The Week in Radical Leftism, 8/26/2017


Welcome back to the week in Radical Leftism! Let’s start with who the media is hoping to be the face of the next generation of Democrats!

8/20 – Chelsea Clinton Tries Again, Compares Confederate Monuments to Satan: Backfire in 3…2…1…

Please keep pushing her as the future face of the Democrats, MSM – please?

8/20 – Thousands of Leftists Converge on Boston to Protest Nazis

The counter-protesters were under the impression that the free speech rally would be similar to the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last week that became violent and left a woman dead. But they were wrong. The rally was organized by a free speech group with no connection to white nationalists or Nazis. The protest on Saturday seemed to be either a result of mass hysteria fanned by a rabidly anti-Trump MSM, or a massive astroturf effort funded by the usual suspects on the organized left. Or a combination of the two.

Look at the bright side Lefties, at least this time you get to be right when you say that the two sides are nothing alike. On that note, let’s jump back a few days…

8/18 – Antifa Declares: ‘F**k Your F***ing Constitution, We’re Here to Punch Nazis’

Ladies and gentlemen, your keynote speaker for the 2020 Democratic National Convention!

8/21 – CNN Scrubs Headline That Correctly Identified Antifa as Violent

CNN caught accidentally telling the truth – immediately acts to correct their mistake!

8/21 – Smithsonian’s Black History Museum to Feature ‘Colin Kaepernick Collection’

Yes, our tax dollars are now being used to promote terrorist organizations. Hey Antifa – diversify your ranks and take off the masks if you want our government’s formal endorsement!


You know, because exposing murderers equals hate…

8/22 – Black Lives Matter Asks Whites to ‘Give Up Your Home to Black Family’

(censorship mine)

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the f*** they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

BLM inadvertently makes the best argument ever for school choice vouchers


As in an asian dude named “Robert Lee”. I’m glad that I’m not in the satire business, as it’s become impossible to write anything more ridiculous or laughable than today’s Radical Left. In honor of this brilliance todays Twitter roundup at the end is dedicated completely to this topic – take a bow, ESPN!

8/23 – WaPo Editorial: Satan Is Good; Christians Are Responsible for Charlottesville

ESPN: “No media outlet is going to say anything dumber than us today!”
WaPo: “Hold my Smirnoff Ice”

8/23 – WATCH: Top 5 Versions Of The Antifa Protester Being Hit In The Balls Outside Trump’s Rally

There just aren’t enough truly happy stories in the news these days. This one is guaranteed to warm your heart and put a smile on your face!

8/23 – Kasich, GOP and Senate remain in health care cartels’ pockets

Just a reminder, Kasich is still an a**hole

8/24 – You: There’s No Way Hillary Clinton Will Keep Playing The #FemaleCard Now That She Has No Races Left to LoseHillary Clinton: Check Your Assumption, Male #Hater

Meanwhile, Hillary is kind enough to provide monthly reminders of the bullet this country dodged by not electing a whiny harpy that was supposed to embody #GirlPower

8/24 – The Left Arms Up: John Brown Clubs

After arranging for a collision between the two gangs (recall that John Brown sponsor Redneck Revolt was there, taking part in the attack), McAuliffe and Streeter stood down the police in hopes of a confrontation or even worse, a massacre. A few dozen dead kids would have suited them just fine. But this time (and largely, I would be willing to bet, thanks to the basic cowardice of the KKK/Nazis), they did not get it.

The Socialists’ attempt at starting a Reichstag Fire in Charlotte could have been a lot worse. This needs a separate post. If only there were more hours in the day…

8/25 – ACLU Wants Border Agents to Suspend Duties So Illegals Can Escape Hurricane Harvey

Um, do we really need to spell out the obvious solution, ACLU?

Until next week – have a great weekend, everybody!

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Cross posted from Brother Bob’s Blog

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Chelsea is, indeed, the face of the Democrat party (and it ain’t a pretty face). She panders to the ignorant by lying and ignoring facts.

8/20 – Thousands of Leftists Converge on Boston to Protest Nazis

ANTIFA is not against racism; they are against anyone expressing thoughts that are not fascist, leftist thoughts.

8/24 – You: There’s No Way Hillary Clinton Will Keep Playing The #FemaleCard Now That She Has No Races Left to LoseHillary Clinton: Check Your Assumption, Male #Hater

She is playing with one-card deck.

8/25 – ACLU Wants Border Agents to Suspend Duties So Illegals Can Escape Hurricane Harvey

“The ACLU said the decision, which is to uphold the law of the land come rain or shine, “Sends a wrong message.”” So, looting is OK?

