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THEY Are Determined To Destroy America – Not A Chance

The “scorched earth policy” has been used in conflict as long as mankind has been arguing.  Russians burned their own nation against Napoleon and Stalin used the strategy again during Hitler’s invasion.  Since the night of the Presidential elections we have witnessed the left and the Democratic Party invoke a hard “take no prisoners, torch the land and poison the wells,” retribution against the Nation.  The vengeance is not only against all who voted for Trump, but is reprisal and recrimination on all of America, which Democrats are convinced is not listening well enough.


The barrage of insane accusations is not letting up.  They are throwing all the gasoline they can at the wall.  From CNN’s charade leader, the vacuous and sanctimonious Zakaria, to the New Yorker’s Adam Gopnick who wrote gems like, “his followers are mostly stirred by familiar racial and cultural resentments,” there is  persistence with what has become their favourite accusation, “racist.”  Not to be outdone, Gopnick is also attempting to convince his readers that Trump is Hitler.  David Remnick, another airhead at the New Yorker who seems seeped in ignorance, is doing all he can to convince the population that America is about to become a fascist Nation. The more people like Remnick assert, “I’m a journalist,” the more they sound like the divisive President they spent 8 years lavishing with indulgent and blind praise.   The depressing hyperbolic gyrations border on the insane.

Although I wrote,  To: All Dumbfounded Adherents of NYT, WAPO, and Facebook, I was somewhat expecting, maybe hoping, that the political left would sober-up quickly, end the insanity and the violence, and find a path to understanding what had happened to them and why.  Such is obviously not about to occur.

Rohm Emmanuel, mayor of Chicago, rushed to the nearest microphone today and resolved to strengthen the walls around of his “sanctuary city” to protect criminal illegal immigrants.  Apparently Chicago’s history-making slaughter on its streets is irrelevant to this narcissistic socialist leading his city over a cliff, completely denying, or ignoring, the reality that the Nation has resoundingly declared that he is wrong and it demands law and order returned to its streets. Once communities develop a sense of ‘safety’ they will begin healing, and find resurgence, education, and economic growth. Apparently Emmanuel and Obama elitism doesn’t care, or wants to care.

Ignoring that the Nation has just experienced a paradigm shift, the Democratic Party seems to be running toward a poisonous divisive rhetoric as it hangs its hopes on a former Nation of Islam member, Minnesota congressman Ellison.  The Democratic Party is evidently in a hurry to radicalize itself, pretending to run from the elitist demons which financed it into failure against Trump, and dashing toward the sort of smug and conceited political progressive foolishness against which Europe has already begun pushing back.

Eight years ago, America voted for a promised “hope,” which never came. Its agent of hope had been an agent of the elitists and bankers.    This week America did not vote for a man, so much as it voted for “change,” promised by a man who was untethered — a man not beholden to the elitists and bankers.

America voted for a reduction in an overwhelming burden that had exploded, with unbound support from Obama —  the giant blob of government and all of its intrusive institutions.  Many of us expected it.  That’s all Obama and his thousands of so-called progressives running the vast government organizations knew. How could we expect anything else?

The globalists are not done by any means.  Just look, for example, at the hypocrisy on display in Marrakesh, Morocco at the COP22 UN Climate Conference (on your dime) where these self-righteous, private jet elitists believe they are planning the control of both you and your future, . . . from a distant place, using fossil-fuelled climate change duplicity.  They are all out-of-tune with what just occurred.

America’s demand for “change” is a demand that resonates around the world.  It echoes feelings of many on our whole indebted planet.  And the vapid elite is not listening and incapable of offering intelligent alternatives.  This fact was evident in the vacuous offerings of the Clinton campaign.  They disdained Nationalism, and could only condescendingly scorn anyone not accepting of globalism.

So while the left is morbidly drowning in its psychological and ideological collapse, continuing its attacks, unable to find a vision, incapable of insight, it has declared war on America and is going all-in with a “scorched earth” strategy.  I am convinced that it will fail miserably and that Trump will actually turn out to be a better President than many of us thought possible.  That success may well relegate the scorched earth Party to the scrap heap of history.

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