Time For Republicans To Unite Behind Cruz (Guest Post)


A Trump nomination will be disastrous for the Republican Party. That’s because he won’t win against Hillary Clinton, despite her email and Benghazi scandals.

The only way to stop Donald Trump is for the Republicans to unite behind Ted Cruz. John Kasich has no chance winning the nomination. A vote for him is effectively a vote for Trump. Even if the convention is deadlocked with nobody getting 1,237 delegates, it is ridiculous for Kasich to win the nomination.

He is fourth in the delegate count behind Trump, Cruz and Rubio. If he is somehow nominated, the Trump and Cruz supporters will be very angry and won’t show up at the voting booth, come November.

So why is Kasich staying on when he is trailing the delegate count behind Marco Rubio who has dropped out? One possibility is that he is delusional. Or perhaps, he is hoping either Trump or Cruz will offer him the Vice President slot. Kasich splits the anti-Trump votes. So a vote for Kasich is effectively a vote for Trump. A vote for Trump is effectively a vote for Clinton.

In the latest polls, Clinton beats Trump by 11%. But she beats Cruz by only 2%. 2% is within the margin of error. If Kasich cares for his party and for his country, he must stop dreaming that he can somehow prevail. He must drop out and he has to do it before the Wisconsin Primary. Wisconsin is quite close to Ohio, Kasich’s home state. Thus Kasich has a home advantage and will divert badly needed votes from Cruz. If Trump wins Wisconsin, it’s hard to see how Cruz can win the North Eastern states where Trump has a home ground advantage.

There is more at stake than just the Presidency. Trump’s brand is toxic. He will poison the Republican brand. With him as the Republican Presidential nominee, the Senate could flip to the Democrats. At stake is also control of the Supreme Court for the next President could be appointing the next three Supreme Court judges.

The world is aflame with ISIS attacking US allies and the US. The US is in debt to the tune of $19 trillion. A Clinton Presidency will only continue the pain of the last seven years. There is substantially no difference between her policies and that of President Barack Obama’s.

At this stage, only a Cruz nomination can have a realistic hope of stopping Clinton. Trump has benefitted from a friendly news media that gave him constant coverage. The left wing news media has not reported much of Trump’s negatives. My suspicion is that they are deliberately holding their fire to help Trump win the Nomination, so that Clinton will have an easy target in the General Election. If Trump gets nominated for President, you can expect non stop coverage on his unhappy students from Trump University, his businesses that went bankrupt and his philandering ways.

If I were Cruz, I would ask Kasich to drop out in exchange for the Vice President slot. Kasich has proven himself to be a popular Governor in Ohio. He will ensure Ohio, a very crucial state, will vote Republican in the General Election.

The speculation is that Trump may have already secretly offered the Vice Presidential position to Kasich in exchange for remaining in the race to divide the anti-Trump votes. But a Cruz-Kasich combo has a better chance of beating Clinton than a Trump-Kasich combo. I am sure that Kasich can see that. So Cruz should pick up that phone and call Kasich.

Otherwise, say hello to President Hillary Clinton.

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Ted Cruz the new Madhi anointed by God to save America.

How stupid can Cruzebots possible be?

So why is Kasich staying on when he is trailing the delegate count behind Marco Rubio who has dropped out? One possibility is that he is delusional. Or perhaps, he is hoping either Trump or Cruz will offer him the Vice President slot. Kasich splits the anti-Trump votes. So a vote for Kasich is effectively a vote for Trump. A vote for Trump is effectively a vote for Clinton.

In the latest polls, Clinton beats Trump by 11%. But she beats Cruz by only 2%. 2% is within the margin of error. If Kasich cares for his party and for his country, he must stop dreaming that he can somehow prevail. He must drop out and he has to do it before the Wisconsin Primary.

