You’re a retard if you think Trump ridiculed a disabled reporter


There are plenty of things to despise about Trump. Certainly there is no shortage of ammunition that the Democrats have to fire at Trump- ammunition supplied by Trump himself.

A liberal FB “friend” (I don’t really know her- have a mutual, actual friend) posted on her wall, “Disgusting. Trump is vile.” along with a link to the story of 12 year old J.J. Holmes, a boy with cerebral palsy who attend a Trump rally with his mom, as protest. They got kicked out (not sure what they did to warrant it).

Here’s my response:

Hey Rebecca,

I agree with you that Trump is vile. And a lot more. What’s “disgusting” is this political smear to rile up the base when there are already so many legitimate reasons he’s given the American people to make him unfit to lead the country (and no, I do not think Hillary is worthy of leading the U.S. either- but that aside…).

Holmes has been misled into the belief that Trump made fun of a reporter’s disability. Just like so many others have been misled. It is a distortion of reality- either willfully and knowingly for political partisanship; or because, PolitiFact, Snopes, etc. haven’t bothered to do the research and set the record straight.

This is from a pro-Trump site, written from a pro-Trump perspective- but the bottomline is this: Trump wasn’t making fun of the reporter’s disability.

The True Story: Donald Trump Did Not Mock a Reporter’s Disability

Even MORE Video Evidence Trump Did Not Mock Reporter’s Disability

I roll my eyes a bit at the political opportunism of President Obama in his photo op with Holmes (similar to Clock Boy Ahmed Mohamed); and praise President Obama in how he showed respect to a protester, handling it with class and dignity last week instead of getting flustered:

Not sure how Holmes and his mother were behaving in protesting the Trump rally (whether they were being disruptive or not) and what got them ejected. Perhaps they did nothing but

simply show up. But it’s off-putting to see Holmes being propagandized as a poor disabled boy being mistreated by Trump and his handlers; as well as perpetuating the political lie that Trump mocked a disabled reporter over his disability.

Click the links. FA may have already covered this topic; and I’m just late to the dance.

Trump is an equal-opportunity basher and treated Serge Kovaleskik, the reporter with the disability, with the same kind of ridicule he treats all of critics. He wasn’t mocking the reporter’s disability. Trump was mocking and questioning Kovaleskik’s abilities as an honest reporter.

What happens after today? Both presidential candidates are polarizing “leaders” and this country will be even more divided tomorrow. And I do not have confidence that either candidate has it in him/her to unite us.

The Electoral map does not favor Trump. But even if he were to pull off a Cubs miracle, Democrats take heart: I agree with Thiessen that Trump would amount to a third Obama term [said slightly with foot-in-mouth and tongue-in-cheek].

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Donald Trump has held hundreds of rallies, every one at his own expense.
Before each and every rally’s 1st speaker an announcement is made to this effect:

This rally is for invited guests only.
It is at Mr. Trump’s expense, no one is charged to attend.
Only people who behave like invited guests may stay.
Any one disruptive will be escorted out.

this entire family started shouting anti-Trump remarks and pro-Hillary remarks.
They were told to leave.
According to eyewitnesses the Secret Service escorted them out.
Now, who kicks at a boy in a wheelchair in front of a man from the Secret Service?
It’s a lie.
Otherwise someone would be in custody.
The family planned their misbehavior before they even left their house.
They went on HuffPo and admitted it.

Incidentally, even if trump were mocking the reporter’s disability, so the deal what? They’re words. Grow tougher skin. To give him a special exemption island walk egg shells around his disability or feel sorry for the reporter on account of it is insulting in its own fashion.

At best, it would reflect poorly on Trump if he had made that attack (as proven by the liberal media manufactured umbrage).

Trump is the most despicable excuse for a human being ever to run for office who HAS mocked, maligned and denigrated many groups of people. Including the disabled. You’re a ‘retard’ if you vote for him.

