The coming long hot summer


trump rally mex flag


Violence broke out at a Trump rally yesterday- again. Trump supporters were attacked- pelted with eggs and bottles- and physically assaulted.

A woman Trump supporter was hunted down, cornered, harassed and assaulted by person brandishing Mexican flags and shirts:

The cops frequently stood by and watched

All while the cretins were chanting “Stop the Hate!”


The Mayor of San Jose found the violence justified:

The mayor of San Jose, Democrat Sam Liccardo, reacted angrily to the events. Not that he was particularly upset at the violent mob that attacked innocent Americans, of course. No, his ire was directed at Mr. Trump. “At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign,” the mayor said. Apparently it was downright “irresponsible” of Trump to even set foot in California’s third largest city.

This opens the door for more violence:

Mayor Liccardo justified committing violence against people with whom he disagrees politically. That’s an attack on the very foundation of our system of government and the First Amendment, and a very dangerous one.

One wonders if Liccardo realizes that he’s just condoned violence against both Clinton and Sanders supporters. Violence against women for political reasons now seems permissible.

Nothing says I love America more than disrespecting its laws.

Nothing says I want to be an America more than sticking a Mexican flag in the faces of Americans.

Nothing says I love America more than burning a US flag.

Nothing says stop the hate more than hunting down and physically assaulting those with whom you disagree.

Nothing says we love this country than trashing the rights of others.

Quick- when was the last time Trump supporters went to a Clinton rally and attacked her supporters?

We’ve previously noted the violence visited upon Trump supporters. This violence will bolster support for Trump, not disabuse it. The actions of these animals vindicate Trump’s words. It is troubling that the cops did not act more promptly in many of the attacks, perhaps due to the Ferguson Effect.  Exactly what makes people think they’re entitled to act this way? This violence is un-American but I have a feeling that we’re going to see a lot more of it over the next few months.

Who will be to blame when someone under attack pulls out his or her concealed carry?

It’s going to be a long hot summer.


Terrorism: the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

This is terrorism.


Tweets and images courtesy of Breitbart, RCP , Fox News and Mediaite


Nothing says I want to be an American more than this:

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The more uncivilized and brutal these goons act the more the public will be turned against them and the mob tactics Frankly they all should be arrested and deported back to where they came from No doupt their illegal aliens

Who will be to blame when someone under attack pulls out his or her concealed carry?

Hell, that’s easy. The entire media will, in unison, report that a violent, racist Trump voter gunned down some poor fellow who was just exercising his First Amendment rights. Trump personally will be blamed and calls for more gun control will follow about 30 seconds later.

I watched the entire Trump rally inside the San Jose venue.
From there you would never know there was any violence going on at all.
Two times tiny voices rose up against Trump and his message.
Both times the protesters were sent out gently.
The 2nd time Trump said, he’s not bothering me, let him stay.
But security got him out anyway.
There is another video of a Trump supporter walking to or from the rally when a man comes alongside him and cold-cocks him. He falls to the ground and two people on motorcycles come up to him before he can get back to his feet.
See it here, 2nd video:


Back when I was in Long Beach the very liberal city leaders discouraged police from protecting people or property from the ”occupy” group that formed. As a result a whole bunch of property damage was done mere blocks from where I used to live. One property had over $100,000 in damage done to large glass entryway doors and glass walls.
Police simply stood there and watched.
It might have been the straw that broke the camel’s back for us deciding to leave that city.
It was for me, not sure what got hubby motivated to leave.
San Jose PD was following orders from on high.

I am really beginning to think that the time for revolution is coming. I’d like to use a .30 machine gun on these bums. If I recall, one way to win a war is to kill enough of them that they stop fighting. That time is here. We need to start using the Mexican immigration laws!


I am really beginning to think that the time for revolution is coming. I’d like to use a .30 machine gun on these bums. If I recall, one way to win a war is to kill enough of them that they stop fighting. That time is here. We need to start using the Mexican immigration laws!