Wasn’t there a CSA General Hill Larry Clinton? Is that enough to get her purged from public consciousness?

So why do these Antifa Cowards hide their faces with bandana’s and wear caps their like the Cobra Troopers from G.Ii Joe cartoons and if they hate our constitution like most all liberals do then they need to move to another nation

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Well said. I remember when the Mayor of Baltimore instructed law enforcement to leave blacks room so they can destroy and then the racist lawyer showing her racist feelings. Even Obola had to get in the racist mix. What astounds me now is that all these statues and memorials of our past that they find offensive where there the entire reign of their black messiah yet he nor the party of hate ever attempted to do anything about them. Why, easy answer it was not politically prudent. Has less than NOTHING to do with history at all!! Libturds only have a message of hate, racism, and divisiveness with no leader and looking like no money as well. Hopefully but doubted they will realize they are screwing themselves and the so called political party!! Then again I hope not!!

most of the assholes in antifa life at home and 48% have no jobs. yes, john kasick is a gigantic asshole with douche bag brains. he is hammered by 1700hr

John McCain said Trump was wrong to pardon Sheriff Joe. Well, John McCain got forgiven for being a traitor to his country during the Viet Nam War , you’d think he’d be more understanding.

Arpaio, a law enforcement official, openly defied the rule of law by disregarding an order formally issued by a federal judge. He did so for a period of 18 months. Donald Trump just put his presidential seal of approval on that open disregard for the rule law.

John McCain—who is certainly no traitor to his country, and who is a better man than the moral midget currently disfiguring the Oval Office will ever be—is absolutely right.


Donald Trump just put his presidential seal of approval on that open disregard for the rule law.

You kind of forget the context. For 8 years, Obama violated federal law by prohibiting ICE from doing its job and supporting sanctuary cities. While illegal immigration got worse and worse and the violence committed by illegal immigrants grew and grew, Obama, Holder, Lynch and the rest of the liberal regime simply refused to uphold laws.

Arpaio was enforcing state laws and keeping citizens safe. He showed contempt for a contemptuous court and, since Obama had already demonstrated that it is allowable to only follow the laws you like, Arpaio was fully justified and correct to do his job as he saw fit.

Obama and Holder ran guns to Mexico; people died. No responsibility. Obama oversaw the development of the IRS into a political weapon. It was proven they shared personal information with political campaigns. No responsibility. Hillary AND Obama violated the rules and laws of handling classified information. Hillary committed perjury before Congress, withheld and destroyed evidence and lied to the FBI. No responsibility.

Arpiao ignored a liberal judges liberal interpretation of restrictions to illegal immigration. HE is held responsible. Well, he has done no wrong and I am glad and proud that stain on American justice has been reversed.

Obama’s immigration policies were getting people killed while Arpaio was protecting the public. In the liberal world, Obama is a humanitarian and Arpaio is a criminal. We are in the real world now and Arpaio is freed.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #7:

Immigration enforcement is outside the jurisdiction of state, county, and local law enforcement officials. They have no legal authority to act as immigration police. The only legitimate authority they have with respect to immigration status has to do with the administration of state laws related to employment, education, licensing, and state benefits.

A county sheriff cannot legally arrest and detain a person based on immigration status alone. Doing so is illegal. Arpaio was doing it anyway, contrary to the ruling of a federal judge. He was breaking the law, and in contempt of court. It doesn’t matter what his opinion was about the law or the judge. You can’t have local officials making up and enforcing their own immigration rules, in direct contravention of Constitutional law and court orders. You’d wind up with a country full of petty local officials ruling however they see fit. You’d no longer be living under the rule and protection of consistently applied laws.

It was entirely lawful for Obama to mitigate the enforcement of an existing federal law. This isn’t a nullification of any laws in question. It’s a necessary matter of setting priorities. A Chief Executive’s job involves making administrative decisions concerning where to focus limited funds and manpower. It’s always the case that some things are prioritized and others are given less importance. Presidents make those decisions in accordance with the policies they’re advancing.

Trump has the legal power to pardon. What he apparently lacks is the discernment to exercise it properly. He just sent the wrong message.

@Greg: You are WRONG. Illegal immigration is, well, illegal. While it is not the state’s or city’s sole responsibility to seek out and apprehend illegal immigrants, ANY illegal activity can be acted upon by public safety personnel.

