Two years ago I told you that Hillary has brain damage and how it could lead to early dementia..Then soon after I mentioned it again. In March I revisited the issue, noting that there is something very wrong with Clinton. Clinton’s comments of late reignite the argument that there is really something wrong with her mentally. She referred to Donald Trump as her husband:
Then she promised to raise taxes on the middle class:
Then she on multiple occasions asserted that the FBI found her email lies to be “truthful.”
The truth? She’s a liar.
It’s so bad that Ron Fournier asks “Why can’t Hillary Clinton stop lying?”
On Sunday, the former secretary of state told FOX News’ Chris Wallace that FBI Director James Comey cleared her of misleading the public about her rogue email server at the state department: “Director Comey said my answers were truthful, and what I’ve said is consistent with what I have told the American people, that there were decisions discussed and made to classify retroactively certain of the emails.”
That’s wrong and she knows it, which makes it a lie.
She can’t stop lying. Twenty years ago William Safire had her pegged:
Americans of all political persuasions are coming to the sad realization that our First Lady — a woman of undoubted talents who was a role model for many in her generation — is a congenital liar.
Here’s a list of Hillary lies from the left wing Politifact. Here’s a list of the wildest Hillary lies:
- Dead Broke – In an interview, Clinton stated that she “came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt.” Something even the left-leaning Politifact found to be false.
- Sniper Fire – During the 2008 campaign, Clinton said she came under sniper fire in Bosnia during the ’90s. She went so far as to claim her group ran “with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.” Video of her actual arrival surfaced showing a very calm scene instead, and the Democrat would quickly say she simply misspoke.
- Immigrant Grandparents – When discussing immigrant stories, Clinton asserted that “all my grandparents… came over here.” It was another story Politifact said was false, as only one of her grandparents was an immigrant.
- Sir Edmund Hillary – Seems Clinton can’t even bring herself to tell the truth about her own name. She claimed to be named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first men to climb Mt. Everest. One small problem though, the explorer didn’t climb Everest until Clinton was 6 years old.
- The Few, The Proud, The Marines – Very recently, Clinton claimed to have been turned down by the Marines when she applied in 1975. Washington Post fact-checkers quickly realized the absurdity that a rising legal star at the time, and soon to be wife of Bill Clinton, would drop everything and ship off with the Marines. They gave her a couple of Pinocchios for her tall tale.
- Secret E-Mails – Former Secretary of State Clinton claimed her infamous private e-mail server was set up in “accordance with the rules and the regulations in effect.” A federal judge disagreed, saying Clinton “violated government policy” when she used a private server to store official State Department messages.
- Benghazi – Clearly the most reprehensible lie of them all – Clinton failed to tell the truth about a terrorist attack that killed four Americans in Benghazi. She claimed for weeks, standing over the flag-draped coffins of murdered Americans, that an insensitive YouTube video had incited the violence that occurred that night. Why? Because a terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11 – which it was – would have destroyed President Obama’s re-election chances. But hey, at the end of the day it’s worth it to Clinton to tell a politically expedient lie, so long as her party can stay in power.
Here are even more Clinton lies. Hilary Clinton is by definition a “pathological liar.” She even lies about lying:
Hillary Clinton on Friday said that she may have mischaracterized FBI Director James Comey’s statements about her truthfulness during the investigation into her use of a private email server.
Clinton was asked at the National Association of Black Journalists-National Association of Hispanic Journalists Convention if she misrepresented Comey’s conclusions in two recent interviews she gave.
“I may have short-circuited it, and for that I will try to clarify,” she responded.
The only thing Clinton short circuits is the truth. Trump was quick to pounce.
Clinton also appeared to have suffered a seizure recently:
It has to be a cumulative side effect of lying. As is loss of facial motor control.
Hillary Clinton is not well mentally. She is a pathological liar. Unfortunately for her, she’s bad at it. So bad that Charles Krauthammer suggests she take lying lessons from her husband.

