Helter Skelter: Black Lives Matter trying to succeed where Charles Manson failed…

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Not in the literal sense. Charles Manson wanted to incite a race war because he thought that after a race war that saw blacks kill all non blacks (Manson and his “family” would survive however…) that he would return to rule them. You can be pretty sure that the Black Lives Matter guys aren’t seeking to start a race war so they can be ruled by a white guy… But they certainly seem to want a race war.Just as Charles Manson was not connected with reality, the ideas behind the Black Lives Matter movement are equally disconnected to reality. Remember “Hands up! Don’t Shoot!”?

Black Lives Matter peddles the fiction that black men across the country are in mortal danger from police. That is simply a lie. An interesting study was just reported in the New York Times that showed that although black men are approximately 20% more likely to have a physical confrontation with police when compared with white men, they are also approximately 20% LESS likely to be shot by police when compared with white men in similar situations… A few years ago the Washington Post reported similar findings.

What is not a lie however is the fact that the lives of black man are indeed in danger, but that danger comes from other black men… not the police. To put that in crystal clear perspective, according to the CDC, the number one cause of death among black men between the ages of 15 & 34 is homicide. Literally, 43.7% of the young men in that cohort who die each year are murdered! The equivalent rate for white men in the same cohort is 7.3%. And regardless of the lies BLM tells you, most of those thousands of young black men are not being killed by police, they are being killed by other black men.

And it is thousands… In 2014, according to the FBI, 5,209 black men were murdered in the United States, 90% of those by other black men. During that same year 268 black men were killed by the police… that number includes criminals in shootouts with police, those resisting arrest and others threatening citizens. In addition, typically only 10% of those killed by police are unarmed, although unarmed doesn’t mean they weren’t a danger to police or others.  So, as a thought exercise, let’s imagine that 50% of the fatal shootings of black men were unjustified.  That would mean that 134 innocent black men were killed by police that year.  At the same time, we know that 5,209 black men were killed, 90% of them by other blacks.  That equates to 4,688 black men killed by other black men.  So… do the math absent the BLM calculator… even assuming that 50% of all police shootings of black men are unjustified – when the real number is likely in the low single digits – black men are still 35 times as likely to be killed by other black men than they are by the police.

There are no doubt instances of innocent black men being killed by bad cops. But that number is literally a tiny fraction of the encounters black men have with cops annually. And that’s the problem with the BLM. It’s a race pimp movement that focuses massive amounts of attention on a problem that is infinitesimally small when compared to real dangers that black men face… i.e. murder at the hands of other black men, violence perpetrated by other black men, unemployment, lack of positive role models in the home, etc.

BLM makes it out as if America in 2016 is the same as it was in 1950 and maybe not so different than it was in 1870… But that’s simply not true. We’ve probably come 95% of the way in eliminating racial barriers in this country and while more still needs to be done, BLM proffers the fiction that the problem keeping so many black men from succeeding in America is white cops and institutional racism. Neither is true, and to the extent that BLM and Al Sharpton and Barack Obama focus on that they aren’t focusing on the real, substantive issues that could give young black men real opportunities to succeed in life like a good education, a good entry level job to learn marketable skills and a nuclear family where a mother and father are able to provide good moral values and teach him to work hard, have respect for others and basically how to grow up to be a successful man.

But those things are hard and there’s no press or money in it while protesting and snarling traffic are easy… and they generate lots of press and big checks from liberal white guys like George Soros. And that’s the key to understanding the BLM movement… It’s fundamentally just another liberal group seeking money and power. Facts don’t matter. Results don’t matter. BLM is little different than the government’s war on poverty. Americans have spent $40 trillion “fighting” poverty and we’re exactly where we were when we started. The program is a failure, but lots of people are making lots of money off it. Same deal with the ethanol boondoggle.