Can you really be so blind?
Gov. John Kasich has to stay in the race (officially, at least) because, IF he drops out, according to Ohio GOP rules, ALL of his 66 Ohio delegates must go to the 2nd place holder.
And who is the 2nd place holder?
Donald J. Trump.

You want to put Donald J. Trump over the top?
Maybe you do.
But one thing is for sure.
John Kasich knows this and he does NOT want to push Trump over the top.
Trump would have, not 739 delegates, but 805 delegates. (Plus the other 12 from Missouri, so 817.)

Maybe women “looking for love in all the wrong places” should unite behind Cruz.

Can you imagine the ads the Democrats will run against Cruz if by some miracle he were to be the GOP nominee? There will be women coming out of the woodwork to tell tales of Cruz infidelity. That and an easy demonstration of Cruz lying. Just run a tape of Trump making a statement then follow it with one of Cruz saying what he says Trump said. Cruz lies more then Obama, and they takes some effort. All the things he claims to stand for now were Trump positions. Cruz is lying Ted.

This is what I hate about politics. How ignorant and hypocritical are we as a population that unsubstantiated rumors from a tabloid publising “there are RUMORS” that a candidate had affairs is the focus of news reports, rather than the actual positions and past job performance of the candidate?

If there is evidence that Cruz had affairs, then his candidacy is doomed. Until the National Enquirer produces such evidence, this is nothing but unfounded salacious gossip that distracts from the important political situation facing our nation. IF Cruz is a philanderer, then he has lost my support, because someone who cheats on their spouse has proven they are untrustworthy. But given the dire consequences of another damnable criminal socialist winning the oval office, taking a rag sheet’s word of rumors in the absence of evidence plays right into the hands of the political elites.

If the Enquirer has evidence, they should publish it, and Cruz will have to deal with it. Then those of us who are nauseous over the idea of Clinton or Sanders becoming president will have to unite behind Trump, as distasteful as that may be. Trump would go a long way towards winning support if he called for the Enquirer to publish evidence or stop with the vile rumor mongering. He is already ahead in the delegate count anyway, and seems poised to garner 1237 delegates.

Wallowing in the fetid muck of unfounded political gossip only serves the dems, and further endangers our nation.

@Zelsdorf Ragshaft III:# 4 give examples of Cruz lying or hush up child.

We are staring into the abyss of either the criminal, corrupt Hillary, or the hack marxist grampa Sanders if we cannot stop with the Khardashian-Dunham level publicity gossip inanities, and stop writing the leftist campaign commercials for them.

The Rovian branch of GOPe schumcks have been even more blatant in picking one loser (Jeb!, Rubio, and now Kasich) after another, and only seem to be willing to begrudgingly get behind a candidate the grassroots will support, but apparently only because they are starting to worry about losing control of one or both houses of congress. The schizophrenic behavior of attacking Trump, while also attacking Cruz does nothing but provide Hillary with a general election campaign framework. Dangling out a potential 3rd party run is a sure way of inaugurating Clinton, based on the Perot madness of the 90s. Of course I prefer Cruz over Trump, but if Trump wins the nom anything other than supporting him guarantees further destruction to our constitutional republic by the left. The press is already laying the groundwork for the meme that neither Cruz nor Trump are suitable as president. Why help push that meme?

@Pete: Then who shall you vote for if Cruz has been unfaithful? What about Marla Maples, whom Trump committed adultery with?
That leaves Kasich or 3rd party.
Do we seek absolute perfection, Jesus isn’t running.
Look to the man, look as if you were hiring him to work for you, You are the employer, owner, CEO. Now who fits the job.
Vote for him.

Well, since Mr. Trump has more support than Mr. Cruz, how about uniting behind Mr. Trump, instead?
Read what Mr. Trump has actually said, not what some keyboard commando interprets him as having said:
Sounds good to me.
All of the whining children who swear that they will never vote for Mr. Trump are going to hand the Presidency and three supreme court justices over to Hillary.
Because they didn’t get their way.
Spoiled brats are not patriots, no matter how tightly they wrap themselves in their moral superiority.
In reality, they aren’t very tightly wrapped at all.