DrJohn has been a health care professional for more than 40 years. In addition to clinical practice he has done extensive research and has published widely with over 70 original articles and abstracts in the peer-reviewed literature. DrJohn is well known in his field and has lectured on every continent except for Antarctica. He has been married to the same wonderful lady for over 45 years and has three kids- two sons, both of whom are attorneys and one daughter who is in the field of education.
DrJohn was brought up with the concept that one can do well if one is prepared to work hard but nothing in life is guaranteed.
Except for liberals being foolish.
She could be mentally defective in some capacity, but her lying is a case of never having to suffer the consequences for lying, lying big and lying often.
Any reasonable person might want to read back through Donald Trump’s Twitter posts before deciding who seems to have the most loose screws. They guy’s impulsive comments suggest he has about as much intellectual depth and impulse control as a typical ten-year-old. Either that, or he assumes the people following him are as dumb as a box of rocks.
For some time now Hillary has forbidden the media from photographing her climbing the stairs to a plane on her campaign.
But somehow Reuters and Getty images caught her climbing some stairs to a house.
She is in NO SHAPE, mentally or physically, to serve as president!
See the photos here:
One time, on TV, I was watching her as she was going down a ramp.
It was a slight grade, a handicapped person’s ramp.
She had a death grip on the rail and moved at super-slow speed.
She doesn’t have to be in good mental condition to be president. Her “staff” will make all of the decisions while she sprawls in a chair and drools.
But maybe that’s been the plan all along.
The man on her left helping her up the stairs looks like the man who comforted her when she froze the other day. He was described as Secret Service, but acts more like a medical attendant.
I am soooooo looking forward to watching the debates. If there are any.
@Nanny G: #3
I’m surprised that she isn’t using a palanquin borne by two slaves like royalty. On second thought, make that four slaves.
@Nanny G: We must keep an open mind on these things and give her every benefit of the doubt. She could have just been drunk.
I won’t get on a horse doing this stuff.
Missed it in the article, but can you keep one finger on the nuclear buttons with this condition.
With horses it is best to put them down before they fall on someone. Hillary isn’t as big as a horse, but they do have kids in the White House once in a while.
Maybe she will croak before November and Biden will gallup in to save the day lord knows he is not known for gaffs.
Chair lifts being designed right now for WhiteHouse and AirForceOne, There is a designer just waiting to paint a mobility scooter, Rascal one.
Dr.J. A stroke you say? HRC Up 7 points and leading in the swing states, including red state Georgia. The smell of desperation is rising from the right.
What’s Trump’s excuse for HIS erratic behavior? He’s older than Hillary.
Why do you think he’s the first Prez candidate nominee in 40 years to refuse to release his tax returns. What’s he hiding D.J.
The Donald is Iron Man, according to his family doctor—although the letter sounds suspiciously like something The Donald may have dictated for his doctor to sign.
@Richard Wheeler:
If he is being audited by the IRS currently as he claims, then he is doing the smart thing. He should also demand that Clinton release the transcripts of her Wall St. speeches.
When my last Sheltie was near the end, she suffered something very much like this.
@DrJohn: Buffet is being audited and has no problem with a get together with Trump and a Q and A about their respective returns–Agree on Clinton releasing speeches.
Is Hillary constantly accompanied by a medic with an anti-seizure injection at the ready?
Now, there’s a question.
Turns out Hillary’s issues with climbing a couple of stairs goes back (at least) to January 2016 when the photos by Reuters and Getty were taken.
Is she ”all better” now?
The investigative look at Hillary’s companion seen in the article above leaves room for alternate theories.
It is a given that Hillary had brain damage that Bill Clinton claimed took her about 3 months to recover from.
Is she totally recovered?
Remember, the Left media of the day kept the fact that a liberal president was in a wheelchair out of all the news coverage.
People of the time didn’t realize he was propping himself up to give a speech then slipping down to his chair after the pictures had all been taken.