Liberals aren’t in the business of solving problems. They are in the business of getting money for pretending to try and solve problems. Facts and outcomes are simply irrelevant. Success is measured by how much money or TV appearances can be generated, not how many people can actually be helped. And so it is with the Black Lives Matter movement. Create the illusion that black men around the country are being hunted down and killed by an army of rouge racist white cops then step in and take up the position of defender of the innocents… This is pure propaganda for the purpose of gaining attention, money and finally power. So what if the fictional “Hands up! Don’t Shot!” meme set Ferguson, MO aflame? So what if protests ignite a powder keg in Baltimore that results in a sharp uptick in murders – most of the victims being black? So what if black men are so incensed by the BLM fiction that they start shooting cops from New York to Texas to Louisiana? Not really good for anybody, but at least the Black Lives Matter leaders get a lot of cable TV airtime.

It’s maybe no coincidence that race relations today seem to be as bad as they were in the 1960’s when Charles Manson was seeking to start his own race war. On the backdrop of a president who has been making race an issue for eight years we have Black Lives Matter out in the streets trying to incite unrest and acting as the spark for violent protests. When times are difficult and there is much angst among the citizenry there will always be charlatans who try to inflame tempers for their own gain. Charles Manson and the Black Lives Matter movements may have had very different long term goals, but the blood spilled in their names is very much the same. The only difference is that with BLM the amount of blood is much larger, and Charlie was never invited to the White House

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The weather undergound the SLA the Black Panthers and BLM as well as the Nation of Islam need to be stopped and wiped out totaly

What is ”institutional racism?”
It is a phony construct.
When a job applicant can’t get there on time for his interview,
when his application has blanks and incomprehensible answers,
when his clothes look like he’s going to bring a gang war to the workplace,
when he cannot string together a sentence with subject-verb agreement,
then not hiring him is NOT institutional racism!
It is simple good sense.
(BTW, this is true no matter what race the applicant is.)

In government, good money is thrown after bad all the time.
It is easy to hire such applicants because it is NOT the gov’t boss’s money.

BUT when it is YOUR personal hard-earned money and the success of your hard-fought-for business is at stake, you get the BEST man for the job that you can.
That is NOT institutional racism!
It is facing reality.
Obama people like Obama, who never even tried to make a payroll would try to twist reality of business into institutional racism.

Now, as to working for the white man after ”winning” the race war, BlackLivesMatter leader DeRay Mckesson may claim to be leading a grassroots revolution for racial and economic justice, but he has close connections with the privileged and elite.

DeRay McKesson lives in a house owned by a board member of George Soros’ Open Foundation, and the BLM leader takes home a salary of $165,000 paid for by Baltimore schools district taxpayers.

Soros groups have had several connections to Black Lives Matter organizers and activists. The Soros funded group The Democracy Alliance donated to several race-based movement organizations that ally with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Many of George Soros’s groups have provided funding and guidance to the Black Lives Matter movement and affiliated organisations, with the billionaire investing $33 million in BLM alone.


If you follow what George Soros is up to you know he has NOT got the best interests of poor people at heart.
He tried to prevent poor Europeans from heating their homes.
He tried to corner the morket on the British Pound Sterling, which would have put millions of Brits in deep poverty.
He doesn’t care if America’s blacks live or die.
As a globalist he only wants them to get stupid people to the polls to vote for globalists.
Then America’s blacks would be thrust even deeper into poverty and hopelessness than they have after 7 years of globalist Obama.

Nice post. people like farrakhan senior and junior, rapist jackson and sharpton who allegedly borough done various crimes families in NYC need to be brought to justice. how much in back taxes, interest and penalties doe shrapton own and the terrorist pres. says his an excellent counsel to the on domestic matters. what a crock of shit.

People in this administration are not totally stupid; they were aware of these figures long before the NYT printed them. Yet, they continue to perpetuate the lie that white cops are shooting innocent blacks for sport.

Why do you suppose that is?

Conservatives hate the NYT and the WP until they publish something they can use. It’s cute.