History does have a way of repeating itself. And with the help from folks likes of Dr. Brownshirt John et al pushing Adolf Trump to the WH, we may very well see it again.

Saw too many Socialism Now signs in this crowd. Perhaps these folks can be sent to the socialist paradise know as Venezuela.

Imagine the coverage if these were tea party folks outside of a HRC event.

Considering all the damage the current monarch and his toadies have done to our rights and Constitution, your buddy the hildebeast is the closest to hitler we will get. Just remember, nazi stood for the national socialist party. Go stand with your buddies.

@Spurwing Plover: Only one misspelling.–Improvement– genius.

@DrJohn: It’s hard to phantom that you actually believe your very own hypocrisy. It was only a few days ago when you were actually advocating violence to Trump heckers, that we didn’t even need due process. And now you give a pass to Bookdoc who promotes machine gunning those he feels strongly against. It’s as if violence, bypassing due process, and even lynching and slaughtering is an acceptable tactic so long as it plays to your ideology but not to someone else’s because, well, you don’t agree with them . That’s a very dangerous and slippery slope my friend.

And then of course, anyone not sucking Trump butt has to be of course, those evil leftist or as Bookdoc deduces, a “buddy the hildebeast”. And you can’t even see the slightest hint of your partisan blindness.

@Richard Wheeler: Mr. Wheeler should practice the art of a complete sentence in future prose.

IIRC San Jose is a ”sanctuary city,” and if that’s correct, it loses EVERYTHING once a President Trump comes in.
All so-called sanctuary cities will lose all federal funding unless they properly enforce laws within their bounds.
Maybe they will band together and secede from the federal government.
That would be weird.
An Azatlan, as desired by Mexicans, but just as poor as Mexico once all the rest of us taxpayers stop propping it up.

@Nanny G:

San Jose is a ”sanctuary city,” and if that’s correct, it loses EVERYTHING once a President Trump comes in.
All so-called sanctuary cities will lose all federal funding unless they properly enforce laws within their bounds.

Requires Congressional action. Or perhaps you are hoping Dictator Donnie will write unconstitutional E.O.s like Obama has and usurp the authority of Congress.

Hey jerk with the stupid sign this is America the U.S. of A if you want mexico walk south for a few hundred miles and don’t look back

Uber-Left Vox.
Vox editor in chief Ezra Klein announced that deputy editor Emmett Rensin has been suspended for his cheerleading of political violence:

On Thursday night, Emmett Rensin, the deputy editor of Vox’s first person section, sent a series of tweets that, among other things, urged people to riot if Donald Trump comes to their town.

We at Vox do not take institutional positions on most questions, and we encourage our writers to debate and disagree. But direct encouragement of riots crosses a line between expressing a contrary opinion and directly encouraging dangerous, illegal activity. We welcome a variety of viewpoints, but we do not condone writing that could put others in danger.

In this case, Emmett’s tweets violated Vox’s standards and Emmett has been suspended as a consequence.

His Tweet?

Emmett Rensin ✔ @emmettrensin
Advice: If Trump comes to your town, start a riot.
Destroying property is legitimate.
Shouting down is legitimate.
Disruption of all events is legitimate.
Murder isn’t.

Well, at least MURDER is off the table, so far, by the Left’s cheerleaders.

Dr. John,
You are right-I was blowing off stream. But I will say that the time may be coming when I won’t be… If the hildebeast is elected, all bets are off. I used to be more mild mannered but I see what the hispanics are doing and, having lived in Mexico for almost three years, I will NOT let them do that here!

Advocating mass murder = blowing off steam, perfectly fine, as long as he’s on our side.

Lotta Hitler fans advocated as such but were I suppose, blowing off steam.

Dr Brownshirt, I’m not going to waste time searching the archives but I believe it was when you officially held your nose and endorsed Trump (which I do understand as his ass must surely reek of horrific stench). We were arguing about his advocating violence towards his hecklers. You were all for it. Are you not now?

@Mully: Does the Tea Party still exist—Has it sold out to the Trumpists or morhed into his Populist message?–don’t hear much about them anymore.