My condolences on your loss. We have lost a number of Shelties and each one hurts.
Funny how Hillary Clinton’s mental competence is being questioned here, while Trump’s is not.
The polls show that the American public has already decided which one of these two astonishingly unlikable candidates is best suited to preside over our next four years.
And it isn’t Trump.
And to those of you who BELIEVE that Hillary DOESN’T want to debate The Donald, how on Earth do you expect him to keep his own foot out of his mouth in a debate setting?
He won’t have a teleprompter spoon-feeding him pre-written hostage statements. He’ll have to wing his answers – off-the-cuff, so-to-speak – and you KNOW his record using that tact…
Trump is earning his own landslide defeat – working VERY hard on it every day – and the debates will only accelerate the decline.
You would be well advised to concentrate your efforts on maintaining what control you have over Congress BEFORE it is too late, BEFORE Trump takes those contests down with him. BEFORE he destroys the Republican Party.
@George Wells: That’s because Trump is not a pathological liar that has siezures on camera.
@Bill #17:
No, Trump suffers from chronic foot-in-mouth disease and an aggravated case of Turrets syndrome. He is a megalomaniac with a minor in cry-baby.
Although Trump IS a Democrat, I don’t NEED to vote for him, because:
#1. Hillary is a BETTER Democrat. She HASN’T make the sort of ridiculous promises that Trump HAS made to win the GOP nomination, and…
#2. He’s going to LOSE. I like to go with the winner, and Hillary’s going to win. And I KNOW what she’s going to do a president, and NOBODY has a clue what Trump would actually do.
@George Wells:
First off, it’s Tourette’s syndrome-at least learn a little about it before you post! The hildebeast is a better democrat-she mouths all the right things just like alinsky taught her to. Sounds to me like typical libtard thinking. Libtards want a brain-damaged tool of Wall Street who can easily be bought if you have enough money. Goldman sachs certainly does. You might want to watch “Clinton Cash” and forget the propaganda the lsm feeds you.
@George Wells:
Oh? You don’t think offering blanket citizenship to all illegal immigrants is not a “ridiculous promise”? Not only will that not be possible, if she could, who would that benefit? Who benefits by adding 12 million to the welfare roles in one stroke of he pen? The country? How about free college? Is it really free or is it, as was shown when Bernie proposed it, going to cost trillions of dollars?
AND she panders to violent homophobes. You’ve picked a real winner.
@Bill #20:
Democrats “pander” to anyone who will vote for them. It’s called building a winning coalition, something that Republicans haven’t yet figured out how to do. Republicans know only how to pander to Southern White Evangelical Under-Educated Racist Homophobic Male Primary Voters, a tragically inadequate demographic when it comes to winning a national election. You’ve even been TOLD by your OWN, and yet you are incapable of change. You reap what you sow.
You got that right, and I’m feeling GOOD about it..
And YOU picked a loser.
How you feelin’ about THAT?
@George Wells:
No, it’s just called pandering. Pandering is just pandering. It is telling ignorant folk like yourself anything you want to hear for your vote… then ignoring you. Like Obama did with Hispanics and blacks… like Hillary does with anyone and everyone.
Republicans don’t make a career or build a platform on lies. The Republican policy is to lift all up through opportunity, not give them just enough free stuff to get them and keep them hooked on subsidized living.
Obama and Hillary have chosen pandering to Muslims over protecting gays… because you gays are loyal and ignorant. Hillary simply has to tell you Trump hates you and you nod and pull the lever, though Trump vows to do what he can to protect you from terrorism.
It’s just pandering, George. Nothing more. Enjoy being the fool, George.
@Bill: Trump makes major economic speech–doesn’t move the needle–down 7.5 nationally and behind in 7 of 7 swing states.