This will break it down for you…. (though you’ll scoff at the source, until they say something you like… )

Soak up some actual facts.

The right has come up with some stunningly moronic propaganda memes. This one—blaming Obama for pushing police shootings into the spotlight instead of cell phone videos, which turn such incidents into viral social media events in minutes—is truly stellar.


Of course, even those multiple videos paint a very clear picture, they’ll still “need more information.”

Then they’ll jump to conclusions once it fits their narrative to do so.

Oh… and ask ask to suspend the 2nd Amendment once it puts THEIR people in danger!

It’d be funny if it weren’t so damn scary.

@Doesn’t matter to you: I’m pretty sure it’s on a case by case basis. For instance, when they report that thousands of WMD’s were found in Iraq, but they weren’t the right ones, yeah, that’s pretty much bullshit. However, when they publish a study which confirms the facts already established, then citing the NYT shuts down the usual liberal response of, “pshaw… you can’t trust that conservative source”.

@Greg: Even when the “Hands up, don’t shoot” fantasy was breaking apart, as well as the narrative of Michael Brown running away, surrendering on his knees was evaporating, Obama STILL went before the UN and used this phony, contrived, fabricated tale of racially motivated shotgun as an example of inequality in the United States. Yes, he is making every effort to ran the flames of racial hatred and hatred of cops.

@Doesn’t matter to you, #7:

We don’t seem to be hearing much from the right concerning Philando Castile’s Second Amendment rights, do we?

Why would that be, I wonder. Got any theories?


I am on record about that.


No Greg. Tarring events with racism where none exists- that sucks. Politicizing funerals- only an a$$hole does that.

Manson was into enviroemntalism and animal rights just like Hitler was its just moonbeam brown spared his miserble neck from the gas chamber

I said this for a while and can show i even said it here..
that this bs has made helter skelter and C Manson ahead of his time

but its the Black liberation movement (same initials)

the BLA ended up killing more than 13 police
among lots of other things
and they were instrumental as people in creating rap, after H Rap brown, another cop killer

Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, (born October 4, 1943, as Hubert Gerold Brown), also known as H. Rap Brown, was chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1960s, and during a short-lived (six months) alliance between SNCC and the Black Panther Party, he served as their minister of justice. He is perhaps most famous for his proclamation during that period that “violence is as American as cherry pie,” as well as once stating that “If America don’t come around, we’re gonna burn it down.” He is also known for his autobiography Die Ni**er Die!. He is currently serving a life sentence for murder following the 2000 shooting of two Fulton County Sheriff’s deputies. One deputy, Ricky Kinchen, died in the shooting.

Brown was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He became known as H. Rap Brown during the early 1960s

Article excerpt: It’s maybe no coincidence that race relations today seem to be as bad as they were in the 1960’s when Charles Manson was seeking to start his own race war. On the backdrop of a president who has been making race an issue for eight years we have Black Lives Matter out in the streets trying to incite unrest and acting as the spark for violent protests.

The Black Liberation Army (BLA) was an underground, black nationalist militant organization that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed largely of former Black Panthers (BPP), the organization’s program was one of “armed struggle”, and its stated goal was to “take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States.”

The BLA was active in the US until at least 1981 when a Brinks truck robbery, conducted with support from former Weather Underground members Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, left a guard and two police officers dead. Boudin and Gilbert, along with several BLA members, were subsequently arrested

Kathy Boudin was a member of the far-left radical group the Weather Underground who was convicted of felony murder for her role in the Brink’s robbery of 1981 that resulted in the killing of two police officers and two security guards. She was released from prison in 2003 and is now an adjunct professor at Columbia University

David Gilbert is an American radical leftist organizer and activist who is currently imprisoned at Auburn Correctional Facility. Gilbert was a founding member of Columbia University Students for a Democratic Society and member of the Weather Underground Organization.