I thought I’d recheck this site for election day and saw it hasn’t changed a bit. Trump hatred still seems to dominate.

Trump is certainly egotistical. But, show me a single politician that isn’t. The thing is, almost everything the left objects to about Trump, especially the most vehement objections, are total fabrications from the Hillary campaign and the media; which is difficult to determine where one ends and the other begins. His misogyny, racism, Islamaphobia, anti-immigrant, all concocted from the imagination of liberals farting out what they WANT Trump to have said.

Meanwhile, they ignore (or pretend to) real, harmful actions perpetrated by Hillary.

If Hillary wins, it will be a lasting stain on the character of the entire nation.

Its election day wait for ll the mud slinging to begin especialy with the Dumb-O-Crats Hollyweed and the lie a day news media just like what the infamous Gary Trueduea did in his infamous DOONSBURY strip with reagan these liberal scribblers are liars and fabricators


Trump is the most despicable excuse for a human being ever to run for office who HAS mocked, maligned and denigrated many groups of people. Including the disabled. You’re a ‘retard’ if you vote for him.

Unfortunately, the leftist loyalists are programmed to believe/say that about anyone running against they’re horse, so I’m not sure what your statement says, beyond that “you’re with her”…

Racism, Rape, and Russia…fabricate what you need and repeat the lie until everyone believes it.

And I can’t call you retarded, just predictable, and easily fooled.


…and you’re a fool if you vote for a woman who enabled a serial rapist and philander, established an unsecure server to conceal her Pay-for-play corruption while SecState, cheated even Bernie Sanders and corrupted the head of the FBI.

@Reem: This is the visage you have had to invent to make him seem worse than the most corrupt, deceitful, incompetent criminal ever to try to buy herself the Presidency.

@Nanny G: @Nanny G: Nanny please watch the video and watch Trump tring to mimic the spastic movements of the reporter

@James D Huggins: HAHA and now she will be POTUS
Maybe Trump will form a government in exile and you can move to Trumplandia for the next 4 years.

Can we say, Schadenfreude, boys and girls?
It’s 10 pm mountain and the NYT is calling Trump the likely winner.

Felony Clinton going down in flames…ah, the warmth, the rosy glow of those fragrant embers. Oh purifying conflagration!

@James D Huggins, #12:

If Trump wins, how long do you think it will take those who voted for him to find out what they’ve voted for?

Dow futures have dropped over 700 points this evening. It’s because nobody really knows the answer to that question. Trump probably doesn’t know himself.

I’ve voted for a normal human being who has at least a clue of what makes the economy work and how to staff, organize and lead an organization, as well as how to pay men and women equally for work….rather than Felony Clinton, who has none of the above skills. We do know for a fact that Felony Clinton is Ms.Pay for Play, and that the machinations of her deals with the press, with Wall St. and the weaponization of government agencies in revenge against those opposing her are well known to our foreign enemies, for blackmail or other purposes. You’re entitled to your opinions…you’re not entitled to make up facts. In this case, on evidence, and contrary to the old proverb, I’ll be happy to go with the devil I DON’T know. We also know that the Arab Spring and the overthrow of Khadaffy in Libya over which she presided have resulted in the swarming of male Moslem refugees of military age into Europe. The woman has no successful accomplishments, just a string of incidents of corruption expanding on and continuing on Obama’s corruption of the DOJ and even the once “untouchable” FBI for her purposes.

Trump is your bogeyman…he lives upside yo’ head.
“I ain’t no ways tired,”…as Felony once said.

Funny that her primary goals in establishing the private server to keep secret and un-FOIA-able her illegal machinations with donors and the quid pro quo nature of her term as Madam of the State Whore Department and the Clinton Family Brothel Foundation resulted instead in their being broadcast worldwide along with the worried murmurings of her staff.

Rope. Tree. Clinton. Some assembly required.

@Greg: HaHa…all ready with the pouty scorched earth plan? The markets will be fine, troll. They endured Obama, afterall.