He’s got America in fear of his over the top rhetoric–that simple. Does he care?? Policy speeches won’t matter no matter what he proposes–it’s his mean temperament that’s buried him, particularly among women.–68% OF ELECTORATE JUST DON’T LIKE HIM—-HRC AT 54%
3rd Party candidates could get 20% combined–hurts them both
@Richard Wheeler: So, you celebrate pandering to give a lying, corrupt incompetent the edge as well?
Now we see the Clinton Foundation demanded and got favors from the State Department. Sadly, this surprises no one.
@Richard Wheeler:
First off, Brexit should have told you not to trust the polls-anyone with a brain can see they have been rigged. Trump can fill any venue and the hidebeast can’t even fill a union hall. He makes a great policy speech and what did you hear-probably nothing as you seem to only hear the lies the lsm feeds you. Go vote for the hildebeast and share in the responsibility for the destruction of the country her alinsky training will bring.
@Bill: It doesn’t matter what I think I’m voting 3rd Party–The polls which DT use to love, do not lie—DT is the most disliked person to ever seek The Presidency—can he do what’s necessary to turn that around? Or would he prefer to go down in flames?
He is smart enough to do what is necessary but it doesn’t look like his massive ego will allow it.
Bill and Bookdoc — Angry white men like yourselves are his very loyal base—not nearly enough.
Do you understand that?
@Richard Wheeler: what is the source of Trump’s negatives? Why, it’s the media, of course. He makes a statement about illegal immigration and the media reports he hates immigrants. He makes a statement about criminals coming here illegally (100% supported by FBI stats) and the media reports he said all Mexicans are criminals. Trump states Second Amendment supporters need to unite to prevent Hillary from packing courts with liberal, anti-2nd Amendment judges and the liberal media say he made an assassination threat.
Meanwhile, the corrupt media ignores Hillary’s lies, lying about lies, corruption, national security failures and incompetence.
Yet, this ain’t over. Not yet. Not by a long shot.
@Bill: If you prefer Trump bootlickers to the lsm you’ll love guys like Hannity and Dobbs on Fox,
It ain’t over but the Fat Lady is backstage warming up.
Where is Trump gonna get 270 and 66 million? It’s just not there.
For the record–Stock market at all time high–Trump calls it a bubble.
@Richard Wheeler: So, do you not regard those who loyally follow Hillary and Obama regardless of the exposed lies, corruption and failures as “boot lickers”?
@Rich Wheeler #28:
Bill KNOWS that Trump can’t win.
Bill KNOWS that Trump DIDN’T say that “Second Amendment supporters need to unite to prevent Hillary from packing courts with liberal, anti-2nd Amendment judges,” not until his suggestion that “maybe” Second Amendment supporters COULD stop Hillary in a way nobody else could (How? With their GUNS, of course) was seen for the threat it was, and then he made up that preposterous excuse, as if Second Amendment supporters SHOULD vote more than other citizens because they have more (guns) to lose if they don’t. (My jaw aches from laughing so much…)
Bill KNOWS that Republicans have lost the White House yet again, and this time for want of nothing more than a sane, rational candidate.
Bill KNOWS that he can’t BLAME Trump’s loss on the media, because we have something called freedom of the press, something else called free speech, and finally something we call our right to vote, three things that pretty much place on each of us the responsibility of wading through the noise and deciding for ourselves who to vote for.
Bill is bitter because he’s finding out what it feels like to be on the losing side of politics, and he’s angry because it is his OWN party’s fault.
Poor Bill.
He’s going to suffer a lot over the next three months, comforted ONLY by the fantasy that a Trump miracle might happen, and then his REAL nightmare will begin. I expect to eventually see his name in headlines, shortly after he follows Trump’s suggestion and uses his “Second Amendment support” in an effort to correct the miscarriage of electoral justice he believes Hillary’s election will represent.
@Bill: I prefer fair and balanced like Bill O, Megyn, Wolf and Erin to the blinded bootlickers on the far right and far left..
George Bill is DT’S base–angry white males–where the hell can Trump find 270 and 66 million?.
He’s po’ed women, Latins, African Americans, gays, young voters AND leading fellow Repubs.