The illegal immigration issue was so bad along the border in Arizona and the Obama administration was doing such a terrible and deceitful job of protecting our border and citizens (actually deploying 1200 additional personnel to enforce immigration, but keeping them well away from the border, behind desks) that it became necessary for people like Arpaio to protect the citizens.

So, Obama the Criminal made it illegal for state authorities to protect themselves. Arpaio put the safety of the people ahead of even his own freedom. Obama proved himself despicable while Arpaio proved himself selfless and honorable.

The conviction of Arpaio for a misdemeanor charge of contempt as a show of the force and will of Obama’s administration to ignore the laws and rules that do not benefit them. If anything deserves contempt, it is the way Obama abused the law and the Constitution. That was Obama’s message; Trump’s message is that laws are, again, in effect and meant to be followed and enforced.

This may have been mentioned above but I really see no need to wade through the usual racist spewage and denial but getting down to facts, the ilk here does know that Sherriff Joe often referred to his very own jail as a “consecration camp”, Right. Any denials of that? And, he also was sued and lost for imprisoning journalist without cause. Questions.? Disagree? And of course we all know how our leagal system ruled on Sherriff Joe. I mean, not in his favor, right?

But I understand that in the la la land of FA, Trump never ever under any possible circumstances does wrong, ever. And of course even if he did, well, he didn’t and just to prove it, OBAMA!!!!!.


If you’re so in love with those who have entered our nation ILLEGALLY, how many of those ILLEGALS are you personally supporting?

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #9:

You are WRONG. Illegal immigration is, well, illegal. While it is not the state’s or city’s sole responsibility to seek out and apprehend illegal immigrants, ANY illegal activity can be acted upon by public safety personnel.

Nope. That’s NOT the way it works. Law enforcement officials are only legally empowered to enforce the laws of the territories they represent, and only within their designated official jurisdictions. Generally speaking, outside of those jurisdictions, they have no more legal authority than any other private citizen.

Federal law enforcement officials have the largest jurisdictions, at least in the enforcement of federal law—the entire country. A state policemen can officially enforce the laws of the state anywhere within it’s borders, but not beyond them. Barney Fife’s official authority ends when he leaves Mayberry’s city limits.

People on the right seem to have a lot of peculiar notions about the law of the land.

Police Jurisdiction: Where Can Officers Make Arrests?


Immigration enforcement is outside the jurisdiction of state, county, and local law enforcement officials. They have no legal authority to act as immigration police. The only legitimate authority they have with respect to immigration status has to do with the administrati

Are you really that stupid? Really? So local police officers can ONLY enforce LOCAL laws? Do you know that bank robbery IS ONLY a federal law. It is not a local or state law. Do you think local officers can legally apprehend a bank robber? Just for the record, ALL police officers swear an oath to uphold all laws. It insults all of us for you to act so damn stupid just to push your liberal agenda. Joe Arpaio did not break any laws. NONE WHATSOEVER. He might have disobeyed an illegal court order, but the legality of the order he was given has never been adjudicated. If a person breaks a law, such as entering the US without approval, they are breaking the law and EVERY police officer is obligated to enforce all laws. If you don’t believe that, you can find several examples of local, county and state law oaths on line. Just find me one that says that the officer will only ‘enforce local law’ or ‘state law’ or whatever. You can’t find one, they don’t exist. On the other hand I can easily post several that says ‘all laws’. So you’re saying that a Bank robber can go into city police headquarters and tell them that they just robbed the bank and the local police officers will just ‘high five’ them? Sure. No, but you’re just trying to serve your purpose by acting stupid (or ignorant) and pretending local officers can not enforce federal laws. Kinda like saying that if you’re driving in CA with an expired license from NY that they can’t stop you and ticket you for expired license. Chuckle. And, John McCain, the Hanoi Songbird is a traitor to the USA. By any defintion of the term, he fits it. He’s not fit to wipe Arpaio’s ass.

LOL the libs make it sound like the Sheriff went all over the country hunting illegals, he was in his jurisdiction, the illegals were arrested for local crimes. Are local police suppose to ignore all federal crimes?

@Ajay42302: Can you explain what a “consecration camp” is? Do they get married?


Nope. That’s NOT the way it works. Law enforcement officials are only legally empowered to enforce the laws of the territories they represent, and only within their designated official jurisdictions.

Ooohh. I see. So, if a federal fugitive is seen driving down the road and a county cop recognizes him, the country cop simply has to let him go on by, because he is forbidden from arresting someone that has committed a crime outside of his jurisdiction? Yeah, that’s probably right.

