded the draft and went overseas where he wrote how he “loathed” the military.

That’s YOUR guy. Trump was exempted, not by running away and smoking dope, but by a physical deferment. Too bad you don’t like it and too bad your party fielded such a scumbag of a candidate. It’s your choice if you stop whining or not.

Your standards are not uniform.

@Richard Wheeler:

Be lectured on patriotism by a man who can’t remember which bad foot kept him from serving in Viet Nam

hmm, I didn’t remember Clinton having a foot issue, I thought it was only the yellow streak down his back..But that’s ok, he got pardoned so it was legal for him to run for C in C.

Dr J You sure seem to hate a lot of people—What makes you like this self centered charlatan so much?

Now that is a really strange question coming from someone that admires Slick, Obozo and the Hill.

@Richard Wheeler:

Be lectured on patriotism by a man

You forgot to tell us who he was lecturing and what subject did he lecture on? I don’t believe you’re gonna be able to come up with anything here.

@Redteam: It’s pretty clear Can’t remember which foot it was Trump is lecturing those Black “SOB’S” on patriotism..
Pick another subject DT—You have no credibility on this one

Bill How long you gonna talk about former Presidents and defeated nominees? You like the ’cause they did it my guy can do it—not very strong. I understand your guy is hard to defend but don’t give up–it can’t get much worse—
BTW you’re the whiner particularly when it comes to the American Press and freedom of speech–

@Richard Wheeler:

Bill How long you gonna talk about former Presidents and defeated nominees?

How long before you confront your own hypocrisy and admit your hatred is driven by being bitter over losing an election you had been promised would continue Obama’s liberal utopia of failure, divisiveness and racism?

At the very time you were in the military serving your country in harm’s way, Bubba was hiding out and writing that he LOATHED the military (i.e., YOU) yet this does not alter your full support of him, the Clinton’s, liberals who felt exactly the same way, or Obama who demonstrated his loathing for the military and America. The reason millions and millions are turning away from their teams and the NFL is because they do not appreciate being $hit on and charged for it. You VOTE for it.