@George Wells:
You are so totally blinded by your liberal bias and hatred of all that is NOT liberal that you fail to recognize one significant fact: that’s not how supporters of the 2nd Amendment operate. The NRA and other organizations that support the preservation of our 2nd are law abiding citizens, not assassins. You are either confusing them with your left wing agitators paid and promoted by Soros and his ilk or you, like much of the left, are playing along with the game of “construe everything Trump says into something villainous and evil”. I kind of suspect the latter is true since you have had no issues with Biden suggesting he would shoot Obama if he tried to come after HIS gun or Hillary stating she was hanging in on the 2008 campaign in case Obama was assassinated.
Lots of hypocrisy swirling around this particular issue.
@Richard Wheeler: So, only white makes are angry to watch the greatest nation on earth and the futures of thei children and grandchildren be dragged into the abyss by liberal thieves? I would think more would be concerned. I am certain more are.
@Bill: By the time this is over The Donald will have massively hurt The Party Of Lincoln. Loss of The Senate and most likely their hard earned House majority–he’ll be blamed–he won’t care. Palm Beach beckons.
@Bill #32:
Apparently the MAJORITY of Americans are similarly “blinded.”
They’ve reached the same conclusion that I have.
You can cry all night, ’till the roosters crow, and it’ll make no difference.
Trump is sunk.
That’s pretty much it.
@Richard Wheeler:26
RW, you never did tell us about the military record of your Gay Black Vegetarian candidate. Ashamed of him , or something?
@George Wells:
George, I’d like to point out that the only word in your sentence in quotation marks is “maybe” because that is the only word that you actually quoted from what Trump said. There is/was absolutely no insinuation in Trump’s statement that was a ‘call to action’ for anything other than to vote against Hillary. If your intent is to show Trump in a bad light, then your erroneous statement might do that. But if you want to be truthful, which I’m sure you do, you can’t claim that. Maybe you didn’t actually see Trump make his statement and are just relying on the press. You know you can’t do that. Trump’s actual statement: “”Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,” Trump said.
One more question George, and it has nothing to do with Trump. How do you feel about the state hounding that 19 year old about having sexual relations with his mother? Don’t you think that should be a private matter between the two of them? I do. They are both adults, the state should stay out of it.
@Redteam: Clifton Roberts, Intel Exec and The Humane Party candidate for POTUS has no military experience, no deferments, and no medical problems providing him with a 4f status.
Check him out FAers—a great alternative to HRC and DT.
@George Wells: The question was, why do you support someone who openly and prominently displayed a radical Islamic homophobe that believes you don’t have the right to live. The answer is, liberal ideology overrules that concern. Liberal ideology overrules rational thought.
@Redteam #36:
Trump’s deceitful explanation of his threat (”Hillary wants to abolish — essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know,”) and your swallowing it hook, line and sinker is the gift that keeps on giving. Consider this:
Let’s pick THREE issues that ENRAGE Republicans against Clinton, specifically on the point of her coming opportunity to nominate SCOTUS justices.
#1. ABORTION. The majority of the Republican base believes that abortion is MURDER, and REALLY doesn’t want any more pro-abortion judges on the Supreme Court. This isn’t a soft issue. Republicans feel strongly about it, and vote accordingly.
#2. SAME SEX MARRIAGE/GAY RIGHTS. The majority of the Republican base believes that homosexuality is a sin and that Same-Sex Marriage is an abomination, and REALLY doesn’t want any more pro-gay judges on the Supreme Court. This isn’t a soft issue. Republicans feel strongly about it, and vote accordingly.
#3. GUN CONTROL. The majority of the Republican base supports the Second Amendment-implied right to privately own and carry guns, and REALLY doesn’t want any more pro-gun-control judges on the Supreme Court. This isn’t a soft issue. Republicans feel strongly about it, and vote accordingly.