Even if Arpaio violated a legal court order, Obama, Hillary and Holder had already set the precedent that if one doesn’t agree with a law, they don’t have to abide by it. Obama could unilaterally dole out amnesty to illegal immigrants, sell guns to drug dealers, harass political opponents with the IRS, delay the implementation of his health care law that would hurt his reelection chances, conduct illegal surveillance on journalists and illegally collect private information of the political opposition. Law and order has been RESTORED with the exit of the arrogant violators of the law administration.

1918. Arrest Of Illegal Aliens By State And Local Officers

Subsection 1324(c) of Title 8 specifically authorizes state and local officers “whose duty it is to enforce criminal laws” to make arrests for violations of 8 U.S.C. § 1324. There is also a general federal statute which authorizes certain local officials to make arrests for violations of federal statutes, 18 U.S.C. § 3041. The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has held that 18 U.S.C. § 3041 authorizes those local officials to issue process for the arrest, to be executed by law enforcement officers. See United States v. Bowdach, 561 F.2d 1160, 1168 (5th Cir. 1977).

Rule 4(a)(1) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provides that an arrest warrant “shall be executed by a marshal or by some other officer authorized by law.” The phrase, “some other officer,” includes state and local officers. Bowdach, supra.

Section 439 of the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 added a new 8 U.S.C. § 1252c which provides that notwithstanding any other provision of law, to the extent permitted by relevant State and local law, State and local law enforcement officials are authorized to arrest and detain an individual who (1) is an alien illegally present in the United States; and (2) has previously been convicted of a felony in the United States and deported and left the United States after such conviction, but only after the State or local law enforcement officials obtain appropriate confirmation from the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the status of such individual and only for such period of time as may be required for the Service to take the individual into federal custody for purposes of deporting or removing the alien from the United States.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

The conviction of Arpaio for a misdemeanor charge of contempt as a show of the force and will of Obama’s administration to ignore the laws and rules that do not benefit them.

And you may note, he was NOT convicted by a jury of his peers, he was convicted by a liberal judge acting of someone’s orders. It would never have stood on appeal. No point in playing a game. It’s all Obama’s fault, his 8 years of responsibility is not up yet. George’s fault for leaving Obama such a mess, now it’s Obama’s fault for leaving Trump such a mess. Blame Obozo.

@Dipsh!t:We are not talking about if a city policeman from Baton Rouge goes to Los Angeles and he sees someone speeding is he obligated or authorized to give him a ticket. We’re talking about if a city policeman is tooling down mainstreet of his hometown and he see’s a criminal from the ‘most wanted’ Federal list, is he obligated to stop him. The answer is ‘hell yes’ otherwise why are Federal most wanted lists circulated to all law enforcement agencies if only Feds can apprehend them. illegal alien is not streetwalking, it’s a federal crime, enforceable by all law enforcement officials in the USA. Next time you go to Russia illegally and a local policeman tries to arrest you, tell him to kiss your butt and keep walking. That would probably work good for you.

I have never seen so many liberals all ate up with the dumbass at the same time. They must have been listening to the melodies of the Hanoi Songbird today. Wonder which one will be first to ask what a Hanoi Songbird is?

Probably after one asks why kerry left Vietnam so quickly-and with 3 Purple Hearts.
Libtards love military people who share their hatred of America.

John McCain is totaly pathetic and a fool its apprent t hat his trial by Fire aboard the aircraft carrier USS FORESTALL was’nt enough nor was his stay at the infamous Hanoi Hilton

Let us remember that Obama freed 5 of the most dangerous terrorists we had in exchange for an “honorable” treacherous deserter. The left LOVED it.

By the way, why did the email notifications stop?

@Spurwing Plover: the communist brainwashing of the Songbird worked so well, it hasn’t worn off yet. What should any member of either party think of a person representing that party and is disloyal. He ran as a Republican, he’s voting as an idiot. Why should anyone like a songbird?

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

By the way, why did the email notifications stop?

They didn’t I’m still getting all notifications. make sure your email is correct and checked.

NOTICE TO LIBTARDSI’ve just got to ask this question. Only libtards need answer, I know how conservatives and others will answer. So okay Libtard, here’s the question.

If the First National Bank in your City sounds an alarm that they are being robbed, who is supposed to respond? Mark all that apply.

1. All police officers available?

2. Only Federal police officers?

3. Only Federal bank police officers?

4. Girl Scout Counselors?
Put a check mark by those you select.

uhh, If I overlooked someone, feel free to add.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Dont’ waste your time on Greg. He’s not worth your time. If we stop feeding him he’ll either get extra stupid or just leave. I’m fairly certain he’s paid by the word.

