It’s plain as the graffiti on a Dumpster: Time for Trump to get out of the race. (Guest Post)



Playtime for millionaires is over, someone close to “The Donald” (who he can’t fire for uttering a discouraging word ) has to approach him and let him know that it’s time to put his “abortive” experiment to bed and suspend his campaign. (or douse the dumpster fire, whichever analogy fits)

And while he had a good run and perhaps accomplished a few things like downing political correctness and selling red baseball caps the damage has been excessively conspicuous.

Let’s face it, while politicians aren’t the most sought after in terms of honesty and forthrightness, they do have their place in polite society. You hire a brain surgeon to do brain surgery, a property developer to develop property and a political personality to handle politics. We all have a place on God’s green earth with a purpose to fulfill and one must play to one’s strengths.

The past few weeks has shown that “The Donald” is way out of his element in terms of his innate abilities and weaknesses. A man who cannot hold his tongue (or Tweet as the case may be) shows himself to be particularly unsuitable for high office – especially the first time off the starting blocks. Such “non political” celebrities can be supremely entertaining in the reality show of life, but when it comes to matters of life and death the man (or woman) you want one who takes a considered approach to and thinks before speaking (or tweeting) out lest damage control becomes a repeated functionality in an ever tightening feedback loop.

Each new day brings forth embarrassing manifestations, the man can’t speak without putting his foot in his mouth (Too bad that expression isn’t related to his hands – they might fit with room to spare, but I digress) Instead of unified thought he flies off the handle with insults and gaffes that cost several precious news cycles off message to mitigate the damage.

Consider this enumeration of the succession of debacles that stand out as the most egregious in the past few weeks.

Instead of quickly apologizing to Michelle Fields the Trumpster choose to act like a leftist thug attacking and trying to denigrate her story. Trump fans taunted her with questions of why she didn’t file a police report and why there was no video of the event after which the whole thing blew up in their collectives faces.

The re-tweet attack on the wife of the Ted Cruz – along with his other chauvinistic calamities -should put him is good stead to lose100% of the female vote, which appears to be his sought-after goal.

Donald Trump has LOST several contests in a row, with his polling in a nosedive and his campaign in alert condition Orange.

All of this culminating in the Trumpster’s ignominious defeat in Wisconsin, his 4th in a row. And instead being magnanimous in that defeat Trump choose to be petty and vindictive, along with hurling a spurious accusation of the commission of a Federal crime. These are not the confident actions of a man on a winning streak but the contemptible misdeeds of a failure in a steep decline.

Part of the man’s appeal is his whining. Er.. winning.. but his polls are tanking and he’s losing primaries even with his friends in the media provide him with 5 times the coverage

Trump’s numerous gaffes, missteps and flip-flops makes it plain the man is not ready for prime time, he’s not even ready for late night infomercials for the “Trump network”.

This is not to mention that the man is destined to lose in the November election, an election the right should win with their eyes closed. Bear in mind this is not a candidate who made a few missteps and can recover, this is a man who’s been in the public eye for decades. Trumps is a very a polarizing figure, people either hate the man or have fallen for his scams and schemes. This time around is no different, Trumpfins seem not to care about each new revelation and colossal mistake and blithely go on supporting the man. This aside for the folks supporting Trump from the other side who are salivating at a landslide victory against him.

Side note: Shouldn’t “Republicans” who support Trump be abjectly horrified by all of his antics over the past few weeks? And yet they are not…… makes you contemplate if they are truly “Republicans”?

It’s assured that Trump has some temporary advantages, primarily a fawning media that lets him have full reign with his Trump Scam infomercial with nary a hard question asked. But were the Trumpster to get the nomination that advantage would quickly turn around with the left now out to get him at each turn. The same holds true for all the Temporary cross over voters from the left trying to choose the worst possible candidate for our side.

In summary, we are seeing a campaign fly apart before our very eyes, wrecking itself on the rocks of history. Shouldn’t we put it out of our misery while there is still time to save the country?