Now, in the original Trump rant about Clinton, he DID focus on the LIE that Hillary “wants to abolish the Second Amendment.” He didn’t bother to mention the other two issues listed above. Trump then pointed out that if Hillary gets to pick her judges, “NOTHING YOU CAN DO, FOLKS.” “FOLKS” includes EVERYBODY, not just gun enthusiasts. EVERYBODY. And EVERYBODY includes the people who oppose gay rights and abortion just as much as it includes gun owners. But Trump DIDN’T encourage abortion foes and gay right opponents “to vote their opposition,” as he and now you facetiously suggest. He singled out gun people (Second Amendment supporters) who for them he said “maybe there IS” something they could do… The implied point ISN’T that gun people have more powerful reasons than abortion opponents or gay rights opponents to VOTE against Hillary. The implied point IS that Second Amendment supporters have something that the other groups do NOT have to use against Hillary, and that’s their GUNS.
@Richard Wheeler:
I tried to, but there is ‘nothing’ on the internet about him. He is mysterious, same as Obozo. He may have been created by the Manchurians just as Obozo was. Doesn’t it bother you that he has not volunteered for military service? Do you feel as if any person that is too good to serve in the military is not good enough to serve in the White House? Why is it such a big deal with DT and not with this Gay Black Vegetatian. Surely he received the same draft notice from JFK that you did. He must not have had that inspiring sense of Americanism from the speech that you did.
@Redteam: You sure seem to know a lot about Roberts–You been trolling my F.B. page AGAIN R.T?
George Trump is losing Republican support–he appears to be clueless on how to run a G.E. campaign.
@George Wells:
Are ‘deceitful’ answers limited to Trump, or does Hillary sometimes also use ‘deceitful’ answers?
Do only Republicans swallow Trumps statements that way? Or do Hillary fans sometimes swallow her statements the same way?
Dictionary def:
Can you say that does not define abortion? When a person aborts a baby, they are deliberately killing it. How could it be correctly defined any other way than ‘murder’? And if it is ‘not’ deliberately killing it, what is the point?
What is a ‘gay right’? What ‘right’ would you give any American that everyone should not have? I would contend we should discuss ‘American Rights’ not preferred ‘groups’.
would you deny anyone the ‘right’ to believe what they choose to believe? What difference does it make if someone believes homosexuality is a sin? If you have the right to believe it is NOT a sin, why aren’t they entitled to believe what they choose?
You think that is only an ‘implied’ right? It seems pretty straightforward to me. Not much ‘implying’ is necessary. I believe it clearly states: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
You rely a lot on ‘implied’. Why not deal with real rights that are contained in the Constitution and not rely so much on ‘implied’. Isn’t ‘implied’ in the eye of the beholder? Couldn’t someone else just as easily say it ‘implies’ something entirely different? Why not rely on what he actually said, as I quoted, and not what a bunch of people that disagree with him say it ‘implies’?
@Richard Wheeler:
Actually all I know is that he is Gay, black, and Vegetarian. As I said I couldn’t find him on the internet except that one video you originally linked us to. If someone goes to a ‘facebook’ page, by your definition ‘they are trolling’? But to answer your question, I have been to your FB page a total of one time, back when I went and saw your gay pride photos all over the place and your enthusiastic endorsement of the gay guy that runs that organization against meat eaters.
@Redteam #42:
Yes, I can say that. The life of a “HUMAN BEING” begins the day the fetus is BORN, the day it BECOMES a baby. If it was the way you’d have it, on the day of birth, you’d already be 9 months old… BUT YOU’RE NOT. “Conditions specifically covered in the law” (MURDER) do not INCLUDE abortion for this reason. YOU may consider a fetus to be a baby, but the law does not, thus when you say:
“When a person aborts a baby, they are deliberately killing it.”
…you are making no legal sense (= nonsense), since the doctor is aborting a fetus, NOT a baby.