@retire05: Requires Congressional action. Or perhaps you are hoping Dictator Donnie will write unconstitutional E.O.s like Obama has and usurp the authority of Congress.

Congress has already been trying to vote in bills that would defund all so-called sanctuary cities, retiro5.
They failed partly because it would merely be a Phyrric victory had they passed it.
Obama would have vetoed it.
But Donald Trump would sign it.
He would even encourage it to be passed as a bill.

So, LEGALLY, Donald Trump will be able to defund any so-called sanctuary cities federal funding should any of those places decide to remain such after he comes into office.

Various reports:

Protesters Punch, Throw Eggs at Trump Supporters in Calif.

Violence erupts at Trump’s San Jose rally as protesters fight The Donald’s supporters in ugly street brawls leading to several arrests

Police Officer Assaulted, Punches Thrown After San Jose Trump Rally

“Nice country. Shame if anything happened to it.” Since many in these mobs are paid stooges for George Soros, I think organized crime and RICO laws apply. Mob extortion for voter intimidation.

Time to arrest George Soros.

@Nanny G:

So, LEGALLY, Donald Trump will be able to defund any so-called sanctuary cities federal funding should any of those places decide to remain such after he comes into office.

The Federal government has full jurisdiction where immigration is concerned. Some cutting off material support and certain funding (Such as to law enforcement agencies, Police, State Police,SWAT teams, etc.) to scofflaw sanctuary cities is within the power of the President if he is enforcing Federal laws. If they take the goodies, they have to follow the laws granting the goodies, or the executive branch can stop the flow of the goodies.

@Richard Wheeler: The word, morph, is the proper syntax for the completion of you’re “prose.”

Who knows what kind of diseases their brining with them my mom once told me we did’nt have all thse illnesses until they started letting these wetbacks cross the border

Video evidence of leftist violence …. we are supposed to ignore. Nothing hypocritical from the left.

But voicing opposition to leftist violence is somehow dangerous?

Nothing more clearly defines the hypocritical essence that is leftism.

@DrJohn: if I validated it, would it really make a difference? Please answer honestly, if you possibly can.

I don’t know how long or hot the summer will be, but I’m guessing the Donald Trump campaign will go into a meltdown long before it’s over. I’m still trying to figure out why Ryan and others endorsed this guy. Maybe they’re beginning to wonder themselves. My best guess is that they’re hoping to reclaim Trump supporters after he flames out, and don’t want to alienate them by being seen as the cause for it.

Of course these illegal aliens and their supportes in the media and the goverment hide the truth that terrorists are alos ready to cross the border as so called refugees

@Greg: I’m guessing the Donald Trump campaign will go into a meltdown long before it’s over.

Whatever do you think might lead to that, Greg?
For a year (next week) Donald Trump has faced down 17 opponents successfully.
At one point there were 55,000 negative ads against him, still he prevailed. Estimates are that between $63 million and $67 million in negative ads were bought and aired.
Still he prevailed.

Donald Trump has worked nearly every day on his campaign.
When he’s taken a few days off he comes back energized.

What could Hillary pull against Trump that would cause him to ”meltdown?”
She did an anti-Trump foreign policy speech yesterday and pundits agree on Left and Right that she hurt herself more then Trump by doing so.

I think she only has to continue pointing out about Trump what people can see for themselves. He’s a seriously flawed choice for a presidential nominee. The country wouldn’t be safe with such a person in the White House. It isn’t a matter of left or right. There are plenty of well respected conservatives that see this.

Well respected conservatives-ones that already like the hildebeast? Anyone who thinks that Trump would be worse for the country and the world than clinton pays way too much attention to the lsm and actually believes the crap they put out.
As I have said before, having a LEADER who has had success and failure as opposed to one who has NO accomplishments that even she can think of is a no-brainer. She leaves a trail of foreign policy disasters behind her as SOS. Yeah, give her control of the Presidency!