This is freaking scary. I have always said a person who hides behind the bible, you have to be suspicious. – and I was right. The man is a sleaze. Then there is that little problem about his eligibility. This time the question is, -is he even a US citizen? When both your parents were registered to vote in Canada; when only Canadians can vote; and when Canada didn’t recognize dual citizenship; and you are born in a foreign country, it makes one wonder when the man became a US citizen and whether he is actually one. Of course like obama he sealed his records. Where there is smoke, there is fire.

@Enchanted: What records were sealed? His voting record his parents records his grandparents records what records do you post about?

A Trump nomination will be disastrous for the Republican Party. That’s because he won’t win against Hillary Clinton, despite her email and Benghazi scandals.

I’ll counter an opinion with a well-informed opinion:

“No it won’t, and yes he will.”


Speaking as a known Cruz supporter, I did vote for him in Texas, because I believe him to be the only proncipled conservative running. That being said, after running a campaign portraying himself as abiding by Christian principles, should the rumors the sleazerag Enquirer has published turn out to be true, Cruz has shot himself in the foot in a manner from which I do not think he can recover, particularly in light of Trump’s lead in delegates. That is not to say I believe what the Enquirer is pushing, but should there be any truth to the rumors, Cruz is dead in the water.

Trump’s infidelity does not harm him like it does Cruz, as Trump has not made his personal religious beliefs a cornerstone of his campaign as Cruz has done.

The bottom line is that outside of a politically disasterous and suicidal attempt by the GOP to broker the convention, only Trump or Cruz has a mathematical chance of winning the nom, with the former having a greater likelihood of success. The continued bitter vicious infighting at this stage serves only to increase the potential outcome of the dems putting either Hillary the corrupt, or Sanders the marxist in the oval office.

@Pete: She better have a blue dress. I dont believe it at all, there is no proof. There are so many connections to Trump when you look at it. I dont even think Trump told them to run the
story, I just think a Pro Trump Pecker thought he would help out his pal. I can’t even say this will hurt Trump if he is blamed for it his followers are steadfast. Those on the maybe fence could be influenced in the grocery store line.

Quia stultus populus iam multum diei. Stultus, sicut et vos inflati sunt, Robert. Umquam admiratio qua alia in rectum caput

BS. Unite behind the guy who can actually win. THE guy who actually says we need to stop importing criminals and terrorists. . . and it’s not Ted.

@JustAl: Who is feeding you such BS, right now the democrats have stalled a bill to cease refugee immigration from ME, Ted is stronger on southern border, if we boot you you can never come back Don says he would allow them to come back. ICE and border patrols will be told they can do their jobs. As a gambit to sink the bill, Democrats introduced an amendment that would have included Donald Trump’s controversial proposal to temporarily ban all Muslims from immigrating to the United States. After Republicans refused to add the amendment, the Democrats used their votes to filibuster the bill, which received only 55 of the 60 votes it needed to move forward, effectively killing it.

Enquirer article has the markings of a Trump smear. Pecker a long time buddy and endorser.
Wisconsin next Tues is huge. Polls show a Trump/Cruz toss-up. Obama at 54% approval as national disapproval of Trump and his “tactics” continue to grow.

HRC has lost 5 straight to Sanders–will get nom. but her negs approach Trumps’.
Kasich will try to win Pa. and go to Convention a strong 3rd
Trump ” I don’t like Repub. Primary process.” That cause you may lose Donald?

No one ever bothers to fact check things except me
That 2% is wrong it is 2.9% and tending strongly downward
However this is in the popular vote in potential electoral votes Clinton appears much strongerCruz would not do well in the dozen battleground states he is seen rightly as too extreme
Cruz is listed as a 30-1 shot in Internet wagering
If Trump chose to run as a 3rd party candidate Cruz would do even worse


So now it is “internet wagering?”