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@Redteam: It has been over 2 months since Jan 28th, Trump instructed supporters to visit the web site of the Donald J Trump Foundation for Vets in order to make donations to the cause. Some potential donors were skeptical, however, as the receiving entity was listed as the Donald J Trump Foundation and not a veterans’ charity
Only $2.9 million of promised $6 million has been delivered …
I dont have any faith in Trump and I do not lean left and others you have accused of being liberal from Wisconsin conservative talk radio are also not backing any Dems or socialists.
In #24 Wisconsin has always been a liberal state, not true.
Trumps campaign managers are putting his run into the crapper

@Artfldgr: #44
Artfldgr, well done. I might underline that Trump’s net worth isn’t artificially inflated by a bubbled stock market like so many billionaires. His billions are aggregated Hard assets – mostly the kind you see touch and feel.

In a global economic meltdown, he’d be in one of the best positions of any billionaire in America.


In #24 Wisconsin has always been a liberal state, not true.

well, okay probably 150 years ago it might have been neutral.
Kitt, why did you skip my questions and just ask more? What percentage of United Funds donations solicited, but not received, have already been sent out to the final destinations? Do you think all the money the Red Cross got from the bell ringers at Christmas have already reached the pockets of the final recipients? Expecting a two month turn around time from the solicitation of a donation, until received and accounted for and distributed seems a little strange. Why would you expect that out of Trump anymore so than the Red Cross? Do you think that all the money that was pledged has actually been received at the Trump headquarters? Give it a little thought.
So let’s see Jan 28th Trump asks them for the donations. You think the donations all got there that night? or the next day? I don’t. But the percentage already distributed to veterans is already higher than the percentage most charities ever distribute. Look at what just happened to wounded warriors project, the two top guys got fired. Wonder why?

@Redteam: I have given it thought, when you donate “online” you normally put a credit card in for payment, the donations would be paid by MC or Visa charge or debit , The site lists many vet charities this money is to benefit not just wounded warriors. 3 million in processing fees is steep but with all the media attention I am sure the foundation will pony up more.
Red you have become like so many other Trumpettes bashing everyone and everything that might not worship your candidate, to the point of outright lies, which could just be ill informed assumptions on your part. This is where #NEVERTRUMPers get born. You skipped all the other questions in my post where is he going to get 19T in 8 years? I think he making more promises that sound good he wont deliver on.
I am not a nevertrump YET but YOU are working on that.


because most of them are for Bernie and Hillary.

And on what basis do you make that unfounded contention?

Please be aware that merely restating your baseless contention does not constitute proof.


So as i said your a wack job, as you did not answer any of the questions, but threw them back… your not interested in anything but trolling.

You can try to rationalize your childish behavior all you want, but the description still holds – this aside from your destroying your own credibility claiming you do not engage in that.

i answered your questions with facts, and you have absolutely nothing to say.

Did you answer ALL my questions?
And once again you rhetorically shoot your credibility in the foot making an unfounded claim such as that

Please be aware that facts need to be grounded in links to sources that bolster such things – did you provide them?

the funniest thing about you is that you somehow think annoying people for nothing is a good way to change their minds, but you barely like yourself so your capacity for liking others doesnt really exist. certainly that is clear from your lack of respect, bs games, and so on.

What is it about Supporters of Trump that instead of utilizing intellectual arguments, you engage in the practice of making things up on which you can have no knowledge?


What percentage of United Funds donations solicited, but not received, have already been sent out to the final destinations? Do you think all the money the Red Cross got from the bell ringers at Christmas have already reached the pockets of the final recipients? Expecting a two month turn around time from the solicitation of a donation, until received and accounted for and distributed seems a little strange. Why would you expect that out of Trump anymore so than the Red Cross? Do you think that all the money that was pledged has actually been received at the Trump headquarters?

To begin with, it is not the Red Cross that has the Christmas bell ringers, but rather the Salvation Army. Just a minor point.

Every registered charity, which the Trump Foundation is, has to provide at least annual statements to the IRS. Many have to provide quarterly statements due to the size of the charity. Those statements would not only include actually monies received, but pledged donations, as well. Pledged donations serve as monies that will be received in the “near” future, i.e. before the next quarterly report.