Greg, if you would, please point me to your outrage over President Obama’s pardons of dangerous criminals.
Many of whom have returned to prison, one for murder.
I doubt if Sheriff Joe is a threat to the public.
By the way, I have never treated you with less than respect, nor have I insulted you or called you names, but your claim that local law enforcement officers cannot enforce Federal laws was just plain stupid.
Not calling you stupid, just that claim.

I’m really not surprised that the Libtards have not responded to my survey above.

@Redteam, #13:

Are you really that stupid? Really? So local police officers can ONLY enforce LOCAL laws?

Follow the link and acquaint yourself with legal reality. If you’d bothered to read it, you’d realize that the linked reference explains the circumstances that can create specific exceptions to the normal restrictions of territorial jurisdiction. Specific exceptions don’t redefine the normal rules.

Barney Fife cannot legally enforce every law on the books anywhere in the United States just because Sheriff Taylor pinned a Mayberry badge on him. The law simply doesn’t work that way. The fundamental rule is that a law enforcement officer has the legal powers and authority of his or her office only within his or her department’s legally defined jurisdiction, and only to enforce the laws and ordinances of that jurisdiction. The legitimacy of any official authority extending beyond those limits depends upon some specifically defined exception to the normal rule. A local police office cannot legally arrest a person solely for an immigration violation.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

“Let us remember that Obama………..”

Ork ork!


A local police office cannot legally arrest a person solely for an immigration violation.

Under the Arizona law, if, in the course of the investigation of a crime or a traffic stop, it was found a person was in the country illegally, local authorities were to act accordingly. They were not, as you leftists were so fond of lying about, just stopping people that looked like illegal immigrants and rousting them. However, the left could not stand idly by while laws were enforced and citizens protected, so they stepped in and called that “profiling” and banned it.

In your quest to grant millions of illegal immigrants the obligation to vote liberal idiots into office, you leftists do all you can to block the enforcement of immigration laws. Illegal immigrants have been enticed and invited to violate our laws, Obama illegally granted blanked amnesty and Democrats have worked all over the country to get illegal immigrants voting.

That’s over. You lost. America won.


Ork ork!

Is that your trained seal noise you make when Soros is feeding you the thoughts you are allowed to have? Must be.

@Redteam: Yep, all checked and correct email. I quit getting them, then they were back and now they’ve disappeared again. No idea why.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

“Soros, but but bu Obama, Soros, remember when Obama,,,, uh, but Soros, you, you, you trained seal you, but but Obama………”

I’m hearing that Trump is also considering, or has discussed with Jeff Sessions, the possibility of pardoning James Alex Fields Jr., the Charlottesville driver.

That should make some pretty good fodder for Bigot Bobs next radical left moment.

@Brother Bob:

You’re not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you? Or perhaps, sarcasm is something you don’t understand? But, considering what may or may not come next from your child king, perhaps your concern is understandable.

While this “evidence” you speak of has never had an iota of relevance at FA, what evidence could I possibly give you that (ok, stay with me now) “I’m hearing” what I’m telling you I’m hearing? Perhaps a note from my Otolaryngologist that my hearing is up to standard would satisfy you and you would then rebut logically? Kinda doubt that.

Regardless, if what I say I’m hearing were to prove true, you and your applauding sock puppets would only entrench your heads further into the Trump bowels and rejoice that it strikes a nerve in those who see Trump for the racist and lawless coward that he is. And you know you would.

@HoAjay42302: HayAjay42302Andy42302Moron42302 Did I leave out any?

I’m hearing that Trump is also considering, or has discussed with Jeff Sessions, the possibility of pardoning James Alex Fields Jr., the Charlottesville driver.

I’m not sure that wouldn’t be a good move, after all, the driver’s life was clearly threatened when he attempted to escape. Accidentally hitting the woman that was killed. It was legitimately the fault of the person threatening the driver of the car.
Would you like a complete list of all the major criminals that Obozo pardoned? How many did he pardon for ‘enforcing’ the law? The constitution give the president unlimited pardon authority. As I said, Arpaio was tried in a kangaroo court without a jury and it is without a doubt a sentence that would be overturned on appeal. Obozo pardoned over 1700 criminals, many major drug dealers. Have you been protesting Obozo pardoning all those criminals, or is it only unjustly convicted sheriff’s that you protest?


“Soros, but but bu Obama, Soros, remember when Obama,,,, uh, but Soros, you, you, you trained seal you, but but Obama………”

See what happens when you try to compose a thought all by yourself?