More disinformation, more division. Stop hurting the country and start helping.

President Trump needs your help. Time to grow up and forgive. You’re the minority.

Why don’t you get a job as an objective reporter instead of a paid troll? You’d sleep better, knowing you’re not spending hate, the way you are now.

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, you are wrong as usual!! I remember all the crap you have been feeding this site for months!! Wrong again Greggie!!

Word Pls ck the CNN video and tell me if Trump was mimicking the disabled reporter.
You and I KNOW this Trump victory was a “Whitelash” Your thoughts please.
I congratulate Trump on his victory.

Semper Fi

@Nathan Blue, #15:

Trump is a cipher. People like his broad, overly simplistic generalizations about complex issues and the style of his pitch—I can see the appeal myself—but nobody actually has a clue what his true intentions are. It looks like we’re going to find out. As president, he’ll have to do very specific things, not just talk about imaginary results. I’ll watch this gradual unveiling with great interest. There’s no other sensible response. Unlike republicans after Obama’s election, I’ll wish him luck, because genuine presidential failure could be disastrous for the nation. I’m more worried than I have ever been about the safety of the nation, however, because I don’t believe this guy is remotely qualified for the office, either in terms of his understanding of geopolitics or temperamentally, and I think he has little or no insight into those shortcomings. He seems to genuinely believe being President of the United States is like running a business. It isn’t. There’s no clarifying single goal. All decisions don’t turn on showing a profit. You can’t declare bankruptcy and walk away from failures.

I truly hope I have judged him incorrectly. On this one, I’d rather be wrong than right. Time will tell.

@Reem: And Mr Moron, he’s now the President of the United States!!

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, once again you have been proven wrong!! How does it feel to once again pick a loser??

@Richard Wheeler: A vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for Hilldabeast!!

@john: Uh wrong again!!@Richard Wheeler: This man is NOW Commander and Chief, as it should be!!

@Greg: You just described Obama, then parroted media talking points.

Grow up.

@Common Sense: “we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country” DT
Trump the gentleman finally shows up. KUDOS TO HIM
Favorite bumper sticker “Vote Trump. Nobody Needs To Know.” That’s what happened.

I DIDN’T LIKE EITHER AND VOTED THIRD PARTY.. HRC won the popular vote–narrowly.

@Richard Wheeler: He was just being gracious. She deserves no accolades. She is still a criminal that grossly mishandled our national security and peddled government influence. I am not vindictive about it, but I think justice should be served.

Just as the DOJ, Treasury and VA needs to be re-examined and investigated and the guilty held accountable, it should be shown to the nation and the world that we are a nation of laws and no matter who you are, those laws apply to YOU.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: There will be no prosecution. It seems to me the Trump we’ve seen so far will not be the Trump we see over the next 4 years. He did what he needed to get elected. He’s a great salesman. Now we’ll see what’s truly in his heart.
I hope for the best.
Semper Fi

@Richard Wheeler: I would not bank on that. Unless Obama issues a Nixonian pardon (which would all but verify that she bears guilt), there will be pressure to see that justice is respected. But, the DOJ will have to be de-Obamaed first.

@Richard Wheeler, #26:

There will be no prosecution. It seems to me the Trump we’ve seen so far will not be the Trump we see over the next 4 years. He did what he needed to get elected. He’s a great salesman. Now we’ll see what’s truly in his heart.
I hope for the best.

Yep. The American people have just elected a miracle no-stick frying pan, based on a sales pitch they saw on television. Soon it will appear on their doorstep. It doesn’t come with a guarantee.

I thought the concession speech by Hillary Clinton an hour or so ago was excellent. Half of the country doesn’t realize the person who was speaking really is the person that they have just rejected, and probably never will. They may soon learn something about miracle frying pans, however. I’m going to try to maintain my sense of humor. I pity those who have none.