@Bookdoc: LSM–You can watch him and hear what he says on Fox or CNN—More than sufficient for anyone to realize he should never be POTUS

@Nanny G: #3
California if full of self-hating, guilt-ridden, white people who actually claim that ‘white men’ are the problem in the world. It’s now a refrain for the lost. On the West coast, every one else is jumping aboard that train.

Michelle Obama fuelled that guilt today with representations that she now lives in a house built by slaves.

These Mexican flag-waving stooges want to bring the brilliance demonstrated by ALL their crooked leaders over the last century, into American governance?

Hillary and Soros have jumped the shark.

Those slimey pieces of worm ridden filth need to be deported from america they have no place here

@Richard Wheeler:
Read Olson’s “Hell to Pay” and tell me you’d allow that to become POTUS.

The actions of these animals vindicate Trump’s words.

Yes they’re proving every day that Trump was right, that the scum of Mexico is coming under the fence. If they want to come here and be a part of the country shouldn’t they be waving an American flag and saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

@retire05: 14

Requires Congressional action.

Not true. Just rescind BHO’s XO’s that permit them. BHO is illegally allowing them at this time. Just rescind the illegal XO and it won’t be permitted.

Spurwing Plover, #36

The country would be far better off if it could get rid of the haters.

@Greg: Yes I agree. The video of the rioters shows who the REAL haters are. These aren’t diversity loving tolerant people, they are people afraid their freebees are going to dry up.

This proves again the violence is on the LEFT not the right. There were no violent protests at any tea party rallies. No one is rioting at HRC events from the right.

Look at all those Useful Idiots one has a mexican flag the others are carrying stupid signs with stupid slogans on them and Hillary the Hag is blaming Trump for the riots typical liberal demac-RAT arogant and ignorant Dumber then a sack of stones


History does have a way of repeating itself. And with the help from folks likes of Dr. Brownshirt John et al pushing Adolf Trump to the WH, we may very well see it again.

Yes, history IS repeating itself. The actions of these thugs, some no doubt, again, paid by Soros, resembles the Nazi Brownshirts breaking up political rallies of opponents in the 1930’s. I noticed you did not like the reaction to the violence, but seem pretty much OK with the left wing violence itself.

It was only a few days ago when you were actually advocating violence to Trump heckers, that we didn’t even need due process.

That’s EXACTLY what is needed. When these punk thugs lash out at someone as they did the woman or the guy that the little cowardly weasel sneaked up behind and hit with his big purse, a wave of supporters should wade into the “protesters” with bats and pipes… the same medicine they dispense with such zeal.

It is obvious that the left has lost all confidence in their argument and now have to rely on violent extremes to try and suppress the voices of reason. They aren’t just going to be embarrassed at their third world behavior and leave… they will have to be defeated with force.

Dr Brownshirt, I’m not going to waste time searching the archives but I believe it was when you officially held your nose and endorsed Trump (which I do understand as his ass must surely reek of horrific stench). We were arguing about his advocating violence towards his hecklers. You were all for it. Are you not now?

Are you even remotely aware of who these idiots that are egging young women and blindsiding guys they disagree with support, or are you simply too cowardly to admit it? These are leftists and they are incited by puppet masters that manipulate these fools for their own ends. You think only the retaliatory violence is bad; the terroristic left wing provocative violence is “justified”. Well, retaliatory violence is definitely justified.

@Nanny G: #20 That’s better than Ipecac.


How typically liberal. Make an assertion of fact you’re too lazy to validate.

Sort of like Hillary giving a speech accusing Trump of MAYBE being dangerous, with no validation other than her “judgement” when she has PROVEN to be a disastrous danger to national security.


I’m guessing the Donald Trump campaign will go into a meltdown long before it’s over.

Trump doesn’t face any indictments over lies and illegal actions, so I would say that risk exists to a far greater extent on the Hillary side than Trump’s. Even if Obama and Lynch intercede and block an indictment, this would be an even harder blow to Crooked Hillary.

The country would be far better off if it could get rid of the haters.