But wait, before you said:

Cruz is like a 30-1 shot by foreign bookies

Are all those “internet” wagers those foreign bookies you just referenced?

Do try to keep your comments straight.

@Pete: You won’t unite behind Cruz if it turns out he’s a philanderer but you’ll unite behind an admitted philanderer, Trump. Yeah, that makes sense……in someone’s world.

@John: Everything can change with VP picks, after the trouncing Ms Clinton took this last week, They should start polling a Sanders vs Cruz/Trump/Kaisch, they seem to be releasing the hounds Biden may go stump for the old girl.

@Abby Normal: I think I must say I dont think Pete or any regular here chooses their candidate from a sleezy tabloid on the way thru the grocery checkout line.
Maybe our lose 50 lbs a week with candybar diets but never our candidates 😉

@Abby Normal:

I don’t know how else to explain what I am seeing:

I voted for and donated money to Cruz. I still think he is the only principled constitutional conservative, and will continue to support him until either Trump earns 1237 delegates, or unless actual proof of Cruz’s infidelities comes out. It is not that I personally think Cruz cheating is worse than Trump’s cheating, but the lay of the campaign battlefield for the 2 candidates is such that in the minds of the general citzizenry, Cruz suffers greater damage to his image should such rumors be true. Given that Trump needs a smaller percentage of the remaining delegates than Cruz does, even without this alleged infidelity scandal, Trump has a greater likelihood of success.

This smear does nothing but keep the GOP infighting going. Huckabee isn’t helping with his idiotic comments suggesting that Cruz should sue the Enquirer if the infidelity allegations aren’t true, yet the legally worded Enquirer story was written such that it would be virtually impossible to win such a suit as the story doesn’t say that Cruz has affairs, but rather says “there are RUMORS that Cruz had affairs”. A lawsuit would only serve to keep the story going even longer.

Nobody who supports Trump cares if he had affairs, whereas Cruz has campaigned in a manner making his religious principles a significant aspect of his campaign, thus making him far more vulnerable should the allegations be true. Is it fair? Of course not. But as the anti-Cruz forces know full well, the longer they can keep the unproven smear on the front page, the more damage they do to Cruz.

The big picture here is beating the dems, (not to mention their GOPe allies) which given the stakes may mean having to hold our noses and support Trump if he is the nominee. If Cruz is able to disprove these scurrilous allegations AND beat Trump in the delegate count, we have to be able to appeal to Trump supporters and beat Hillary.

The consequences for our republic of a corrupt Hillary administration, with regard to a projected 3 SCOTUS positions and a continuation of the exercerable Obama domestic and foreign policies, will be existentially disasterous.

ted cruz was just named by d.c. madams little black book. he likes trannys!

Sorry. I just don’t like the guy. I live in Texas. I participated in his telephonic Town Hall where, he as our Texas Senator was holding the meeting. Funds were solicited before you could ask a question. This is not right.

@TexasMom43: All candidates request funds, these days it costs upwards of a billion dollars to run for president.
Did you have an opportunity to attend any other candidates events to compare?
You do not have to vote for him but please do your civic duty and vote for the candidate you believe best represents you.
We like him here in Wisconsin will swap you for Paul Ryan 🙂


I’ve participated in every tele-townhall/conference Ted Cruz has held since he became a Senator. But you’re upset because he asked for campaign donations once he decided to run for President? Duh! He’s running for a public office.


If there is evidence that Cruz had affairs, then his candidacy is doomed. Until the National Enquirer produces such evidence, this is nothing but unfounded salacious gossip

Pete, I don’t personally care if Cruz had affairs or not. but he was asked plainly, will you deny you had affairs and he refused to answer. What does that tell you? I will say that if I were asked that question I would have no problem answering it.
But it was widely known when Slick Willy was running that he was having affairs, had previously had affairs and had raped women and it made absolutely no difference to the liberal press. Do not expect that courtesy with a Republican.