Chesa Boudin parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members

Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-great-uncle, Louis B. Boudin was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court’s influence on American government, and his grandfather, Leonard Boudin, was an attorney who represented controversial clients such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson

The Greenwich Village townhouse explosion occurred on March 6, 1970, in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of the New York City borough of Manhattan. It was caused by the premature detonation of a bomb that was being assembled by members of the Weather Underground, an American radical left group. The bomb was under construction in the basement of 18 West 11th Street, when it accidentally exploded; the blast reduced the four-story townhouse to a burning, rubble-strewn ruin. The two persons preparing the bomb were killed instantly (Diana Oughton and Terry Robbins), as was a third “Weatherman” who happened to be walking into the townhouse (Ted Gold); two others were injured but were helped from the scene and later escaped (Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson)


William Charles “Bill” Ayers (born December 26, 1944)[1] is an American elementary education theorist and a former leader in the counterculture movement who opposed US involvement in the Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960s radical activism and his current work in education reform, curriculum and instruction. In 1969, he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[2] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the US Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to US involvement in the Vietnam War.

He is a retired professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, formerly holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar. During the 2008 US Presidential campaign, a controversy arose over his contacts with candidate Barack Obama. He is married to Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather Underground.

but it would have been racist to inform the american public of what they forgot, eh?

@Greg: Castile bore a close resemblance to a robbery suspect and when Yanex approached, this idiot had a handgun in his lap and made a move towards it.

Now, Yanez may have wrongfully shot him and the investigation will resolve that, but it had NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.

Why do you leftists not get it?

@Greg: Greggie Greggie Greggie, we have laws and America should follow those laws!! To hell with your so called video evidence which has proven time and time in a court of law to be misleading!! What we do know is Obola has moved racism backwards by failing to acknowledge the real problems and instead blame our police or guns!!

And the continued instigation from Obama fans the flames. I propose that that a good part of why Obama is keeping the situation a social hot-bed is so that he can possibly use it as an excuse to install martial law. That, coupled with his continual rhetoric on “federalizing law enforcement” down to the local level, is historically the ‘standard operating procedure’ for socialist tyranny.

In 2012, 4,450 officers were wounded or assaulted in various manners during traffic stops.
So they need to be trained to survive a “routine” traffic stop.
The driver, armed with a fake gun resting on the console, was able to pick it up and shoot 90 of 93 participants several times before the officers could return fire. It can take a quarter of a second for a driver to pick up a gun in such a location and fire off a shot.
MN State police make apx 360,000 traffic stops per year, I am sure many of these stops are black people, not many of those black people were killed, but they may not have had a weapon in their laps.
I wonder how many officers thought back to the survival training they took with the fake gun, then said “yup hes going home to his wife and kids tonight.”

@kitt: No, kitt. Sorry. Officers will just have to take a bullet in order to show the proper deference to blacks (and blacks only, for only THEIR lives matter). These are the new ROE and will, I’m sure, result in many dedicated and qualified individuals wishing to make law enforcement their careers.

@Spurwing Plover:
He is also hoping for a race war
Plover any plans on when you are going to begin this wipe out ?

In 2014 46 police were shot and killed on duty
OSHA rates landscaping as more dangerous than being a police man
Each year typically about 30 are killed by gunshot (including blue on blue)
Apparently about 5 times as many unarmed civillians are killed by police as is the number of police shot to death
Figures from officers down memorial page
More than twice as many policemen kill themselves as are shot to death by others

I don’t know, Bill.
*The gun on his lap looks like the one used in the robbery.
*The man looks like one of the two guys in the robbery.
*The GOVERNMENT TAX STAMPS on his girlfriend’s Newport pack runs within the sequence of those stolen during the robbery.

So, I think that poor police officer, maligned though he might be by blacks and media, might just be a terrific observer.