The filing also has to include all expenditures as well as all cash donations. That is how CREW learned of the Trump Foundation’s $25,000.00 cash donation to the Florida AG, Pam Bondi. A $25,000.00 error is pretty major by most people’s thinking.

If Trump Foundation took in $6 million, that was specifically earmarked for transfer to veteran’s charities, the Form 990 should reflect that.

@Redteam: It’s one thing to say something, quite another entirely to actually prove it. The later requires factual evidence, not merely stating so.

While you may be emulating the object of your adoration, even he has fallen short in this kind of venture.

@Redteam: Has Cruz won 4 in a row – Yes or No?

Are you seriously denying the factual data I posted?

Poll: Trump’s Unfavorability Now at Whopping 70 Percent

BTW, that link is a great place to find comments from leftist eagerly anticipating a Trump nomination so he can easily be trounced in the fall.

Supporters of Trump should read over such things and take pause and reflect asto why they are anticipating this result.

@Artfldgr: Just out of curiosity – what is the source of that information?

It’s worse than you think: Trump’s business disaster

Trump Mortgage failed. Here’s what that says about the GOP front-runner.

With GOP nomination looming, Trump slated to take witness stand in fraud trial

Donald Trump: The Business Resume

TRUMPED: The Donald, The Widow and Eminent Domain

Donald Trump may be a self-starter, but he’s not self-funded

Donald Trump on protester: ‘I’d like to punch him in the face’

Liberal Writer: Don’t Worry, Trump’s A Liberal via @dailycaller

Donald Trump (NY-R-I-D-R-NP-R) Has Twice Dumped The GOP, But Remains A Republican At Press Time

20,000 Massachusetts Democrats switch parties before Super Tuesday via @DCExaminer

Donald Trump: The Chameleon

Enjoy either Jeb or Hillery thats what you get if you dont vote TRUMP 2016

@Melba Boffin: 59

Has Cruz won 4 in a row – Yes or No?

No, absolutely not. Of the last 8, Trump won 6 and Cruz the last 2, that’s it.


Red you have become like so many other Trumpettes bashing everyone and everything that might not worship your candidate,

When did I become a Trumpette? I’m not even sure what that is, but I have said that I support Trump. I have only stated that he will likely be the candidate. I think he would make a better president than any other candidate that is presently running, but that doesn’t mean that I’m ‘for him’. I’m basically just not ‘against’ him.

to the point of outright lies, which could just be ill informed assumptions on your part.

I notice you didn’t bother to point out any of these ‘outright’ lies that you claim. When you make a stupid statement such as that, you know what it makes you look like? I’ll let you guess.


You skipped all the other questions in my post where is he going to get 19T in 8 years?

Why would I want to answer that? Have I claimed that Trump can raise 19 T in 8 years? I don’t think I have claimed that. Why don’t you tell us where he’s going to get that money?

@Melba Boffin: What does “Boffin” mean?

@Melba Boffin:

Trump’s getting trounced in Indiana

Oh, what’s the vote count as of today? Exactly what date is the Indiana polling going to be? Is it before May?

@Melba Boffin:

Supporters of Trump should read over such things

Since you are reading such things are we to assume you are a Trump supporter? Or is it perhaps written as grist for those opposed to Trump? Is that why you’re reading it?

@retire05: Good comment Retire. I see nothing contrary in what you said. My point was generally, as you said, that charities basically work on an annual basis so I think Ms Boffin’s expectations that Trump would have a fund raiser in the last week in Jan and expect that all the funds will have come in, been accounted for, checks written and cashed by the organizations all within 2 months and fund raising reports issued is a little much to expect. We haven’t been able to get campaign numbers on Shrillary for years.
But, as you said:

Every registered charity, which the Trump Foundation is, has to provide at least annual statements to the IRS. Many have to provide quarterly statements due to the size of the charity.