On this point (this arguing over what a “gay right” is) I would agree with you if it were not for the fact that for as long as I have been alive, there have been a great many people who felt very strongly that gay people were criminal (undoubtedly because of the Bible’s identification of homosexuality as an abominable sin) and THESE people were for a very ling time IN political power and IN positions from which they could and did write laws persecuting gays and imprisoning them when they were caught. Scalia argued vehemently that states DID have the right to so RESTRICT the rights of gays… that is, states COULD invalidate the civil rights enjoyed by citizens IF those citizens were identified as being gay.
For the past 40 years, I have been actively fighting AGAINST the evangelical Christian/Republican effort to restrict the civil rights of, SPECIFICALLY, gays. Thus the reference to “gay rights.” Gay rights are really nothing more than “regular” civil rights excepting that they are sometimes necessarily adapted to the specific conditions of the so-called “homosexual lifestyle.” Specifically, this includes “same-sex marriage,” which is an accommodation to the absurdity of heterosexual marriage in the homosexual context. You may and often DO argue that a homosexual CAN marry a person of the opposite sex, but doing so is by definition a travesty, and that proposal deserves no further discussion.
Finally, I can agree that not ONLY Trump issues deceitful statements. Yes, Hillary does too. But Trump does it daily. Not a day goes by without Trump getting tied up in yet another ridiculous “misstatement.” Republicans are still fussing over Benghazi, as if there is anything fresh to discuss on that topic, while Trump invents an entirely new crisis of his candidacy each new day.
Cut the crap, RT.
You think Trump’s going to win, or don’t you?
@George Wells:
As of this moment, I think Trump will win. We don’t know who is really in ‘the lead’ because we can’t believe a damn thing that is written in the press. We do know if they can create an ‘anti Trump’ controversy, they will. If they can sweep Hillary’s under the rug, they will. We will find out who will get the most votes in early Nov. One of my greatest concerns is that we can’t keep all the dead Dimocrats from voting.
For that reason, I agree that the term ‘gay rights’ does make sense. But I think the term should be abandoned as soon as practical for the same reason I think the term ‘civil rights’ should have been abandoned about 30 years ago. Affirmative action is still giving some citizens rights that other citizens don’t have just because some black people sold other black people to slave traders hundreds of years ago. It’s way past time to quit expecting Americans today to continue to pay for mistakes Africans made in selling their relatives long ago. I support ‘equal’ rights for all Americans with no one getting special treatment over other groups because of past wrongs by others.
I think we’re into semantics. Have you ever heard a woman feel her stomach, when pregnant, and say, I just felt my fetus move? I think they become babies at about 16 weeks into pregnancy and should be treated as humans after that time. But I’m not going to change your mind and you’re not going to change mine. So we’ll just have to continue to disagree. Minds have been known to be changed. After all, I’m no longer ‘opposed’ to same sex ‘marriages’ or whatever, as long as it doesn’t interfere with anyone else’s ‘rights’ (and I can’t imagine how it could).
@Redteam #45:
And I think that, as of this moment, Trump will lose.
Your prediction must logically take into account whatever election fraud you anticipate, whatever media bias you perceive, and whatever possible mistakes either candidate will make in the debates and elsewhere between now and election day, the same things my prediction must do.
We will see in November who was right and who was wrong.
You might recall that I correctly predicted Romney’s defeat, and I also correctly predicted the Supreme Courts affirmative decision on same-sex marriage.
It would be unusual for my prediction to be wrong…
Thank you for that acknowledgment. And I do agree with you that these divisive terms will eventually become obsolete when they are no longer relevant. Unfortunately, history has taught us that in spite of judicial and legislative affirmation of specific civil rights (or equal rights, or whatever else you’d prefer to call them) bias and discrimination are characteristics fundamental to the human experience and are not things to be ruled away. While the Constitution speaks broadly of “equality,” we will doubtless spend the rest of our years sorting out exactly what such a term should rightly mean. Your goal of a blind and neutral vocabulary is I think the sort of perfect goal that is never quite reached in the real world.
You surprised me twice tonight.
