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Here’s something I guarantee Melania Trump will not plagiarize from Michelle Obama


Much has been made of the similarity between the eloquent speech given last night by Melania Trump and the one given by Michelle Obama in 2008. Certainly there are similarities but after a while it does become difficult to express the same sentiments in different and attractive prose. Naturally, the media had its head so far up its ass in 2008 that it could not bring itself to visit the same condemnation on Barack Obama when he plagiarized Deval Patrick.

The White House responded with the lame explanation that obama did not copy Patrick, he was “inspired” by Patrick.

Obama also plagiarized George W. Bush

And John Edwards

And Michelle? Well, she plagiarized Saul Alinsky. Heck, Joe Biden made plagiarizing an everyday event.

So naturally anyone who hops onto the Melania Trump plagiarizing bandwagon without having dumped on obama is an asshat. But never mind that for the moment. There’s something I can guarantee that Melania Trump will never plagiarize from Michelle Trump: her hatred of America.

Melania Trump has always been proud of her country. It didn’t take her husband becoming a Presidential candidate to arouse a sense of national pride.

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