I’m not sure if Trumps qualifies for the quarterly or annual reporting, but money solicited in Jan wouldn’t even show up on a quarterly report until after the 1st qtr, which just ended last week. If it is assumed that money pledged in Jan will arrive within that quarter, then it is not reasonable to expect it would also have been distributed to charities within that time. I think someone is just attempting to use any thing they can find to knock Trump and it’s not a legitimate beef.

@Redteam: Perhaps since you don’t want to have an even passing familiarity with facts, reality and logic, why don’t you tell me when was the last time Trump won?

Since he’s supposed to be a ‘winner’ you should be able to me when that took place.

@Redteam: So are certain items only for supporter’s of Trump?

Got Liberty?


Oh, what’s the vote count as of today? Exactly what date is the Indiana polling going to be? Is it before May?

Did I say that that was the case?
What is wrong with Trump and his allegedly winning ways?

What does “Boffin” mean?

What does “Redteam” mean?
Are you having difficulty with the concept of debate on an adult level?

God willing, hopefully Trump will soon dump his quest and put his campaign out of our misery.

@Redteam: The statement about Wisconsin being liberal is not true. You are assuming with no information or knowledge of the political leanings of most of Wisconsin, but you post it.
You say Trump is the best candidate running but dont seem to care HOW he will make America great, I guess as clear as Hope and Change
I see him as an untrustworthy shape-shifter changing his opinions as the wind blows.

@Melba Boffin: Trump won Mar 22 at Arizona. Cruz has won 2 since then. His only 2 in the last 10

@kitt: kitt, I don’t know why or what got your panties in a wad, but you are arguing with yourself. So Wisconsin has been liberal forever but recently elected a Republican so now you assume the state has changed it’s stripes. No. They just finally got fed up with liberals.

You say Trump is the best candidate running but dont seem to care HOW he will make America great,

Does it matter how? If he makes America great again, wouldn’t that be a good thing? Do you think Hillary or Bernie has plans to make it great? How about Cruz? How would lhe do it? Does it matter?

@Melba Boffin:

What does “Redteam” mean?

I would think that is obvious, Red is conservatives and team is a part of the Red group. Now, what does Boffin mean? (I’m assuming that not really your name)

Are you having difficulty with the concept of debate on an adult level?

With you, yes because you make dumb ass statements and won’t answer questions. Such as you saying how many times Cruz has won lately. Where is your states and dates? I’ve answered those questions, you ignore them.

Did I say that that was the case?

You said Trump was getting trounced in Indiana and I asked when was the vote. How can anyone be getting trounced a month before the vote?

@Redteam: I happen to love my state, most of us here do.
Cruz Plan is to get Fed gov out of education, and health care, Push a flat tax, get rid of 5 Federal agencies shrink government. Secure the border and if here illegally no getting back in (Trump says the can come back after breaking the law by entering illegally) Enforce immigration laws that are already on the books.
If you haven’t researched the candidates and the platforms how can you be for or against anybody?
Wisconsin has in its history had
Democratic (12) Republican (31) Whig (1) Wisconsin Progressive (2) governors
Wow how liberal 31 republican to 12 democrats 3 else
By making ill educated posts like this:
So Wisconsin has been liberal forever but recently elected a Republican so now you assume the state has changed it’s stripes. No. They just finally got fed up with liberals. when history proves you are making it ALL up out of your head.


Cruz Plan is to get Fed gov out of education, and health care, Push a flat tax, get rid of 5 Federal agencies shrink government. Secure the border and if here illegally no getting back in

Does that include Cruz himself? After all, it hasn’t been determined if he is here legally or not. Remains to be seen.

(Trump says the can come back after breaking the law by entering illegally)

BS, you know very well that Trump has consistently had the more “keep illegals out” message. “build a wall” remember?

If you haven’t researched the candidates

Oh, so you have researched Cruz? What country is he a citizen of. What country was he ‘born’ a citizen of? When and where and how did he become an American citizen, when was his birth registered with the US? by whom?