@Greg:Speaking as a salesman for the better part of 45 years— Hillary is not a natural salesperson like Bill, Barack and Donald. It cost her

Indeed, she doesn’t have that skill.

@Greg: Hillary always has one policy for her donors and a different one for the public. Which one do you suppose her concession speech was?

It will be interesting to see how the beautiful 1,989 mile wall that Mexico is going to pay for turns out, how quickly 11 million undocumented aliens are rounded up and deported, what’s actually in the tax returns Donald Trump has promised to release once the audit has been completed, and how quickly all the American jobs the free market system has exported foreign countries have stolen from us reappear. It could be worse. I could be living in eastern Europe and wondering about the future of NATO. I’ll hope for the best. There are still some level heads in the GOP, though a few of them may be rolling shortly.

Maybe the confiscated funds from the dissolved clinton foundation could be used. Sounds like a good idea since the foundation does nothing of useful value.

I’ll bet you ordered two frying pans. You might want to consider buying a few more, what with Christmas coming up.


You are so wrong. They did not reject mrs clinton, they rejected the entire leftists agenda. We had eight dismal years that has capped a 120 year effort to destroy America. The left hates America and Americans and always has because when the people are free and are
not oppressed by a leftist agenda, they are useless to the left.


No zipperhead, I all ready have multiple frying pans.

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, who won the Presidential Election last night??

@Wordsmith: To mock an able bodied Trump is not the same as mocking someone’s disability–which I believe Trump CLEARLY did.
The type of folk that would accept this behavior???
The same as those who accept his mocking an American POW
That accept his mocking the parents of Captain Khan
I could go on—but I won’t

I too hope that “filling that chair makes him a better person.” I hope the same for his followers. Thanks Word

@Richard Wheeler: Hilldabeast was a failure and therefore is owed nothing. She lied about Benghazi, disclosed classified information to our enemies and lied about that. A vote for anyone but Trump was a vote for Hilldabeast, as far as popular vote, means less than zero!! Look at the US map and realize her and the Demoncraps got soundly beaten and the MSM also took a beating!! I believe America was saved last night.

@Greg: Spoken like a sore libturd loser in shock!!

@Common Sense: Like David, and many others my conscience is clear -I didn’t vote for either.
I thought our country was great before either of these two were nominated.
I’M HOPEFUL Trump was just blowing smoke to get elected–we’ll see.

@Richard Wheeler: My conscience is clear as well. I did all I could do to prevent a treasonous liar from entering the White House again.

@Richard Wheeler: How about accusing him of being a racist when he clearly isn’t? How about accusing him of calling all immigrants rapists, when he clearly didn’t? How about accusing him of hating Mexicans, when he clearly doesn’t? What kind of person jumps on that bandwagon?

The accusations from the left have incited violence. People have been HURT. Is that what YOU feel is acceptable? You must, since you join in the fun in claiming Trump “mocked” the Khans, who were paid propagandists for the DNC, when he never did. Yes, you could go on, since all you have to do is use your imagination, not draw from facts.

Trump was a necessity. It was necessary to elect him to keep the lying criminal Hillary out of the White House and having access to more classified information to mishandle. I would have preferred Cruz, but I doubt he could have withstood Hillary’s dirty, slimy, lying campaign. Trump has saved the Supreme Court.

@Bill… Deplorable Me:

Amen, Bill. Well said….

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Well said, all of these accusations where made.

@Bill… Deplorable Me: Word says “there are many flaws that make Trump a deplorable human being” Agreed. He continues “I understand how Conservatives can give him a pass.”
That’s why I’m not a Conservative

@Richard Wheeler: Except I don’t give him a pass on anything. I simply don’t buy the propaganda. If you ignore the lies, you don’t HAVE To give him a pass.

@Bill- Deplorable Me: Obviously you disagree with Word and other Conservatives like David, Kitt and o5.
You’re the one who bought the snake oil and actually drank it.