@Nanny G: nanny could you include a link about the tax stamps ?
One that isn’t the bogus “godlike productions ”
A real one with a quote by the “authorities”
You should know by now after the fake speed skating post that I often try and check back to primary sources

@John: #21 lets look at those numbers dearie, put on your thinking cap, the police officers are trained with the weaponry the suspects likely have a stolen weapon that maybe they fired ,maybe they think its like the movies point shoot and the other guy clutches his chest and falls off the building.
When did a landscaper ever show up when 911 was called ,or pull you over for a seatbelt infraction?
Suicide maybe they were put on hold when they called a democrat run Suicide hotline or got..Your call is very important to us, please leave a message and we will promptly ignore your call.

@John: So… you find that a small number and acceptable to you. I see.

@John: GotNews.com’s police sources have confirmed that investigators have linked the cigarette tax stamps from a July 2nd robbery to the vehicle driven by Philando Castile and Lavish Reynolds.
We’re told that the cops ran the tax stamps on the cigarettes in Reynolds’s possession and tied them to the scene of the crime, according to our well-placed Minnesota police source law enforcement.

The vehicle also matched the description of a vehicle used in the robbery.

We’re told that Reynolds was the get away driver and that’s why the cops have impounded the car.

@Greg: Cell phone videos are NOT complete evidence Greggie, we have a legal system you should familiarize yourself with!!

…we have a legal system you should familiarize yourself with!

That would be what you will quickly claim isn’t working, if the topic under discussion happens to be Hillary Clinton’s emails.


That would be what you will quickly claim isn’t working, if the topic under discussion happens to be Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Oh, you mean where she destroyed over 2,000 State Department emails and lied under oath before Congress about having, receiving and sending classified documents on her unsecured server?

Kitt regardless of the reason, more police kill themselves than are killed by others
In a typical year about 50 police officers are shot to death
Many more unarmed Americans are shot to death by police
Landscapers have a higher death rate on the job than do police.
As for making some sort of joke about why/how that suicide occurred well I don’t see the humor in it
Perhaps YOU might consider volunteering to a Samaritans run suicide hotline I am sure you could improve it in many ways

@John: I’m wondering what any of this has to do with the left fostering lies which get innocent police killed?

@John: It wasn’t meant to be funny, it was a meant as a statement on how the government cares for our heros..fool. If the government is paying to outsource this service perhaps they should make sure the line doesn’t go to voice mail.
There are plenty of jobs that have higher death tolls than police, does that make you feel better or absolve you from not giving a shit that they get assassinated by scum? Remember if it comes to a race war and you run to their side I hope you are not a cracker, cause they will bust a cap in your melon as fast as they would a black cop.
I hope it never comes to that, I hope the people of the United States votes out this destructive racist slime that infects our government. That teaching a race that they are only good enough to collect a hand out and be abused by a system that holds them in poverty and hopelessness.

About 30% of all police shot to death are killed by blacks 70% by other races I am guessing here but I think not so many Asians http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/king-cops-killed-white-men-conservatives-silent-article-1.2632965
Apparently Obama and BLM are somehow forcing other races to kill police for them
Why aren’t “moderate” whites doing or saying something about this?

The newsweek article, stated that near all were spur of the moment, but still those men need to be prosecuted, they are not hunting out cops to assassinate there are no groups of whites chanting to fry them like bacon marching down the street stopping traffic. No mad social media calling the killers heros or martyrs for a cause.
You are really reaching scrabbling if broken down to percentages per population the numbers would look quite different.
In 2013, 44 percent of cop killers were white, 37 percent were black and 11 percent were Hispanic. Last year, 54 percent were white, 26 percent were black and 18 percent were Hispanic.
Blacks making up only about 15% of the total population, all the killers were men.
Keep twisting in the wind dearie.
Going to bed the kids are coming early tomorrow Daddys getting some overtime.

Oh I do like it when you use those terms of endearment
Are there others you call dearie?

So according to your figures the ratio of cops killed by blacks is going down?