All candidates request funds, these days it costs upwards of a billion dollars to run for president.

So how much has Trump raised so far?

@Richard Wheeler:

Enquirer article has the markings of a Trump smear.

You don’t think evil Heidi had it done? You do know she’s a member of CFR pushing to do away with American sovereignty and form a union with Ted’s native country and Mexico, right?

Just love that headline in Cuban newspaper, addressed to Obama: Negro, Are You Dumb? (in Spanish) I’m anxiously awaiting for the liberal press to start screaming ‘racist’ and refuse to go back to Cuba til they publicly retract their statement and make a formal apology. LOL. We’re gonna be waiting a long time.

@Redteam: Unknown but go to his website there is a donate button on the lower right hand corner. There are super Pacs that support his cause there are super pacs that are strictly anti trump, where are the funds he raised for the vets skipping the debate?
Is this like Hillarys charitable fund?

@Enchanted: #10

Then there is that little problem about his eligibility. This time the question is, -is he even a US citizen?

Ok, now you sound like me. I’ve asked that same question several times and NO ONE seems to be able to answer it. I do not believe Ted Cruz is an American citizen. His father was Cuban so that made him a Cuban at birth, born in Canada, that made him a Canadian at birth, Mother apparently had become Canadian citizen, that made him Canadian. I’ve seen nor heard no evidence that he ever has had an American birth certificate. In any case, anyone born with ‘split allegiance’ i.e., dual citizenship is not ‘natural born’ but only a citizen by naturalization. No way does Cruz qualify and if he gets the nomination, you will be hearing a helluva lot more about this from the Dimocrats. Someone ask him to produce a certified copy of his American birth certificate.

He has produced his birth certificate, issued in Canada the fact he was born there no secret his parents had not lived in Canada long enough to gain citizenship by the time he was born.
The courts keep tossing the suits out, but everybody and their sister is filing.
I do hope some judge develops a set and hears the case and settle this once and for all.
Some young man here in Wisconsin handed Ted a note.. he read it and laughed then filmed on a smart phone Cruz asked Sarah if she would cruise to the prom with the boy, that is not all that was on the note, Cruz told the boy if he read the last line they would make national news..
The last line “I am the Zodiac”.


So how much has Trump raised so far?

According to opensecrets.org, $9,527,020.00 in individual donations as of the end of February.

@retire05: chickenfeed. Hillary raised 157 million just from those oil and gas lobbyists. I will point out that Trump has not ASKED for any donations.


He has produced his birth certificate, issued in Canada

So now we know he is a Canadian. With a Canadian birth certificate.

secret his parents had not lived in Canada long enough to gain citizenship by the time he was born.

Except it has been established that they were both registered voters there, something only open to Canadian citizens.
No court has ever heard the Obama citizenship case. kicked every time for ‘lack of standing’. But that’s because they didn’t want to determine Obozo was not eligible, but it’ll be totally different if Cruz is Nom. The Dims will care very much and the case will be heard.

@Nanny G:

Nanny G,

You are wrong. Kasich’s delegates don’t go to Trump. They have to vote for Kasich for at least the first round of voting at the convention.

@Redteam: To prevent much confusion I hope it is Settled before the possible nomination, Hillary or Sanders would rather debate Trump.
To the White House!


Except it has been established that they were both registered voters there, something only open to Canadian citizens.

Yeah, like no one who is NOT an American citizen is registered to vote in our nation, right?

The nation of Canada has stated that Cruz’s mother was NEVER registered to vote and was NEVER a Canadian citizen.

But I’m sure you know better than the Canadian government, right?

Stop with the birther stuff, RT. It makes you look silly.

@kitt: It would be better that way, but it’s not what the Dims want. They’d like for it to be Cruz first so they could get him declared ineligible then the Repubs have to go to the back up of Trump. Trump would be stronger as the candidate, not the ‘replacement’.