So, now you promote deporting liberals? For, if you would step away from your usual sources of propaganda and see who is actually perpetrating the hate and violence, you would see that it is the people YOU blindly support.

For instance, what is the “hate” and “intolerance” that these animals are violently protesting against? Nothing but the pledge to uphold and enforce existing immigration laws and do whatever it takes to secure our borders. That, when an excuse is needed to justify leftist violence, is what passes for “hate speech”. No mention of liberals promoting violence and property damage to prevent someone exercising their 1st Amendment rights or the obscenity of that.

@Spurwing Plover, #42:

They’re carrying Mexican flags because the presumptive jackass who’s rallying the troops inside has repeatedly insulted their ethnicity and nation of origin.

Did you know that “trump” is an old slang word in the UK? It’s a verb, referring to the act breaking of wind out one’s backside.

I believe such signs were calculated as a slap in the faces of Trump and his supporters. They know perfectly well what side of the border they’re on. They also know when their heritage is being demeaned.

Once upon a time, it was Mexican Territory. The United States seized it by force of arms. It’s a done deal, but they were actually there first. (If you discount the Native Americans, some of whom may have noticed the irony the situation.)

@Richard Wheeler: –You can watch him and hear what he says on Fox or CNN—

If by ”him” you mean Donald Trump, you are 100% wrong.
Use the web site
At that site you can get uncut, un-misrepresented Trump speeches.
What I have seen on both Fox News and CNN is awful.
Pundits who take a small bit out of context, who take a mis-statement which was later and forevermore said correctly, who quote lefty sources that had mis-quoted Trump are very common.

@Mully: These aren’t diversity loving tolerant people, they are people afraid their freebees are going to dry up.

Well put.
Donald Trump promises, not ”free college,” but many and better jobs out there after college.
He promises, not more freebies, but more opportunities to get off welfare programs.
Some people are so enamored of freebies that they see that as a threat.
All that said, he also promises that really needy people, like the elderly, widows and orphans will be supported by our welfare safety net.
It is only those who expect that temporary safety net to be a permanent hammock who are upset.

Trump never demeaned their heritage-he, like me, objects to Mexico dumping their poor illiterates and criminals on us. We then land up supporting them and they send the money they get back to Mexico. By the way, Mexico appropriated the territory first although there weren’t a lot of people then. We took some by warfare and some by payment-that’s how history works. I have no respect for foreigners that come her and expect us to cater to them. Try being arrested in Mexico and tell them you want a translator, welfare, and free medical care and education. After they stop laughing, they will direct back to the states.


They’re carrying Mexican flags because the presumptive jackass who’s rallying the troops inside has repeatedly insulted their ethnicity and nation of origin.

Tell us how he insulted them… and try very hard not to use the lying left wing talking points instead of the truth.

No, they carry their Mexican flags because that is where their loyalties lay… not with the United States, where many of them are residing illegally, where they soak the taxpayer for subsidies and where they violate not only the immigration laws but many criminal laws as well.

I believe such signs were calculated as a slap in the faces of Trump and his supporters.

They are signs designed to drive home the point that though they reside here illegally, they DEMAND that the American taxpayer pay their way and bow to their demands. In addition, no doubt the signs were provided by professional agitators, like Obama used to be.

Once upon a time, it was Mexican Territory. The United States seized it by force of arms.

Mexico waged war on the United States because the US allowed Texas into the Union. The result was that the fledgling nation kicked the more powerful and well-armed Mexico’s ass. In the process, Mexico lost some territory… which the United States PAID THEM FOR. This is what I remember from high school. That actual history stuff can be a real rude awakening, Greg.

@Bill, #49:

Tell us how he insulted them… and try very hard not to use the lying left wing talking points instead of the truth.

He can tell you himself. He hasn’t taken back a word of it, or clarified that he actually meant a certain small category of undocumented immigrants. At each opportunity, he’s thrown a little more fuel on the fire. His entire campaign involves pitches to the most negative and divisive emotions and prejudices in the room. He doesn’t care about truth or lies, only about what’s politically useful.

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