Democratic (12) Republican (31)

Very good. You think the numbers aren’t available on google, or something?
I’m not for a flat tax. I don’t think people making less than 20,000 should be paying any Federal income tax. I think people making over a million should be paying a higher percentage than someone making less than a hundred grand, etc. Don’t bother to tell me that you’re for a ‘flat tax’ that is not ‘flat’.

Cruz seems to be ok, as I’ve said in the past, if he were eligible I might even vote for him. But he’s not.


I don’t think people making less than 20,000 should be paying any Federal income tax. I think people making over a million should be paying a higher percentage than someone making less than a hundred grand, etc.

Then you are antithetical to the conservative view of income tax, a policy that was instituted by the Socialist president, Woodrow Wilson, but rather support the progressive (Marxist) view of taxation.


The so-called “conservative viewpoint” on income tax was designed by rich bastards who foisted it onto the backs – and checkbooks – of right-leaning working class stupes who didn’t know just how ludicrous the promise of a-bigger-cut-of-the-pie-for-everyone actually was.

The money the government HAS to spend has to come from somewhere, and the poor sure can’t cough it up, ’cause they ain’t got it.


Then you are antithetical to the conservative view of income tax,

Don’t believe so Retire. I’ve never heard that Conservatives want to tax the little guy and let the fat cats go free.

but rather support the progressive (Marxist) view of taxation.

Not hardly, the Marxist view is to tax everyone. I’m certainly not, as I clearly said, for taxing the low wage earners. Socialists want to tax everyone that has anything to give to everyone that will not work for anything.
So, Retire, are you for taxing someone that makes under 20 grand at the same rate as you tax millionaires?

I think probably the most fair taxing system would be to have a national sales tax. That way if someone spends money, they pay taxes. I’d say basic needs such as basic groceries would have a very low/or no/ rate. Luxury houses and cars and airplanes would have high rates. Buying high volumes of stock would have higher rates. This gets money from anyone that has money and especially from the richest that spend the most.
I don’t know if there is a ‘fair’ way to tax people, but if a country is going to exist, it has to have a source of income.

You are right about taxation, Redteam. Retire05’s plan reminds me of the Feudal System, where wealthy land-owners taxed their serfs into perpetual poverty and ultimately, slavery. I can’t imagine the appeal of such a system to an electorate composed predominantly of hard-working, low wage-earning people, yet they continue to be duped into supporting Retire-05’s sort of tax proposals. I guess that they’re willing to pay Trump to buy another jet for himself…

@Redteam: What does “Redteam” mean?

I would think that is obvious, Red is conservatives and team is a part of the Red group.

Well it’s not obvious since Red used to mean Socialist:

Understanding Political Color Designations
Throughout the rest of the world, specific colors carry very specific designations and are widely understood by the general population:

Blue – The color of the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada and British conservatives of the UK. “Tory blue” is associated with more right-wing, conservative political thought.

Red – Canada’s “Liberal red” and Britain’s Labor Party are considered more socialist, or left-wing. In some cases, red is associated with communistic governments. During the McCarthy era in the U.S., pink was the color of socialist ideology.


Chiefly British Slang
A scientist, especially one engaged in research.
[Origin unknown.]

Can you comprehend that someone could be referring to polling data?

I find it interesting that you try to rationalize your childish behavior with circular logic.

Have you answered all of my questions and addressed all of the points I’ve raised?


Trump won Mar 22 at Arizona. Cruz has won 2 since then. His only 2 in the last 10

This is the week that Ted Cruz won the Republican nomination
Home runs in Wisconsin, Colorado and winning the ‘delegate race’ adds up to Trump falling short and Cruz victorious
. As more March contests took place however, the persistent overperformance of Cruz (in places like Kansas, Wyoming and Maine) and underperformance of Rubio led finally to Rubio’s withdrawal after Florida. Despite Kasich staying in, the race winnowed and clarified to the point where Cruz was finally given his chance to go toe to toe with Trump.