Stop with the birther stuff, RT. It makes you look silly.

What looks even worse is the people that don’t care if the person we want to vote for is an American or not. We don’t need another non-American in the office, one was enough (too many)

A document uncovered by Breitbart News indicates that the parents of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
were named on a Calgary list of electors for Canada’s federal election of July 8, 1974.

Ted Cruz’s parents are listed as “Cruz, Eleanor, Mrs.” and “Cruz, Raphael, self employed,” both at 920 Riverdale Avenue, South West in Calgary, Alberta.

Canadian law restricts (and restricted) federal voting rights to Canadian citizens.


Where there is smoke, there is likely a smoke making machine.


And for the rest of the story:

The document is a “preliminary list of electors,” and not a record of those who actually voted. Such lists were also prone to error, according to Breitbart News sources.

The “list” on which you place so much stock in was a “preliminary list of “electors” for the July 8, 1974 election subject to revisions to be made on June 19, 20 and 21, 1974.

You have no proof that Mrs. Cruz ever voted in Canada, or even registered to vote in Canada. And believe me, as much as Breitbart is in the tank for Trump, they have most certainly looked for that smoking gun.

No smoke there, RT, except for the smoke Trump has blown up your arse.


You have no proof that Mrs. Cruz ever voted in Canada,

and I also have no proof that Hillary has broken the law (because she hasn’t been convicted) even though the whole world knows she did. I don’t need proof of whether she voted or not because we all know that Cruz was born a Canadian, born a Cuban and even if born an American, that is what is known as split allegiance and it requires reading a law that makes him a ‘naturalized’ citizen, but no amount of reading can make him ‘natural born’. Not with being born a citizen of 3 countries. Do you think he is also a ‘natural born’ Cuban and ‘natural born’ Canadian?
So people don’t care about whether people are eligible, some people do.

“has blown up your arse.” I’m not British.


So people don’t care about whether people are eligible, some people do.

You have it in your head Cruz is not eligible. Two state courts have disagreed with you and refused to hear the challenge brought by Trumpeteers. You also have stated that to be a citizen requires TWO American parents, although the SCOTUS disagrees with that premise.

I’ll side with those who are actually Constitutional scholars, not you, on this issue.


Two state courts have disagreed with you and refused to hear the challenge brought by Trumpeteers.

No courts have disagreed with me. So far none have ruled on the question, they just deny the hearing based on standing. They will not and have not ruled on the central issue.

You also have stated that to be a citizen requires TWO American parents, although the SCOTUS disagrees with that premise.

I have made no statements on what it takesto be a citizen. So far as I understand, if you are born in the US, you are a citizen. Has there been any question about that? Not by me. However, to be a ‘natural born’ citizen, then obviously the conditions have to be ‘natural’. Being born as a citizen of two or three countries is hardly a ‘natural’ situation,, therefore a law has to be used to get it straight. Using a law to determine makes it ‘not natural’. I don’t make the rules, the Constitution did. I don’t know any Constitutional scholars that have standing to rule on the situation that have done so. Opinions are like as*h*les, everyone has one.


Being born as a citizen of two or three countries is hardly a ‘natural’ situation


More normal than you care to admit. One presidential candidate was born in a territory that was not a state when he was born. He was determined to be eligible. Another was born in Mexico and another born in the Panama Canal Zone in a hospital not located on what was considered US soil.

@retire05: I have never said that it is a requirement to be born in the US to be an American citizen, only that you be born with two American parents. But if a person is born in the US and is a citizen (not natural born) at birth, then if one is born in another country that has the same rule, such as Canada, then they are also born as a Canadian and then Cuba has a law that if a Cuban has a child (kinda like the US law) then the child is also Cuban, then you get into a situation such as Cruz is in where he is a citizen of 3 countries at birth. What is known as ‘split allegiance’ therefore not ‘natural born’ because another law has to be applied to determine what country they will be naturalized in, not ‘natural born’.