(I won’t tell Retire05.)
@George Wells:
True, BUT we cannot take into account ‘unanticipated’ or uncontrollable events. Such as if Trump or Hillary were to either suddenly die or announce that one of them had been diagnosed with brain damage (as I suspect will become known). Hillary doesn’t do tv interviews and I strongly suspect she is not going to appear on stage in a one on one debate with Trump because I strongly suspect her brain ailment would be painfully obvious. I do, however,, think and have included considerable voter fraud on the part of the Dimocrats.
Actually, I don’t recall that, but then I’m not sure how I ‘predicted, if I did, that race. Likely my conclusion was that there were too many making too much off of Obama’s presidency for them to allow it to end. I’m almost a believer that who the president will be has already been decided by those who make the president and that will determine how much voter fraud and dead Dimocrats voting, that we will have to endure. If a lot of dead Dims vote, it’ll mean they decided to extend the Dim regime. If they do, the Repubs should maintain control of congress so no one will be able to get anything done and everyone will be able to blame the others for the stalemate.
My reason for change on the gay marriage deal. (in case you’re interested) I have researched the issue well enough to have reached a general thought that people are ‘born the way they are’. Anywhere from 85-90% are born ‘normal’. the other 10-15% are born with various problems, including wrong sex vs anatomy and hormone balance and brain wiring problems. Regardless of those problems, they are still entitled to all the same rights that all Americans are. If those persons decide that they, themselves want to change via surgery, or whatever, then let them do as they wish. There should not be affirmative action rights for any class of persons as that, by definition, deprives someone else of a right that they are entitled to.
that’s immaterial, I haven’t seen a comment by her in a month or so, must be on vacation. Good time for one.
@Redteam #47:
Indeed it is.
When I bought our home in Virginia Beach in 1980, I was happy that it had so many large windows, and I put in a “whole house” fan to keep a nice breeze coming in through them during the “dog-days of summer.” At night, it felt too cool to leave the fan running, so it got turned off until later in the morning. This worked fine for many years. Now, we don’t ever use the fan in the summer months, it being so terribly hot outside any more that we must rely on air-conditioning. At the moment, it’s around 4 AM here, and the temperature outside is 87 with a heat index of 95. It didn’t used to be this way, and now this crap is the rule rather than the exception. With our exceptionally high humidity, temperatures in the hundreds are intolerable, and they’re calling for 100 degrees here today… again. We keep ourselves and the cats in. Nothing else you can do…
I think Retire05 has thrown in the towel over Trump. She was vehemently opposed to his nomination, and she was undoubtedly distraught over having to agree with ME on what a mistake the GOP was making in nominating him.
Yes, one of the candidates COULD drop dead, but predictions don’t need to take such extenuating circumstances into account.
Trump is already preparing his followers with the Trump-approved excuse that if he loses, it’s because he was cheated, perpetuating the politicians’ lie that they never do anything wrong and that failure is ALWAYS the other side’s fault. You’ve already accepted that nonsense with your fear of dead voters, in spite of the fact that dead voters have NEVER made a difference in a national election. Believing that crap might make you feel better, but it prevents you from coming to grips with what you did wrong last time, insuring that you will make the same mistake again in the future.
If that’s what you want, be my guest.
Your reasons and mine differ ever so slightly, but insofar as the ends can justify the means, I’ll happily accept yours as good progress toward a lasting peace.
@George Wells: In #47 RT puts you in the 10-15% not born normal. Your thoughts?
Repubs. and Trump are gearing up for a self inflicted loss by yelling fraud before it even happens. Typical .Dead voters is one of their perennial favorite excuses.
Remember how Trump used to love the polls?
Wikileaks promises more to come, just hope it gets released closer to the election the libs have a short attention span, not that CNN or MSLSD reports on it anyway.
13.5 billion dollars was donated to Haiti, so much corruption wit Billy boy helping to slush those funds into his pal pockets, nothing much make tings better for the people.