And what happened? While Trump won in Arizona, in part due to early votes in the Arizona primary and a favorable state for his immigration message, since then it’s been Cruz domination:

Cruz won Utah with 69% of the vote, sweeping all of Utah’s 40 delegates.
Cruz won delegates out of Louisiana that were available.
Cruz then won the North Dakota delegate race, taking 18 out of 25 delegates. Trump got only 1 publicly supporting delegate.
Cruz won in Wisconsin, getting close to 50% of the vote and winning 36 out of the 42 delegates by winning most Congressional districts, with just 6 delegates for Trump.
Cruz won the Colorado delegate selection process, winning all of the delegate races, either with Cruz bound delegates or Cruz-supporting unbound delegates, a total of 34 delegates.
Cruz has been winning the ‘other’ nomination race, the race for actual delegates, even when bound to Trump. In places like Georgia, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Tennessee, and many other states. For example, this weekend in Iowa, a CD is sending #CruzCrew delegates to Iowa..

Now, I’m no supporter of Trump, but that certainly looks like more than 2.

@Redteam: I have researched his platform, not into the birther thing thats for the courts to decide and every case so far has been tossed out.
In more than one interview Trump has said he would allow those that did not have a criminal record back in after deportation.
You know you just have to google this stuff instead of making an ass out of yourself by assuming an untruth.
I have read that Teds mom an American citizen was not in Canada long enough to become a citizen, A Baby born of an american citizen abroad has American citizenship.
Again if in dispute its for the courts to decide.
Under Cruz flat tax plan a family of 4 making less than 36000 will pay no federal tax.
It much less complex than Trumps

Cruz would be a much better choice for president than Trump, and better than the Democrats running for more than a few reasons. But I’m not at all convinced that the polls are wrong, and I’m not at all convinced that Cruz can win the national election. I KNOW that Trump can’t, but if the GOP doesn’t let him TRY, he’s going to screw them and hand the Democrat candidate the White House, no matter who that is, because that’s just who he is. Denying him the nomination will split the GOP bad, but it WOULD help the congressional Republicans. That would really be the best option among a handful of bad options. In the mean time, the Democrats get to stack the SCOTUS, thanks to THE DONALD.

@Melba Boffin:

Well it’s not obvious since Red used to mean Socialist:

‘used to’ being the operative words there.

Red – Canada’s “Liberal red” and Britain’s Labor Party

Last time I looked I lived in the southern US, not quite Canadian, maybe you’re thinking of Cruz.

I find it interesting that you try to rationalize your childish behavior with circular logic.

I find it interesting that you try to use logic.

Have you answered all of my questions and addressed all of the points I’ve raised?

It’s not my fault that you can’t stand the truth.

#88, you need to attempt to get back to the real world. If you’ve seen more than two, it was an illusion.


Under Cruz flat tax plan a family of 4 making less than 36000 will pay no federal tax.

How can it be a flat tax if someone pays no tax. If it’s ‘flat’ and someone pays nothing that means all pay nothing. If the flat rate is 5% that means everyone pays 5%. , etc. Otherwise it’s not a ‘flat tax’.

You say you’ve not looked into the birther issue and then go off and attempt to explain it. Maybe you should follow your advice and google it.

From your link:

Under the Simple Flat Tax, the current seven rates of personal income tax will collapse into a single low rate of 10 percent. For a family of four, the first $36,000 will be tax-free.

That is not a ‘flat tax’. If it were ‘flat’ everyone would pay 10%.
How does a person pay taxes on property he sells at a profit? How does a person pay taxes on investment income? How does a person pay taxes on interest? How do rich people that do not pay their taxes through payroll deduction pay their flat rate? You don’t see a problem here? His plan only requires you to say what your payroll amount was and to pay some percentage of that. Makes no provisions for most types of income. This is a rich man’s dream tax plan.

@kitt: your link to politifact’s version of Trump’s tax plan doesn’t work.

@George Wells:

But I’m not at all convinced that the polls are wrong, and I’m not at all convinced that Cruz can win the national election.

If you watch union workers being interviewed on tv about how mad they are that their jobs are going to China and mexico and they say they’re going to vote for Trump. Based on most opinions, no one can win the election, so I guess we’re going to have to go the next 4 years without a prez.