With you lying leftists, sarcasm is a waste, as you lie so often that it is impossible to recognize a farce. Except, of course, when you elect one.

Tell me, do you have a new opinion of Hillary now? Or, like the rest of you lying liberals, is racism excusable when it is not politically useful?

Who wants to bet the wormy coward AJ fails to answer the question?


Hey dippy, you spelled that wrong.


Geez, we need more people educated by conservatives instead of morons.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Yep I doubt he answers. I wondered why Hillary had such a look on her face. I guess when her skin was crawling, her ass crawled by her nose.

Hey kids we are jumping into next weeks thread, BB didnt even mention the Sheriff, but hey Bob heres a good one and The Clintons being role models for marriage? despite the broken ashtrays, and lamps.

The first movie in which a black actor won an academy award is now racist
Yes but Frankly my dear….

@Redteam: @Bill… Deplorable Me: @kitt:

That’s a sudden flock of trolls to all appear within such a small time frame on something I posted 4 hours ago. You guys have a Sunday sock puppet worship service together? Maybe a troll banquet award dinner or something?


I suspect that would be a similar justification from Trump lickers. Maybe the driver was just trying to protect those “good nazis” and “good KKKs” had those peaceful protesters changed their minds and turned on them. But rest assured, you, Bigot Bob and the FA crowd would be right their genuflecting to him. And of course, all while wailing “but, but, but, Obama!!!!”.

@Ajay42302: Well, pay up whoever bet wormy, cowardly, lying, sniveling AJ would answer a simply question. I thought there might have been a chance he would, since he has such “strong convictions” about racism. Perhaps, that too is just a great big lie.

Let me help you out. Seems, just as we told you, Hillary is just a gigantic, corrupt phony and she is a true racist. But, you already knew that (but supported her anyway), didn’t you?

You also didn’t explain the “consecration” camp. What are they consecrating and why must it be done in a camp? Or, are you… speaking of dull knives… just stupid?

@kitt: Racist? you know, Kitt. I don’t see or think about racism until some black asshole gets up and starts accusing all white people of being racist. And it is especially hysterical when a white racist gets up and starts calling other whites racist. It is not the fault of white people that a bunch of black people ran around the jungles of Africa capturing black people and selling them to other people. Slavery exists all over the world and it has nothing to do with race or nationality.

@Bill… Deplorable Me, #31:

Under the Arizona law, if, in the course of the investigation of a crime or a traffic stop, it was found a person was in the country illegally, local authorities were to act accordingly.

The administration and enforcement of immigration law are the exclusive responsibility of the federal government and federal law enforcement entities. In accordance with Constitutional law, state, county, and municipal governments have no legal authority regarding the presence of undocumented immigrants anywhere inside the United States. They can arrest them for violating any other applicable laws within their jurisdictions, however, just as they would arrest anyone else. That’s what “acting accordingly” legally comes down to.

Arpaio was convicted of criminal contempt of court. He was charged and found guilty. He could have filed an appeal, but the normal legal process was interrupted by way of a highly irregular presidential pardon. Trump’s pardon, which was entirely within the scope of his presidential authority and powers, was also a blatantly political act. It’s widely perceived as a misuse or abuse of power.

That’s over. You lost. America won.

Regarding that last assertion, only around 38 percent of Americans share your opinion. The first assertion is most definitely false. All of Trump’s bullshit is going to come back and bite him.

@HoAjay42302: HayAjay42302Andy42302Moron42302 :

That’s a sudden flock of trolls

Yeah, it is. At least I know my name, I don’t have to spit out a whole mouthful of them hoping I get at least one of them right.


justification from Trump lickers.

You’re an expert on lickers, are you?

Maybe the driver was just trying to protect those “good nazis” and “good KKKs”

Nah, I kinda doubt he was trying to help out the socialist liberals. Are you still a loyal member of KKK as most of your Dim buddies apparently are?

“but, but, but, Obama!!!!”.

Oh God, now you’re hung up on Obama’s but.


I think You’ve enlightened me. So, uh, racism per your logic only exist in the event of slavery. And you clarify it further that it only pertains to blacks because, well, they were the ones running around Africa capturing and selling themselves which of course, exonerated the white people of that day. And of course, a white man is exempt today because racism has now been eradicated because there are no more slaves. Unless of course, as you go on to state, that either a black man or white man “gets up and starts calling other whites racist” which unfortunately, as you say, reminds you and forces you to think about racism.

Got it!