@John: Are you even remotely aware that we would not be discussing this issue if it weren’t for the fact that the lying left was inventing a FALSE issue of cops targeting black citizens? Does it not also strike yo that, though blacks comprise 12% of the population, they are responsible for 30% of the shootings of cops? Yet, you left wing liars insist it is the COPS that are targeting others. THAT’S the message; not that, “oh, more landscapers are killed than cops, so we on the left are correct to disparage the lives of cops in favor of criminals.”

If only you could see how idiotic you appear, trying to defend the liberal lies about cops and the leftist inciting of violence.

police deaths by shootings are down 15% than under Bush
Are you even remotely aware that fewer cops have been shot under Obama?
There is no “war on cops “https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/07/09/police-are-safer-under-obama-than-they-have-been-in-decades/

Firearms-related 2016/32 jan – july
2015/18 jan – july +78% in just 1 year
You wonder why just now the cops feel under siege? with a near 80% increase in cops being killed by scum. This has not been much in the news cycle before the surge of BLM movement.
Keep twisting John old boy, the scum keep proving you wrong.

@john: Fewer civilians as well. More guns, safer society then, right?

So why are you leftists lying about the shootings?

70% are typically killed by white scum why not blame your own?
Did Obama somehow get BLM to convince them to kill cops ?
Keep trying to ignore facts and just go by your gut feelings


70% are typically killed by white scum why not blame your own?

I say give them the death penalty, if found guilty of premeditated murder of an officer. 20 to life if intentional. Up to 20 if found responsible such as death by car crash if chasing the scum. You will not see any of us here cheering the actions of any cop killer. These are the men, the heros that keep my city safe, I want everyone of them to go home after their shift safe to their families.
You are padding the numbers of white low life scum cop killers you are adding in latino scum numbers which account for about 18 %.
I still think you are twisting have a nice long stale drink of the kool-aid and rest you tiny liberal mind. Blue lives matter. All lives matter. Cop hunters should get a dose of C4 delivered by a bomb robot.

@John: Because white people are not rioting, destroying and murdering whenever a white guy is killed by a cop, you ignorant, liberal moron (sorry for the redundancy).

When people threaten and challenge cops, they sometimes get shot. That is the risk they take. However, ONLY when a black person is shot REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES the left opens the lies floodgates and incites violence.

THAT is the issue. Pay a little attention.

Black Lives Matter activist Shaun King ((who is WHITE but Identifies as black!!!))
suggested on Twitter that there could be a coup in the United States if Trump wins the presidency.

Now writer James Kirchick is suggesting the same thing at the Los Angeles Times:

If Trump wins, a coup isn’t impossible here in the U.S. http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-kirchick-trump-coup-20160719-snap-story.html

Why can’t these would be revolutionaries simply move to Venezuela or Liberia?
That way they could live their dream of a perfect socialist or black society without all the bloodshed.

@Nanny G: LA Times was suggesting a military coup against Trump
However unlikely that sounds it does show something about how our military feels about Trump

@John: I think it shows more what the LA Times knows about the mood of the military. You think they want, “Leave em behind and lie about em” Hillary as their C in C?

La Tines article sure does
Look the military is already on record for saying ygatbtgeyvwould refuse certain orders such as waterboarding
I think they would prefer Clinyon to stubby fingers

@John: The military never HAS waterboarded. Good Lord.

@Bill: Dont they waterboard our special forces for training purposes?
The military unless things got real bad here would not stage a coup, hell if they were going to it would be this admin, trying a man for murder because he ordered 3 crazy muslims speeding toward his men on a motorcycle to be shot.
First Lieutenant Clint Lorance 1 of those afganis escaped. Leaving a Marine in a mexican Prison for crossing the border by accident with a gun, until the media raised a long loud stink about it.
The Military Times recently published a poll that showed only 15 percent of the U.S. military approves of President Obama.
The liberals are grasping at straws with this coup sh#t they know nothing.
Only an anemic 15% of military members had a favorable impression of Hillary.

And when Trump said he would waterboarding and do worse….
They said they would refuse to obey