@Redteam: I gave multiples just for that reason some of the links dont work all the time I am sure you can search the information.
As far as the birther issue there have been several decisions as far as natural born and needs to be sorted out in court, what I can find is moot, what are you a welfare queen everything done for you and handed on a silver platter, go look for yourself.
The flat tax being a rich mans dream, great I would like to be rich someday and not have it all sucked away by a huge wasteful government. And by freeing up the tax burden on the family of 4 they may be able to put those dollars into an investment plan for their future. 36K isnt buying what it used to.
Direct deposit to the Treasury Department from the investment companies, My investment company pays taxes on my investment income to the Feds and to the state. The current tax code is too complex too many forms and each form has a rule, the tax attorneys and professional tax companies will hate the thousands and thousands of pages of complex rules going to the shredder.


“If you watch union workers being interviewed on tv about how mad they are that their jobs are going to China and mexico and they say they’re going to vote for Trump.”

That’s a laugh. Union membership has fallen so precipitously, especially since so many manufacturing jobs HAVE been exported, that it is folly to base any election prediction on what union workers say on television.

“Based on most opinions, no one can win the election”

I know that you are going to disavow the “based on most opinions” part of that, or else you’ll have to walk back the prediction that followed it. That’s because you KNOW that someone can, and will, win the election. Just like what happened in the LAST presidential election, the polls are right, and Republicans spent their time before the election denying the obvious: that Americans didn’t want Romney and his mean-spirited RNC-generated “platform” MORE than they didn’t want another 4 years of King Obama’s reign. The polls are right again, and this time the Republicans are inventing scenarios in which the impossible CAN happen: a Republican candidate who has the worst ever negative ratings among potential voters CAN somehow manage to win an election contest against other more appealing candidates. And, of course, pigs can fly.

It isn’t the high cost of American wages that’s killing manufacturing jobs. We could start with the alphabet soup of federal agencies the companies have to deal with to produce a product and have an employee in this country.
Buy American made, the few bucks you pay extra could keep your neighbor employed.

@Redteam: You brought up the subject matter, not I.

And it’s okay to be a Red, you just have to be honest about it.
I’ve seen where many a Red leftist has wanted Trump to be the nominee for the sole purpose of having the weakest candidate possible for them to compete against.

You also have to stop acting like the object of you worship and act like an adult, you will sound more intelligent that way.

Now, could you please respond to my question instead if childishly dodging it:

Have you answered all of my questions and addressed all of the points I’ve raised?


As far as the birther issue there have been several decisions

no there haven’t. Dismissed for lack of standing without hearing the issue. No decisions made.

what are you a welfare queen

Not familiar with that term. Is that something you were raised as or with? I was well paid all my life and never received a dime from the government or any charity.

great I would like to be rich someday and not have it all sucked away by a huge wasteful government.

So you don’t think rich people should pay their share?

And by freeing up the tax burden on the family of 4 they may be able to put those dollars into an investment plan for their future.

What about a family of two, or 3 or 5? If you are going to exempt some, how do you decide? Isn’t ‘flat tax’ supposed to do away with arbitrary decisions, everyone pays a flat rate? Is a family of 5 that makes 40,000 a lot better off so their income is not exempt? When you start making exceptions to the ‘flat tax’ it is no longer flat.

Direct deposit to the Treasury Department from the investment companies, My investment company pays taxes on my investment income to the Feds and to the state.

Ted’s plan does away with that. No more IRS and you file on a post card and only on your amount earned from your employer. He said it, I didn’t. Means you don’t have to pay unless you have a wage paying job.

@George Wells:

That’s a laugh. Union membership has fallen so precipitously, especially since so many manufacturing jobs HAVE been exported, that it is folly to base any election prediction on what union workers say on television.

So you’re saying the Dimocrats are no longer interested in the Union members? They’re writing them off? Are there other classes being written off by the Dims?

The polls are right again, and this time the Republicans are inventing scenarios in which the impossible CAN happen

If your statement is accurate, that means we never had a president Reagan, Jimma Cartah got re-elected, right?

And, of course, pigs can fly.

Obama again?